Bigger Failure, Bush or Trump

Who was the bigger failure?

  • Bush

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Trump

    Votes: 25 75.8%

  • Total voters
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

I presume you would agree that every current leader on earth today whose nation is going through this pandemic is the worst leader that nation has ever had.
Yet Asia is seeing postive growth
It’s great when one lives in a dictatorship.
Why don’t you try it for a few years
oh fuck urself pretend independent
Define each...

For what it's worth, I believe that close to 100% of US tax dollars should be spent in the US and not sent to foreign nations, I believe that Trespassers are illegal, almost all Business Visas are not needed except to lower wages and companies should not be able to write-off the cost of leaving the US.

Define the 5 categories and tell us what you believe.

I believe in balanced budgets and small government. I believe that corporations should be required to pay a living wage to all employees. That includes burger flippers and janitors. I believe universal, single payer health care is a right, not a privilege. And I believe that the government should invest in its people, not its military.
"I believe in balanced budgets and small government. "

No you don't
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

I presume you would agree that every current leader on earth today whose nation is going through this pandemic is the worst leader that nation has ever had.
Yet Asia is seeing postive growth
It’s great when one lives in a dictatorship.
Why don’t you try it for a few years
oh fuck urself pretend independent
Define each...

For what it's worth, I believe that close to 100% of US tax dollars should be spent in the US and not sent to foreign nations, I believe that Trespassers are illegal, almost all Business Visas are not needed except to lower wages and companies should not be able to write-off the cost of leaving the US.

Define the 5 categories and tell us what you believe.

I believe in balanced budgets and small government. I believe that corporations should be required to pay a living wage to all employees. That includes burger flippers and janitors. I believe universal, single payer health care is a right, not a privilege. And I believe that the government should invest in its people, not its military.
"I believe in balanced budgets and small government. "

No you don't
It's from Canada. It doesn't matter.
What negative lasting effect did Carter have? And he embraced monatarism before Reagan, began cutting taxes. He issued clemency to vietnam protestors in Canada. Carter was ineffectual more often than not
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.

You're an equal opportunity politician hater Gip. But be careful not to get splinters in yer butt from that fence you're sitting on. ;)
LOL. I get that fence sitting criticism a lot here. It’s what partisans of the two criminal gangs do. It’s not even close to accurate. I’m not on the fence at all. I know both gangs suck. Too bad you’re not enlightened like I am.

Well, who did you vote for in 2020 and in your lifetime, who was your favorite president?
I don’t vote. It clearly means nothing. JFK is my favorite. All the others suck.

Voting means nothing? Man, you really are disillusioned. However, we can agree on JFK. I was too young to assess him at the time but later in life, I've come to the same conclusion.

My pop was civil service at Pt Mugu in SoCal. Because of that, my family got right up front in the rope line when he landed in a helicopter and made a short speech. Pretty cool to have shaken his hand at the age of 5 in 1962.

Voting is a total waste of time and you’re delusional to think otherwise. In the last half century nothing would be fundamentally different, if the loser had won. As we see now, senile Biden won’t do much different from dumb Don.

Please dispute the following...

Trump, like all Presidents, has fulfilled the two critical jobs expected of him, protecting Wall Street and the military budget.

Seems pretty cynical to suggest that presidents are all the same and protecting Wall Street and the military industrial complex are all they've done. Many presidents have changed the course of history. The current one for the WORSE - BIGLY at that!
You mean Big league I realize retarded people can't comprehend what someone says
the President is playing in the big leagues while you'll still be playing special Olympics

Better kick in to his slush fund - Yes, Bigly OR Big League .. your choice.
*Side note: He doesn't have the best words so who knows WTF he's trying to say?

Trump is functionally illiterate
He thinks Bigly is a word

actually dumbass you think it's a word because president trump never said bigly

Sure he did
Multiple times

Big League is not a phrase

maybe you should tell those who have been using the words, big league, for generations it's not a phrase
It's been used since the 1800s
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

I presume you would agree that every current leader on earth today whose nation is going through this pandemic is the worst leader that nation has ever had.
Yet Asia is seeing postive growth
It’s great when one lives in a dictatorship.
Why don’t you try it for a few years
oh fuck urself pretend independent
Define each...

