'Big nothing burger': Fani Willis hearing failed to turn up evidence of corruption

Why would you contract someone for "prosecution work" that has no experience with RICO prosecutions and at the same time hire two other attorneys that DO have RICO experience to do work that isn't related to a RICO case?

I'm not sure where you are getting this claim of experience from, but it wasn't in her transcripts.

As a matter of court records though, Nathan Wade wasn't her first choice. Gov. Roy Barnes (1999-2003) and GA ex-prosecutor took to the stand and explained that Willis had offered him the contract but he refused. Why? Because he said he couldn't afford the pay cut for taking the prosecutor contract.

Think about what you're saying here, WW! It doesn't make sense.

Sure it does. Now it may not make sense to some, especially when you make up details that aren't in the court record (which is what the Judge will be using) and then argue against those.

I'm not condoning Willis boinking a contract employee, not shouldn't have happened. But that has NO bearing on attempting to torpedo the criminal case.

I'm not sure where you are getting this claim of experience from, but it wasn't in her transcripts.

As a matter of court records though, Nathan Wade wasn't her first choice. Gov. Roy Barnes (1999-2003) and GA ex-prosecutor took to the stand and explained that Willis had offered him the contract but he refused. Why? Because he said he couldn't afford the pay cut for taking the prosecutor contract.

Sure it does. Now it may not make sense to some, especially when you make up details that aren't in the court record (which is what the Judge will be using) and then argue against those.

I'm not condoning Willis boinking a contract employee, not shouldn't have happened. But that has NO bearing on attempting to torpedo the criminal case.

Do you have a problem with having two attorney's who by all appearances perjured themselves running that criminal case? Wade and Willis stated under oath that their romantic relationship didn't begin until AFTER Willis hired Wade! You've got Willis' landlord and long time friend saying that's a lie. You've got Wade's ex lawyer saying that's a lie. How do you keep two lawyers who committed perjury on a case of this magnitude? Their role in this case has been "torpedoed" because of their personal conduct! The case can continue but it's obvious that Willis and Wade should no longer be sitting in the prosecutor's chair!
I'm not sure where you are getting this claim of experience from, but it wasn't in her transcripts.

As a matter of court records though, Nathan Wade wasn't her first choice. Gov. Roy Barnes (1999-2003) and GA ex-prosecutor took to the stand and explained that Willis had offered him the contract but he refused. Why? Because he said he couldn't afford the pay cut for taking the prosecutor contract.

Sure it does. Now it may not make sense to some, especially when you make up details that aren't in the court record (which is what the Judge will be using) and then argue against those.

I'm not condoning Willis boinking a contract employee, not shouldn't have happened. But that has NO bearing on attempting to torpedo the criminal case.

Do you really not know at this point that Wade had no RICO experience? That he was basically a personal injury attorney? Willis can CLAIM she hired the man because of his impeccable trial history but let's be quite clear...that's a joke! Wade was hired and paid a hundred dollars more an hour than the other two experienced RICO attorney's for only one reason...he was Willis' boyfriend. Claiming otherwise because of Willis' "transcripts" means you're relying on the testimony of a liar!
You didn't hear the judge Dumb Dumb? What qualifies him is having a heartbeat and a bar card. That's all the qualifications one needs. This Dipshit argument where the criminal defendant tells the judge that the prosecutor isn't experienced enough to put him on trial isn't a serious one.
The "argument" is that both Willis and Wade committed perjury, Curried. That is about as serious a charge as can be levied against an attorney. The position of District Attorney carries an enormous amount of power. Someone willing to lie to the court should NEVER be in that position!
The "argument" is that both Willis and Wade committed perjury, Curried. That is about as serious a charge as can be levied against an attorney. The position of District Attorney carries an enormous amount of power. Someone willing to lie to the court should NEVER be in that position!
It's a serious accusation but not one really proven out during the hearing. The only witness for the defense was a disgruntled employee that was forced to resign before they were fired and Nathan Wade's divorce attorney and former partner who was let go after an employee accused him of sexual assault. In a court of law you have to make more than an accusation, you have to make your case.
Do you have a problem with having two attorney's who by all appearances perjured themselves running that criminal case? Wade and Willis stated under oath that their romantic relationship didn't begin until AFTER Willis hired Wade! You've got Willis' landlord and long time friend saying that's a lie. You've got Wade's ex lawyer saying that's a lie. How do you keep two lawyers who committed perjury on a case of this magnitude? Their role in this case has been "torpedoed" because of their personal conduct! The case can continue but it's obvious that Willis and Wade should no longer be sitting in the prosecutor's chair!

