Big oil dumps 168,000 gallons of oil near Galveston bay

This entire thread is an example of Libtard tripe!!!

Big Oil BS!!!

We force the unsafe transport of a lot of liquid products because of EPA regulations that make little or no sense.

You transport unsafe liquids and blame the EPA. Only a complete moron thinks like that. Here's a clue, the EPA didn't create those liquids, like nuclear waste,,,you did. The EPA is just trying to keep you from killing us all.
This is like the cons running up $12 trillion on the national debt, and blaming liberals, and trying to make future generations pay it off.
You destroy the environment, and leave future generations to clean it up. Cons are scum.
I really don't understand why concern for our environment provokes such anger and cries of "hypocrisy" in u cons...especially when the destruction from oil spills seems to occur mostly in the waters near the states u favor...Do u not care about ur own health and that of ur kids?

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Demonstrate the destruction for us. Santa Barbara has natural oil seeps throughout the channel and it washes ashore on a regular basis. Last time I looked it's still a popular destination for the rich and famous.

The BP oil spill released as much oil as the natural seeps do in the Gulf. So, once again, show us all the damage. When you get a big spill like the Exxon Valdez there is indeed major damage that does indeed kill much wildlife. However, once it's been cleaned it no longer kills things.

You people act like once the spill has happened the damage is forever. Go to the beaches of Santa Barbara someday and look at what happens to it over time...naturally...

Valdez is still fucked up 25 years later, and you advocate destroying all of Alaska with your garbage oil.

Alaska is a different situation due to the colder water temperatures and the fact that the biology needed to biodegrade the oil isn't present due to the conditions not being favorable for them.

and please find a quote that says anyone wants to spray oil around willy-nilly
At least when they spill in the open ocean, a chance at skimming and cleanup can be had. When fracking chemicals spill into underground freshwater aquifers, you cannot clean the mess up. It's game over. And strong but brittle well casings will shatter with the first lateral-shear earthquake.

And what do you know, strong evidence supports that fracking lubricates fractures that then fail and cause earthquakes.

Forget about the tankers; they can clean up what they do. You will NEVER be able to clean up the "undisclosed chemicals" [Cheney's Haliburton's agreement with the EPA] that foul your last sources of fresh drinking and agricultural waters hidden from public view deep underground.

Fracking has been used for over 30 years and to date, even with an activist EPA, there has been no environmental issues with it. As far as the earthquakes go, yes indeed they do cause minor earthquakes. Back in the day it was suggested that water be injected into fault lines to cause thousands of small earthquakes to prevent the big ones from occurring.

As usual you make a mountain out of a molehill and refuse to report the full facts.

How unsurprising.
I really don't understand why concern for our environment provokes such anger and cries of "hypocrisy" in u cons...especially when the destruction from oil spills seems to occur mostly in the waters near the states u favor...Do u not care about ur own health and that of ur kids?

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Demonstrate the destruction for us. Santa Barbara has natural oil seeps throughout the channel and it washes ashore on a regular basis. Last time I looked it's still a popular destination for the rich and famous.

The BP oil spill released as much oil as the natural seeps do in the Gulf. So, once again, show us all the damage. When you get a big spill like the Exxon Valdez there is indeed major damage that does indeed kill much wildlife. However, once it's been cleaned it no longer kills things.

You people act like once the spill has happened the damage is forever. Go to the beaches of Santa Barbara someday and look at what happens to it over time...naturally...

Valdez is still fucked up 25 years later, and you advocate destroying all of Alaska with your garbage oil.

Prove it. I've been there, have you? To see any evidence of the oil you have to turn a lot of rocks over and then you'll actually see something. Other than that you can't see a damned thing except beautiful terrain and tons of fish and wildlife. They don't seem to care one iota.

How about the Santa Barbara report? Ignoring that because it refutes your hysteria just shows what a ignorant silly person you are.
...and you advocate destroying all of Alaska with your garbage oil.

"your" garbage oil?

Again, what's that computer made of you're typing on?

Fucking hypocrite.

Valdez is still fucked up 25 years later,

God you're dumb.

First, the tanker was Valdez. It spilled oil in Prince Williams Sound after hitting Bligh Reef.

Christ, get your facts straight.

Further, the area is NOT still fucked up:

The U.S. Geological Survey research biologist is the lead author of a federal study released last month that concludes that sea otters have finally returned to pre-spill numbers.

Herring populations can stabilize at a low or high number, but something has prevented a rebound. Oil likely is no longer a factor, Pegau said.