For what it's worth, I believe that close to 100% of US tax dollars should be spent in the US and not sent to foreign nations, I believe that Trespassers are illegal, almost all Business Visas are not needed except to lower wages and companies should not be able to write-off the cost of leaving the US.

Define the 5 categories and tell us what you believe.

I believe in balanced budgets and small government. I believe that corporations should be required to pay a living wage to all employees. That includes burger flippers and janitors. I believe universal, single payer health care is a right, not a privilege. And I believe that the government should invest in its people, not its military.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.

You're an equal opportunity politician hater Gip. But be careful not to get splinters in yer butt from that fence you're sitting on. ;)
LOL. I get that fence sitting criticism a lot here. It’s what partisans of the two criminal gangs do. It’s not even close to accurate. I’m not on the fence at all. I know both gangs suck. Too bad you’re not enlightened like I am.

Well, who did you vote for in 2020 and in your lifetime, who was your favorite president?
I don’t vote. It clearly means nothing. JFK is my favorite. All the others suck.

Voting means nothing? Man, you really are disillusioned. However, we can agree on JFK. I was too young to assess him at the time but later in life, I've come to the same conclusion.

My pop was civil service at Pt Mugu in SoCal. Because of that, my family got right up front in the rope line when he landed in a helicopter and made a short speech. Pretty cool to have shaken his hand at the age of 5 in 1962.

Voting is a total waste of time and you’re delusional to think otherwise. In the last half century nothing would be fundamentally different, if the loser had won. As we see now, senile Biden won’t do much different from dumb Don.

Please dispute the following...

Trump, like all Presidents, has fulfilled the two critical jobs expected of him, protecting Wall Street and the military budget.

Seems pretty cynical to suggest that presidents are all the same and protecting Wall Street and the military industrial complex are all they've done. Many presidents have changed the course of history. The current one for the WORSE - BIGLY at that!
You mean Big league I realize retarded people can't comprehend what someone says
the President is playing in the big leagues while you'll still be playing special Olympics

Better kick in to his slush fund - Yes, Bigly OR Big League .. your choice.
*Side note: He doesn't have the best words so who knows WTF he's trying to say?

Trump is functionally illiterate
He thinks Bigly is a word

actually dumbass you think it's a word because president trump never said bigly

Sure he did
Multiple times

Big League is not a phrase

maybe you should tell those who have been using the words, big league, for generations it's not a phrase
It's been used since the 1800s

Show me an example you moron
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.

You're an equal opportunity politician hater Gip. But be careful not to get splinters in yer butt from that fence you're sitting on. ;)
LOL. I get that fence sitting criticism a lot here. It’s what partisans of the two criminal gangs do. It’s not even close to accurate. I’m not on the fence at all. I know both gangs suck. Too bad you’re not enlightened like I am.

Well, who did you vote for in 2020 and in your lifetime, who was your favorite president?
I don’t vote. It clearly means nothing. JFK is my favorite. All the others suck.

Voting means nothing? Man, you really are disillusioned. However, we can agree on JFK. I was too young to assess him at the time but later in life, I've come to the same conclusion.

My pop was civil service at Pt Mugu in SoCal. Because of that, my family got right up front in the rope line when he landed in a helicopter and made a short speech. Pretty cool to have shaken his hand at the age of 5 in 1962.

Voting is a total waste of time and you’re delusional to think otherwise. In the last half century nothing would be fundamentally different, if the loser had won. As we see now, senile Biden won’t do much different from dumb Don.

Please dispute the following...

Trump, like all Presidents, has fulfilled the two critical jobs expected of him, protecting Wall Street and the military budget.

