Big Brother is reading USMB

Should the FBI be monitoring Social Media sites like USMB?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 55.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • WTF?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pineapple

    Votes: 9 31.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Bill Maher is a fucking sanctimonious scumbag. But even that mutt sometimes say intelligent things and supports a point of view at odds with most of his own dumb-ass thinking. And as much as I find him a generally unfunny prick, he has also said a few things that made me laugh against my better judgment.

The cock-bite motherfucker still isn't a "traitor" nor should he get prosecuted for saying offensive shithead things.

Such language. Must make you feel real macho, right?

No. But I DO feel free to use it.

And if it offends you, put my sorry ass on "ignore" and feel free to get over it.

I'm pretty sure the people monitoring won't be putting anybody on ignore.

It would be kind of stupid to put a dickhead on ignore and then miss the threatening post you were supposed to see in the first place.
Bill Maher is a fucking sanctimonious scumbag. But even that mutt sometimes say intelligent things and supports a point of view at odds with most of his own dumb-ass thinking. And as much as I find him a generally unfunny prick, he has also said a few things that made me laugh against my better judgment.

The cock-bite motherfucker still isn't a "traitor" nor should he get prosecuted for saying offensive shithead things.

Such language. Must make you feel real macho, right?

No. But I DO feel free to use it.

And if it offends you, put my sorry ass on "ignore" and feel free to get over it.

I'm pretty sure the people monitoring won't be putting anybody on ignore.
Maybe JudicialReview...he is just an idiot.
Well I voted "pineapple." The dumb-ass Presidunce and his cretin Attorney General might want to investigate me, I suppose.
Yeah it would be the NSA of BUsh that will be investigating you.

Wrong. Newsflash: W is no longer President.

Pass it on.
Yes, but what Administration authored the Patriot Act
So that means to you that Obama can use the Patriot Act any way he sees fit? Abuse the privilege any way he chooses.

Wow, you sure like living with your head up your ass.

The Patriot Act was signed with the thought that a president could be trusted with such power. Instead you and others elected this fraud who thinks nothing of abusing everyone's privacy. He may even be a Manchurian Candidate for all we know. The worst case scenario, he's going to purposely weaken this country any way he can. Best case, this bumbling buffoon will sell us out to keep his as out of hot water.

If he really is a Manchurian Candidate, how long do you think he will put up with you spreading that information?
But what if foreign powers are watching you? Like canada...and they refuse to allow you into their shithole because you made anti-canadian statements or criticized them. No threats, just the truth about canadian insignificance.
But what if foreign powers are watching you? Like canada...and they refuse to allow you into their shithole because you made anti-canadian statements or criticized them. No threats, just the truth about canadian insignificance.

What if it turns out that there might be some consequences for expressing your true beliefs and somebody finds out what your true beliefs are?
But what if foreign powers are watching you? Like canada...and they refuse to allow you into their shithole because you made anti-canadian statements or criticized them. No threats, just the truth about canadian insignificance.

What if it turns out that there might be some consequences for expressing your true beliefs and somebody finds out what your true beliefs are?
Fuck canada.
Canada more closely resembles the US than most countries. Contrary to popular belief, they have the 3rd most powerful military in the world, and is the first country to defeat the US in war in 1812. They are no pushovers.
Canada more closely resembles the US than most countries. Contrary to popular belief, they have the 3rd most powerful military in the world, and is the first country to defeat the US in war in 1812. They are no pushovers.
canada didn't defeat the US in the War of 1812. It was Britain. That fallacy is a myth created by canadians so they would think they are significant. As for the 3rd most powerful military in the world...I don't think so. They cannot defend themselves...they are reliant on the US military and NATO. canadians have been and forever will be nothing more than cannon fodder.
Well I voted "pineapple." The dumb-ass Presidunce and his cretin Attorney General might want to investigate me, I suppose.
Yeah it would be the NSA of BUsh that will be investigating you.

Wrong. Newsflash: W is no longer President.

Pass it on.
Yes, but what Administration authored the Patriot Act
So that means to you that Obama can use the Patriot Act any way he sees fit? Abuse the privilege any way he chooses.

Wow, you sure like living with your head up your ass.

The Patriot Act was signed with the thought that a president could be trusted with such power. Instead you and others elected this fraud who thinks nothing of abusing everyone's privacy. He may even be a Manchurian Candidate for all we know. The worst case scenario, he's going to purposely weaken this country any way he can. Best case, this bumbling buffoon will sell us out to keep his as out of hot water.
Where the fuck do you get all of that from? All I said was that the Bush Administration started this...not Obama. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you are on, truth is truth....unless you are a hypocrite and partisan hack.
What they do to us because of what we post is illegal.

