'Big nothing burger': Fani Willis hearing failed to turn up evidence of corruption

That's up to the judge. It's obvious at this point that both Wade and Willis lied under oath. The only question is whether a liberal judge will do the right thing or whether he'll pretend it didn't happen. The ball is in your court, Judge! Let's see if you really do uphold the law or if you're another Engeron.
Or maybe you just don't understand the law.
So you went to restaurants with your daughter at two or three in the morning?
I used that as an example of me spending hours at time at a strip mall. I dont know why Wade was in the area and neither do you. You only have speculation. Thats not enough in court.
Is that what you're claiming, Curried? LOL
Look, we're all adults here...we know what a late night "booty call" is!
"We all know what they were doing judge" is not a convincing argument. You need facts and the fact is you don't even know if Fani Willis was in the same area at the same time so how can you know for certain that's who he was in the area to see?
Anyone that thinks Wade was out for pancakes when he was in Willis' neighborhood is naive as hell.
Anyone who thinks a non answer is a sufficient answer in court is naive as hell.
I don't really have a problem with that. I do however have a problem with Prosecutors that lie to the court. They have far too much power invested through that office to be liars and if they lie about one thing it calls into question how many other things they've lied about.
Your whole argument was already blown up in testimony. Isn't the argument supposed to be she lied and that she lied to cover up when the relationship started and she tried to cover up when the relationship started to hide the fact that she appointed her boyfriend for financial gain? Except we already established there was no financial gain. The person she interviewed for the job before she hired Nathan Wade turned her down because "he had mouths to feed". There was no financial incentive in giving him this contract therefore what reason do they have to lie?
Trump's lawyer subpoenaed Wade's cell phone records and they reportedly show that Fani lied under oath. A prosecutor lying under oath is some nothing burger! She is such a corrupt POS. She will have to get pulled off the case and should be disbarred and prosecuted for perjury.
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Trumps subpoenaed Wade's cell phone records and they reportedly show that Fani lied under oath. A prosecutor lying under oath is some nothing burger! She is such a corrupt POS. She will have to get pulled off the case and should be disbarred and prosecuted for perjury.

#1 Trump didn't subpoena Wade's cell phone records, a Trump investigator purchase cell phone data commercially available and then attempted to show Wade and Willis had a romantic relationship prior to when they said. Which I believe (IIRC) was late 2021 or 2022.

#2 Except that, at this point cell phone ping data does not show that, it may imply it, but it is not in and of itself conclusive. Why? Because Wade and Willis testified on the stand they hand known each other since 2019 and that the were friends. There was also a working relationship where Wade was hired by the DA's office for contract work. So the communications could have been friend/work related without them bing in a sexual relationship.

#3 To delve deeper the Judge would have to issue a court subpoena to get not only the call meta data (date, time, duration, cell tower) of calls his subpoena would be for the content of the texts. Those would show the nature of the communications, not just the communications occurred.

#1 Trump didn't subpoena Wade's cell phone records, a Trump investigator purchase cell phone data commercially available and then attempted to show Wade and Willis had a romantic relationship prior to when they said. Which I believe (IIRC) was late 2021 or 2022.

#2 Except that, at this point cell phone ping data does not show that, it may imply it, but it is not in and of itself conclusive. Why? Because Wade and Willis testified on the stand they hand known each other since 2019 and that the were friends. There was also a working relationship where Wade was hired by the DA's office for contract work. So the communications could have been friend/work related without them bing in a sexual relationship.

#3 To delve deeper the Judge would have to issue a court subpoena to get not only the call meta data (date, time, duration, cell tower) of calls his subpoena would be for the content of the texts. Those would show the nature of the communications, not just the communications occurred.

Yeah, I stopped reading after your first incorrect bullet. Just making shit up?

As for the state's suggestion that the cell phone data was obtained unlawfully, Trump's attorney, Steve Sadow, writes in a footnote that the claim is "patently frivolous."

"The records were obtained by valid subpoena issued to AT&T," according to the filing.

And if that's not enough -

The district attorney's office, for its part, hasn’t disputed the idea that the records were obtained pursuant to a subpoena.