Seems pretty cynical to suggest that presidents are all the same and protecting Wall Street and the military industrial complex are all they've done. Many presidents have changed the course of history. The current one for the WORSE - BIGLY at that!
Tell me a potus who in the last 50 years changed history for the better?
marty mcfly? LOL. imo, only Trump and W altered history for the worse. Reagan ... his influence in republics in europe has stalled. None appreciated the danger of china. History's verdict on Obama is still out. Trump and the disater he created was reaction to the fact Obama got elected, imo. Not every person who voted for Trump is a racist. I voted for him in a primary
What "disaster" did Trump create?
The disaster of stupidity.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.

You're an equal opportunity politician hater Gip. But be careful not to get splinters in yer butt from that fence you're sitting on. ;)
LOL. I get that fence sitting criticism a lot here. It’s what partisans of the two criminal gangs do. It’s not even close to accurate. I’m not on the fence at all. I know both gangs suck. Too bad you’re not enlightened like I am.

Well, who did you vote for in 2020 and in your lifetime, who was your favorite president?
I don’t vote. It clearly means nothing. JFK is my favorite. All the others suck.

Voting means nothing? Man, you really are disillusioned. However, we can agree on JFK. I was too young to assess him at the time but later in life, I've come to the same conclusion.

My pop was civil service at Pt Mugu in SoCal. Because of that, my family got right up front in the rope line when he landed in a helicopter and made a short speech. Pretty cool to have shaken his hand at the age of 5 in 1962.

Voting is a total waste of time and you’re delusional to think otherwise. In the last half century nothing would be fundamentally different, if the loser had won. As we see now, senile Biden won’t do much different from dumb Don.

Please dispute the following...

Trump, like all Presidents, has fulfilled the two critical jobs expected of him, protecting Wall Street and the military budget.

Seems pretty cynical to suggest that presidents are all the same and protecting Wall Street and the military industrial complex are all they've done. Many presidents have changed the course of history. The current one for the WORSE - BIGLY at that!
Tell me a potus who in the last 50 years changed history for the better?
marty mcfly? LOL. imo, only Trump and W altered history for the worse. Reagan ... his influence in republics in europe has stalled. None appreciated the danger of china. History's verdict on Obama is still out. Trump and the disater he created was reaction to the fact Obama got elected, imo. Not every person who voted for Trump is a racist. I voted for him in a primary
O was an awful disaster. A phony fraud and terrible war criminal. Admit it.
History may eventually forgive George W Bush but will not be kind to Donald John Trump

He will go down in history as the man least suited emotionally, morally and intellectually to be President
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

GWB--hands down. But, if we are going to included the wars here and that is what we are using then it should be brought up there were 6 countries that were bombed under Obama's watch.

At some point this lie about Trump being a peaceful president needs to stop.

Additionally, where we would automatically nail Bush II on things such as the use of faith based organizations receiving funding then we would have to go back to what was happening under Clinton and the Charitable Choice Act of 1996 which was also promoted by Obama. Heavily.

This is teeny, tiny small potatoes. Are faith based charities generally speaking bad? I don't think so and I'm an atheist.

And if we really wanted to get serious on the absolute worst president why are we not looking at Jimmy Carter's directive from 1973 to provide secret aid to the opponents of pro-Soviet forces in Afghanistan.

I love the shallow thinking involved in this game.

We could talk about the Taliban and Reagan, what are your thoughts on that?
View attachment 434064

In hindsight all presidents make mistakes or make the wrong choices, that's a given. We're talking next level shit here so please, we don't need a laundry list of past presidents' errors to dilute the poison of the last two Republican presidents

Can you show me where I made the claim that Trump was a peaceful anything? No?

I just mean any light where anyone is claiming Obama bombed more than Trump, it's not an easy argument to make and you seemed to have dropped it like a rock in your reply.

Grow up. What you don't want is a laundry list of past presidents simply because those would incorporate those from the Democratic Party. It really is that damn simple.

No, you just are provided in contrast to Trump and Bush some petty examples.

