Big Government is Killing Us!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If you want a prosperous nation, 'Big Government' must be stifled.

Here's why:

1. Not long ago, former NY Senator James L. Buckley spoke at the Heritage Foundation, on his book “Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State,” making the point that big government means bureaucracy and regulation at an ever increasing pace.

2. Consider, by example, Title 42 of the US Code: Laws dealing with public health and welfare.
U.S. Code: Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE | LII / Legal Information Institute
Today, this federal law is 1700 pages more than it was prior to the New Deal. The reason is the creation of more and more bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law!

3. While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, Buckley said, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.

Bureau of Land Management?

4. " If you’re a business leader or conservative economist who worries that the federal government is strangling the economy in red tape, 2012 was a banner year.... The federal government imposed an estimated $216 billion in regulatory costs on the economy last year, nearly double its previous record,..." Report: New regulations cost $216B and 87 million hours of paperwork. What do they reap?

5. How crushing? How onerous?
Let's say you were set to open a business, and had put down more than $100,000 bad would regulations have to be for you to decide to forfeit all of that???

6. How about an example:
"NYC Restaurant Owners Walk Away from $100,000 Due to City's Stifling Regulations...
New York City restaurateur Robert Malta planned to open a new location for his wine bar Bocca di Bacco on Columbus Avenue. But, after suffering through a string of unnecessary regulations, he is walking away.

7. .... Dept. of Buildings rules required them to install sprinklers throughout the whole building, even though the café would only take up 800 square feet on the ground floor." NYC Restaurant Owners Walk Away from $100,000 Due to City's Stifling Regulations - Cortney O'Brien

8. " Mayor Bill de Blasio today approved sweeping paid sick leave legislation, extending the right to paid sick leave to half a million more New Yorkers. The law is one of the first in a slate of reforms aimed at raising the wage and benefit floor for more New Yorkers and reducing income inequality..."
Mayor de Blasio signs paid sick leave bill into law in New York City | City of New York

9. ".... the treacherous alphabet soup of the DOB, DOH, LPC and FDNY — plus community boards that hold great sway over the State Liquor Authority’s decisions whether to grant liquor licenses..... said his company, which employes 1,200 people in New York, up from 400 in 2006, has spent “hundreds of thousands of dollars” on expediters and consultants to help his restaurants and clubs avoid problems with city agencies.

10. Walker Malloy broker Rafe Evans, who handles many Upper West Side ...calls the situation “clear and ominous proof that the increasingly business-unfriendly environment in the city is reaching a breaking point.”
City restaurants struggle to navigate pesky rules | New York Post

How important is business?

Government doesn't' make a profit....and only has the money it takes from other citizens.

Think about it.
Every oversized government in the history of governments has toppled or imploded upon itself. America has nearly reached that threshold. At the rate that the Federal government is expanding and exercising draconian-style power, something's got to give and I don't believe that the breaking point is too far down the road. I don't say that out of knee-jerk fear but, rather, based on a general knowledge of past history and current events. I have a feeling that even Liberals will be sorry for supporting Socialism when they lose their freedom and property.
Every oversized government in the history of governments has toppled or imploded upon itself. America has nearly reached that threshold. At the rate that the Federal government is expanding and exercising draconian-style power, something's got to give and I don't believe that the breaking point is too far down the road. I don't say that out of knee-jerk fear but, rather, based on a general knowledge of past history and current events. I have a feeling that even Liberals will be sorry for supporting Socialism when they lose their freedom and property.

"....even Liberals will be sorry for supporting Socialism when they lose their freedom and property."

Judging by the examples of the above, here in the board, the toads seem to have been trained to ignore the ever increasing temperature of the water.
government is inefficient. government is too involved in issues of personal choice.
government is inefficient. government is too involved in issues of personal choice.


PC and the usual sycophants are playing economist again. So sad. Please don't feed the trolls. They are having enough fun with their intellectual circle jerk as it is.
government is inefficient. government is too involved in issues of personal choice.


PC and the usual sycophants are playing economist again. So sad. Please don't feed the trolls. They are having enough fun with their intellectual circle jerk as it is.

Don't engage the debate?

Now, isn't that exactly what you Leftists want: silence any opposition voices.

What the heck are you so afraid of?
"....even Liberals will be sorry for supporting Socialism when they lose their freedom and property."

When is this going to happen? Since local real estate taxes in all parts of the US make it impossible to really own your own real estate?
government is inefficient. government is too involved in issues of personal choice.

They have to get involved in everything!

After all, the aim of big government is to become even bigger government.

Toward that end, they need to find issues to govern, work for bureaus and agencies.

