Biggest jobs drop in nearly 4 years


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
April job openings show biggest drop in nearly 4 years

Job seekers were jolted Tuesday by new government data showing the number of available jobs dropped by 325,000 in April to 3.4 million.

That was the biggest single-month drop since September 2008's falloff of 438,000.

The news comes as markets await Wednesday's Federal Reserve statement on the economy at the end of a two-day meeting of its policy-setting committee. Stocks rose Tuesday in anticipation that the Fed will announce further help for an economy that has shown some signs of slowing.

Thank god the private sector is doing fine ,as Obama says...:cuckoo::cuckoo:


So what has our gov't been doing lately?

Legalizing Illegals for future votes.

Anyone wanna' bet what the Fed will say the "further help" will be?
QE III, or QE III by a different name: "Operation Really Smart Economics Twist".
Obama doesn't give a rats "A" about the private sector. When it takes two government jet to get you and the other 3 members of your family to Marths Vineyard so just don't give a "D" about the private sector.
April job openings show biggest drop in nearly 4 years

Job seekers were jolted Tuesday by new government data showing the number of available jobs dropped by 325,000 in April to 3.4 million.

That was the biggest single-month drop since September 2008's falloff of 438,000.

The news comes as markets await Wednesday's Federal Reserve statement on the economy at the end of a two-day meeting of its policy-setting committee. Stocks rose Tuesday in anticipation that the Fed will announce further help for an economy that has shown some signs of slowing.

Thank god the private sector is doing fine ,as Obama says...:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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I can feel it where I work, the economy is just not getting better for us at all. Maybe some sectors and areas of the country it is but for us it isn't.

This just sucks, we need someone to get the govt out of the damn way instead of sticking the govt into everything they can (Romney V Obama)
If this translates into less than 46% job approval for Obama, that is very good news for Romney.
My guess is that the FED may not announce any version of QE. If they do announce another QE program, the FED will be accused of playing politics, and of course they are, but they would rather that we not notice. Besides, creating real jobs the old fashioned way (through government stimulus) takes more than six months to work, so there is not enough time left for the FED to help their current boss. About the only positive change the FED could make with a new QE would be to push stock prices higher. My guess is that they will do that the quieter and more effective way of just telling the PPT to buy everything in sight.
That's IS the whole point of QE: Free money to the Banks so they can play the Stock Market.

Morons like TM will then point to the temporary Stock Rally and say: "See Cons? Our Economy is doing JUST FINE!" :cuckoo:
My guess is that the FED may not announce any version of QE. If they do announce another QE program, the FED will be accused of playing politics, and of course they are, but they would rather that we not notice. Besides, creating real jobs the old fashioned way (through government stimulus) takes more than six months to work, so there is not enough time left for the FED to help their current boss. About the only positive change the FED could make with a new QE would be to push stock prices higher. My guess is that they will do that the quieter and more effective way of just telling the PPT to buy everything in sight.
That's IS the whole point of QE: Free money to the Banks so they can play the Stock Market.

Morons like TM will then point to the temporary Stock Rally and say: "See Cons? Our Economy is doing JUST FINE!" :cuckoo:

In the end, the only thing QE accomplishes is, diminishing the value of our dollar which diminishes the worth of my life savings.
In the end, the only thing QE accomplishes is, diminishing the value of our dollar which diminishes the worth of my life savings.
You are right that reducing the value of the dollar is the thing that matters most to us in the end. In the beginning, however, the added short term stimulus helps the politicians to look productive (which helps them to get reelected, and that is the thing they care about most).

Which is why they do it ;)

And its also why I dislike them! :D
My guess is that the FED may not announce any version of QE. If they do announce another QE program, the FED will be accused of playing politics, and of course they are, but they would rather that we not notice. Besides, creating real jobs the old fashioned way (through government stimulus) takes more than six months to work, so there is not enough time left for the FED to help their current boss. About the only positive change the FED could make with a new QE would be to push stock prices higher. My guess is that they will do that the quieter and more effective way of just telling the PPT to buy everything in sight.
That's IS the whole point of QE: Free money to the Banks so they can play the Stock Market.