Faith based organizations go over the line of separation of church and state. The fall out then shows up when those organizations or even sainted hospitals that refuse to provide specific surgeries or provide something as simple as birth control based on the church views which are supposed to be separate from the hospital or charity utilize propaganda acting as if the churches themselves are losing said "freedoms".

No by government giving money to faith based charities is not an example of breaking the divide between church and state in and of itself. So, for example if government gave money to a Catholic hospital to treat the community homeless does it really matter if they perform abortions or not?

We can spend all day on Reagan and the Peshawar Seven. I'm not afraid.

Reagan wasn't a good president, Bush and Trump were disasters.
What negative lasting effect did Carter have? And he embraced monatarism before Reagan, began cutting taxes. He issued clemency to vietnam protestors in Canada. Carter was ineffectual more often than not
Up till now, I would have said Bush was the worst President.
Even though Trump was far less qualified to be President and acted like a complete asshole, he didn’t do anything really horrible.
Bush started two unnecessary wars after 9-11, engaged in torture and led us to the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
Hard to do worse.

Trump acted like a spoiled child but the economy was strong. Then COVID hit and he proved to be the worst possible leader in a crisis. His behavior and decisions cost a hundred thousand lives. His once vaunted economy collapsed.
Then he showed why he is the worst president in modern history with his temper tantrum over losing the election and preference to destroy the country rather than graciously transfer power.

Calling Trump an asshole is a compliment. Thank you for acknowledging his strong economic record. As for COVID, to hear the Monday morning rear view leadership of the Democrats, we should have locked down the country harder and longer which makes no sense given that Democrats’ first reaction - including Biden and Pelosi- was to admonish Trump for shutting down the borders. Democrats have no problem bringing the hammer to small business to close up shop yet get suddenly silent for riot-ridden protests. As rough as the pandemic-stricken economy is now, I can’t imagine what it would be like under Biden and Pelosi. Guess we will soon find out.
History may eventually forgive George W Bush but will not be kind to Donald John Trump

He will go down in history as the man least suited emotionally, morally and intellectually to be PresidentIm
Imo W is more of a well meaning frat boy misled by the Bloody Dwarf (cheney) STALIN JOKE THERE

Trump is a diffeent animal. It's an open question as to what he actually believed moved American's interests forward, and what was purely in his own interests, IMO, he really believes that our embracing a world economy of free trading republics was contrary to all our interests. But that is so deluded becuase his own business was dependent upon that global relationship
History may eventually forgive George W Bush but will not be kind to Donald John Trump

He will go down in history as the man least suited emotionally, morally and intellectually to be President
W and O were much worse. They mass murdered far more people than dumb Don.
History may eventually forgive George W Bush but will not be kind to Donald John Trump

He will go down in history as the man least suited emotionally, morally and intellectually to be President
W and O were much worse. They mass murdered far more people than dumb Don.
Trump has killed 325,000 and counting
What negative lasting effect did Carter have? And he embraced monatarism before Reagan, began cutting taxes. He issued clemency to vietnam protestors in Canada. Carter was ineffectual more often than not
Brez's final comment is that Carter's actions in Afghan did not start global jihad. And bin laden's motivations were unrelated to Afghan and Russia.

CArter's admin failed. But he was really ineffecutual. The need by some to find him a villian or something is ... wierd.
History may eventually forgive George W Bush but will not be kind to Donald John Trump

He will go down in history as the man least suited emotionally, morally and intellectually to be President
W and O were much worse. They mass murdered far more people than dumb Don.

How do you know when Trump goes out of his way to hide the number of people he has killed with drone strikes?

Obama implements a policy of publishing the number of people killed in drone strikes and then Trump rescinds it.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

Although neither of these men were good presidents there is major difference between them.
GWB had a strong sense of morality and empathy but lacked the management and diplomatic skills needed so he trusted others who simple provided bad advice which he followed. Trump on the other hand, is totally lacking in empathy or morality and unlike GWB, trusted no one. He ran his administration exactly the way he ran the the Trump Organization making decisions that he believed served his own interests, not that of the nation. In short, he's sociopath and conman.

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