Big Brother is reading USMB

Should the FBI be monitoring Social Media sites like USMB?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 55.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • WTF?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pineapple

    Votes: 9 31.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Bill Maher is a fucking sanctimonious scumbag. But even that mutt sometimes say intelligent things and supports a point of view at odds with most of his own dumb-ass thinking. And as much as I find him a generally unfunny prick, he has also said a few things that made me laugh against my better judgment.

The cock-bite motherfucker still isn't a "traitor" nor should he get prosecuted for saying offensive shithead things.

Such language. Must make you feel real macho, right?
:lol: of course they are watching USMB...It is a premier hate site. It is only a matter of time before we read about one of the pussy hate mongers going on a shooting spree. Would you really be surprised to read about shitspeeders shooting up a post office...or Matthew wheeling into a NAACP meeting with a bomb strapped to his wheelchair? Yeah, USMB is being watched and rightfully so. You have hate group recruiters, leaders of the KKK, and people like 2nd Amendment constantly calling for a civil war...and not to mention the teapers asking for a race war. USMB is probably watched more than Stormfront.

Of course they are watching USMB for exactly the reasons you mentioned. We have members promoting treason on a daily basis. They obviously don't like the electoral system our Founding Fathers setup. They will bitch and moan about anything they deem unconstitutional, but promote violence to anything justified under our Constitution.

Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.
It has nothing to do with free speech when you are promoting civil war, refusal to pay taxes or a race war. It has nothing to do with free speech when the hate faction of USMB continually threaten the lives of anyone who disagrees. Like I said, it is just a matter of time before we read about a USMB member going on a killing spree or being involved in a Far Right Wing terroist attack. Hell, I bet a member already has, we just don't know it.
Bill Maher is a fucking sanctimonious scumbag. But even that mutt sometimes say intelligent things and supports a point of view at odds with most of his own dumb-ass thinking. And as much as I find him a generally unfunny prick, he has also said a few things that made me laugh against my better judgment.

The cock-bite motherfucker still isn't a "traitor" nor should he get prosecuted for saying offensive shithead things.

Such language. Must make you feel real macho, right?

No. But I DO feel free to use it.

And if it offends you, put my sorry ass on "ignore" and feel free to get over it.
Well I voted "pineapple." The dumb-ass Presidunce and his cretin Attorney General might want to investigate me, I suppose.
Yeah it would be the NSA of BUsh that will be investigating you.
:lol: of course they are watching USMB...It is a premier hate site. It is only a matter of time before we read about one of the pussy hate mongers going on a shooting spree. Would you really be surprised to read about shitspeeders shooting up a post office...or Matthew wheeling into a NAACP meeting with a bomb strapped to his wheelchair? Yeah, USMB is being watched and rightfully so. You have hate group recruiters, leaders of the KKK, and people like 2nd Amendment constantly calling for a civil war...and not to mention the teapers asking for a race war. USMB is probably watched more than Stormfront.

Of course they are watching USMB for exactly the reasons you mentioned. We have members promoting treason on a daily basis. They obviously don't like the electoral system our Founding Fathers setup. They will bitch and moan about anything they deem unconstitutional, but promote violence to anything justified under our Constitution.

Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.

I don't like Obama as President, and I speak out against his policies all the time, but when you actively promote the assassination or overthrow of a democratically elected leader you are guilty of treason.
Well I voted "pineapple." The dumb-ass Presidunce and his cretin Attorney General might want to investigate me, I suppose.
Yeah it would be the NSA of BUsh that will be investigating you.

Wrong. Newsflash: W is no longer President.

Pass it on.
Yes, but what Administration authored the Patriot Act

The USA PATRIOT Act wasn't strong enough.

The idiot presently infesting the Oval Office wouldn't have the smarts to have such a ncessary piece of legislation enacted. That idiot probably thinks he can just use his pen and his phone.

