'Big Ears' Pitches Public Fit As 'Legacy' Wiped From History Books


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"President Trump announced Thursday that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord, weakening global efforts to combatclimate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy."

"Mr. Obama, in a rare assertion of his political views as a former president, castigated the decision."

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” he said in a statement."

Gee, you think he means all those jobs created in Solyndra and the dozen other 'Green Energy' companies Obama and his donors started up...the companies that went bankrupt while Barry stole millions in tax dollars to ensure his donors didn't lose a dime when their gamble failed?!


Barry is crying because his progressive, liberal legacy is being dismantled in front of his eyes.

He and his administration have already broken laws attempting to undermine the Trump administration, and the only thing he accomplished was to be exposed in front of the nation by the NSA and FBI as having perpetrayed 'Felony Espionage'.

Besides continue to break more laws, the only thing 'Big Ears' can do is run to the media and seditiously undermine the President reducing his 8 years in office to a historical footnote.

Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement

"President Trump announced Thursday that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord, weakening global efforts to combatclimate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy."

"Mr. Obama, in a rare assertion of his political views as a former president, castigated the decision."

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” he said in a statement."

Gee, you think he means all those jobs created in Solyndra and the dozen other 'Green Energy' companies Obama and his donors started up...the companies that went bankrupt while Barry stole millions in tax dollars to ensure his donors didn't lose a dime when their gamble failed?!


Barry is crying because his progressive, liberal legacy is being dismantled in front of his eyes.

He and his administration have already broken laws attempting to undermine the Trump administration, and the only thing he accomplished was to be exposed in front of the nation by the NSA and FBI as having perpetrayed 'Felony Espionage'.

Besides continue to break more laws, the only thing 'Big Ears' can do is run to the media and seditiously undermine the President reducing his 8 years in office to a historical footnote.

Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement
Everything Obama, bad, bad, bad.

Everything trump, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.



"President Trump announced Thursday that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord, weakening global efforts to combatclimate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy."

"Mr. Obama, in a rare assertion of his political views as a former president, castigated the decision."

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” he said in a statement."

Gee, you think he means all those jobs created in Solyndra and the dozen other 'Green Energy' companies Obama and his donors started up...the companies that went bankrupt while Barry stole millions in tax dollars to ensure his donors didn't lose a dime when their gamble failed?!


Barry is crying because his progressive, liberal legacy is being dismantled in front of his eyes.

He and his administration have already broken laws attempting to undermine the Trump administration, and the only thing he accomplished was to be exposed in front of the nation by the NSA and FBI as having perpetrayed 'Felony Espionage'.

Besides continue to break more laws, the only thing 'Big Ears' can do is run to the media and seditiously undermine the President reducing his 8 years in office to a historical footnote.

Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement
Everything Obama, bad, bad, bad.

Everything trump, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.


----------------------------------------------------------- yeah correct , mrobama was unAmerican Vor !!!
Obama just bought a mansion so his money isn't where his mouth is.
He needs to be close to Washington to run his 'shadow govt' in hopes of stopping more / all of his legacy from being wiped away.

"President Trump announced Thursday that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord, weakening global efforts to combatclimate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy."

"Mr. Obama, in a rare assertion of his political views as a former president, castigated the decision."

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” he said in a statement."

Gee, you think he means all those jobs created in Solyndra and the dozen other 'Green Energy' companies Obama and his donors started up...the companies that went bankrupt while Barry stole millions in tax dollars to ensure his donors didn't lose a dime when their gamble failed?!


Barry is crying because his progressive, liberal legacy is being dismantled in front of his eyes.

He and his administration have already broken laws attempting to undermine the Trump administration, and the only thing he accomplished was to be exposed in front of the nation by the NSA and FBI as having perpetrayed 'Felony Espionage'.

Besides continue to break more laws, the only thing 'Big Ears' can do is run to the media and seditiously undermine the President reducing his 8 years in office to a historical footnote.

Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement

Seems like you're the one having the meltdown. Did Elon Musk also pitch a fit? Exxon Mobil? The mayor of Pittsburgh? They denounced the Giant Cheeto too but I don't see you talking about them, you silly drama queen.
Judging by the snowflake posts this must be a truly great move in the right direction for the entire world.
The president laid out the facts in simple enough terms for even the progs to understand. After we send billion$ to the third world, close down our coal, fracking, and steel industries, costing us millions of jobs and more crushing debt, China can produce more air pollution in 14 days than we can reduce ours by in a year. Obama didn't get us into the Paris deal for environmental reasons.....he got us into it to punish us for being a white, Christian nation....period.

"President Trump announced Thursday that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord, weakening global efforts to combatclimate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy."

"Mr. Obama, in a rare assertion of his political views as a former president, castigated the decision."

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” he said in a statement."

Gee, you think he means all those jobs created in Solyndra and the dozen other 'Green Energy' companies Obama and his donors started up...the companies that went bankrupt while Barry stole millions in tax dollars to ensure his donors didn't lose a dime when their gamble failed?!


Barry is crying because his progressive, liberal legacy is being dismantled in front of his eyes.

He and his administration have already broken laws attempting to undermine the Trump administration, and the only thing he accomplished was to be exposed in front of the nation by the NSA and FBI as having perpetrayed 'Felony Espionage'.

Besides continue to break more laws, the only thing 'Big Ears' can do is run to the media and seditiously undermine the President reducing his 8 years in office to a historical footnote.

Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement
Barry? Why don't you have some guts and call him an uppity ******?
Go down well at the KKK meetings?
Your superman outfit is getting a bit old - inferiority complex?
Judging by the snowflake posts this must be a truly great move in the right direction for the entire world.
snowflake def - high school brown shirt boys
Got your right arm up mr super?
Sounds like you didn't have the brains to start a $150MM business under the uppity guy like my daughter.?
The DOW hit record territory after the President withdrew from the conspiracy that was designed to reduce the U.S. to just another 3rd world member.
Trump had Nothing to do with it.
If you knew finance you wouldn't say such stupidity.
So what did you say when Obamas market went from 6000 to 19000 ?
Obama just bought a mansion so his money isn't where his mouth is.
He needs to be close to Washington to run his 'shadow govt' in hopes of stopping more / all of his legacy from being wiped away.
It isn't working.

3 mansions. DC, Queer Palm Springs and HI. Before the recent book deal.

Kill all his crap. Iran deal....gone. get the money back too. Go after him for having his creeps spy on American Citizens then run to tell the press.

Bad bad bad. Like every slimy Dem, most Rino. Trump is great & honorable. I will continue to TIT. House/ Senate needs good butt-kicking!
Well. Obama can go back to community organizing................poor thing.
He did drive 200000 miles a year to register people. And what did you do ?
Drank a beer............
Figures, a good old uneducated white trumpie.
What will you do when trump doesn't produce $50 hr high school jobs.
Enough that he gropes women?
Gonna watch Big Ears flap his ears and recruit dead people.....gonna fly like dumbo.........


And drink another beer.

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