Bigger Failure, Bush or Trump

Who was the bigger failure?

  • Bush

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Trump

    Votes: 25 75.8%

  • Total voters
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

Although neither of these men were good presidents there is major difference between them.
GWB had a strong sense of morality and empathy but lacked the management and diplomatic skills needed so he trusted others who simple provided bad advice which he followed. Trump on the other hand, is totally lacking in empathy or morality and unlike GWB, trusted no one. He ran his administration exactly the way he ran the the Trump Organization making decisions that he believed served his own interests, not that of the nation. In short, he's sociopath and conman.
Trump had every reason not to trust anyone. Members of his administration were constantly stabbing him in the back. Your claims about totally lacking in empathy or morality are total horseshit, of course. Your claim about him making decisions that he believed served his own interests, not that of the nation is also total horseshit. The Dims showed they were willing to fuck the entire country so they could gain power, and that's what they did. In short, all the leading Dims are sociopaths and con artists.

You fell for it.
He's only going to hire the best. You believe the stupidest shit.
Are you accusing me of believing he would only hire the best? I hardly believe that. Trump thought he was hiring the best, but a lot of them turned out to be back stabbers.
No they proved to be patriots. The guy is a giant failure and they put country before themselves.
Stabbing your commander in chief in the back is not an act of patriotism. Virtually everything you post is a lie.
It is when the commander in chief is a giant failure. They tried to help him be decent, but he's too big a failure. Giant deficits, huge bailouts, most pandemic deaths, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, tariffs that hurt manufacturing....
Pissing you off does not make him a failure. In fact it means he is a success.

They didn't try to help him. They tried to fuck him.

As usual, you're trying to blame him for the effects of the Dim demanded shutdown. That only proves that you're a sleazy lying douchebag.

Who are you trying to fool?
No that is all the effects of trump policy. Like all trumpers you deny reality.

That's the best you can do ? Seriously ?

I noticed you haven't commented on my invitation to the Bullring. Are you afraid you might actually be required to pull together an argument ?
Bush was a complete buffoon

Bush was seen by some as socially conservative.

And certainly a better choice (in terms of social issues) than Gore or Kerry.

Additionally, the democrats had no real message at the time.

Bush was a disaster economically.

I was frustrated he was nominated over some better choices and he showed my that frustration was warranted.

His truly foolish wars have done more damage at home than abroad.
To say Obama was a bigger failure than Bush, is just not a reality. Bush failed at everything he did and the results prove that.

You have proven yourself a partisan hack.
Obama did zero for the American people!! He was a complete fraud and demon . He abused his powers and flooded the USA with millions of illegals
Actually he was criticized pretty heavily for INCREASING deportations.
To say Obama was a bigger failure than Bush, is just not a reality. Bush failed at everything he did and the results prove that.

You have proven yourself a partisan hack.
Obama did zero for the American people!! He was a complete fraud and demon . He abused his powers and flooded the USA with millions of illegals
Actually he was criticized pretty heavily for INCREASING deportations.
He falsely counted catch and release as a deportation, which its not . The numbers were skewed and inflated !!
He illegally flooded the nation with millions of more from Mexico and Central America
Bush was a complete buffoon

Bush was seen by some as socially conservative.

And certainly a better choice (in terms of social issues) than Gore or Kerry.

Additionally, the democrats had no real message at the time.

Bush was a disaster economically.

I was frustrated he was nominated over some better choices and he showed my that frustration was warranted.

His truly foolish wars have done more damage at home than abroad.
I did not even vote in those elections as I knew Bush was a fraud
Bush's biggest failing (other than the fact he was a conservative which I wouldn't like anyway) was Iraq. If you subtract that, he was competent, professional, and he had a moral compass (his reason for not pardoning Libby for example, despite pressure from Cheney). I think, over time history will be a little kinder to him as it also has been to Carter though he will probably rank near the bottom. Trump, with his now complete abdication of his job and duties, is far worse and has left a very tangled legacy that we likely won't realize for years.
GW was solely responsible for the housing crash as well as the trespasser invasion, business visa invasion and 25,000 factories leaving the US.

Wrong, clinton and the democrats caused the housing crash you dumb forcing banks to give loans to people they knew would never be able to pay them back, and then, when GW tried to fix the problem, barney frank and his buddies told him there wasn't a problem and blocked him from taking action...