11. Socialists, Communists, Liberals, environmentalists…all the same in the belief that only big, intrusive government can save us from imminent devastation! And the crises that they uncover are merely an extension of “ it’s not the nature of the evidence (real or fake) that is relevant. It’s the seriousness of the charges!”
Unasked Questions at Herman Cain's Press Conference

12. In 1992, the UN-variety socialist, Maurice Strong, announced the following....get a look at what they want to regulate:

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable.”
(Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 UN Rio Earth Summit)

13. Clinton’s ‘President's Council on Sustainable Development’ did what they do best- create task forces: one on climate change, one on environmental management (write regulations), an international one ‘encouraging sustainable development around the world,’ and the metropolitan-rural task force (‘Im from the government, here to solve your problems’). Funding came from taxpayers: DOC, DOE, EPA, and USDA.

14. The result, the ‘Global Biodiversity Assessment Report,’ listed the following as unsustainable: private property, single-family homes, paved roads, ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment, hunting, fertilizer, cemeteries, sewers..... UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI: Is "sustainable development" something the American people want? and Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” chapter five.

Get it?

Everything is their prerogative.......


Vote Democrat, and be told how to live your life.

Or else!
And regulations aren't always created out of the best of intentions!

As usual, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.

The major ally of Liberals, labor unions, have used regulation to ensure that projects use union labor!

15. Union groups are attempting to block projects unless they get hiring agreements with the developers. It is known as “greenmail,” as these groups are using the lengthy, complicated environmental regulations that already make any sort of development difficult in order to challenge the approval of energy projects, but apparently only the projects that don’t have labor agreements.

a. “Greenmail”—a spin on the term “blackmail” under environmental law—is one aspect of this top-down format that achieves union organizing objectives by persuading employers, rather than employees, to recognize a union as its employees’ exclusive representative.”

b. “…construction unions use CEQA to block permits for projects until the developers agree to force their contractors to sign project labor agreements (PLAs)…” California?s Environmental Laws: A Weapon to Crush Potential Competition and Extort Developers - The Truth About PLAs

16. … these tactics are not new and not confined to energy projects. Walmart has to deal with environmental challenges to pretty much every single project they attempt to build….pointless environmental challenge…
'Greenmail' a threat to energy projects | projects, energy, calling - Desert Dispatch

So 'regulations' have become a weapon rather than a solution.
government is inefficient. government is too involved in issues of personal choice.


PC and the usual sycophants are playing economist again. So sad. Please don't feed the trolls. They are having enough fun with their intellectual circle jerk as it is.

More worthless and empty yakking points. The real trolls have run out of legitimate arguments or even worthwhile opinions. :(
"....even Liberals will be sorry for supporting Socialism when they lose their freedom and property."

When is this going to happen? Since local real estate taxes in all parts of the US make it impossible to really own your own real estate?

Thanks to King George's taxation without representation. But for Socialism to "work" taxation MUST increase to pay for the endless socialist programs. The goal, of course, is wealth redistribution. We've all heard Obama state as much but just to bolster the fact I'll present Marx's take on things:

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.
Americans do these with actions such as the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management (Zoning laws are the first step to government property ownership)
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Americans know this as misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share".

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
Americans call it government seizures, tax liens, Public "law" 99-570 (1986); Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of "terrorists" and those who speak out or write against the "government" (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process. Asset forfeiture laws are used by DEA, IRS, ATF etc...).

Communist Manifesto 10 Planks
For an understanding of the damage that Liberal/Progressive/Democrat Big Government is doing, consider the eternal truth in the following:

17. Often misquoted as ‘The business of America is business,” Calvin Coolidge said:

“... After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are moving impulses of our life. …

Wealth is the product of industry, ambition, character and untiring effort. In all experience, the accumulation of wealth means the multiplication of schools, the increase of knowledge, the dissemination of intelligence, the encouragement of science, the broadening of outlook, the expansion of liberties, the widening of culture.

Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence. But we are compelled to recognize it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement. So long as wealth is made the means and not the end, we need not greatly fear it.”
January 17, 1925 Given before the American Society of Newspaper Editors

This is a paean to individualism, the rewards of achievement, the free market.....

