Black Women Feel Unsafe Dating Online. Just Another Example of White Racism?

That's a no-brainer. Black women have been the least protected in any class system financially.
I support black women, it is the men who can be sketchy mo fo's.

If anyone should be mad it should be ALL Native Americans and Black women. The rest of the races don't take the classism abuse or as much shit as these people do in any class of society.
Black women are the biggest enablers of so many wrongs in society. They, like all women, hold a pair of aces when it comes to sex. They're in total control. But they fold that winning hand whenever they give sex to shiftless no-good men who won't commit to marriage. And that leads to 90% of their problems: poverty, single motherhood, criminal children.
Women were created to serve their men...not lead them.

As such the woman should possess the tools to best assist her man.

No one has time for fat welfare whores with attitude.
Awww, did your post make you feel superior to women? Lol
I am somebody...your superior.

Sandwich...move it.
I am somebody...your superior.

Sandwich...move it.

Yeah, we can tell what a fucking genius king-of-the-world type you are. Nothing stupid about demanding food from someone you've just been a complete ass to. Do you prefer cyanide or ground glass as a condiment?
So what you're telling us is that you're a fucked-up sociopath who has convinced himself that his mental disorder is actually normal and superior?

More hen emotion.

A man has no time for your weeping.

Go help the other one in the kitchen...go on...good girl.
It's always emotion with you hens.

Coming from someone who has posted nothing but his own bitterness and resentment toward women, presumably for their scorn throughout your life, this is almost funny.

Call me when you have something to say that isn't better discussed with your therapist and urologist.
Would you date this?

Man! That poor broad is a fucking horror show. The stuff nightmares are made of.

There's one who could be her sister on "The People's Court" right now. This thing is a single mother of SIX fucking kids. Who the Hell is banging these things?

These are the pigs to whom Biden wants to send a monthly check. NO fucking way, Bidung.
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More hen emotion.

A man has no time for your weeping.

Go help the other one in the kitchen...go on...good girl.

That use to be a compliment before the fems in boots took over.
Many kitchens had little paintings that read, " kissing don't last ,cooking do".

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