Big feminist Tina Brown say's Obama makes women feel unsafe


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Uh oh, this isn't good. When you've got a big player like Tina Brown ripping on Obama like this, you know things are really bad.

Tina Brown: Obama Makes Women Feel Unsafe

Author and journalist Tina Brown thinks PresidentBarack Obama‘s diminishing favorability with women is because he makes them feel “unsafe” about a variety of issues.

Appearing Monday on Morning Joe, Brown reacted to a Politico report on how the president’s declining poll numbers with women has become a serious liability for Senate Democrats in the midterm elections.

“I think they’re feeling unsafe,” Brown surmised of female voters. “They feel unsafe, economically; they’re feeling unsafe with regard to ISIS; they’re feeling unsafe about Ebola. What they’re feeling unsafe about is the government response to different crises.”

Brown also suggested that the president’s own persona makes women voters like him less.

“I think they’re beginning to feel a bit that Obama’s like that guy in the corner office who’s too cool for school,” she said. “[He] calls a meeting, says this has to change, doesn’t put anything in place to make sure it does change, then it goes wrong and he’s blaming everybody.”

On the other hand, Brown added, Republicans are doing “very little” for women. “It’s not good,” she concluded.

Watch below, via MSNBC:

Tina Brown Obama Makes Women Feel Unsafe Mediaite
And this was on MSNBC by the way. You have to wonder if they would have known she was going to make these comments if they would have even invited her on.
Even the New York Times!

Ebola is his presidency in a petri dish. It’s an example already of his tendency to talk too loosely at the outset of things, so that his words come back to haunt him. There was the doctor you could keep under his health plan until, well, you couldn’t. There was the red line for Syria that he didn’t have to draw and later erased.

With Ebola, he said almost two weeks ago that “we’re doing everything that we can” with an “all-hands-on-deck approach.” But on Wednesday and Thursday he announced that there were additional hands to be put on deck and that we could and would do more. The shift fit his pattern: not getting worked up in the early stages, rallying in the later ones.

It’s more understandable in this case than in others, because when it comes to statements about public health, the line between adequately expressed concern and a license for hysteria is thin and not easily determined. Still, he has to make Americans feel that he understands their alarm, no matter how irrational he deems it, and that they’re being leveled with, not talked down to, not handled. And he has a ways to go.

“If you were his parent, you’d want to shake him,” said one Democratic strategist, who questioned where Obama’s passion was and whether, even this deep into his presidency, he appreciated one of the office’s most vital functions: deploying language, bearing, symbols and ceremony to endow Americans with confidence in who’s leading them and in how they’re being led.

Right now in this country there’s a crisis of confidence, and of competence, and that’s the fertile ground in which the Ebola terror flowers. That’s the backdrop for whatever steps Obama and Frieden take from here. With the right ones, they can go a long way toward calming people who are anxious not just about Ebola but about America. I don’t even want to think about the wrong ones....
I was glad to see that the rwer's did heartily advocate for govt. expansion with a new Czar position...
When you're a complete phony like Barry it's just a matter of time until even supporters realize your incredible shortcomings, feel duped, and start bitch about it in some manner.
The ability to inspire and to make one feel good about being an American is what makes Reagan and JFK great presidents. Obama could have done the same but I realized he doesn't have the moral background to do so. He never served in the military. Lived a fairly charmed life in Hawaii and has pretty much has had it handed to him his whole life. HE can make great speeches but he proves later that they were just someone else's words.

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