Big oil dumps 168,000 gallons of oil near Galveston bay

Nope. I don't have time to research every single 'accident'. BTW, I'm not sure "accident" is the correct use of the word when it comes to this type of event:

Accident, an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap.

To miss quote President George W. Bush, "Spill oil once, shame on them; spill oil twice a day or more, it ain't no accident, it becomes part of a business plan (don't cry over spilled oil, write if off as a business expense and move on).

So you are saying the Captain deliberately and maliciously grounded the barge?

No I didn't 'say' that, I wrote something those with at least average intelligence and reading comprehension could understand:

it is part of a business plan, oil will spill, why spend a lot of time and money in equipment and training to reduce accidents, when it's cheaper to do a little clean up and spend money in Congress and in buying TV Ads to assure the people that "Chevron Cares" or Exxon Mobil "cares" for the gulf coast. They care about one thing - PROFIT.

Whose to say a captain wasn't drunk (Exxon Valdez ring a bell)?

Opinion: After 25 years, Exxon Valdez oil spill hasn't ended -

Exxon Valdez - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its more profitable NOT to have accidents. Your understanding of basic economics is quite comical.
yeah, I notice how they just stopped the barge and opened the spigot to dump that oil..

and I thought I heard it was, gasoline?

If the OP is so worried, he needs to give up his computer, his cars, house, lawn mowers, etc and move into a cave and never come out of it..the BIG oil is out to get him
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So you are saying the Captain deliberately and maliciously grounded the barge?

No I didn't 'say' that, I wrote something those with at least average intelligence and reading comprehension could understand:

it is part of a business plan, oil will spill, why spend a lot of time and money in equipment and training to reduce accidents, when it's cheaper to do a little clean up and spend money in Congress and in buying TV Ads to assure the people that "Chevron Cares" or Exxon Mobil "cares" for the gulf coast. They care about one thing - PROFIT.

Whose to say a captain wasn't drunk (Exxon Valdez ring a bell)?

Opinion: After 25 years, Exxon Valdez oil spill hasn't ended -

Exxon Valdez - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its more profitable NOT to have accidents. Your understanding of basic economics is quite comical.

He's a former Public Worker. His understanding of MOST things is quite comical.
This is nothing new. I lived in Houston in the mid 1970's. Damned near every time we went to the beach at Galveston, we had to buy a new beach towel afterward. The clumps of tar all over the beach was SOP. The oil companies and the city and the state didn't give a damn.
If It destroys Padre Island, it's gonna take a big bite out of tourism. I just hope it destroys the oil shipping industry. When oil isn't available, it might give incentive for a new energy.

Do you even have the slightest idea how far Padre Island is from Galveston?
Didnt you say you lived in Houston?
this is nothing new. I lived in houston in the mid 1970's. Damned near every time we went to the beach at galveston, we had to buy a new beach towel afterward. The clumps of tar all over the beach was sop. The oil companies and the city and the state didn't give a damn.
if it destroys padre island, it's gonna take a big bite out of tourism. I just hope it destroys the oil shipping industry. When oil isn't available, it might give incentive for a new energy.

do you even have the slightest idea how far padre island is from galveston?
Didnt you say you lived in houston?

build the pileline from canada!!! Or just sit there and cry!!!
Big oil and the cons continue to destroy the environment. The sea life in the Gulf of Mexico gets fucked again. The Oil spill has shut down the shipping lanes in and out of Galveston bay. Maybe if it destroys the bay the moron Texas Governor will get a clue that regulations and the EPA are not a bad idea.
Oil Spill Cleanup Impedes Major Texas Ship Channel : NPR

Oh look, another illogical, irrational, hysterical, lefty hypocrite. You don't see one of those everyday. Oh wait, yes you fact you see them all the fucking time because the fucking morons never shut the fuck up.
I really don't understand why concern for our environment provokes such anger and cries of "hypocrisy" in u cons...especially when the destruction from oil spills seems to occur mostly in the waters near the states u favor...Do u not care about ur own health and that of ur kids?

Sent from my iPhone using

Demonstrate the destruction for us. Santa Barbara has natural oil seeps throughout the channel and it washes ashore on a regular basis. Last time I looked it's still a popular destination for the rich and famous.