The salmon are back in abundance

Not all is perfect of course. It was a massive spill:

The pigeon guillemot (GEEL'-ah-mot), which looks like a black pigeon with web feet, is one species that has not recovered. Numbers were declining before the spill. An estimated 2,000 to 6,000 guillemots, or 10 to 15 percent of the population in spill areas, died from acute oiling.

TalkRadio 570 KLIF

You know, you really do come off as a dumb motherfucker...but I'm sure that trillion dollar new energy invention will be yours any day now...:doubt:
This is like the cons running up $12 trillion on the national debt, and blaming liberals, and trying to make future generations pay it off.

It's $17.5 trillion. Thanks for proving my point just how fucking dumb you are.

But hey, I'm sure you're right that Progressive liberals had NOTHING to do with government spending more money than it takes in. Noooooo...that was all those small government folks!

Dumb as a rock you are. :cuckoo:
It seems all the left has today is lies, hysteria , name calling and fear mongering

You're seeing The Democrat party going down and being shoved aside because of it

keep up the good work you've brought it all on yourselves

good riddance to years of being called a racist for everything and anything, and wailing how everything is Republican/conservatives/cons fault
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This entire thread is an example of Libtard tripe!!!

Big Oil BS!!!

We force the unsafe transport of a lot of liquid products because of EPA regulations that make little or no sense.

You transport unsafe liquids and blame the EPA. Only a complete moron thinks like that. Here's a clue, the EPA didn't create those liquids, like nuclear waste,,,you did. The EPA is just trying to keep you from killing us all.
This is like the cons running up $12 trillion on the national debt, and blaming liberals, and trying to make future generations pay it off.
You destroy the environment, and leave future generations to clean it up. Cons are scum.

When you point a finger at me, three point back at you.

Freaking hypocrite.
I really don't understand why concern for our environment provokes such anger and cries of "hypocrisy" in u cons...especially when the destruction from oil spills seems to occur mostly in the waters near the states u favor...Do u not care about ur own health and that of ur kids?

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Demonstrate the destruction for us. Santa Barbara has natural oil seeps throughout the channel and it washes ashore on a regular basis. Last time I looked it's still a popular destination for the rich and famous.

The BP oil spill released as much oil as the natural seeps do in the Gulf. So, once again, show us all the damage. When you get a big spill like the Exxon Valdez there is indeed major damage that does indeed kill much wildlife. However, once it's been cleaned it no longer kills things.

You people act like once the spill has happened the damage is forever. Go to the beaches of Santa Barbara someday and look at what happens to it over time...naturally...

Valdez is still fucked up 25 years later, and you advocate destroying all of Alaska with your garbage oil.

Valdez was the name of the ship and you're wrong. It's been returned to service under the name Exxon Mediterranean, plying the seas half a world away from Alaska.
for the hungover OP? WHEN have you been Alaska?

I lived there for 15 years just left in tell me all about Valdez?

you're just a hysterical boob who just regurgitates what you hear and read from others

pathetic one too
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Big oil and the cons continue to destroy the environment. The sea life in the Gulf of Mexico gets fucked again. The Oil spill has shut down the shipping lanes in and out of Galveston bay. Maybe if it destroys the bay the moron Texas Governor will get a clue that regulations and the EPA are not a bad idea.
Oil Spill Cleanup Impedes Major Texas Ship Channel : NPR

Well, if 'big oil dumps' means an oil tanker's captain crashed into a big ass barge because he was texting or incompetant then ya.

It's made to sound as if the captain had his pants down around his ankles and a
weird smile on his face screaming take this Libs as he delibrately crashed ....

Good grief..
With all these cons quoting me, I just can't tell you how good it makes me feel, to know that I thoroughly exposed your desire to destroy the environment. And while doing so, I also really got under your skin. Just makes my day, thanks.
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With all these cons quoting me, I just can't tell you how good it makes me feel, to know that I thoroughly exposed your desire to destroy the environment. And while doing so, I also really got under your skin. Just makes my day, thanks.

:lol::lol::lol: Sure it does... Your capitulation and sniveling are duly noted... Now run along little basement dweller. Or do you live under a bridge?:lol::lol:
With all these cons quoting me, I just can't tell you how good it makes me feel, to know that I thoroughly exposed your desire to destroy the environment. And while doing so, I also really got under your skin. Just makes my day, thanks.

You go with that...:cuckoo:

You were called out for your profound ignorance and transparent bullshit. If that's a victory in your book, well, that speaks volumes about you.

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