'Big nothing burger': Fani Willis hearing failed to turn up evidence of corruption

Clue for the cluefull: Plea deals are entered into because of, hold for it.......'self-interest'.


And yet, with such a 'ridiculous case'......the DA's office was able to get smart, experienced lawyers to plead guilty. Is that a tell on the quality of Trump's lawyers.....or.....is it a tell on the strength of the case?


I think poster 'Oldstyle' is referring to the Biden economy. Which, if I am to believe the Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, and other financial talking-heads is.....well, it is pretty damn good.
But, to be sure, even in 'pretty-damn-good' economies there are going to be those who fail because of lack of skills, education, motivation, etc.

We can feel regret that there are those who think the economy is bad.
They are, it seems, the "Left Behinds".


But if so, the case proceeds apace. Perhaps, with a top-drawer tenacious and hard-nosed prosecutor that will pursue justice for the people of Georgia so that, in the future, no other criminal conspirators will attempt to alter the results of a clean and legal election.

So, if Willis goes and a Darth Vader-caliber Prosecutor takes over......well, so be it.

Threatening to ruin careers with the power of the government behind you can change peoples minds. Intimidation and threats are the new tools of our justice system. Replete with corrupt judges.
81 million votes for Biden is frankly unbelievable. Do you honestly think those votes were legal? Try the truth.

I agree 81 million vote for Biden is unrealistic.

Probably more like 70 million votes for Biden and another 11 million votes against Trump for a total of 81 million.

FPOTUS#45 is not as popular as some like to portray.

I agree 81 million vote for Biden is unrealistic.

Probably more like 70 million votes for Biden and another 11 million votes against Trump for a total of 81 million.

FPOTUS#45 is not as popular as some like to portray.

Bullshit. Try a real answer. It is the MSM that tells you people hate Trump that badly. It simply is not true.
Bullshit. Try a real answer. It is the MSM that tells you people hate Trump that badly. It simply is not true.

That isn't the MSM media telling me that the current POTUS beat FPOTUS#45 like a red headed step child.

That is based on the votes cast and 70 million votes for FPOTUS#45 and 81 million votes for the ham sandwich.

Of course he won. That ship has sailed. That doesn't mean he SHOULD have won! The Main Stream Media conspired with the DNC to put a corrupt, senile and stupid man into the Oval Office. We were lied to about the Biden family's corruption. Biden's physical and mental capabilities were hidden from us because he never really campaigned. Covid affected everything. If the economy hadn't been shut down because of it, Donald Trump would have put up historically good numbers. Instead the Main Stream Media pushed the narrative that it was somehow HIS fault that Covid ravaged the economy and people bought into that narrative!
Sure. You go with that.
You're still on POS45's revenge list!
Well, I'd guess the odds are pretty good the result this time will be different.

Seriously, you look at Biden walking and talking and .... the guy's old. lol

You look at Trump and ... sure it's disgusting, but he's always been disgusting so maybe it doesn't look so bad, but ...... we'll see how his "talking" goes over.
Nope. POS45 and YOU are gigantic LOSERS!

The biggest "losers" in this are the American people and the rest of the world! When you have a US President as incompetent as Joe Biden is it causes a wave of unrest across the globe. His caving to the Mullahs in Iran let them give millions of dollars to anti West terror groups. His caving to Putin gave Russia billions of dollars to finance his invasion of Ukraine. Now China is looking at an invasion of Taiwan while they pump our country full of spies and Fentanyl.

Barack Obama warned everyone to not underestimate Joe Biden's ability to fuck things up but you were so consumed by your hatred of Donald Trump that you didn't listen! November can't get here soon enough. Let's just hope that Joe doesn't start WWIII in the meantime!
Like dUMP didn't cave? lol

But I agree that we've had two potuses who are incompetent. And that's not going to change for awhile.
People have been crushed with rampant inflation because of Biden's economic policies.
Actually, they haven't been. The economy is strong. Wages are up. Employment is up. Unemployment is down. Many if not most industries are reporting profits. Not a few of them --record profits.
Folks I know aren't being 'crushed' at all.
Sorry about your neighborhood or your family.
If your economic plight is sad or even tragic, well, amigo do this: Try harder, run faster, swim longer, be smarter.
In my experience, that kind of thing has always worked for most people.
And those who won't, don't, or can't.....well, they get "crushed" economically.
It has been ever thus.
Trust me.


put billions of dollars in the pockets of Putin and the Mullahs of Iran who have used that money to finance wars and terrorism
For the forum's sake.....please provide authoritative and informed vetting on your above allegations. Thanks in advance, Oldstyle.


Probably more like 70 million votes for Biden and another 11 million votes against Trump for a total of 81 million.
A hat-tip to WW, for wit and insight.

He won. Biden was installed by people who hate this country
I know, I know, I have aske this so many times of this poster, good ol' 'Lastamender'.
But, for the sake of nostalgia.....let's do it again. To wit: Lastamender, prove your allegations. Show the forum you are a poster of intelligence, insight, veracity, and gravitas. That you can and will back up your own word.
Here's another chance.
So do it.
Or go.

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