I'm convinced you assholes will go along with any criminal act these tossers pull, all in the name of protecting your fearless dictator in the Oval Office.
Whats your solution?
Vote them out of course. What's yours. Act like one of his sheeple and keep your mouth shut hoping they don't come for you?

It was a Republican who enacted the Patriot Act but if you put a Republican in the WH, he'll repeal it, right?
Why wait?

Republicans currently control Congress – they could repeal the PA next week.
Doesn't that take Obama's signature......hmmmmmm?
No. There is nothing Congress needs to start proceedings to overturn the PA. Dont hold your breath waiting for them to start it though. You are an idiot for not realizing this is not a Dem or Rep thing.
These fucking knee jerk teapers are pathetic. It is okay if W spies on you...but fuck no if it is a n!gger.
Whats your solution?
Vote them out of course. What's yours. Act like one of his sheeple and keep your mouth shut hoping they don't come for you?

It was a Republican who enacted the Patriot Act but if you put a Republican in the WH, he'll repeal it, right?
Why wait?

Republicans currently control Congress – they could repeal the PA next week.
Doesn't that take Obama's signature......hmmmmmm?
No. There is nothing Congress needs to start proceedings to overturn the PA. Dont hold your breath waiting for them to start it though. You are an idiot for not realizing this is not a Dem or Rep thing.
I thought he was replying to someone else...thank you for clearing that up. These partisan idiots n USMB sure are hypocrites. Fucking pathetic.
Nutz is so damn stupid, he can't keep straight who he is babbling to and he thinks that Tea Party-ers are a problem when, in reality, it is the lolberals who are the problem.
Who knows what evil powers behind the interweebs might be peeking in on our postings. I have heard that CIA and FBI dudes are all over forums, often cloaking themselves as extreme Right-Wing or extreme Left-Wing drones...... this could maybe explain a couple of very, uh, colorful figures here in USMB.

Nutz is so damn stupid, he can't keep straight who he is babbling to and he thinks that Tea Party-ers are a problem when, in reality, it is the lolberals who are the problem.

That posting seems like a definite liability to your cause, because it really doesn't address the idea of big brother homing in on your isp and grabbing all your postings. :thup: They are out there, you know.
They were doing this before the POTUS got into office. They just made it officially sanctioned with the Patriot Act.
You know.....for some reason that's no consolation.
Information is the only consolation. At least you know. Has nothing to do with liberal or conservative.
I remember the days not long ago, that mentioning the administration was "Data-mining" outgoing phone conversations to terrorist countries the howls from the left were tremendous because it was Bush. Now that the FBI is spying on our conversations, no problem.

Pretty ironic.

Two completely unrelated issues!

Phone calls are private. Internet postings are public.
BTW, since Obama took over even our phone conversation and our emails are fair game without a warrant.

Obama was our President in 2001? Really.... wow....
Two completely unrelated issues!

Phone calls are private. Internet postings are public.
BTW, since Obama took over even our phone conversation and our emails are fair game without a warrant.
They always were.
You're a God Damned liar too....
You got some proof of that? I have proof of wire taps and packet sniffers.
Whip it out then.

Dude, when a dude says that to another dude, that's ghey. Yuk.
I remember the days not long ago, that mentioning the administration was "Data-mining" outgoing phone conversations to terrorist countries the howls from the left were tremendous because it was Bush. Now that the FBI is spying on our conversations, no problem.

Pretty ironic.

Two completely unrelated issues!

Phone calls are private. Internet postings are public.
BTW, since Obama took over even our phone conversation and our emails are fair game without a warrant.

That was Bush jr and you never uttered a single whine about him doing it.
And you're a liar. Remember all of the discussions about FISA courts??

No, of course not.

That was because Bush jr was illegally bypassing the FISA courts in order to tap into phone calls.

As early as October, 2001.
The terrorists in Belgium were stopped hours from a massive attack, from what I understand in large part, by monitoring the internet. I believe a lot of this current terrorism is tied to the internet. Recruiting and inciting, and that end of this needs to be closely scrutinized.

Which requires really geeky cubicle rats to run search programs and go through literally millions of emails, ranging from

"Honey, I am gonne be home late tonight, can you put the roast in a little later"


"When I leaves, I'm going to change his project so that when he presents it to the boss tomorrow, he gets fired"


"Oh, baby, I can't wait to put it to you again, all hot and wet. When's your man going on his trip, again?"


"öslüm göslüm we need a homeland prichku snitchku buy lots of tnt spacebo harasho Washington monument, 9 pm"

What a life...
From what I read Bush did nothing.

It was rouge agents from Cincinnati.


They wore "rouge"? What, are they all call-girls, or what?


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