Bull Ring Bigger Threat: Rightwing/Racist Lingo online? Leftwing biased LAWS and RULINGS?

Which is more of a threat American public and freedoms

  • Alt-Right All-white lingo and propaganda online

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Binding LAWS and RULINGS imposing leftwing bias and beliefs on ALL AMERICANS deprived of liberty

    Votes: 6 100.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I was debating on hazlnut's thread,.
comparing complaints of
* "Alt-Right LINGO" online as threats to American freedom and public by pushing "All-White" propaganda
* BINDING LAWS AND RULINGS biased by left-wing political beliefs
that have PENALIZED ALL CITIZENS and DEPRIVED ALL AMERICANS of free choice and civil liberties
without due process to prove which people have committed any violations, if any
(I cited the ACA mandates that deprived citizens of free choice how to pay and provide for health care,
and court ruling "establishing" BELIEF in right to marriage, as well as related lawsuits and penalties
against businesses and individuals, whose beliefs about traditional marriage or about transgender orientation and bathroom policies that are outside govt jurisdiction to "force them to change" under threat of punishment)

Which do you believe is more of a threat to American citizens and public
* Alt-Right LINGO online and free speech to promote political agenda online, even if it is biased as racist
* legally BINDING laws and rulings through govt pushing biased leftwing beliefs onto the public,
at a loss of liberty and fines against people of different beliefs deemed "homophobic and bigoted"

I argue in response to hazlnut that the LEFTWING labels of homophobe and bigot
citizens of different beliefs,
and this causes more harm that the threat to people like her of different beliefs
she blames on "LINGO" online that is part of freedom of speech, and does not create legally binding
policy imposed on ALL AMERICANS as the mandates and rulings pushed through govt by Leftwing agenda.

@haznut can you explain how "lingo online" that is BIASED but nonbinding free speech
is more of a threat than the damages caused by
You should know better than to try to have a reasonable conversation with Hazel.
OK Pumpkin Row and hazlnut
How about a simple MULTIPLE CHOICE, not a conversation or debate:

What is more dangerous as RACE BAITING to incite political violence:

* Alt-right lingo online calling for All-White unity and policy
* the BEATING of an "African American man after he voted for Donald Trump on the Republican ticket"
* paid instigators at Trump events, where Project Veritas traced the funding back to Soros but Clinton blamed it on Trump supporters

Do we also need to compare how Klan members endorse Trump
while Klan groups have ALSO been credited for preserving historic sites they deem important to cultural continuity,
Democrats including Black leaders who destroyed Freedmen's Town (as a national historic Civil Rights landmark
and Freed Slave district of the last remaining church settlement of its kind in the entire country),
because public funds went to corporate developer interests that decided
which nonprofits got grants and which candidates got backing for office.
While Democrats CLAIM to defend Black interests and minority rights from oppression by "white privilege."

Is that a better question?
The far left wants to violate the Constitution.

The far right wants to go back to pre-FDR-ism.

The difference is obvious.
OK Pumpkin Row and hazlnut
How about a simple MULTIPLE CHOICE, not a conversation or debate:

What is more dangerous as RACE BAITING to incite political violence:

* Alt-right lingo online calling for All-White unity and policy
* the BEATING of an "African American man after he voted for Donald Trump on the Republican ticket"
* paid instigators at Trump events, where Project Veritas traced the funding back to Soros but Clinton blamed it on Trump supporters

Do we also need to compare how Klan members endorse Trump
while Klan groups have ALSO been credited for preserving historic sites they deem important to cultural continuity,
Democrats including Black leaders who destroyed Freedmen's Town (as a national historic Civil Rights landmark
and Freed Slave district of the last remaining church settlement of its kind in the entire country),
because public funds went to corporate developer interests that decided
which nonprofits got grants and which candidates got backing for office.
While Democrats CLAIM to defend Black interests and minority rights from oppression by "white privilege."