Morons like TM will then point to the temporary Stock Rally and say: "See Cons? Our Economy is doing JUST FINE!" :cuckoo:

In the end, the only thing QE accomplishes is, diminishing the value of our dollar which diminishes the worth of my life savings.

What rate of inflation do you realistically want to see?

damn that austerity
The Euro is collapsing, Greece is rioting, Germany is not cooperating. "Austerity" means gov't still spends too much but raises taxes and gives it to the Central Bankers who provided the "bailout".

That's called Debt Slavery.

That's what's coming to the US.

Hell yes brought to you by the propaganda machine for obama
What rate of inflation do you realistically want to see?
Want to see, or expect to see? I want the government to have balanced budgets and to refuse to create inflation by increasing the money supply. Unfortunately, I expect the future to rhyme with the past, and that means inflation will continue to increase at an escalating rate. The only good news about this is that one day we will be able to tell our kids that these were the good old days.

The money supply must be continuously increased in order to keep up with population growth, other wise we would have continuous deflation. It also needs to increase in order to account for increased standard of living. We simply need more money for more people buying more stuff.

If the money supply was perfectly constant, then deflation would occur. Deflation is an economic nightmare because it causes the economy to collapse. People, expecting lower prices in the future hold of on purchasing. The lack of demand causes more deflation. So, rule on of money supply management is that sustained deflation is to be avoided.

On any particular month, the inflation rate swings considerably. Since 2009, the monthly annualized rate has ranged from -2.9% to 12.4%. Monthly inflation typically swings by +/- 3.6%. The Federal reserve has managed to keep the three year average rate at about 2.8%. -2.9% and 12.4% are not as common as swings from -.75% to 6.4%. It does this, swings that much on a monthly basis, for no particular reason except that the economy is like that. While the Federal Reserve attempts to keep the rate of inflation at about 2.5%, monthly inflation swings wildly about that target. If the Federal reserve were to target 0%, then we would see monthly deflation as much as -6%.

For the year of 2010, the yearly rate was 1.5%, a bit below the targeted 2.5%. 2011 was a bit high at 2.9%. If the Fed had targeted zero, in 2010, then we would have had a yearly average of -1.3%.

So, and I ask myself this a lot, how should the Federal Reserve keep the money supply growing with population and standard of living other then the way it does?

And by "to refuse to create inflation", I take it you mean to target 0% and accept a range of -6% to 9.6%? Do you think that the economy would still avoid a deflationary spiral with periods of deflation as long as nine months?
What rate of inflation do you realistically want to see?
Want to see, or expect to see? I want the government to have balanced budgets and to refuse to create inflation by increasing the money supply. Unfortunately, I expect the future to rhyme with the past, and that means inflation will continue to increase at an escalating rate.

Consumer Price Index - May 2012​
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) decreased 0.3 percent in May on a seasonally adjusted basis, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 1.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.
Consumer Price Index Summary

How is that continuing to increase?
April job openings show biggest drop in nearly 4 years

Job seekers were jolted Tuesday by new government data showing the number of available jobs dropped by 325,000 in April to 3.4 million.

That was the biggest single-month drop since September 2008's falloff of 438,000.

And that helps explain why the April-May increase in jobs was so low. Remember, this report is for April, it's now June and we already know what happened in May.
April job openings show biggest drop in nearly 4 years

Job seekers were jolted Tuesday by new government data showing the number of available jobs dropped by 325,000 in April to 3.4 million.

That was the biggest single-month drop since September 2008's falloff of 438,000.

And that helps explain why the April-May increase in jobs was so low. Remember, this report is for April, it's now June and we already know what happened in May.
Still waiting on those shovel ready jobs.

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