The BP oil spill released as much oil as the natural seeps do in the Gulf. So, once again, show us all the damage. When you get a big spill like the Exxon Valdez there is indeed major damage that does indeed kill much wildlife. However, once it's been cleaned it no longer kills things.

You people act like once the spill has happened the damage is forever. Go to the beaches of Santa Barbara someday and look at what happens to it over time...naturally...

The indians here on the Texas coast use to chew the tar balls like gum.
And I'm pretty sure big oil didnt provide it.
if it destroys padre island, it's gonna take a big bite out of tourism. I just hope it destroys the oil shipping industry. When oil isn't available, it might give incentive for a new energy.

do you even have the slightest idea how far padre island is from galveston?
Didnt you say you lived in houston?

build the pileline from canada!!! Or just sit there and cry!!!

Dont expect liberals to understand that. If it's about oil ?? It's EVIL!!
Forget about the fact that pipelines are much safer and easier to clean up if there is a spill.
And looky here, there is an oil spill EVERY DAY OH. MY. GOD! in Santa Barbara.... But it's no big deal...

". There’s an oil spill every day off the coast of Santa Barbara, Calif., where oil is seeping naturally from cracks in the seafloor into the ocean. Lighter than seawater, the oil floats to the surface. Some 20 to 25 tons of oil are emitted each day."

Santa Barbara Oil Seeps : Oil in the Ocean

So you're saying God is drunk (or did s/he have only "two or three vodka's)

Hazelwood climbed the ranks of the merchant marine until he obtained a master's license at age 31. By age 32, he was the youngest captain working for Exxon when he took command of Exxon Philadelphia, a California-to-Alaska oil tanker, in 1978. In 1985 he was master of Exxon Chester when the asphalt carrier ran into a storm during its New York to South Carolina trip. High winds damaged the ship's mast including radar and radio communications antennas. Though the crew was prepared to abandon ship, Hazelwood rallied them and guided the ship to safety.[1] In 1987, he became the alternate master of Exxon Valdez which subsequently received Exxon Fleet safety awards for the year of 1987 and 1988.[5][6]

Hazelwood's driver's license had been suspended or revoked three times by the state of New York for alcohol violations since 1984. At the time of the Exxon Valdez incident, his New York state driving privileges were suspended as a result of a driving under the influence arrest on September 13, 1988.[7] He entered a rehabilitation program in 1985 at South Oaks Hospital in Amityville, New York. Following rehabilitation he received 90 days of leave to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, but it is not clear if he attended during that leave.

During Hazelwood's trial following the accident, Alaska state prosecutors failed to convince the jury that Hazelwood was intoxicated at the time of the grounding. By his own admission, Hazelwood drank "two or three vodkas" between 4:30 and 6:30 that same night, his blood alcohol content was found to be .061. However, the defense argued that the blood samples were taken nearly ten hours after the incident and were mishandled. Most states, including Alaska, do not allow samples after three hours and a preservative required to halt fermentation was not added to the sample. Fermentation could have added to the amount of alcohol in the sample, making the result invalid. As a result of the accident, in 1991 the United States Coast Guard suspended his masters' license for a period of nine months. Hazelwood was acquitted on all felony charges, but was convicted of a misdemeanor charge of negligent discharge of oil, fined $50,000, and sentenced to 1,000 hours of community service.[2]

Joseph Hazelwood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, what I'm saying is there are 20 to 25 tons of oil being dumped into the Santa Barbara channel EVERY DAY, and a lot of that washes ashore on the beaches favored by the rich and famous and you didn't even know it was occurring because IT'S NO BIG DEAL!.

That and it's natural, so there's no one for asshats like Hangover to rail against. The same thing happened with the BP spill. There is an equal amount of oil being dumped into the Gulf EVERY DAY...but it's natural, so asshats have no one to blame, so they ignore it....and the fact that it really doesn't do anything.

Funny how that works.

Funny? Yeah, it's funny that you compare apples and aardvarks and conclude they are one and the same. I too needed to clean tar off my feet when I was a younger man and surfed So Cal. Never did see sea birds covered in crude or dead fish floating in massive numbers from the natural oil seepage down south, as we see when large amount of crude are released at one time.