You dumb fuck.
Seeing a trumper call anyone else dumb always makes me giggle. Thanks for the laugh.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

Although neither of these men were good presidents there is major difference between them.
GWB had a strong sense of morality and empathy but lacked the management and diplomatic skills needed so he trusted others who simple provided bad advice which he followed. Trump on the other hand, is totally lacking in empathy or morality and unlike GWB, trusted no one. He ran his administration exactly the way he ran the the Trump Organization making decisions that he believed served his own interests, not that of the nation. In short, he's sociopath and conman.
Trump had every reason not to trust anyone. Members of his administration were constantly stabbing him in the back. Your claims about totally lacking in empathy or morality are total horseshit, of course. Your claim about him making decisions that he believed served his own interests, not that of the nation is also total horseshit. The Dims showed they were willing to fuck the entire country so they could gain power, and that's what they did. In short, all the leading Dims are sociopaths and con artists.

You fell for it.
He's only going to hire the best. You believe the stupidest shit.
Are you accusing me of believing he would only hire the best? I hardly believe that. Trump thought he was hiring the best, but a lot of them turned out to be back stabbers.
No they proved to be patriots. The guy is a giant failure and they put country before themselves.
Stabbing your commander in chief in the back is not an act of patriotism. Virtually everything you post is a lie.
It is when the commander in chief is a giant failure. They tried to help him be decent, but he's too big a failure. Giant deficits, huge bailouts, most pandemic deaths, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, tariffs that hurt manufacturing....
Pissing you off does not make him a failure. In fact it means he is a success.

They didn't try to help him. They tried to fuck him.

As usual, you're trying to blame him for the effects of the Dim demanded shutdown. That only proves that you're a sleazy lying douchebag.

Who are you trying to fool?
No that is all the effects of trump policy. Like all trumpers you deny reality.

That's the best you can do ? Seriously ?

I noticed you haven't commented on my invitation to the Bullring. Are you afraid you might actually be required to pull together an argument ?
Why are you still babbling? Not sure what a bullring is. If you can counter anything I've said go for it.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.

You're an equal opportunity politician hater Gip. But be careful not to get splinters in yer butt from that fence you're sitting on. ;)
LOL. I get that fence sitting criticism a lot here. It’s what partisans of the two criminal gangs do. It’s not even close to accurate. I’m not on the fence at all. I know both gangs suck. Too bad you’re not enlightened like I am.

Well, who did you vote for in 2020 and in your lifetime, who was your favorite president?
I don’t vote. It clearly means nothing. JFK is my favorite. All the others suck.

Voting means nothing? Man, you really are disillusioned. However, we can agree on JFK. I was too young to assess him at the time but later in life, I've come to the same conclusion.

My pop was civil service at Pt Mugu in SoCal. Because of that, my family got right up front in the rope line when he landed in a helicopter and made a short speech. Pretty cool to have shaken his hand at the age of 5 in 1962.

Voting is a total waste of time and you’re delusional to think otherwise. In the last half century nothing would be fundamentally different, if the loser had won. As we see now, senile Biden won’t do much different from dumb Don.

Please dispute the following...

Trump, like all Presidents, has fulfilled the two critical jobs expected of him, protecting Wall Street and the military budget.

Seems pretty cynical to suggest that presidents are all the same and protecting Wall Street and the military industrial complex are all they've done. Many presidents have changed the course of history. The current one for the WORSE - BIGLY at that!

Cynical or not, the true evaluation is if it is true.

And it ISN’T true that all presidents are created equal (so there is that ;-)
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.

You're an equal opportunity politician hater Gip. But be careful not to get splinters in yer butt from that fence you're sitting on. ;)
LOL. I get that fence sitting criticism a lot here. It’s what partisans of the two criminal gangs do. It’s not even close to accurate. I’m not on the fence at all. I know both gangs suck. Too bad you’re not enlightened like I am.

Well, who did you vote for in 2020 and in your lifetime, who was your favorite president?
I don’t vote. It clearly means nothing. JFK is my favorite. All the others suck.

Voting means nothing? Man, you really are disillusioned. However, we can agree on JFK. I was too young to assess him at the time but later in life, I've come to the same conclusion.

My pop was civil service at Pt Mugu in SoCal. Because of that, my family got right up front in the rope line when he landed in a helicopter and made a short speech. Pretty cool to have shaken his hand at the age of 5 in 1962.

Voting is a total waste of time and you’re delusional to think otherwise. In the last half century nothing would be fundamentally different, if the loser had won. As we see now, senile Biden won’t do much different from dumb Don.

Please dispute the following...

Trump, like all Presidents, has fulfilled the two critical jobs expected of him, protecting Wall Street and the military budget.

Seems pretty cynical to suggest that presidents are all the same and protecting Wall Street and the military industrial complex are all they've done. Many presidents have changed the course of history. The current one for the WORSE - BIGLY at that!
You mean Big league I realize retarded people can't comprehend what someone says
the President is playing in the big leagues while you'll still be playing special Olympics

Better kick in to his slush fund - Yes, Bigly OR Big League .. your choice.
*Side note: He doesn't have the best words so who knows WTF he's trying to say?

