'Big nothing burger': Fani Willis hearing failed to turn up evidence of corruption

Oh, and prosecuting him without the help of the Joe Biden - Merrick Garland DOJ! Yeah, that's gonna be a whole lot of fun for somebody! :)
After watching how well that's worked out for Fani Willis?
Already securing plea deals for testimony. Indictment from grand juries on every single charge requested.

In other words, the case is going amazingly well for the prosecutors, so far. Trump and his cult are not the first criminals to personally go after prosecutors. These prosecutors are not thin skinned little bitches, like Trump is.
Already securing plea deals for testimony. Indictment from grand juries on every single charge requested.

In other words, the case is going amazingly well for the prosecutors, so far. Trump and his cult are not the first criminals to personally go after prosecutors. These prosecutors are not thin skinned little bitches, like Trump is.
Why would anyone feel the need to testify if Willis isn't there anymore? Those plea deals are going to fall apart so fast it will make your head spin. Indictments from a Grand Jury means nothing. Nobody is going to take a plea deal on a case that's falling apart for the prosecution.
You think this case is going "amazingly well"? Wow...are you ever living in fantasy land! I don't know how it could be going worse! The two top members of the prosecution are facing felony charges of perjury!
Already securing plea deals for testimony. Indictment from grand juries on every single charge requested.

In other words, the case is going amazingly well for the prosecutors, so far. Trump and his cult are not the first criminals to personally go after prosecutors. These prosecutors are not thin skinned little bitches, like Trump is.
As for Fani not being "thin skinned"? Did you miss her testimony? She had a melt down on the stand. As for Wade? That man was sweating like a whore in church! Wait until he has to explain himself on stand the next time!
Why would anyone feel the need to testify if Willis isn't there anymore?
To stay out of a gerogia state prison. If Willis drops dead tomorrow, nothing about their plea deals changes. What a bizarre question.

Indictments from a Grand Jury means nothing.
I really cannot account for this level of detachment from reality.
As for Fani not being "thin skinned"? Did you miss her testimony? She had a melt down on the stand.
No, she spoke right to the material at issue.

For a little bitch meltdown, see every appearance by Trump in the NY courtroom. The judge had to threaten him and his lawyers repeatedly.
To stay out of a gerogia state prison. If Willis drops dead tomorrow, nothing about their plea deals changes. What a bizarre question.

I really cannot account for this level of detachment from reality.
Grand Juries only hear the Prosecution's side and in this case the Prosecution have proven themselves to be liars. Who knows what lies they told those jurors.
Grand Juries only hear the Prosecution's side and in this case the Prosecution have proven themselves to be liars.
Irrelevant straw grasping. None of this has any bearing on the evidence. You don't seem to understand how any of this works.

The grand juries indict on the evidence, not on the claims of prosecutors.

Who is filling your head with this horseshit? AM radio?
Irrelevant straw grasping. None of this has any bearing on the evidence. You don't seem to understand how any of this works.

The grand juries indict on the evidence, not on the claims of prosecutors.

Who is filling your head with this horseshit? AM radio?
The ONLY evidence that a Grand Jury sees is the evidence that a Prosecutor presents to them! They see ZERO evidence from the defense! If you've got a DA that is a liar then who knows what that jury was told! It's one of the reasons why DA's are held to a higher standard. Willis is a liar. That calls into question every single indictment she got.
I know you're really hoping for a corrupt trumper to kill this case, but that isn't going to happen. The replacement would be the decision of one man, not an entire board. He doesn't get to drop the charges. And the only other two counties with the resources to take over the case are both headed by democrat district attorneys.
If this case gets killed, it will be by a corrupt ANTI-Trumper.
Irrelevant. Seeing the rest is what the trial is for.

Yes, they figured all of this out before you woke up today.
Irrelevant? Grand Juries take place in secret. If a corrupt DA lies to that Jury there is no rebuttal from the defense. If I'm a defense attorney for any of the indicted individuals in this case I'm filing to have ever single indictment against my client tossed due to prosecutorial misconduct. You can't have Grand Juries if you have prosecutors that tell lies. You just can't!
The ONLY evidence that a Grand Jury sees is the evidence that a Prosecutor presents to them! They see ZERO evidence from the defense!

And yet, despite all that......some of the co-conspirators plead guilty.
Why? Well, probably because the DA's office laid out enough of their evidence to convince them and their lawyers that they had the goods to get a conviction from a jury of their peers.

And if that evidence is the same as or similar to the evidence against those holding for a trial...well, it would appear to be a challenge to me. Though, I ain't a defense lawyer.

Nor even an indicted co-conspirator.
Irrelevant? Grand Juries take place in secret. If a corrupt DA lies to that Jury there is no rebuttal from the defense. If I'm a defense attorney for any of the indicted individuals in this case I'm filing to have ever single indictment against my client tossed due to prosecutorial misconduct. You can't have Grand Juries if you have prosecutors that tell lies. You just can't!
One hundred percent irrelevant. The trial is when the defense presents its evidence.

And yet, despite all that......some of the co-conspirators plead guilty.
Why? Well, probably because the DA's office laid out enough of their evidence to convince them and their lawyers that they had the goods to get a conviction from a jury of their peers.

And if that evidence is the same as or similar to the evidence against those holding for a trial...well, it would appear to be a challenge to me. Though, I ain't a defense lawyer.

Nor even an indicted co-conspirator.
And those indicted co conspirators must provide their truthful testimony against donald trump and his his conspirators.

Else they will stand Trial on the same evidence that compelled them to plead guilty once already.

And yet, despite all that......some of the co-conspirators plead guilty.
Why? Well, probably because the DA's office laid out enough of their evidence to convince them and their lawyers that they had the goods to get a conviction from a jury of their peers.

And if that evidence is the same as or similar to the evidence against those holding for a trial...well, it would appear to be a challenge to me. Though, I ain't a defense lawyer.

Nor even an indicted co-conspirator.
If they took the plea deal and agreed to testify they had to pay a small fine, write a letter of apology to the people of Georgia and perform some community service. The flip side of that was to fight the charges and face not only jail time and large fines but the loss of their law licenses. It's a bit of a no brainer if you make your living as a lawyer. No license...no livelihood. The four who took the plea deals did so out of self interest. They're lawyers.

As for what evidence the Grand Jury heard? We'll never know. Grand Juries are secret. My point is that Prosecutors wield great power in a Grand Jury hearing because the jurists only hear from them. If a prosecutors were willing to lie then defendants are stripped of one of the safeguards of the legal system. These prosecutors are obviously willing to lie.

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