....and the very antithesis of the collectivists, whose motto is "You didn't build that!"
What does it take for Americans to understand that the gigantic federal bureaucracy is out of control? Maybe for the media to be honest for a change? The president gets his "plausible deniability" rhetoric while the federal government is going crazy. The IRS scandals, the CIA activism, the Attorney General's whining about unfair treatment because of racism? It's a freaking circus out of control. The BLM holds all the cards and they could have used the IRS to confiscate all Mr. Bundy's holdings but the crazy federal cops decided to teach Bundy a lesson by shooting his bulls and destroying his fences. This is a government clearly out of control but president Hussein has his ace in the hole and that's the liberal media.
What does it take for Americans to understand that the gigantic federal bureaucracy is out of control? Maybe for the media to be honest for a change? The president gets his "plausible deniability" rhetoric while the federal government is going crazy. The IRS scandals, the CIA activism, the Attorney General's whining about unfair treatment because of racism? It's a freaking circus out of control. The BLM holds all the cards and they could have used the IRS to confiscate all Mr. Bundy's holdings but the crazy federal cops decided to teach Bundy a lesson by shooting his bulls and destroying his fences. This is a government clearly out of control but president Hussein has his ace in the hole and that's the liberal media.

"Maybe for the media to be honest for a change?"

Silly boy.
Some very basic points:

In order for the wheels to go around, somebody has to produce something of value. That is the only thing that generates wealth. Everything else is bullshit. (The stock markets are bullshit).

Government produces nothing, and even the best, most efficient government in the world is a drain on the productive economy. That is, the productive economy must produce enough wealth not only to pay for itself, but also to pay for a non-productive public sector.

Politicians, whose primary goal in life is to be re-elected, use government resources (i.e., taxpayers' contributions) to "buy votes." This happens through a cornucopia of government agencies and programs that benefit one person at the expense of all the others. Thus, politicians are constantly working to provide more programs, more benefits, and more handouts to as many people as possible, so that they can take credit for them.

Government jobs are the greatest possible government "benefit" since they represent a basicically IRREVOKABLE entitlement to a generous monthly stipend, for LIFE. Therefore, elected officials are constantly striving to add employees to government payrolls.

The people who work for Government are keenly aware that they must constantly be justifying their existence, even if at the expense of the citizenry and businesses. They have no awareness or concern about the fact that they and their activities are a drain on the economy, because (a) few of them has ever had a Real Job in their lives, and (b) Why should they care? They live on Easy Street.

Fortunately, with modern advances in technology, it is possible for half the people to generate enough wealth to sustain the entire population, including the unproductive and counterproductive. In France, almost half the working population works either directly or indirectly for Government.

So who knows what the "tipping point" is? NYC is the worst example of horrific government obstructionsim in the country, and it seems to be doing OK, if not swimmingly. But clearly, the trend in the U.S. is for most of our government entities to be economically, if not legally, bankrupt - that is, unable to pay its debts with its revenues.
If you want a prosperous nation, 'Big Government' must be stifled.

Here's why:

1. Not long ago, former NY Senator James L. Buckley spoke at the Heritage Foundation, on his book “Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State,” making the point that big government means bureaucracy and regulation at an ever increasing pace.

2. Consider, by example, Title 42 of the US Code: Laws dealing with public health and welfare.
U.S. Code: Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE | LII / Legal Information Institute
Today, this federal law is 1700 pages more than it was prior to the New Deal. The reason is the creation of more and more bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law!

3. While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, Buckley said, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.

Bureau of Land Management?

4. " If you’re a business leader or conservative economist who worries that the federal government is strangling the economy in red tape, 2012 was a banner year.... The feVderal government imposed an estimated $216 billion in regulatory costs on the economy last year, nearly double its previous record,..." Report: New regulations cost $216B and 87 million hours of paperwork. What do they reap?

5. How crushing? How onerous?
Let's say you were set to open a business, and had put down more than $100,000 bad would regulations have to be for you to decide to forfeit all of that???

6. How about an example:
"NYC Restaurant Owners Walk Away from $100,000 Due to City's Stifling Regulations...
New York City restaurateur Robert Malta planned to open a new location for his wine bar Bocca di Bacco on Columbus Avenue. But, after suffering through a string of unnecessary regulations, he is walking away.

7. .... Dept. of Buildings rules required them to install sprinklers throughout the whole building, even though the café would only take up 800 square feet on the ground floor." NYC Restaurant Owners Walk Away from $100,000 Due to City's Stifling Regulations - Cortney O'Brien

8. " Mayor Bill de Blasio today approved sweeping paid sick leave legislation, extending the right to paid sick leave to half a million more New Yorkers. The law is one of the first in a slate of reforms aimed at raising the wage and benefit floor for more New Yorkers and reducing income inequality..."
Mayor de Blasio signs paid sick leave bill into law in New York City | City of New York

9. ".... the treacherous alphabet soup of the DOB, DOH, LPC and FDNY — plus community boards that hold great sway over the State Liquor Authority’s decisions whether to grant liquor licenses..... said his company, which employes 1,200 people in New York, up from 400 in 2006, has spent “hundreds of thousands of dollars” on expediters and consultants to help his restaurants and clubs avoid problems with city agencies.

