Biggest Losers of Brexit

Scotland will now leave GB to join the EU.

The pound is tanking.

And the unwashed and unthinking far right cheers.
EU is going to bleed for France and/or Spain to be next to leave.

Jake why are you consistently on the wrong side of history? I really wonder with whom your allegiances are you not understand what an oligarchy is?
Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

Wow is that an incomplete list.

The Biggest Losers are Big Government and Socialism...and the Elites that feed off of the masses via them.

The UK vote was a vote for Freedom over Fear.
Scotland will now leave GB to join the EU.

The pound is tanking.

And the unwashed and unthinking far right cheers.
EU is going to bleed for France and/or Spain to be next to leave.

Jake why are you consistently on the wrong side of history? I really wonder with whom your allegiances are you not understand what an oligarchy is?
That won't happen, ck. No one else will leave EU. The only bleeding out will be GB, particularly when Scotland leaves.

ck, you are a populist good for you. But I don't want to live on a farm without electricity, running water, and good veterinary services near by.
Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

Wow is that an incomplete list.

The Biggest Losers are Big Government and Socialism...and the Elites that feed off of the masses via them.

The UK vote was a vote for Freedom over Fear.
ummm, I think it was a vote on fear of becoming like France ethnically. Even the leaders of Brexit didn't dispute there'd be a trade hit, but they did dispute predictions of long term decline.
The pound is off by about half of what I expected.

George Soros is not going to make the big bucks off BREXIT for which he might have hoped.

But it feels pretty sure that George won't be spending any of the reduced profit on Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky's campaign. In fact, it's highly likely he won't be spending any political money since a Democrat Party Disaster is no longer just a possibility...nor even a probability. It's a certainty.

I like the post, Hank....but wish I were as optimistic as you are.

“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”

.......after all.....look at the occupant of the White House now.
The delirium in the UK will not transfer to the US. It is a different world. The UK is going to be screwed for the next decade.

All the while Donnie cheers for the financial losses.
Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

Wow is that an incomplete list.

The Biggest Losers are Big Government and Socialism...and the Elites that feed off of the masses via them.

The UK vote was a vote for Freedom over Fear.
ummm, I think it was a vote on fear of becoming like France ethnically. Even the leaders of Brexit didn't dispute there'd be a trade hit, but they did dispute predictions of long term decline.

You can parse words, but the vote was for Freedom from far away micro-managing and tax greedy bureaucrats.

A trade union and open borders for those who have an EU passport make sense.

Bureaucrats in Belgium outlawing toasters, hair dryers and electric tea kettles, not so much.
Are you???? Do you hate the Joos? Are you from StormFront???

I am a disciple of the late Milton Friedman. I admire Einstein and use his method on climate to get the correct answer.

I hate Zionists, not Jews. Zionists are the scum of the universe.
Scotland will now leave GB to join the EU.

The pound is tanking.

And the unwashed and unthinking far right cheers.

Do you reside in GB?
I imagine travel to Ireland will remain obscenely expensive.

God I hate to add debt now, but it may be time to go over with the family, rent a car and do the Cathedral crawl I did on my bike 30 years ago.
Jake, why are Zionists so obsessed with manipulating other countries down the road to socialism and global governance??
It seems as though there's a worldwide reaction to the elites. Against "The Establishment".

Britain has spoken. If there were a pool I'd put a few quid on Germany to be next to call for a vote.

As to America, I DO expect both Democrat Party and Republican Party "Establishments" to quickly move toward guillotine control legislation.
Establishment elites = Zionists

Time for the world to wake up...

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