God knows it wasn't America! The day that Joe Biden got elected the whole country lost! We just didn't know how bad it was going to get.
Boo hoo!
At least you admit Biden won. That will put you on POS45's list for revenge!
CALL: "The four who took the plea deals did so out of self interest."
RESPONSE: "And those indicted co conspirators must provide their truthful testimony against donald trump and his his conspirators. Else they will stand Trial...."

Clue for the cluefull: Plea deals are entered into because of, hold for it.......'self-interest'.

She is interfering with an election with a ridiculous case.
And yet, with such a 'ridiculous case'......the DA's office was able to get smart, experienced lawyers to plead guilty. Is that a tell on the quality of Trump's lawyers.....or.....is it a tell on the strength of the case?

We just didn't know how bad it was going to get.
I think poster 'Oldstyle' is referring to the Biden economy. Which, if I am to believe the Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, and other financial talking-heads is.....well, it is pretty damn good.
But, to be sure, even in 'pretty-damn-good' economies there are going to be those who fail because of lack of skills, education, motivation, etc.

We can feel regret that there are those who think the economy is bad.
They are, it seems, the "Left Behinds".


She will have to get pulled off the case and should be disbarred and prosecuted for perjury.
But if so, the case proceeds apace. Perhaps, with a top-drawer tenacious and hard-nosed prosecutor that will pursue justice for the people of Georgia so that, in the future, no other criminal conspirators will attempt to alter the results of a clean and legal election.

So, if Willis goes and a Darth Vader-caliber Prosecutor takes over......well, so be it.

Yeah, I stopped reading after your first incorrect bullet. Just making shit up?

As for the state's suggestion that the cell phone data was obtained unlawfully, Trump's attorney, Steve Sadow, writes in a footnote that the claim is "patently frivolous."

"The records were obtained by valid subpoena issued to AT&T," according to the filing.

And if that's not enough -

The district attorney's office, for its part, hasn’t disputed the idea that the records were obtained pursuant to a subpoena.

Where does ATT state that records were obtained by a court order?
Boo hoo!
At least you admit Biden won. That will put you on POS45's list for revenge!
Of course he won. That ship has sailed. That doesn't mean he SHOULD have won! The Main Stream Media conspired with the DNC to put a corrupt, senile and stupid man into the Oval Office. We were lied to about the Biden family's corruption. Biden's physical and mental capabilities were hidden from us because he never really campaigned. Covid affected everything. If the economy hadn't been shut down because of it, Donald Trump would have put up historically good numbers. Instead the Main Stream Media pushed the narrative that it was somehow HIS fault that Covid ravaged the economy and people bought into that narrative!
Clue for the cluefull: Plea deals are entered into because of, hold for it.......'self-interest'.


And yet, with such a 'ridiculous case'......the DA's office was able to get smart, experienced lawyers to plead guilty. Is that a tell on the quality of Trump's lawyers.....or.....is it a tell on the strength of the case?


I think poster 'Oldstyle' is referring to the Biden economy. Which, if I am to believe the Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, and other financial talking-heads is.....well, it is pretty damn good.
But, to be sure, even in 'pretty-damn-good' economies there are going to be those who fail because of lack of skills, education, motivation, etc.

We can feel regret that there are those who think the economy is bad.
They are, it seems, the "Left Behinds".


But if so, the case proceeds apace. Perhaps, with a top-drawer tenacious and hard-nosed prosecutor that will pursue justice for the people of Georgia so that, in the future, no other criminal conspirators will attempt to alter the results of a clean and legal election.

So, if Willis goes and a Darth Vader-caliber Prosecutor takes over......well, so be it.

I'm referring to everything that this Administration has touched, Chilly! People have been crushed with rampant inflation because of Biden's economic policies. His clueless foreign policy decisions put billions of dollars in the pockets of Putin and the Mullahs of Iran who have used that money to finance wars and terrorism. His border policies have let 10 million illegals pour into the country along with violent gangs and drugs that have killed more Americans in three years than we lost during the Vietnam War! Joe Biden is an IDIOT! He always has been and you on the left have saddled us with him.

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