10. Walker Malloy broker Rafe Evans, who handles many Upper West Side ...calls the situation “clear and ominous proof that the increasingly business-unfriendly environment in the city is reaching a breaking point.”
City restaurants struggle to navigate pesky rules | New York Post

How important is business?

Government doesn't' make a profit....and only has the money it takes from other citizens.

Think about it.
1. Of course he got a big reception from the billionaires...He successfully challenged campaign spending limit laws in the Supreme Court in the 70's. Good for the fat cat party - but bad for the USA. Suppose there were any working people in the audience? ...doubt it.

2. There over 300m people for government to protect and serve. It going to be a fat law. Try the link! You'll see why.

Do you want to go back to "every man for himself" law, like the 1800's? The trAnscontinental railroad was built by virtual slave labor, many of whom died on the job. And how many Indians were eradicated, simply because they were in the way? That's unregulated business, and business running the government.

3 & 4 BLM vs Bundy? Get the deadbeats of the land.

5, 6, & 7. Tell the true story! Trying to put a restaurant were a small shoe store was - with people living in the upstairs apartments about it! Do you think the deserve some fire protection? The fire code was written 6 years ago. If the company, and their architect didn't know about it, there was some incompetence there. If they did know about it and intended to skirt the law, there was some chicanery going on. Would you wan't someone cooking in your basement, without being up to code?

8. Do you get sick pay? Good! You don't have to decide whether to stay home with a sick child or buy groceries this week.

Can't believe anybody would be against this law.

9 & 10 Quoted from the same NYpost:

"Although horror stories abound, it isn’t as if city rules have scared restaurateurs away. There are more places to eat than ever. Most appear to be thriving despite all the regulatory obstacles."

Funny thing they've been able to expand from
400 to 1200 employees during an era of expansive city, state and federal regulations. Probably making a lot more money too. I saw where the Koch Bros wealth had doubled during Obama's tenure.

Obama please hurt ME like that!
If you want a prosperous nation, 'Big Government' must be stifled.

Here's why:

1. Not long ago, former NY Senator James L. Buckley spoke at the Heritage Foundation, on his book “Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State,” making the point that big government means bureaucracy and regulation at an ever increasing pace.

2. Consider, by example, Title 42 of the US Code: Laws dealing with public health and welfare.
U.S. Code: Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE | LII / Legal Information Institute
Today, this federal law is 1700 pages more than it was prior to the New Deal. The reason is the creation of more and more bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law!

3. While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, Buckley said, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.

Bureau of Land Management?

4. " If you’re a business leader or conservative economist who worries that the federal government is strangling the economy in red tape, 2012 was a banner year.... The feVderal government imposed an estimated $216 billion in regulatory costs on the economy last year, nearly double its previous record,..." Report: New regulations cost $216B and 87 million hours of paperwork. What do they reap?

5. How crushing? How onerous?
Let's say you were set to open a business, and had put down more than $100,000 bad would regulations have to be for you to decide to forfeit all of that???

6. How about an example:
"NYC Restaurant Owners Walk Away from $100,000 Due to City's Stifling Regulations...
New York City restaurateur Robert Malta planned to open a new location for his wine bar Bocca di Bacco on Columbus Avenue. But, after suffering through a string of unnecessary regulations, he is walking away.

7. .... Dept. of Buildings rules required them to install sprinklers throughout the whole building, even though the café would only take up 800 square feet on the ground floor." NYC Restaurant Owners Walk Away from $100,000 Due to City's Stifling Regulations - Cortney O'Brien

8. " Mayor Bill de Blasio today approved sweeping paid sick leave legislation, extending the right to paid sick leave to half a million more New Yorkers. The law is one of the first in a slate of reforms aimed at raising the wage and benefit floor for more New Yorkers and reducing income inequality..."
Mayor de Blasio signs paid sick leave bill into law in New York City | City of New York

9. ".... the treacherous alphabet soup of the DOB, DOH, LPC and FDNY — plus community boards that hold great sway over the State Liquor Authority’s decisions whether to grant liquor licenses..... said his company, which employes 1,200 people in New York, up from 400 in 2006, has spent “hundreds of thousands of dollars” on expediters and consultants to help his restaurants and clubs avoid problems with city agencies.

10. Walker Malloy broker Rafe Evans, who handles many Upper West Side ...calls the situation “clear and ominous proof that the increasingly business-unfriendly environment in the city is reaching a breaking point.”
City restaurants struggle to navigate pesky rules | New York Post

How important is business?

