'Big Ears' Pitches Public Fit As 'Legacy' Wiped From History Books


"President Trump announced Thursday that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord, weakening global efforts to combatclimate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy."

"Mr. Obama, in a rare assertion of his political views as a former president, castigated the decision."

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” he said in a statement."

Gee, you think he means all those jobs created in Solyndra and the dozen other 'Green Energy' companies Obama and his donors started up...the companies that went bankrupt while Barry stole millions in tax dollars to ensure his donors didn't lose a dime when their gamble failed?!


Barry is crying because his progressive, liberal legacy is being dismantled in front of his eyes.

He and his administration have already broken laws attempting to undermine the Trump administration, and the only thing he accomplished was to be exposed in front of the nation by the NSA and FBI as having perpetrayed 'Felony Espionage'.

Besides continue to break more laws, the only thing 'Big Ears' can do is run to the media and seditiously undermine the President reducing his 8 years in office to a historical footnote.

Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement

"President Trump announced Thursday that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord, weakening global efforts to combatclimate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy."

"Mr. Obama, in a rare assertion of his political views as a former president, castigated the decision."

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” he said in a statement."

Gee, you think he means all those jobs created in Solyndra and the dozen other 'Green Energy' companies Obama and his donors started up...the companies that went bankrupt while Barry stole millions in tax dollars to ensure his donors didn't lose a dime when their gamble failed?!


Barry is crying because his progressive, liberal legacy is being dismantled in front of his eyes.

He and his administration have already broken laws attempting to undermine the Trump administration, and the only thing he accomplished was to be exposed in front of the nation by the NSA and FBI as having perpetrayed 'Felony Espionage'.

Besides continue to break more laws, the only thing 'Big Ears' can do is run to the media and seditiously undermine the President reducing his 8 years in office to a historical footnote.

Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement

Seems like you're the one having the meltdown. Did Elon Musk also pitch a fit? Exxon Mobil? The mayor of Pittsburgh? They denounced the Giant Cheeto too but I don't see you talking about them, you silly drama queen.

I addressed it. Let the mayor tax those Pittsburgh citizens to death until they get rid of their idiot mayor. And hike their property taxes a bunch more, til they move next door. :cuckoo:
Well. Obama can go back to community organizing................poor thing.
He did drive 200000 miles a year to register people. And what did you do ?

200, 000 miles up/down/across Ill? I call bullhockey before I do the math. 200K/20mph = 10K hours. Do you think that lazy criminal lying scum muslim kenyan would do that much work? Bull! Maybe had someone drive him a few times a week back/forth Springfield to Chitown to pickup money.

He can't be called uppity ****** because he is white, raised white in suburbs of HI. Only black when he need to be. Roll back all his nonsense.
Obama condemns Trump for 'rejecting the future' by exiting Paris deal

Thursday 1 June 2017 17.10 EDTLast modified on Thursday 1 June 2017 17.53 EDT

Barack Obama led condemnation of his successor’s decision to withdraw from the landmark Paris climate accord, which the former president’s administration painstakingly negotiated over the course of several years.

In a statement released just before Donald Trump officially announced that the US would remove itself from the deal, Obama said the administration had joined “a small handful of nations that reject the future”. He warned that the more than 190 countries that remain participants will “reap the benefits in jobs and industries created”, but he said that US states, cities and businesses “will step up and do even more to lead the way, and help protect for future generations the one planet we’ve got.”

Barry? Why don't you have some guts and call him an uppity ******?
Sorry snowflake, as much as you would LIKE to portray me as a racist it ain't gonna happen.

The DNC's leaked writings exposed the DNC as a bunch of racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

I believe the last person who used the term 'uppity negroes' was LBJ when he said 'These uppity negroes have gotten the power to support their movement..." ... right before he vowed to vave 'these ni@@ers' voting Democrat 'for the next 200 years'.
Ooooooh that one has to sting. Paris Accord. Poof! Gone! Another one bites the dust, hey hey!