The fact that the government has the ability (and to some degree the willingness) to engage in such detailed investigations is NOT the problem, you silly alarmist.

The potential problem is the lack of meaningful OVERSIGHT.

CONGRESS is to blame for that. BOTH Republicans and Democratics.
:lol: of course they are watching USMB...It is a premier hate site. It is only a matter of time before we read about one of the pussy hate mongers going on a shooting spree. Would you really be surprised to read about shitspeeders shooting up a post office...or Matthew wheeling into a NAACP meeting with a bomb strapped to his wheelchair? Yeah, USMB is being watched and rightfully so. You have hate group recruiters, leaders of the KKK, and people like 2nd Amendment constantly calling for a civil war...and not to mention the teapers asking for a race war. USMB is probably watched more than Stormfront.

Of course they are watching USMB for exactly the reasons you mentioned. We have members promoting treason on a daily basis. They obviously don't like the electoral system our Founding Fathers setup. They will bitch and moan about anything they deem unconstitutional, but promote violence to anything justified under our Constitution.

Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.

I don't like Obama as President, and I speak out against his policies all the time, but when you actively promote the assassination or overthrow of a democratically elected leader you are guilty of treason.

Actively promoting the assassination of the President is not only a crime, it damn well should be. And yes, that even goes for a President I consider to be the worst in our history. Obumbler sucks and I didn't vote for his stupid ass. But he DID win both the popular vote AND the Electoral College Vote. He is the duly elected President of the United States of America and ANY talk about killing him is damn straight treasonous speech.

And I apologize if the fact that I agree with you causes you any discomfort, A'land.
:lol: of course they are watching USMB...It is a premier hate site. It is only a matter of time before we read about one of the pussy hate mongers going on a shooting spree. Would you really be surprised to read about shitspeeders shooting up a post office...or Matthew wheeling into a NAACP meeting with a bomb strapped to his wheelchair? Yeah, USMB is being watched and rightfully so. You have hate group recruiters, leaders of the KKK, and people like 2nd Amendment constantly calling for a civil war...and not to mention the teapers asking for a race war. USMB is probably watched more than Stormfront.

Of course they are watching USMB for exactly the reasons you mentioned. We have members promoting treason on a daily basis. They obviously don't like the electoral system our Founding Fathers setup. They will bitch and moan about anything they deem unconstitutional, but promote violence to anything justified under our Constitution.

Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.

I don't like Obama as President, and I speak out against his policies all the time, but when you actively promote the assassination or overthrow of a democratically elected leader you are guilty of treason.

That's right, there are limits to what we can say but it's sometimes hard to find at which point to draw the line. Nite folks, good thread.
Of course they are watching USMB for exactly the reasons you mentioned. We have members promoting treason on a daily basis. They obviously don't like the electoral system our Founding Fathers setup. They will bitch and moan about anything they deem unconstitutional, but promote violence to anything justified under our Constitution.

Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.

I don't like Obama as President, and I speak out against his policies all the time, but when you actively promote the assassination or overthrow of a democratically elected leader you are guilty of treason.

Actively promoting the assassination of the President is not only a crime, it damn well should be. And yes, that even goes for a President I consider to be the worst in our history. Obumbler sucks and I didn't vote for his stupid ass. But he DID win both the popular vote AND the Electoral College Vote. He is the duly elected President of the United States of America and ANY talk about killing him is damn straight treasonous speech.

And I apologize if the fact that I agree with you causes you any discomfort, A'land.

In fact, it does cause me discomfort. It's almost like a "Liability" to my cause. :eek:
:lol: of course they are watching USMB...It is a premier hate site. It is only a matter of time before we read about one of the pussy hate mongers going on a shooting spree. Would you really be surprised to read about shitspeeders shooting up a post office...or Matthew wheeling into a NAACP meeting with a bomb strapped to his wheelchair? Yeah, USMB is being watched and rightfully so. You have hate group recruiters, leaders of the KKK, and people like 2nd Amendment constantly calling for a civil war...and not to mention the teapers asking for a race war. USMB is probably watched more than Stormfront.

