PROOF Highly coordinated/planned Intelligence Op run by multiple US/DC Agencies On J6

Fuck off twit!

You're the one who keeps coming back embarrassing yourself, admitting you didn't open / read any of the information, making already debunked false accusations, then getting triggered as you keep digging the hole deeper.

Your grumpiness may be a sign you need to log off your parents PC because its past your bedtime.

Yeah, like tbe unarmed woman who was struck in the face by a police baton and officer's fist reportedly approximately 40 times...

...or how a petite, unarmed, female vet was shot point blank and killed by an armed security officer who admitted he shot 'blindly' through the broken glass / door with Capitol Police officers coming up behind her.

(Gee, I wonder how differently the aftermath would have played out if the shooter been a white officer and the unarmed female vet shot point blank and killed had been black. Its horrible to think that way but it is what the left has made it.)

Nine people died as a result of the riots - absolutely tragic and inexcusable. We lost military and police officers that were willing to risk their lives to protect the citizens of this country. It's beyond infuriating - I can't think about it without getting sick to my stomach.

As an independent, I have family and friends on both sides of the isle. Politics should never and can never get to this point! Folks - it's simple - a country divided will not stand.
...or how a petite, unarmed, female vet was shot point blank and killed by an armed security officer who admitted he shot 'blindly' through the broken glass / door with Capitol Police officers coming up behind her
Just more FAKE NEWS!
The real Ashli Babbitt was anything BUT!

See, when you have to resort to false propaganda like this it sets off red flags to watch for furtber bullshit.
Like the entire rest of your post.
It is called "low cred info."
On a scale of 1 to 4 you rate less than .5.

Keep trying though.

Another pathetic reality / fact-denying snowflake who sucks at gaslighting, exposed for not addressing - or even being aware of - any of the facts providrd but attempting to claim without any supporting info other than his OPINION they are bogus.

All the leftards are this way.

Every single one of em.

Buncha willfully ignorant brainwashed lemmings.
Just like the election. Everyone is lying except Donald Trump.

You're just jabbering to yourselves, because NO ONE believes any of it.
Millions of people are saying they believe the 2020 election had major issues due to covid rule changes.... Not just Trump....
I am NOT claiming J6 was or was the result of one huge Intel Operation run by the US Govt against US citizens for a reason - that is NOT what this Thread is about.

The reason I am clarifying / stating this up front is because the Mods have alrrady shut down 1 thread and banished it to 'Conspiracy Theories' for making that claim.

THIS thread is intended to discuss the UNDENIABLE FACTS that prior to and on J6 multiple US Govt and DC agencies were running 'Intel Operations' not only outside of but especially within the groups assocoated wiith and crowds gathered in protest at the US Capitol.

According to these agencies' own admission in sworn testimony we know the US FBI, US ATF, US DHS, and DC Police were al running these operations and all had undercover Agents and Officers embedded within associated groups and within the crowd on J6

An FBI Rep testified during J6 hearings that the FBI had spent months infiltrating the Proud Boys, were working Intel Ops inside the group prior to J6, and had undercover agents inside the group on J6.

FBI and DHS agents actively attempted to recruit people prior to J6 to be informants working inside the crowd on J6.

Released documents (FOIA requests / whistleblowers) confirm the FBI wiretapped individuals, friends, family members, and even children to spy on J6 protestors.

During the J6 hearings, as mentioned,an FBI Agent admitted that there were at least 20 FBI & ATF undercover agents working Ops inside the crowd on J6, to include several dressed as Trump supporters stationed inside the Capitol before it was ever breeched / before any protestors entered the Capitol.
** Also reported by the NY Times

This FBI Agent also admitted the FBI had created, planned, and executed several official 'ENTRAPMENT OPERATIONS' prior to and on J6, operations which inclutmde infiltrating, recruiting, and embedding agents in groups / crowds, 'surveillance' operations of individusls 'and others' to colect information.
-- Yes, 'ENTRAPMENT Operations' are real, used tactics of tbe FBI.

FBI Director Wray, under oath answetibg questions before Congress, admitted to R-Cruz that the same FBI agent in charge of the Whittmer Kidnapping 'Entrapment Operation, was in charge of the J6 Operation.
** The fact this individual was in charge of noth Ops is NOT an admission of criminal activity.

DC Police were also running undercover ops inside tbe crowd on J6. Released / exposed Police Body Cam video showed these officers flash their badges to ofgicers in uniform officialy working security on J6.