Good.....if there is global weather changes, those living on flood plains, river basins like the Mississippi and Missouri, and the Gulf/Atlantic coast will be effected the most.....bummer.

What makes you think any of us will be alive when that happens, if it does happen?

You liberal know-nothings act like we are going to go the bed one night and Trump can fish off the WH roof the next morning?

Are you people REALLY That stupid?
If Barry is in Australia, does his 'Legacy' swirl counter-clockwise down the toilet?


"President Trump announced Thursday that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord, weakening global efforts to combatclimate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy."

"Mr. Obama, in a rare assertion of his political views as a former president, castigated the decision."

“The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created,” he said in a statement."

Gee, you think he means all those jobs created in Solyndra and the dozen other 'Green Energy' companies Obama and his donors started up...the companies that went bankrupt while Barry stole millions in tax dollars to ensure his donors didn't lose a dime when their gamble failed?!


Barry is crying because his progressive, liberal legacy is being dismantled in front of his eyes.

He and his administration have already broken laws attempting to undermine the Trump administration, and the only thing he accomplished was to be exposed in front of the nation by the NSA and FBI as having perpetrayed 'Felony Espionage'.

Besides continue to break more laws, the only thing 'Big Ears' can do is run to the media and seditiously undermine the President reducing his 8 years in office to a historical footnote.

Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement
Everything Obama, bad, bad, bad.

Everything trump, good, good, good.

My side is always right.

Your side is always wrong.


The shit stain that is Obama got us into that stupid climate accord… climate change is a Ponzi scheme
Barry? Why don't you have some guts and call him an uppity ******?
Sorry snowflake, as much as you would LIKE to portray me as a racist it ain't gonna happen.

The DNC's leaked writings exposed the DNC as a bunch of racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

I believe the last person who used the term 'uppity negroes' was LBJ when he said 'These uppity negroes have gotten the power to support their movement..." ... right before he vowed to vave 'these ni@@ers' voting Democrat 'for the next 200 years'.
Those "quotes" from LBJ have not appeared anywhere except from Alt-Right Wingnuts.
Barry? Why don't you have some guts and call him an uppity ******?
Sorry snowflake, as much as you would LIKE to portray me as a racist it ain't gonna happen.

The DNC's leaked writings exposed the DNC as a bunch of racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

I believe the last person who used the term 'uppity negroes' was LBJ when he said 'These uppity negroes have gotten the power to support their movement..." ... right before he vowed to vave 'these ni@@ers' voting Democrat 'for the next 200 years'.
Those "quotes" from LBJ have not appeared anywhere except from Alt-Right Wingnuts.

That and on the tapes.
Ooooooh that one has to sting. Paris Accord. Poof! Gone! Another one bites the dust, hey hey!

Good.....if there is global weather changes, those living on flood plains, river basins like the Mississippi and Missouri, and the Gulf/Atlantic coast will be effected the most.....bummer.

What makes you think any of us will be alive when that happens, if it does happen?

You liberal know-nothings act like we are going to go the bed one night and Trump can fish off the WH roof the next morning?

Are you people REALLY That stupid?

Never heard that until now, from you.
Barry? Why don't you have some guts and call him an uppity ******?
Sorry snowflake, as much as you would LIKE to portray me as a racist it ain't gonna happen.

The DNC's leaked writings exposed the DNC as a bunch of racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

I believe the last person who used the term 'uppity negroes' was LBJ when he said 'These uppity negroes have gotten the power to support their movement..." ... right before he vowed to vave 'these ni@@ers' voting Democrat 'for the next 200 years'.
Those "quotes" from LBJ have not appeared anywhere except from Alt-Right Wingnuts.

That and on the tapes.
Obama just bought a mansion so his money isn't where his mouth is.

Now THAT is quite a reach.

Why are all you RWNJs whining about this? You got your way. The race to the bottom just accelerated to the speed of sound. This will cost jobs and growth and will help kill the middle class just like you wanted.

So, quit whining, already.


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