I'm sure it's not purposeful, not because the environment is job #1, but because is cuts down on profit. That's my point.
Bottomline= oil shipped by ocean tankers or by rail tankers is far more dangerious that by pipeline. Build the darn pipeline now,why wait another four years??? Try to think!
So you're saying God is drunk (or did s/he have only "two or three vodka's)

Hazelwood climbed the ranks of the merchant marine until he obtained a master's license at age 31. By age 32, he was the youngest captain working for Exxon when he took command of Exxon Philadelphia, a California-to-Alaska oil tanker, in 1978. In 1985 he was master of Exxon Chester when the asphalt carrier ran into a storm during its New York to South Carolina trip. High winds damaged the ship's mast including radar and radio communications antennas. Though the crew was prepared to abandon ship, Hazelwood rallied them and guided the ship to safety.[1] In 1987, he became the alternate master of Exxon Valdez which subsequently received Exxon Fleet safety awards for the year of 1987 and 1988.[5][6]

Hazelwood's driver's license had been suspended or revoked three times by the state of New York for alcohol violations since 1984. At the time of the Exxon Valdez incident, his New York state driving privileges were suspended as a result of a driving under the influence arrest on September 13, 1988.[7] He entered a rehabilitation program in 1985 at South Oaks Hospital in Amityville, New York. Following rehabilitation he received 90 days of leave to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, but it is not clear if he attended during that leave.

During Hazelwood's trial following the accident, Alaska state prosecutors failed to convince the jury that Hazelwood was intoxicated at the time of the grounding. By his own admission, Hazelwood drank "two or three vodkas" between 4:30 and 6:30 that same night, his blood alcohol content was found to be .061. However, the defense argued that the blood samples were taken nearly ten hours after the incident and were mishandled. Most states, including Alaska, do not allow samples after three hours and a preservative required to halt fermentation was not added to the sample. Fermentation could have added to the amount of alcohol in the sample, making the result invalid. As a result of the accident, in 1991 the United States Coast Guard suspended his masters' license for a period of nine months. Hazelwood was acquitted on all felony charges, but was convicted of a misdemeanor charge of negligent discharge of oil, fined $50,000, and sentenced to 1,000 hours of community service.[2]

Joseph Hazelwood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, what I'm saying is there are 20 to 25 tons of oil being dumped into the Santa Barbara channel EVERY DAY, and a lot of that washes ashore on the beaches favored by the rich and famous and you didn't even know it was occurring because IT'S NO BIG DEAL!.

That and it's natural, so there's no one for asshats like Hangover to rail against. The same thing happened with the BP spill. There is an equal amount of oil being dumped into the Gulf EVERY DAY...but it's natural, so asshats have no one to blame, so they ignore it....and the fact that it really doesn't do anything.

Funny how that works.

Funny? Yeah, it's funny that you compare apples and aardvarks and conclude they are one and the same. I too needed to clean tar off my feet when I was a younger man and surfed So Cal. Never did see sea birds covered in crude or dead fish floating in massive numbers from the natural oil seepage down south, as we see when large amount of crude are released at one time.

I'm sure it's not purposeful, not because the environment is job #1, but because is cuts down on profit. That's my point.

Anytime an oil company has to clean up after a spill it's a huge hit. Your opinion is idiotic.
Ah, the "so called" christian con, advocating the polution of the land as well as the sea.

Hey, YOU use oil? Drive a car or ride in a bus? Ever take a pharmaceutical medicine? That computer you're typing it made of plastic? Exactly how do you suggest we transport the stuff?

My God you're a clueless tool.

Actually I'm working on an alternative energy that makes oil obsolete. What is the most abundant substance in the world that can be used for energy? Not oil, not solar, not wind. Think about it.
It's small minds that try to defend something that kills you, like oil, cigarettes and greed..

"Working on"... :rolleyes:

Oh brother, another one of these...

Where do they manufacture these loons? Another nut like the guy who was going to rewrite the Constitution, or the one who made 'real' secret recordings of mob bosses plotting the overthrow of the country, or the various mental defects who have declared their intention to lead glorious revolutions to re-fight the Civil War or some such nonsense.

Can't we get a lock on the door to the Conspiracy Forum and just pen them up in there?
At least when they spill in the open ocean, a chance at skimming and cleanup can be had. When fracking chemicals spill into underground freshwater aquifers, you cannot clean the mess up. It's game over. And strong but brittle well casings will shatter with the first lateral-shear earthquake.