Do you really not know at this point that Wade had no RICO experience? That he was basically a personal injury attorney? Willis can CLAIM she hired the man because of his impeccable trial history but let's be quite clear...that's a joke! Wade was hired and paid a hundred dollars more an hour than the other two experienced RICO attorney's for only one reason...he was Willis' boyfriend. Claiming otherwise because of Willis' "transcripts" means you're relying on the testimony of a liar!

We're waiting on the Judges decision.

#1 I've said repeatedly that if there are any issues with Willis/Wade from a personal relationship standpoint those issues should be referred to the bar.

#2 You again misstate the facts of the case. Both Wade and Willis testified that they knew each other prior to the relationship going romantic, the fact that Wades law firm and partners were also under contract confirms this. The question isn't did Willis and Wade know each other, that is a given. And no them being seen together at some point in the past by a landlord or other attorney in the firm does not mean the relationship was romantic at that time. THAT is the question the Judge will be examining.

#2 Again why are you misstating the facts. Wade wasn't paid "hundreds" more, assuming you mean his billable rate. He was paid the same rate as other contract prosecutors ($250 an hour). He was paid more than his partner by $100 per billable hour, however the partner was not doing prosecution work, the partner was doing Taint/Filter work at $150 an hour.

#3 Again you repeat this "experienced RICO" attorneys. But I saw nothing in the transcripts or when I listened to the hearing that addressed the experience of the other partners except to note one (Bradley) was a probation officer prior to becoming an attorney and the other (Campbell) was a police officer prior to becoming an attorney. THAT is the information the Judge will be using.

#4 Again, she DID offer the job to someone else with more experience than Wade. That person turned it down because the low rate ($250 an hour) wasn't worth his time.

#5 And Terrance Bradley, when I was listening, didn't answer questions regarding a romantic relationship because he was Wades divorce lawyer at the time.

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It's a serious accusation but not one really proven out during the hearing. The only witness for the defense was a disgruntled employee that was forced to resign before they were fired and Nathan Wade's divorce attorney and former partner who was let go after an employee accused him of sexual assault. In a court of law you have to make more than an accusation, you have to make your case.
Willis' landlord was a "disgruntled employee"? She's known Willis since they were in a sorority house in college together and rented her a condo. She testified under oath that Willis and Wade's romantic relationship predated his being hired by Willis. Wade's former partner also testified under oath to that. So you have two people under penalty of perjury stating that both Willis and Wade lied to the court. I watched the testimony of all involved. It was pretty obvious who was comfortable on the stand and who was sweating bullets. Sorry, Curried but I don't believe Willis and Wade. They were a couple before this trial began and they lied about that. See ya...they have no business running this prosecution at this point. They may not have law licenses going forward. You can't have prosecutors that are willing to lie.
Willis' landlord was a "disgruntled employee"? She's known Willis since they were in a sorority house in college together and rented her a condo. She testified under oath that Willis and Wade's romantic relationship predated his being hired by Willis. Wade's former partner also testified under oath to that. So you have two people under penalty of perjury stating that both Willis and Wade lied to the court. I watched the testimony of all involved. It was pretty obvious who was comfortable on the stand and who was sweating bullets. Sorry, Curried but I don't believe Willis and Wade. They were a couple before this trial began and they lied about that. See ya...they have no business running this prosecution at this point. They may not have law licenses going forward. You can't have prosecutors that are willing to lie.

I watched and listened also.

Yes the "landlord", Robin Yeartie, was a disgruntled employee that was given the option to resign or be fired for poor performance. Her transcript is below. And don't forget the Judge will looking at ALL the transcripts/testimony and other evidence (or lack of evidence) in making his decision, not just pulling out a sentence here and there.

I watched and listened also.

Yes the "landlord", Robin Yeartie, was a disgruntled employee that was given the option to resign or be fired for poor performance. Her transcript is below. And don't forget the Judge will looking at ALL the transcripts/testimony and other evidence (or lack of evidence) in making his decision, not just pulling out a sentence here and there.

So you believed Wade and Willis' story that they didn't become romantically involved until AFTER she hired him? Really, World? Thought nothing strange about him filing for divorce the day after he was hired? Believed the others were lying even though they have nothing to gain from doing so?
So you believed Wade and Willis' story that they didn't become romantically involved until AFTER she hired him? Really, World? Thought nothing strange about him filing for divorce the day after he was hired? Believed the others were lying even though they have nothing to gain from doing so?

What I believe it irrelevant. The question is how will the Judge weigh the conflicting testimony. Again the Judge will be looking at the totality of the evidence and testimony, not taking snippets out of context.

When we look at the facts presented at trial, I think that the court will not remove her from the case.

I don't think that just because someone met someone in 2019 that the immediately started jumping in the sack. It is very possible that they were in a platonic working/friendship relationship and that is evolved into a romantic relationship later specifically because of the increased interaction due to the case.