Documented FBI 'Entrapment Ops' Info

These are now established facts, are not evidence of the US govt being responsible for the J6 protest turned vuolent - they are not.

Individuals make their own choices, and those who engaged in J6, who entered the Capitol on J6 did so by their own choice to do so.

Despite the fact that Capitol Police were shown opening tve doors for some protestors to enter, despite some present on J6 not knowing they were breaking the law and immediately exiting once they were told, they are still responsible for their own actions.

Much like Griner in Russia, YOU are responsible for knowing the laws and obeying them.

It is important to point out, however, that a review of J6 focused on the breakdown of security on J6 that resulted in violence and the Capitol breech, shows that despite having a great deal of Intel on what was expected on J6, the FBI, ATF, DHS, and Capitol Police FAILED TO PREVENT the events on J6.

THIS is an accurate, factual statement.

Millions of people are saying they believe the 2020 election had major issues due to covid rule changes.... Not just Trump....
Millions of people say that because their candidate lost and told it was rigged despite zero evidence.
I am NOT claiming J6 was or was the result of one huge Intel Operation run by the US Govt against US citizens for a reason - that is NOT what this Thread is about.

The reason I am clarifying / stating this up front is because the Mods have alrrady shut down 1 thread and banished it to 'Conspiracy Theories' for making that claim.

THIS thread is intended to discuss the UNDENIABLE FACTS that prior to and on J6 multiple US Govt and DC agencies were running 'Intel Operations' not only outside of but especially within the groups assocoated wiith and crowds gathered in protest at the US Capitol.

According to these agencies' own admission in sworn testimony we know the US FBI, US ATF, US DHS, and DC Police were al running these operations and all had undercover Agents and Officers embedded within associated groups and within the crowd on J6

An FBI Rep testified during J6 hearings that the FBI had spent months infiltrating the Proud Boys, were working Intel Ops inside the group prior to J6, and had undercover agents inside the group on J6.

FBI and DHS agents actively attempted to recruit people prior to J6 to be informants working inside the crowd on J6.

Released documents (FOIA requests / whistleblowers) confirm the FBI wiretapped individuals, friends, family members, and even children to spy on J6 protestors.

During the J6 hearings, as mentioned,an FBI Agent admitted that there were at least 20 FBI & ATF undercover agents working Ops inside the crowd on J6, to include several dressed as Trump supporters stationed inside the Capitol before it was ever breeched / before any protestors entered the Capitol.
** Also reported by the NY Times

This FBI Agent also admitted the FBI had created, planned, and executed several official 'ENTRAPMENT OPERATIONS' prior to and on J6, operations which inclutmde infiltrating, recruiting, and embedding agents in groups / crowds, 'surveillance' operations of individusls 'and others' to colect information.
-- Yes, 'ENTRAPMENT Operations' are real, used tactics of tbe FBI.

FBI Director Wray, under oath answetibg questions before Congress, admitted to R-Cruz that the same FBI agent in charge of the Whittmer Kidnapping 'Entrapment Operation, was in charge of the J6 Operation.
** The fact this individual was in charge of noth Ops is NOT an admission of criminal activity.

DC Police were also running undercover ops inside tbe crowd on J6. Released / exposed Police Body Cam video showed these officers flash their badges to ofgicers in uniform officialy working security on J6.

Documented FBI 'Entrapment Ops' Info

These are now established facts, are not evidence of the US govt being responsible for the J6 protest turned vuolent - they are not.

Individuals make their own choices, and those who engaged in J6, who entered the Capitol on J6 did so by their own choice to do so.

Despite the fact that Capitol Police were shown opening tve doors for some protestors to enter, despite some present on J6 not knowing they were breaking the law and immediately exiting once they were told, they are still responsible for their own actions.

Much like Griner in Russia, YOU are responsible for knowing the laws and obeying them.

It is important to point out, however, that a review of J6 focused on the breakdown of security on J6 that resulted in violence and the Capitol breech, shows that despite having a great deal of Intel on what was expected on J6, the FBI, ATF, DHS, and Capitol Police FAILED TO PREVENT the events on J6.

THIS is an accurate, factual statement.

Entrapment is illegal, undercover is not. FBI did not plan an entrapment.... Words have meaning.
Millions of people say that because their candidate lost and told it was rigged despite zero evidence.
There is plenty of evidence... chief among them is how swing states changed their election rules to allow massive mailout balloting with ballot harvesting and street drop boxes with no one watching them....
You can convince yourself everything was on the up and up because your guy won.... If Trump had won the dems and you would be saying exactly what I am saying.....
Entrapment is illegal, undercover is not. FBI did not plan an entrapment.... Words have meaning.
They do....