Of course they are watching USMB for exactly the reasons you mentioned. We have members promoting treason on a daily basis. They obviously don't like the electoral system our Founding Fathers setup. They will bitch and moan about anything they deem unconstitutional, but promote violence to anything justified under our Constitution.

Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.
It has nothing to do with free speech when you are promoting civil war, refusal to pay taxes or a race war. It has nothing to do with free speech when the hate faction of USMB continually threaten the lives of anyone who disagrees. Like I said, it is just a matter of time before we read about a USMB member going on a killing spree or being involved in a Far Right Wing terroist attack. Hell, I bet a member already has, we just don't know it.

Yanno ... I took one look at the Ohio guy arrested yesterday as an Islamic terror-rat and immediately thought USMB is gonna be one denthead short from now on. Below is the pic of him holding that "9/11 was an inside job ... the Freemasons were behind it" sign. He was smarter at age 2 than he is now:
Well I voted "pineapple." The dumb-ass Presidunce and his cretin Attorney General might want to investigate me, I suppose.
Yeah it would be the NSA of BUsh that will be investigating you.

Wrong. Newsflash: W is no longer President.

Pass it on.
Yes, but what Administration authored the Patriot Act
So that means to you that Obama can use the Patriot Act any way he sees fit? Abuse the privilege any way he chooses.

Wow, you sure like living with your head up your ass.

The Patriot Act was signed with the thought that a president could be trusted with such power. Instead you and others elected this fraud who thinks nothing of abusing everyone's privacy. He may even be a Manchurian Candidate for all we know. The worst case scenario, he's going to purposely weaken this country any way he can. Best case, this bumbling buffoon will sell us out to keep his as out of hot water.
Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.

I don't like Obama as President, and I speak out against his policies all the time, but when you actively promote the assassination or overthrow of a democratically elected leader you are guilty of treason.

Actively promoting the assassination of the President is not only a crime, it damn well should be. And yes, that even goes for a President I consider to be the worst in our history. Obumbler sucks and I didn't vote for his stupid ass. But he DID win both the popular vote AND the Electoral College Vote. He is the duly elected President of the United States of America and ANY talk about killing him is damn straight treasonous speech.

And I apologize if the fact that I agree with you causes you any discomfort, A'land.

In fact, it does cause me discomfort. It's almost like a "Liability" to my cause. :eek:

And THAT'S how I got to Memphis!
Of course they are watching USMB for exactly the reasons you mentioned. We have members promoting treason on a daily basis. They obviously don't like the electoral system our Founding Fathers setup. They will bitch and moan about anything they deem unconstitutional, but promote violence to anything justified under our Constitution.

Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.

I don't like Obama as President, and I speak out against his policies all the time, but when you actively promote the assassination or overthrow of a democratically elected leader you are guilty of treason.

That's right, there are limits to what we can say but it's sometimes hard to find at which point to draw the line. Nite folks, good thread.

Aside from death threats, nothing should be off limits.It's all okay, or none of it is.
:lol: of course they are watching USMB...It is a premier hate site. It is only a matter of time before we read about one of the pussy hate mongers going on a shooting spree. Would you really be surprised to read about shitspeeders shooting up a post office...or Matthew wheeling into a NAACP meeting with a bomb strapped to his wheelchair? Yeah, USMB is being watched and rightfully so. You have hate group recruiters, leaders of the KKK, and people like 2nd Amendment constantly calling for a civil war...and not to mention the teapers asking for a race war. USMB is probably watched more than Stormfront.

Of course they are watching USMB for exactly the reasons you mentioned. We have members promoting treason on a daily basis. They obviously don't like the electoral system our Founding Fathers setup. They will bitch and moan about anything they deem unconstitutional, but promote violence to anything justified under our Constitution.

Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.