Bradley's testimony didn't help the claimants as he was Wades attorney in the divorce and claimed privilege.

Yeartie didn't come across very strong because she was fired from the DA's office (well allowed to resign technically) and she wasn't very believable.

I've said repeatedly that if there are any issues with Willis/Wade from a personal relationship standpoint those issues should be referred to the bar. However, IMHO, it should derail the criminal prosecution - which is what this is really all about.

Willis' landlord was a "disgruntled employee"? She's known Willis since they were in a sorority house in college together and rented her a condo. She testified under oath that Willis and Wade's romantic relationship predated his being hired by Willis.
First, they didn't go to college together. They were "friends from college" but as Ms. Willis testified, Ms. Yeartie went to a completely different college and they met through a mutual friend who was Ms. Willis's sorority sister. Ms. Willis also testified that they kept in touch sporadically over the years until they ran into each other again many years later. Ms. Willis did rent out her condo and Ms. Yeartie did go on to work for the D.A.'s office and Fani Willis until she was forced to resign by Ms. Willis for poor performance at which point they had a falling out. At that point its a he said/she said situation from a person with an axe to grind against not only the testimony of Fani Willis and Nathan Wade who are respected lawyers, but also Fani Willis's father who's also a respected lawyer and testified she was dating someone completely different who was in and out of the house in 2020, the year after Ms. Yeartie claims she started dating Nathan Wade.
Wade's former partner also testified under oath to that. So you have two people under penalty of perjury stating that both Willis and Wade lied to the court. I watched the testimony of all involved. It was pretty obvious who was comfortable on the stand and who was sweating bullets. Sorry, Curried but I don't believe Willis and Wade.
Again, who cares what you believe? This guy you're talking about above? He actually refused to testify under attorney client privilege. The only evidence the defense had were his text messages to Ashleigh Merchant that violate that privilege and so may or may not be allowed as evidence and that's besides the fact that this guy lied under oath at the end of his testimony about why Wade fired him as his divorce attorney and ended their partnership, which he said was covered under privilege. It wasn't. It had nothing to do with his representation as Wade's lawyer for his divorce but because he was accused of sexual assault by one of their employees.

If you think a woman, who was a friend of Willis, and was so still so bad at her job that she had to be let go by her friend for poor performance and a man who lied under oath and paid out an employee who accused him of sexual assault make for good witnesses then I have a bridge to sell you that Mexicans will actually pay for, some swanky gold sneakers, a few action cards with my likeness, some steaks, a totally accredited university education, trust me, and a New York real estate mogul who's totally not a grifter or someone who would ever grab a woman by the pussy in a department store without permission and you'll never fucking hear him admit to that either, because what clown would?
They were a couple before this trial began and they lied about that. See ya...they have no business running this prosecution at this point. They may not have law licenses going forward. You can't have prosecutors that are willing to lie.
Sure seems like you proved they lied. You got em' little guy. Just you wait. :itsok:
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Her and Wade weren't lovers?
She didn't put him on the case?
Wade was experienced in RICO cases?
Willis didn't pay him substantially more than the other prosecutors?
They didn't go on lavish vacations paid for by Wade?

What am I "wrong" on?
Just an FYI...

The appropriate, lawful, warranted prosecution of Trump and his fellow criminals will continue with or without Ms. Willis.
Her and Wade weren't lovers?
She didn't put him on the case?
Wade was experienced in RICO cases?
Willis didn't pay him substantially more than the other prosecutors?
They didn't go on lavish vacations paid for by Wade?

What am I "wrong" on?

#4 There was no indication that Wade was paid substantially more than other contract prosecutors. He was paid more as a prosecutor than other contract attorney's that did First Appearance and Taint/Filter work, but that was because of the difference in work. The lower rates were not paid to other contract prosecutors.

#5 They did go on vacation together whoever testimony was the costs were split.

How do you know they were more experienced?

I've asked him to source in the court records where this more experienced in RICO cases comes from, yet to get a response.

And in fact Wade wasn't her first choice, testimony from her first choice show he was offered the contract prosecution and turned it down for the $250 contract hour rate because he couldn't afford the pay cut.

The fix is in.

Open your eyes. She said she used cash she can't prove she had. The whole thing looks suspect now. Not to mention she claimed the cash was from her campaign, which leaves questions about campaign finance laws. Her testimony was a disaster.
That statement, IN AND OF ITSELF, is a confession to a crime.
Not to mention she claimed the cash was from her campaign, which leaves questions about campaign finance laws.

Please don't repeat misinformation.

The above links are to the court testimony.

She did not claim the cash was from her campaign. She said she took money out of her personal accounts kept some and spent $50,000 on the campaign.

That does not mean she took campaign founds for personal use, it means she game her personal funds to the campaign.


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