So why does the FBI call its own such Operations 'Entrapment Operations'?

So you don't call months of planning, recruitment, infiltration, training, etc..., collaboration and cooperation between no less than 3 federal and 1 state/District law enforcement agency, and no less that 30 undercover members of those groups working the crowd and inside the Capiol before and on J6 'Highly coordinated/planned'?!

:auiqs.jpg: :itsok:
Nine people died as a result of the riots - absolutely tragic and inexcusable. We lost military and police officers that were willing to risk their lives to protect the citizens of this country. It's beyond infuriating - I can't think about it without getting sick to my stomach.

As an independent, I have family and friends on both sides of the isle. Politics should never and can never get to this point! Folks - it's simple - a country divided will not stand.
Could you post the nine people, and describe their injuries that killed them please?
There is plenty of evidence... chief among them is how swing states changed their election rules to allow massive mailout balloting with ballot harvesting and street drop boxes with no one watching them....
You can convince yourself everything was on the up and up because your guy won.... If Trump had won the dems and you would be saying exactly what I am saying.....
Not much chance.
Not everyone has their head wedged up their rectums like MAGAt Trumptards.
I am NOT claiming J6 was or was the result of one huge Intel Operation run by the US Govt against US citizens for a reason - that is NOT what this Thread is about.

The reason I am clarifying / stating this up front is because the Mods have alrrady shut down 1 thread and banished it to 'Conspiracy Theories' for making that claim.

THIS thread is intended to discuss the UNDENIABLE FACTS that prior to and on J6 multiple US Govt and DC agencies were running 'Intel Operations' not only outside of but especially within the groups assocoated wiith and crowds gathered in protest at the US Capitol.

According to these agencies' own admission in sworn testimony we know the US FBI, US ATF, US DHS, and DC Police were al running these operations and all had undercover Agents and Officers embedded within associated groups and within the crowd on J6

An FBI Rep testified during J6 hearings that the FBI had spent months infiltrating the Proud Boys, were working Intel Ops inside the group prior to J6, and had undercover agents inside the group on J6.

FBI and DHS agents actively attempted to recruit people prior to J6 to be informants working inside the crowd on J6.

Released documents (FOIA requests / whistleblowers) confirm the FBI wiretapped individuals, friends, family members, and even children to spy on J6 protestors.

During the J6 hearings, as mentioned,an FBI Agent admitted that there were at least 20 FBI & ATF undercover agents working Ops inside the crowd on J6, to include several dressed as Trump supporters stationed inside the Capitol before it was ever breeched / before any protestors entered the Capitol.
** Also reported by the NY Times

This FBI Agent also admitted the FBI had created, planned, and executed several official 'ENTRAPMENT OPERATIONS' prior to and on J6, operations which inclutmde infiltrating, recruiting, and embedding agents in groups / crowds, 'surveillance' operations of individusls 'and others' to colect information.
-- Yes, 'ENTRAPMENT Operations' are real, used tactics of tbe FBI.

FBI Director Wray, under oath answetibg questions before Congress, admitted to R-Cruz that the same FBI agent in charge of the Whittmer Kidnapping 'Entrapment Operation, was in charge of the J6 Operation.
** The fact this individual was in charge of noth Ops is NOT an admission of criminal activity.

DC Police were also running undercover ops inside tbe crowd on J6. Released / exposed Police Body Cam video showed these officers flash their badges to ofgicers in uniform officialy working security on J6.

Documented FBI 'Entrapment Ops' Info

These are now established facts, are not evidence of the US govt being responsible for the J6 protest turned vuolent - they are not.

Individuals make their own choices, and those who engaged in J6, who entered the Capitol on J6 did so by their own choice to do so.

Despite the fact that Capitol Police were shown opening tve doors for some protestors to enter, despite some present on J6 not knowing they were breaking the law and immediately exiting once they were told, they are still responsible for their own actions.

Much like Griner in Russia, YOU are responsible for knowing the laws and obeying them.

It is important to point out, however, that a review of J6 focused on the breakdown of security on J6 that resulted in violence and the Capitol breech, shows that despite having a great deal of Intel on what was expected on J6, the FBI, ATF, DHS, and Capitol Police FAILED TO PREVENT the events on J6.

THIS is an accurate, factual statement.

Just another thread trying to legitimize the attacks on democracy.


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