Big Breaking News: Six U.S. Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump

If it's proven that all that surveillance was for political purposes instead of investigation of espionage, you'll have a hell of a case, and I'm sure everyone you mention will probably end up in prison. If, on the other hand, it was tracking Americans engaged in espionage with foreign agents, there will still be lots of people going to prison, but it will be an entirely different group than the one you want. Let me know how all that works out for you.
If it's proven that all that surveillance was for political purposes instead of investigation of espionage, you'll have a hell of a case, and I'm sure everyone you mention will probably end up in prison. If, on the other hand, it was tracking Americans engaged in espionage with foreign agents, there will still be lots of people going to prison, but it will be an entirely different group than the one you want. Let me know how all that works out for you.
ROFL! Yeah, because we all know everyone in the Trump campaign was a Russian spy.

You are truly an idiot.
If it's proven that all that surveillance was for political purposes instead of investigation of espionage, you'll have a hell of a case, and I'm sure everyone you mention will probably end up in prison. If, on the other hand, it was tracking Americans engaged in espionage with foreign agents, there will still be lots of people going to prison, but it will be an entirely different group than the one you want. Let me know how all that works out for you.
ROFL! Yeah, because we all know everyone in the Trump campaign was a Russian spy.

You are truly an idiot.

I guess you could be right, but we will have to wait until the investigation is over to know.
It may be time for all the crooked Obama administration cronies to pay the piper.
Trump was right!
The Dirty Democratic Party's hate based politics and vast corruption is a threat to our democracy.
What did Obama know and when did he know it?
Let’s clap the handcuffs on Clapper.
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This is a huge story that the nsa used a British spy agency to wiretap Trump associates in order to circumvent the denial of fisa warrants. And then use the information gained from this illegal eavesdropping to gain fisa warrants. Heads are gonna roll on this one. Although I highly doubt the MSM will put a lot of effort in covering this, they'll eventually have no choice. This is criminal corruption at the highest levels of the Obama administration.
If it's proven that all that surveillance was for political purposes instead of investigation of espionage, you'll have a hell of a case, and I'm sure everyone you mention will probably end up in prison. If, on the other hand, it was tracking Americans engaged in espionage with foreign agents, there will still be lots of people going to prison, but it will be an entirely different group than the one you want. Let me know how all that works out for you.
ROFL! Yeah, because we all know everyone in the Trump campaign was a Russian spy.

You are truly an idiot.

I guess you could be right, but we will have to wait until the investigation is over to know.
LOL and you expect a dem hack like mueller to give Trump a fair shake My goodness
Isn't it funny how the liberals are laughing at this? I think it is funny.

The best part is how they still CLING to "RUSSIAN COLLUSION." The media has been busted. They admitted it was ALL FAKE. They EVEN APOLOGIZED and they laugh at the actual facts about wiretapping.

Have any appreciation how stupid they allow themselves to get yet?
Did Rachel tell you that? MSNBC and CNN lie, mislead, and fabricate anything that has to do with republicans. I'll take True Pundit over that sewage all day long.
You all have been victimized far too long by Liberal snowflakes I feel your pain AND i FOR ONE ENJOY THE PAIN YOU moron S FOR Trump FEEL
This is huge my fellow natural born American citizens. What you're about to read will amaze you.

As a bonus, read the comments.
EXCLUSIVE: Six U.S. Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump; British Intel Used as Front to Spy on Campaign for NSA
Very Funny article :badgrin:...specially this beauty
"per intelligence gleaned form federal law enforcement sources with insider knowledge"...this is complete with a typo [used "form" instead of "from"]

Hate to say it sounds more like CNN than anything reliable. I'll wait to see what the Court Cases say. But it is an interesting article nonetheless. Re typos; have seen many in the MSM of late.

This your "True Fraud Pundit": breathlessly reporting that Hillary Clinton was trying to drone strike Julian ASSANGE
Conservatives Run With Sketchy Conspiracy Website’s Utterly Baseless Claim Clinton Wanted To "Drone" Assange
Blog ››› October 3, 2016 6:20 PM EDT ››› OLIVER WILLIS
On October 2, True Pundit posted an article claiming that during a meeting of “State’s top brass” in 2010 to discuss how to deal with Wikileaks, Clinton asked of Assange, “Can’t we just drone this guy?” The site only attributes the comment to anonymous “State Department sources. ”The fact-checking website Snopes looked into the True Pundit article and found their claim “unproven,” pointing out that the source of their purported Clinton quote was “a vague and anonymous reference that does not yield to verification.” (It’s also unclear why multiple sources with knowledge of this supposed incident that took place in a meeting of senior State Department staff would choose to leak them to a minor conspiracy blogger rather than a credible news outlet. )

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