Who gives a flying? They have rather similar meanings.
Let's see:
Bush: Got us out of 2000 recession.
Defeated global terrorism allowed to flourish under Clinton
Ordered surge, winning Iraq War
Unseated Taliban
Set in motion program that got bin Laden.
Dismantled Libya's WMD program
AIDS program for 3rd world countries
Free trade agreements.

No new wars
Roll back of useless regulations
Most significant tax reform in 30 years
Pulled troops from Iraq and Afghanistan
Arranged most significant peace treaties between Israel and 4 Muslim countries
Honored US commitment to move embassy to Jerusalem.
Three Supreme Court Justice confirmations
Biggest reshaping of lower courts in years
Warp Speed vaccine development program for COVID
Defeated ISIS.

Obamacare, worst new gov program since the 1970s
Afghanistan surge that failed
IRaq withdrawal leading to rise of ISIS
Bo Bergdahl scandal
VA scandal
IRS scandal
Fast and Furious scandal
Benghazi scandal
Doubled national debt
Defeat in Yemen
Dodd-Frank worst banking law in decades
Consumer Protection Bureau, has not actually protected a single consumer
Failed "Pivot to Asia" policy
Failed Ukraine policy
Failed Iran agreement
No foreign policy success whatsoever

Whatever flaws Bush and Trump have, Obama is clearly the most failed president since Carter. Possibly since Harding.

I can't agree with your conclusion based on the criteria you provided.

I applaud your citing specific instances of activity or accomplishment (good or bad), but again, the fundamental criteria is lacking.
Sorry but if I lay out the failures of Obama and the successes of the others it's pretty clear Obama is the biggest failure of a president in the last 40 years.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

Couldn't vote without an option for Obama.

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

LMAO Boy are you full of shit. Barry was so busy hanging Obama care around the necks of the American tax payer he didn't even look at the economy.

We had no jobs, UE extended time after time and millions on food stamps. Of course you were sucking off the tax payer tit and never experienced what the rest of the country did.

Bush's first term was great. He was the right man in the right place at the right time. His second sucked but he was still better than Barry.

Trump has been a great POTUS. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across the country and a great economy. Then the very convenient Chinese virus hit and landed the economy in the pits. Once it hit our shores, which it did because China didn't lock their country down, nothing was going to stop it.

Obama sucked as POTUS and everyone but you lefty loons know it.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

I agree it is a close call but Bush's invasion of Iraq strengthened Iran and destabilized the Middle East. My grandchildren will be paying that price for their whole lives. Trump was more benign neglect.

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden
It’s people like you who have ruined the D Party. You’re a partisan unwilling to accept reality.

Until D voters recognize what a terrible failure Ears was, the D Party will continue to ignore the will of the people and continue doing the bidding of the ultra wealthy. Ears was a neocon. Accept it.

Now we have another neocon in Senile Joe. Thanks Democrats.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

Couldn't vote without an option for Obama.
That's funny cause 4 years ago looks like paradise compared to now. Trumpers couldn't be more stupid.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

Bush by a long shot..........
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

I agree it is a close call but Bush's invasion of Iraq strengthened Iran and destabilized the Middle East. My grandchildren will be paying that price for their whole lives. Trump was more benign neglect.
Very true. W is a war criminal who should be in solitary at Supermax. Of this there is no doubt.

Also, there is no doubt that Ears is a war criminal and should be in the cell next to dipshit W.
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GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

I agree it is a close call but Bush's invasion of Iraq strengthened Iran and destabilized the Middle East. My grandchildren will be paying that price for their whole lives. Trump was more benign neglect.
Very true. W is a war criminal who should in solitary at Supermax. Of this there is no doubt.

Also, there is no doubt that Ears is a war criminal and should be in the cell next to dipshit W.
Your cognitive dissonance should be embarrassing.......
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

Trump was awesomeness weak to overcome the embedded it looks like

Year one starts when Muppet is sworn in ....welcome to the global homo technocracy.....


Can't wait till it burns to the fuckin ground
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

I agree it is a close call but Bush's invasion of Iraq strengthened Iran and destabilized the Middle East. My grandchildren will be paying that price for their whole lives. Trump was more benign neglect.
I wouldn’t call Trump’s failure to start new wars as his criminal predecessors did, benign neglect. It’s one of the few things he did that should get praise, but he doesn’t because the empire loves war. Nothing makes the ultra rich more rich than war, and they run the country.

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