Big freaking ruh roh: Intel Chair pretty sure FBI had no warrant to record Flynn

The obvious answer is that they were monitoring the Russian ambassador's calls, and Flynn got caught.

Why would the FBI be monitoring a foreign diplomat? That's called spying, which would be illegal for the FBI to do, would it not?

I believe it's actually legal. The US Government routinely spies on foreign leaders and UN diplomats. That's been proven by Wikileaks releases. But how it relates to Flynn, is very intriguing. It should be investigated.

The FBI does not spy. They are a law enforcement agency. If they are spying, heads need to roll!
Flynn's call from the Ivan came to the Dominican Republic where Flynn was vacationing. No FISA warrant, no law broken, nobody has ever been charged using the Logan Act. This whole thing is Flynn thinking "here we go again" after getting fired by the Kenyan fraud posing as a president. And if the President brings in Petraeus, Schumer will go berserk again. The Obozo people have to be rooted out of government root and branch...there is no treason they won't commit.
Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia

This guy also made shit up during a government witch hunt LOOKING FOR RUSKIES!

Join the club libs. Chase them commies just like your hero Joe!

Us sane folks are laughing at yet another Drama-O-Rama.
The obvious answer is that they were monitoring the Russian ambassador's calls, and Flynn got caught.

Why would the FBI be monitoring a foreign diplomat? That's called spying, which would be illegal for the FBI to do, would it not?

I believe it's actually legal. The US Government routinely spies on foreign leaders and UN diplomats. That's been proven by Wikileaks releases. But how it relates to Flynn, is very intriguing. It should be investigated.

The FBI does not spy. They are a law enforcement agency. If they are spying, heads need to roll!

The poor guy was set up for sure. The conversation was bugged and then released to the media. There are some very serious problems with this. Crimes may have been committed by those conducting the surveillance. They should be held accountable.
The obvious answer is that they were monitoring the Russian ambassador's calls, and Flynn got caught.

Diplomatic communication from incoming appointees is not supposed to trigger transcripts, collection and RELEASE to the fucking MEDIA AND THE PUBLIC. Some one did very wrong here.

Flynn compromised himself by misrepresenting the conversation to his bosses. BUT the OUT-GOING Intel folks were fishing and conducting surveillance on the Trump team. THAT'S how it was found out. You NEED to resign if you let yourself become compromised to blackmail -- But SEVERAL folks need to go live in Levenworth for running this covert operation and LEAKING it public. .
The obvious answer is that they were monitoring the Russian ambassador's calls, and Flynn got caught.

Diplomatic communication from incoming appointees is not supposed to trigger transcripts, collection and RELEASE to the fucking MEDIA AND THE PUBLIC. Some one did very wrong here.

Flynn compromised himself by misrepresenting the conversation to his bosses. BUT the OUT-GOING Intel folks were fishing and conducting surveillance on the Trump team. THAT'S how it was found out. You NEED to resign if you let yourself become compromised to blackmail -- But SEVERAL folks need to go live in Levenworth for running this covert operation and LEAKING it public. .

It warms my heart to hear you righties finally wanting to obey the laws - when Republican necks are in the noose. Funny...
The obvious answer is that they were monitoring the Russian ambassador's calls, and Flynn got caught.

Diplomatic communication from incoming appointees is not supposed to trigger transcripts, collection and RELEASE to the fucking MEDIA AND THE PUBLIC. Some one did very wrong here.

Flynn compromised himself by misrepresenting the conversation to his bosses. BUT the OUT-GOING Intel folks were fishing and conducting surveillance on the Trump team. THAT'S how it was found out. You NEED to resign if you let yourself become compromised to blackmail -- But SEVERAL folks need to go live in Levenworth for running this covert operation and LEAKING it public. .

It warms my heart to hear you righties finally wanting to obey the laws - when Republican necks are in the noose. Funny...

I don't give a fuck about your 2 warring tribes. I CARE that they are taking this country down the tubes WITH THEM. It's like a bad SharktoPus vs WolfWhale sci-fi that gonna end up triggering political Armageddon and tanking MY COUNTRY.

And you you worthless hack ---- think my posts are funny.. YOU"RE the problem. Not Gen Flynn.
I am glad that we finally know who to blame. Leakers, the fbi, and libruls.

It looks like we are going to get our own Capitol Hill version of Swamp people. Aaaaayeeeeee! It's not only time to drain the swamp but to hook every leaking low down critter and drag em out.

There's got to be a political version Troy Landry in Washington who can finally nail the leakers in the Intelligence community.

Laissez les bons temps rouler baby!


“Any intelligence agency cannot listen to Americans’ phone calls,” Nunes told reporters Tuesday night. “If there’s inadvertent collection that you know is overseas there’s a whole process in place for that.”

He explained, “It’s pretty clear that’s not the case, so then they could have been listening to someone else and inadvertently picked up an American.

If that happens, there’s a whole process in place to where they have to immediately get rid of the information unless it’s like high level national security issue and then someone would have to unmask the name — someone at the highest levels.”

“So in this case it would be General Flynn and then how did that happen. T

hen if they did that, then how does all that get out to the public which is another leak of classified information,” Nunes added.

“I’m pretty sure the FBI didn’t have a warrant on Michael Flynn.”

GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn

Read more: GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn
More Fake News, Comrade?
People are playing into trumps hands lol. I was afraid we didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of eliminating the fbi, and it needs eliminated.

