Biggest Losers of Brexit

Zionists want Britain to pay for not following the will of Zionism....

That's what 's up with the markets today. Be a Buyer...
at risk ..

global currency values
corporate interests
global economy

BUT lets fucking celebrate !!!!!!!!!!

stupid shit RW's finally have a valid reason to show concern and they want to fucking celebrate.

wow ..
Oh, boo hoo,

The global police state, and the corporate police state is at risk.

Wahhhhh. . . mammon and the materialist life style is at risk. Folks might have to live for love and family rather than the vacuous values of materialism.

Wahhhh. . . . boo hoooo. Individual communities might have a say and sovereignty over their own destinies. Perish the thought.
Friedman was an open market kinda guy. Jus sayin. LOLL

More precisely, Milton is the founder of the economic philosophy that equates inverse correlation with size of government and economy, that the bigger the government gets, the more it squeezes out economic growth. Friedman's policies were what the four Gingrich budgets were, and look what they did - budget SURPLUS, booming economy, 5% real unemployment. Then W and O validated the other side of that theory, by spending us into oblivion and wrecking the economy...
The delirium in the UK will not transfer to the US. It is a different world. The UK is going to be screwed for the next decade.

All the while Donnie cheers for the financial losses.

Uh, your Benefactor George Soros is the one making Big Bank by shorting GBP right now, bub.

his hedge fund manager is working for Trump, it's ok now.

What a LAIR.

what an idiot ^^^^^^

In 2003, Mr. Mnuchin started a hedge fund with $1 billion from George Soros, the liberal New York financier who has spent more than $13 million to support Hillary Clinton and other Democrats this election cycle.

not long ago Trump was hammering hedge fund managers because they get away with everything ... good fit for Donnie
“The EU is a bit like the Hotel California in the Eagles song,” said Tim Oliver, a fellow at the London School of Economics’ IDEAS foreign policy think tank. “You can check out anytime but you never really leave.”

Explained: How The UK Could Be Forced To Remain In The EU After A Brexit Win



But don't ignore the caution about the peril of ignoring the will of the people.

Britain, you see, has stringent gun control laws.
Britain also has stringent knife control laws.
Britain has no guillotine control laws.
And, in Britain, you don't even need a license to drive a tumbrel.
I was also disappointed in the fall of the GBP. Was looking for $1.20 - got only about to $1.35. The buy I was going to make this morning (not a vast amount, just wanted a nice discount on the hotels I've already book but for which I have not yet paid) yeah, that buy.... I'll put that one off until later in the day in hope the slide will continue but if not I'll give it to Monday and risk having left a little money on the table.

Unlike some I won't take my little piggy bank down to the Cambio and don't dream of a $20 Tubbie buying an estate in East Anglia. Just change enough to enjoy the discount though I do slightly regret not being able to convert millions like that Soros fella appears to be doing.
The biggest loser is probably England.
1. Going to be shut out of the mainland markets
2. Has no massive navy to throw its weight around anymore
3. Needs tons of imports to feed its population. Going to have to beg!
4. Going to lose Scotland that it stoled a few centuries ago.
5. Going to probably have to face down the Irish again.
6. Going to lose respect as a nation of fiscal power on this planet.
7. Hasn't a empire anymore to steal resources from. Can't go to india, pakistan or africa and say give me that!

The eu held up its economy to give it some of what it use to have. Now there's no way it can keep that.
Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

5. All the global crony capitalist corporations.
Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

5. All the global crony capitalist corporations.

Can you live without half of your nations gdp?
Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

Yeah, right. The biggest loser from the Brexit vote is "Paul Ryan."


EU is going to bleed for France and/or Spain to be next to leave.