Government doesn't' make a profit....and only has the money it takes from other citizens.

Think about it.
1. Of course he got a big reception from the billionaires...He successfully challenged campaign spending limit laws in the Supreme Court in the 70's. Good for the fat cat party - but bad for the USA. Suppose there were any working people in the audience? ...doubt it.

2. There over 300m people for government to protect and serve. It going to be a fat law. Try the link! You'll see why.

Do you want to go back to "every man for himself" law, like the 1800's? The trAnscontinental railroad was built by virtual slave labor, many of whom died on the job. And how many Indians were eradicated, simply because they were in the way? That's unregulated business, and business running the government.

3 & 4 BLM vs Bundy? Get the deadbeats of the land.

5, 6, & 7. Tell the true story! Trying to put a restaurant were a small shoe store was - with people living in the upstairs apartments about it! Do you think the deserve some fire protection? The fire code was written 6 years ago. If the company, and their architect didn't know about it, there was some incompetence there. If they did know about it and intended to skirt the law, there was some chicanery going on. Would you wan't someone cooking in your basement, without being up to code?

8. Do you get sick pay? Good! You don't have to decide whether to stay home with a sick child or buy groceries this week.

Can't believe anybody would be against this law.

9 & 10 Quoted from the same NYpost:

"Although horror stories abound, it isn’t as if city rules have scared restaurateurs away. There are more places to eat than ever. Most appear to be thriving despite all the regulatory obstacles."

Funny thing they've been able to expand from
400 to 1200 employees during an era of expansive city, state and federal regulations. Probably making a lot more money too. I saw where the Koch Bros wealth had doubled during Obama's tenure.

Obama please hurt ME like that!
Nice post. But don't get a big head. Remember, you were simply refuting PC, and she sets a really, really low bar. But she is pretty good a childish insults.
If you want a prosperous nation, 'Big Government' must be stifled.

Here's why:

1. Not long ago, former NY Senator James L. Buckley spoke at the Heritage Foundation, on his book “Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State,” making the point that big government means bureaucracy and regulation at an ever increasing pace.

2. Consider, by example, Title 42 of the US Code: Laws dealing with public health and welfare.
U.S. Code: Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE | LII / Legal Information Institute
Today, this federal law is 1700 pages more than it was prior to the New Deal. The reason is the creation of more and more bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law!

3. While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, Buckley said, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.

Bureau of Land Management?

4. " If you’re a business leader or conservative economist who worries that the federal government is strangling the economy in red tape, 2012 was a banner year.... The federal government imposed an estimated $216 billion in regulatory costs on the economy last year, nearly double its previous record,..." Report: New regulations cost $216B and 87 million hours of paperwork. What do they reap?

5. How crushing? How onerous?
Let's say you were set to open a business, and had put down more than $100,000 bad would regulations have to be for you to decide to forfeit all of that???

6. How about an example:
"NYC Restaurant Owners Walk Away from $100,000 Due to City's Stifling Regulations...
New York City restaurateur Robert Malta planned to open a new location for his wine bar Bocca di Bacco on Columbus Avenue. But, after suffering through a string of unnecessary regulations, he is walking away.

7. .... Dept. of Buildings rules required them to install sprinklers throughout the whole building, even though the café would only take up 800 square feet on the ground floor." NYC Restaurant Owners Walk Away from $100,000 Due to City's Stifling Regulations - Cortney O'Brien

8. " Mayor Bill de Blasio today approved sweeping paid sick leave legislation, extending the right to paid sick leave to half a million more New Yorkers. The law is one of the first in a slate of reforms aimed at raising the wage and benefit floor for more New Yorkers and reducing income inequality..."
Mayor de Blasio signs paid sick leave bill into law in New York City | City of New York

9. ".... the treacherous alphabet soup of the DOB, DOH, LPC and FDNY — plus community boards that hold great sway over the State Liquor Authority’s decisions whether to grant liquor licenses..... said his company, which employes 1,200 people in New York, up from 400 in 2006, has spent “hundreds of thousands of dollars” on expediters and consultants to help his restaurants and clubs avoid problems with city agencies.

10. Walker Malloy broker Rafe Evans, who handles many Upper West Side ...calls the situation “clear and ominous proof that the increasingly business-unfriendly environment in the city is reaching a breaking point.”
City restaurants struggle to navigate pesky rules | New York Post

How important is business?

Government doesn't' make a profit....and only has the money it takes from other citizens.

Think about it.

Then why did you immigrate to this country if you don't like it , if it weren't for our LIBERAL laws on immigration laws you wouldn't be here

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