They're going to destroy themselves.more.effectively than could have been done by outsiders. And trump can pretend to be devastated by it. He can pretend he loves them, while shutting them down after they expose themselves asnthencriminals they are.
The FBI needs eliminating, Comrade?
The Russians were hacking our political institutions and trying very hard to influence our election thru countless fake news stories... the Russian envoys stationed here in the USA were part of that operation. Our Intelligence communities routinely wiretap foreign envoys and those that are deep seeded enemies even more so....if our Intelligence community did not monitor them, it would be negligent!

NO ONE was wire tapping Flynn, that is utter bull crud.

God stupefied Flynn when he made that call to the Russian Ambassador the day the sanctions and booting was issued...Flynn was aware that we wiretap their phones, but I guess he forgot ....

just like he ''forgot'' he spoke to the Russians about Trump reneging the sanctions when he takes power and not to over react to Obama's actions against them.

Flynn did this on Trump's behalf more than likely.

Why he intentionally lied to pence is just nonsensical....why Trump allowed the lie to stay out there is uncomprehendable as well....?
The Russians were hacking our political institutions and trying very hard to influence our election thru countless fake news stories... the Russian envoys stationed here in the USA were part of that operation. Our Intelligence communities routinely wiretap foreign envoys and those that are deep seeded enemies even more so....if our Intelligence community did not monitor them, it would be negligent!

NO ONE was wire tapping Flynn, that is utter bull crud.

God stupefied Flynn when he made that call to the Russian Ambassador the day the sanctions and booting was issued...Flynn was aware that we wiretap their phones, but I guess he forgot ....

just like he ''forgot'' he spoke to the Russians about Trump reneging the sanctions when he takes power and not to over react to Obama's actions against them.

Flynn did this on Trump's behalf more than likely.

Why he intentionally lied to pence is just nonsensical....why Trump allowed the lie to stay out there is uncomprehendable as well....?

All we have is a bunch of whoah from the intel community. There is however not a single shred of actual evidence supporting what they say.
The Russians were hacking our political institutions and trying very hard to influence our election thru countless fake news stories... the Russian envoys stationed here in the USA were part of that operation. Our Intelligence communities routinely wiretap foreign envoys and those that are deep seeded enemies even more so....if our Intelligence community did not monitor them, it would be negligent!

NO ONE was wire tapping Flynn, that is utter bull crud.

God stupefied Flynn when he made that call to the Russian Ambassador the day the sanctions and booting was issued...Flynn was aware that we wiretap their phones, but I guess he forgot ....

just like he ''forgot'' he spoke to the Russians about Trump reneging the sanctions when he takes power and not to over react to Obama's actions against them.

Flynn did this on Trump's behalf more than likely.

Why he intentionally lied to pence is just nonsensical....why Trump allowed the lie to stay out there is uncomprehendable as well....?

All we have is a bunch of whoah from the intel community. There is however not a single shred of actual evidence supporting what they say.
then please tell your congress critters you want a special investigation, done in the open, for the American citizens to have access!!!
The Russians were hacking our political institutions and trying very hard to influence our election thru countless fake news stories... the Russian envoys stationed here in the USA were part of that operation. Our Intelligence communities routinely wiretap foreign envoys and those that are deep seeded enemies even more so....if our Intelligence community did not monitor them, it would be negligent!

NO ONE was wire tapping Flynn, that is utter bull crud.

God stupefied Flynn when he made that call to the Russian Ambassador the day the sanctions and booting was issued...Flynn was aware that we wiretap their phones, but I guess he forgot ....

just like he ''forgot'' he spoke to the Russians about Trump reneging the sanctions when he takes power and not to over react to Obama's actions against them.

Flynn did this on Trump's behalf more than likely.

Why he intentionally lied to pence is just nonsensical....why Trump allowed the lie to stay out there is uncomprehendable as well....?

All we have is a bunch of whoah from the intel community. There is however not a single shred of actual evidence supporting what they say.
then please tell your congress critters you want a special investigation, done in the open, for the American citizens to have access!!!

I would love that. I fear that the progressives heads would explode when it was revealed who was actually behind the leaks however.
The Russians were hacking our political institutions and trying very hard to influence our election thru countless fake news stories... the Russian envoys stationed here in the USA were part of that operation. Our Intelligence communities routinely wiretap foreign envoys and those that are deep seeded enemies even more so....if our Intelligence community did not monitor them, it would be negligent!

NO ONE was wire tapping Flynn, that is utter bull crud.

God stupefied Flynn when he made that call to the Russian Ambassador the day the sanctions and booting was issued...Flynn was aware that we wiretap their phones, but I guess he forgot ....

just like he ''forgot'' he spoke to the Russians about Trump reneging the sanctions when he takes power and not to over react to Obama's actions against them.

Flynn did this on Trump's behalf more than likely.

Why he intentionally lied to pence is just nonsensical....why Trump allowed the lie to stay out there is uncomprehendable as well....?

All we have is a bunch of whoah from the intel community. There is however not a single shred of actual evidence supporting what they say.
then please tell your congress critters you want a special investigation, done in the open, for the American citizens to have access!!!

I would love that. I fear that the progressives heads would explode when it was revealed who was actually behind the leaks however.
well, set your personal fears aside, and let us have an open, independent, investigation. Tell your representative!
The obvious answer is that they were monitoring the Russian ambassador's calls, and Flynn got caught.
Be very SPECIFIC and cite for us ANY law Flynn broke.
he broke
the logan act
The Logan act does NOT apply to an incoming administration you retard.
and it says that WHERE in the Logan Act?

We have ONE President at a time in this Nation.

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