Is that a better question?
This beating?
Man admits to faking hate crime in Malden
OK Pumpkin Row and hazlnut
How about a simple MULTIPLE CHOICE, not a conversation or debate:

What is more dangerous as RACE BAITING to incite political violence:

* Alt-right lingo online calling for All-White unity and policy
* the BEATING of an "African American man after he voted for Donald Trump on the Republican ticket"
* paid instigators at Trump events, where Project Veritas traced the funding back to Soros but Clinton blamed it on Trump supporters

Do we also need to compare how Klan members endorse Trump
while Klan groups have ALSO been credited for preserving historic sites they deem important to cultural continuity,
Democrats including Black leaders who destroyed Freedmen's Town (as a national historic Civil Rights landmark
and Freed Slave district of the last remaining church settlement of its kind in the entire country),
because public funds went to corporate developer interests that decided
which nonprofits got grants and which candidates got backing for office.
While Democrats CLAIM to defend Black interests and minority rights from oppression by "white privilege."

Is that a better question?
This beating?
Man admits to faking hate crime in Malden

No, I will ask for the reference that I read mentioned in an unrelated court case.
The case referenced was an AFRICAN AMERICAN voter who was beaten for voting Republican/Trump. But you are right, it could be a trumped up story Disir

All the ones I found in search engines seem to be Chicago cases
of white voters getting mobbed. But this case I read about was different because it
was an African American man. I already posted the story of the
little 7 year old African American boy thrown out of the house by his mother,
over a school MOCK election. Terrible, but maybe everyone has to get
the race issue out in the open. And this is yet another catalyst to force that
out where it can be addressed IN FULL, not bottled up to explode over and over!

The Native Americans often suppress their spiritual anguish and pain from generations of genocide, and it ends up killing them inside. So the first step in healing is to let the emotions out, as one group in Houston that specializes in this healing process: If you can FEEL it, you can HEAL it. See Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness

I wish it could come out in more constructive safe ways, not in attacking and beating people
to express rage. If we know this is going on, community groups and schools could help open up forums and let people express it and do something about it beside this violence waiting to burst out on people.

The Trayvon Martin cases, BLM and other protests brought this out,
why not set up centers to work with communities that are this troubled and aggrieved!
I was debating on hazlnut's thread,.
comparing complaints of
* "Alt-Right LINGO" online as threats to American freedom and public by pushing "All-White" propaganda
* BINDING LAWS AND RULINGS biased by left-wing political beliefs
that have PENALIZED ALL CITIZENS and DEPRIVED ALL AMERICANS of free choice and civil liberties
without due process to prove which people have committed any violations, if any
(I cited the ACA mandates that deprived citizens of free choice how to pay and provide for health care,
and court ruling "establishing" BELIEF in right to marriage, as well as related lawsuits and penalties
against businesses and individuals, whose beliefs about traditional marriage or about transgender orientation and bathroom policies that are outside govt jurisdiction to "force them to change" under threat of punishment)

Which do you believe is more of a threat to American citizens and public
* Alt-Right LINGO online and free speech to promote political agenda online, even if it is biased as racist
* legally BINDING laws and rulings through govt pushing biased leftwing beliefs onto the public,
at a loss of liberty and fines against people of different beliefs deemed "homophobic and bigoted"

I argue in response to hazlnut that the LEFTWING labels of homophobe and bigot
citizens of different beliefs,
and this causes more harm that the threat to people like her of different beliefs
she blames on "LINGO" online that is part of freedom of speech, and does not create legally binding
policy imposed on ALL AMERICANS as the mandates and rulings pushed through govt by Leftwing agenda.

@haznut can you explain how "lingo online" that is BIASED but nonbinding free speech
is more of a threat than the damages caused by

The biggest threat is the abject stupidity engendered by the public and university education systems and media.

Former Hitler Jugend never escaped their childhood training, nor will ours. They have damned two American generations to magical thinking.

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