Jake why are you consistently on the wrong side of history? I really wonder with whom your allegiances are you not understand what an oligarchy is?
That won't happen, ck. No one else will leave EU. The only bleeding out will be GB, particularly when Scotland leaves.

ck, you are a populist good for you. But I don't want to live on a farm without electricity, running water, and good veterinary services near by.
Jake, as an American you should understand why a nation voted "yes" (leave) to assert its independence. Every American should understand and celebrate their decision.
The problem, old chap, is that they did not understand why themselves. They do now.
You kidding? They fully understood.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard said it best when he wrote:

Stripped of distractions, it comes down to an elemental choice: whether to restore the full self-government of this nation, or to continue living under a higher supranational regime, ruled by a European Council that we do not elect in any meaningful sense, and that the British people can never remove, even when it persists in error.

go find a party hat and a whistle ...

Dow closes down 600 after Brexit surprise; financials post worst day since 2011

So, a 5-year low on the first day. It will rise certainly. It really is a much smaller hit than expected.

They were more than fine before the EU. They will be fine again, sooner than expected it appears. They will be better off than many who remain in the EU.
The EU bureaucracy was corrupt and kleptocratic to the max. It was perfectly obvious to the British that the EU didn't care beans about Britain, but it did care about taking Britain's wealth and returning refugees...
The EU bureaucracy was corrupt and kleptocratic to the max. It was perfectly obvious to the British that the EU didn't care beans about Britain, but it did care about taking Britain's wealth and returning refugees...
It was a highly regional vote that reflected the regional differences in benefits v. at least perceived detriments of being in the EU.

I don't think anyone downplays the effect Europe's migration crisis played. IF THAT were going on here, I'd be voting for trump. LOL

Of course all the open borders traitors are downplaying the effect Europe's migration crisis played. What else can they do?
Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

5. All the global crony capitalist corporations.

Can you live without half of your nations gdp?

How is leaving the EU going to make half of the UK's GDP disappear?

Mathew, you appear to know virtually nothing about economics. You always end up looking foolish when you start pontificating on economic issues.
That won't happen, ck. No one else will leave EU. The only bleeding out will be GB, particularly when Scotland leaves.

ck, you are a populist good for you. But I don't want to live on a farm without electricity, running water, and good veterinary services near by.
Jake, as an American you should understand why a nation voted "yes" (leave) to assert its independence. Every American should understand and celebrate their decision.
The problem, old chap, is that they did not understand why themselves. They do now.
You kidding? They fully understood.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard said it best when he wrote:

Stripped of distractions, it comes down to an elemental choice: whether to restore the full self-government of this nation, or to continue living under a higher supranational regime, ruled by a European Council that we do not elect in any meaningful sense, and that the British people can never remove, even when it persists in error.

go find a party hat and a whistle ...

Dow closes down 600 after Brexit surprise; financials post worst day since 2011

So, a 5-year low on the first day. It will rise certainly. It really is a much smaller hit than expected.

They were more than fine before the EU. They will be fine again, sooner than expected it appears. They will be better off than many who remain in the EU.

They will be far better off without all that massive regulation, taxes and muzzie immigration.
Yawn. Britain will be better off economically without paying EU taxes. The markets can freak all they want. I'll take the Pound over the Euro over the next 5 years, even before the start of today's trading...
THAT remains highly in doubt. If the EU closes off Britain's export market, they're "royally" focked.

Why would it do that?
Toro is very simple.

More government spending by leftists = good

Less private sector job creation = good

Less government spending = bad

Toro would have predicted the Gingrich budgets would result in a depression. In reality they did, for those who believe government spending is something other than the harmful waste it is...
Friedman was an open market kinda guy. Jus sayin. LOLL

More precisely, Milton is the founder of the economic philosophy that equates inverse correlation with size of government and economy, that the bigger the government gets, the more it squeezes out economic growth. Friedman's policies were what the four Gingrich budgets were, and look what they did - budget SURPLUS, booming economy, 5% real unemployment. Then W and O validated the other side of that theory, by spending us into oblivion and wrecking the economy...
Friedman preached monetarism and lack of govt control.

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