And what do you know, strong evidence supports that fracking lubricates fractures that then fail and cause earthquakes.

Forget about the tankers; they can clean up what they do. You will NEVER be able to clean up the "undisclosed chemicals" [Cheney's Haliburton's agreement with the EPA] that foul your last sources of fresh drinking and agricultural waters hidden from public view deep underground.
At least when they spill in the open ocean, a chance at skimming and cleanup can be had. When fracking chemicals spill into underground freshwater aquifers, you cannot clean the mess up. It's game over. And strong but brittle well casings will shatter with the first lateral-shear earthquake.

And what do you know, strong evidence supports that fracking lubricates fractures that then fail and cause earthquakes.

Forget about the tankers; they can clean up what they do. You will NEVER be able to clean up the "undisclosed chemicals" [Cheney's Haliburton's agreement with the EPA] that foul your last sources of fresh drinking and agricultural waters hidden from public view deep underground.

The fluid injected into the rock is typically a slurry of water, proppants, and chemical additives.[66] Additionally, gels, foams, and compressed gases, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide and air can be injected. Typically, of the fracturing fluid 90% is water and 9.5% is sand with the chemical additives accounting to about 0.5%.[58][67][68] However, fracturing fluids have been developed in which the use of water has been made unnecessary, using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and propane.[69]

Also, as for the earthquakes, the quake would have to happen DURING the fracking process, and for some reason the crew would have to keep pumping the fluid despite the ground shaking. Of course that also requires an aquifer to be near the point of the break, and the break to be in the permeable layer of the rock strata.
This entire thread is an example of Libtard tripe!!!

Big Oil BS!!!

We force the unsafe transport of a lot of liquid products because of EPA regulations that make little or no sense.

But, you have to attack anybody but your beloved king, don't you?
This is nothing new. I lived in Houston in the mid 1970's. Damned near every time we went to the beach at Galveston, we had to buy a new beach towel afterward. The clumps of tar all over the beach was SOP. The oil companies and the city and the state didn't give a damn.

Typical response of an anti-Big Oil sycophants.

Oil has been washing up on the Gulf and Pacific coastlines for thousands of years. It leaks through seams in the ocean floor. A lot of coastal Indians used the tar to seal their small boats for countless generations.

But -- horror of horror! How can be blame a natural occurrence? :mad:
I really don't understand why concern for our environment provokes such anger and cries of "hypocrisy" in u cons...especially when the destruction from oil spills seems to occur mostly in the waters near the states u favor...Do u not care about ur own health and that of ur kids?

Sent from my iPhone using

Demonstrate the destruction for us. Santa Barbara has natural oil seeps throughout the channel and it washes ashore on a regular basis. Last time I looked it's still a popular destination for the rich and famous.

The BP oil spill released as much oil as the natural seeps do in the Gulf. So, once again, show us all the damage. When you get a big spill like the Exxon Valdez there is indeed major damage that does indeed kill much wildlife. However, once it's been cleaned it no longer kills things.

You people act like once the spill has happened the damage is forever. Go to the beaches of Santa Barbara someday and look at what happens to it over time...naturally...

Valdez is still fucked up 25 years later, and you advocate destroying all of Alaska with your garbage oil.
I really don't understand why concern for our environment provokes such anger and cries of "hypocrisy" in u cons...especially when the destruction from oil spills seems to occur mostly in the waters near the states u favor...Do u not care about ur own health and that of ur kids?

Sent from my iPhone using

Demonstrate the destruction for us. Santa Barbara has natural oil seeps throughout the channel and it washes ashore on a regular basis. Last time I looked it's still a popular destination for the rich and famous.

The BP oil spill released as much oil as the natural seeps do in the Gulf. So, once again, show us all the damage. When you get a big spill like the Exxon Valdez there is indeed major damage that does indeed kill much wildlife. However, once it's been cleaned it no longer kills things.

You people act like once the spill has happened the damage is forever. Go to the beaches of Santa Barbara someday and look at what happens to it over time...naturally...

Valdez is still fucked up 25 years later, and you advocate destroying all of Alaska with your garbage oil.

Why dont you shut the hell up and save us already!! I cant believe you are on the cusp of saving Humanity and you're here wasting your time on a message board while millions perish from pollution.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

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