'Big nothing burger': Fani Willis hearing failed to turn up evidence of corruption

It's a bit of a no brainer if you make your living as a lawyer.
What absurd nonsense.

You are claiming they pleaded guilty to crimes they didn't commit. Because they were very innocent but didn't want to go to trial.

Get this nonsense out of here. Absurd and laughable.
The biggest "losers" in this are the American people and the rest of the world! When you have a US President as incompetent as Joe Biden is it causes a wave of unrest across the globe. His caving to the Mullahs in Iran let them give millions of dollars to anti West terror groups. His caving to Putin gave Russia billions of dollars to finance his invasion of Ukraine. Now China is looking at an invasion of Taiwan while they pump our country full of spies and Fentanyl.

Barack Obama warned everyone to not underestimate Joe Biden's ability to fuck things up but you were so consumed by your hatred of Donald Trump that you didn't listen! November can't get here soon enough. Let's just hope that Joe doesn't start WWIII in the meantime!
That's quite the story you made up from POS45's loss. Are your feelings hurt that terribly bad?
Never mind. Don't answer. I'm not going to read your next fictional crying effort.
Actually, they haven't been. The economy is strong. Wages are up. Employment is up. Unemployment is down. Many if not most industries are reporting profits. Not a few of them --record profits.
Folks I know aren't being 'crushed' at all.
Sorry about your neighborhood or your family.
If your economic plight is sad or even tragic, well, amigo do this: Try harder, run faster, swim longer, be smarter.
In my experience, that kind of thing has always worked for most people.
And those who won't, don't, or can't.....well, they get "crushed" economically.
It has been ever thus.
Trust me.


For the forum's sake.....please provide authoritative and informed vetting on your above allegations. Thanks in advance, Oldstyle.


A hat-tip to WW, for wit and insight.

I know, I know, I have aske this so many times of this poster, good ol' 'Lastamender'.
But, for the sake of nostalgia.....let's do it again. To wit: Lastamender, prove your allegations. Show the forum you are a poster of intelligence, insight, veracity, and gravitas. That you can and will back up your own word.
Here's another chance.
So do it.
Or go.
You can CLAIM that the economy is strong and that wages are up but people who go to the grocery store, buy gas for their vehicle or pay rent would disagree with that. They know that their wages have not kept pace with the inflation that Joe Biden created with his fiscal policies.
No, and what a bizarre non sequitur. The indictments are what cause trials to happen.
And those indictments are the result of Grand Jury hearings done behind closed doors by prosecutors that have now been shown to be liars. Prosecutors have enormous power BECAUSE of things like Grand Juries. When you get ones that are willing to lie...like Willis and Wade obviously are...then how do you trust what's been done in secret by them in those closed door hearings?
What absurd nonsense.

You are claiming they pleaded guilty to crimes they didn't commit. Because they were very innocent but didn't want to go to trial.

Get this nonsense out of here. Absurd and laughable.
What's their penalty for pleading guilty to one minor charge? What's their penalty if they go to court with a partisan DA and partisan judge and lose? They could face jail time...large fines and most importantly...lose their license to practice law. Why you think someone wouldn't take the slight slap on the wrist over a possible career ending verdict you'll have to explain.
"...with the inflation that Joe Biden created with his fiscal policies."

Well, we can't be sure that it was Joe Biden or Don Trump or Covid that gave the world much higher inflation....can we?

After all inflation worldwide sorta looks like the following and if Joe is responsible for such inflation, well, we must admire his influence, impact, and effect on world economies.
Which, I suppose, argues well for the leadership role of America.
And Joe. No?

  • U.S. = 3.1
  • UK =4.0%
  • E.U. = 3.1%
  • Australia = 4.1%
  • Austria = 4.5%
  • Russia - 7.4%
  • Cuba = 31%
  • Sweden = 5.4%
"...then how do you trust what's been done in secret by them in those closed door hearings?"

We can understand that sentiment. Accordingly, we need to look at outside indicators of the validity of the charges and the quality/quantity of evidence against all the co-conspirators.

And pretty doggone good markers of that would be: the guilty pleas by Trump's lawyers who carried water for him in Georgia.

THAT sorta kinda argues that there is some there there. No?
And those indictments are the result of Grand Jury hearings done behind closed doors by prosecutors that have now been shown to be liars.
Irrelevant. Sorry. I know you were desperate for a lifeline, but this isn't it. Evidence is factual information, and it is quite independent of what Fani Willis had for breakfast. .
What's their penalty for pleading guilty to one minor charge? What's their penalty if they go to court with a partisan DA and partisan judge and lose? They could face jail time...large fines and most importantly...lose their license to practice law. Why you think someone wouldn't take the slight slap on the wrist over a possible career ending verdict you'll have to explain.
Haha, this desperate talking point is the funniest one yet.

All guilty pleas for deals are false. People just plead guilty because they are totally innocent but don't want to risk a trial.

It's just so painfully stupid. Go peddle this nonsense to someone dumber.

They pleaded guilty because they are guilty and would have received a much worse penalty if they didn't turn state's evidence.

But I guess this is just too simple and normal for a trump supporter.

Well, we can't be sure that it was Joe Biden or Don Trump or Covid that gave the world much higher inflation....can we?