Sure we do, but you know some of the things said with that free speech has to make them think at least some will follow upon their lightly veiled threats. How many times have you read that Obama was a criminal who should be drug out of the White House?
Of course they are watching USMB for exactly the reasons you mentioned. We have members promoting treason on a daily basis. They obviously don't like the electoral system our Founding Fathers setup. They will bitch and moan about anything they deem unconstitutional, but promote violence to anything justified under our Constitution.

Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.
It has nothing to do with free speech when you are promoting civil war, refusal to pay taxes or a race war. It has nothing to do with free speech when the hate faction of USMB continually threaten the lives of anyone who disagrees. Like I said, it is just a matter of time before we read about a USMB member going on a killing spree or being involved in a Far Right Wing terroist attack. Hell, I bet a member already has, we just don't know it.

Yanno ... I took one look at the Ohio guy arrested yesterday as an Islamic terror-rat and immediately thought USMB is gonna be one denthead short from now on. Below is the pic of him holding that "9/11 was an inside job ... the Freemasons were behind it" sign. He was smarter at age 2 than he is now:
I thought the same thing...and think about soon as Matthew, Shit Speeders, Steinlight, Bucs, 2nd Amendment, that fucking c()nt Sqeezeberry, and the rest of their ilk go bat shit crazy...ALL of us will be on the FBI's radar and considered to be suspect, just for being members of the same forum (if not already).
Well I voted "pineapple." The dumb-ass Presidunce and his cretin Attorney General might want to investigate me, I suppose.
Yeah it would be the NSA of BUsh that will be investigating you.

Wrong. Newsflash: W is no longer President.

Pass it on.
Yes, but what Administration authored the Patriot Act
So that means to you that Obama can use the Patriot Act any way he sees fit? Abuse the privilege any way he chooses.

Wow, you sure like living with your head up your ass.

The Patriot Act was signed with the thought that a president could be trusted with such power. Instead you and others elected this fraud who thinks nothing of abusing everyone's privacy. He may even be a Manchurian Candidate for all we know. The worst case scenario, he's going to purposely weaken this country any way he can. Best case, this bumbling buffoon will sell us out to keep his as out of hot water.

So, no. Not only is that not a rational interpretation of ANYthing I posted, it doesn't even BEGIN to make sense.

Ya know. Just for the sake of clarity.

The DANGER with the power to use the tools of the Patriot Act is similar to the dangers of the power to use the tools associated with eavesdropping.

The risk IS present and that is why it needs to be -- let's develop a concept here -- subjected to scrutiny. Oversight. Let's call it checks and balances. Like that.
Any names of members promoting treason? If you don't want to name names, at least give some examples of how they promote treason. Thanks.
Just pay attention, this forum is riddled with those who refuse to pay taxes, those who promote race wars, those who promote civil war and those who want to take Constitutional rights away from anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But we still have free speech. If unpopular speech and opinion is considered promoting treason, we're all in trouble.

I don't like Obama as President, and I speak out against his policies all the time, but when you actively promote the assassination or overthrow of a democratically elected leader you are guilty of treason.

That's right, there are limits to what we can say but it's sometimes hard to find at which point to draw the line. Nite folks, good thread.

Aside from death threats, nothing should be off limits.It's all okay, or none of it is.
The death threats aren't really off limits either...not on this forum and not if the person making the threat is a racist, anti-semite or gay basher.
Bill Maher is a fucking sanctimonious scumbag. But even that mutt sometimes say intelligent things and supports a point of view at odds with most of his own dumb-ass thinking. And as much as I find him a generally unfunny prick, he has also said a few things that made me laugh against my better judgment.

The cock-bite motherfucker still isn't a "traitor" nor should he get prosecuted for saying offensive shithead things.

Such language. Must make you feel real macho, right?

No. But I DO feel free to use it.

And if it offends you, put my sorry ass on "ignore" and feel free to get over it.

I'm pretty sure the people monitoring won't be putting anybody on ignore.

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