After all inflation worldwide sorta looks like the following and if Joe is responsible for such inflation, well, we must admire his influence, impact, and effect on world economies.
Which, I suppose, argues well for the leadership role of America.
And Joe. No?

  • U.S. = 3.1
  • UK =4.0%
  • E.U. = 3.1%
  • Australia = 4.1%
  • Austria = 4.5%
  • Russia - 7.4%
  • Cuba = 31%
  • Sweden = 5.4%
Joe's policies are responsible for inflation HERE! What's happened in other places around the world are the fault of whatever idiot it is that's running those countries! You can claim that inflation hasn't been kicking people's asses for the past three years, Chilly but the average American knows that's bullshit!

When people go to the polls next November all they really need to do is ask themselves how things were under Trump before Covid and how are things under Biden after Covid! There is a reason why Biden is losing in the polls and it's not because his "message" isn't getting out! It's because he sucks as a President!
Haha, this desperate talking point is the funniest one yet.

All guilty pleas for deals are false. People just plead guilty because they are totally innocent but don't want to risk a trial.

It's just so painfully stupid. Go peddle this nonsense to someone dumber.

They pleaded guilty because they are guilty and would have received a much worse penalty if they didn't turn state's evidence.

But I guess this is just too simple and normal for a trump supporter.
They pled guilty because by doing so they got a slap on the wrist and that's all. If they'd fought this they knew they were going to be in a court presided over by a liberal judge and prosecuted by a liberal DA which means there was a very good chance they'd be found guilty even if they weren't.

Peddle it to someone dumber? Who's dumber than you, Fort?
No evidence of corruption, crimes, or bribery – ridiculous lies contrived by the right aren’t ‘evidence.’
That is what the liberal media is telling you and you of course believe them because they would never ever lie to you.

Remember all the days when there were bombshells that were certain to end the Trump Presidency but never did. You believed them too.
Except that Trumps lawyers have discovered phone tracking evidence proving that she was sleeping with this guy BEFORE she hired him.

Oh no, no corruption at all. Totally on the up and up.

Yea, right.

This guy doesn't even prosecute felony cases, why would she hire him for such a HUGE case?
before Covid and how are things under Biden after Covid!
Clue for the clue-full: Covid
If ....IF ....Don Trump would have more competently handled Covid America would not have experienced then and is experiencing now so many of the negative impacts.

America....and Republican voters specifically....recognized that back in 2020. It was Republican voters who informed Trump's own long-time hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, that they didn't vote for him because: #1 He wasn't trustworthy; #2 He was incompetent in handling Covid.

That's on Don Trump. Not on Joe Biden.


That she is a Fat Pig.

MAGA = An acronym for Misogyny.

MAGA/Q's appear to have never ever even met a woman, let alone have a sustaining and affirming relationship with one.
It is, seemingly, merely a collection of sad and angry incels who hate women.

I don't know why that is.
But it is sad.
Irrelevant. Sorry. I know you were desperate for a lifeline, but this isn't it. Evidence is factual information, and it is quite independent of what Fani Willis had for breakfast. .
Oh really? So why even have defense counsels, Fort? If you think we can all trust DA's to give us nothing but the facts...why even bother having a lawyer for the defense? The TRUTH is that DA's like Fani Willis and her willingness to lie is why we need defense attorneys and the appeal process!
Clue for the clue-full: Covid
If ....IF ....Don Trump would have more competently handled Covid America would not have experienced then and is experiencing now so many of the negative impacts.

America....and Republican voters specifically....recognized that back in 2020. It was Republican voters who informed Trump's own long-time hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, that they didn't vote for him because: #1 He wasn't trustworthy; #2 He was incompetent in handling Covid.

That's on Don Trump. Not on Joe Biden.


MAGA = An acronym for Misogyny.

MAGA/Q's appear to have never ever even met a woman, let alone have a sustaining and affirming relationship with one.
It is, seemingly, merely a collection of sad and angry incels who hate women.

I don't know why that is.
But it is sad.
More people in America died of Covid under Joe Biden than died under Trump and that was AFTER Trump gave Biden the vaccines and so many ventilators we were giving them away to other countries! Yet you on the left continue to accuse Trump of mismanaging Covid. Do you REALLY think that the clueless piece of shit we have as a President now could have done better than Trump? He probably would have put Kamala in charge of the Covid response!
When people go to the polls next November all they really need to do is ask themselves how things were under Trump before Covid and how are things under Biden after Covid! There is a reason why Biden is losing in the polls and it's not because his "message" isn't getting out! It's because he sucks as a President!

Why do you guys want to pretend Covid didn't happen on Trump's watch?

We were worse off in 2020 than we were in 2016.

We are better off in 2024 than we were in 2020.
More people in America died of Covid under Joe Biden than died under Trump and that was AFTER Trump gave Biden the vaccines and so many ventilators we were giving them away to other countries! Yet you on the left continue to accuse Trump of mismanaging Covid. Do you REALLY think that the clueless piece of shit we have as a President now could have done better than Trump? He probably would have put Kamala in charge of the Covid response!

Except Trump put his idiot son-in-law in charge and went apeshit against Drs. Fauci and Brix when they got better press than he did.

He told people to take quack cures like Hydrochloroquinine and Intermecin.

He lied about how serious the disease was.

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