Biggest Losers of Brexit

Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

5. All the global crony capitalist corporations.

Can you live without half of your nations gdp?

You theory that the UK's GDP will be cut in half couldn't be more absurd. What will cause this drastic decline?
PM Cameron quits just when GB needs leadership. Does he want to punish his own people by adding to the short term instability? Leave it to Barry Hussein to pile on with threats that the U.S. won't deal with small operations like G.B. after he gave away the freaking bank in a Iran deal.
Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

5. All the global crony capitalist corporations.

Can you live without half of your nations gdp?

How is leaving the EU going to make half of the UK's GDP disappear?

Mathew, you appear to know virtually nothing about economics. You always end up looking foolish when you start pontificating on economic issues.

I know a hell of a lot more then you do. Loserterian. My question was more directed at investing into the private sector with tax dollars.

That's not an answer to my question. Again:

How is leaving the EU going to make half of the UK's GDP disappear?
“The EU is a bit like the Hotel California in the Eagles song,” said Tim Oliver, a fellow at the London School of Economics’ IDEAS foreign policy think tank. “You can check out anytime but you never really leave.”

Explained: How The UK Could Be Forced To Remain In The EU After A Brexit Win
Unless the EU has a military, it has no power to force the UK to remain.
Agreed. But the Parliament could refuse to validate the election. However, I doubt that would happen. What will happen will be the financial and economic pressure the EU will use to exclude and injure the UK.
Henry red jammies thinks Italy is a Kingdon and bripat thinks the EU can't hurt the UK financially.

“The EU is a bit like the Hotel California in the Eagles song,” said Tim Oliver, a fellow at the London School of Economics’ IDEAS foreign policy think tank. “You can check out anytime but you never really leave.”

Explained: How The UK Could Be Forced To Remain In The EU After A Brexit Win
Unless the EU has a military, it has no power to force the UK to remain.
Agreed. But the Parliament could refuse to validate the election. However, I doubt that would happen. What will happen will be the financial and economic pressure the EU will use to exclude and injure the UK.

Why would the EU want to injure the UK? Do you imagine they are as petulant, small minded and vindictive as you?
The EU can be every bit as petulant as you, bripat, but by excluding UK wherever possible for markets, etc., the EU prospers.

If the UK wants to go back to coal mining, sheep farming, and fishing, so be it.
Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

More ridiculous lies.

And more clueless rightwing nonsense.

Conservatives completely misread yesterday’s vote, as it will have no ‘impact’ this November.
The EU can be every bit as petulant as you, bripat, but by excluding UK wherever possible for markets, etc., the EU prospers.

If the UK wants to go back to coal mining, sheep farming, and fishing, so be it.

I have no doubt The EU can be petulant. Nice to mention their going back to fishing. You see, fishing was one of the points that pissed the British off against the EU. Rules that forced British fishermen to stay tied up to the dock while Spanish boats were allowed to fish the traditional British waters.

It was good to see you back on topic!
A week ago half of American conservatives didn't know what 'Brexit' meant. Now suddenly they all think it's the most important event in history.

A month from now they'll be struggling to remember...what was that thing in June we thought was the be all end of all be all end alls????
The EU can be every bit as petulant as you, bripat, but by excluding UK wherever possible for markets, etc., the EU prospers.

If the UK wants to go back to coal mining, sheep farming, and fishing, so be it.

I have no doubt The EU can be petulant. Nice to mention their going back to fishing. You see, fishing was one of the points that pissed the British off against the EU. Rules that forced British fishermen to stay tied up to the dock while Spanish boats were allowed to fish the traditional British waters. It was good to see you back on topic!
I am always on topic, my red jammied friend.

Art Cashen seems to think the impact here in the USA is going to be minimal.

I think it may push to property values a bit.
The biggest loser is probably England.
1. Going to be shut out of the mainland markets
2. Has no massive navy to throw its weight around anymore
3. Needs tons of imports to feed its population. Going to have to beg!
4. Going to lose Scotland that it stoled a few centuries ago.
5. Going to probably have to face down the Irish again.
6. Going to lose respect as a nation of fiscal power on this planet.
7. Hasn't a empire anymore to steal resources from. Can't go to india, pakistan or africa and say give me that!

The eu held up its economy to give it some of what it use to have. Now there's no way it can keep that.
They had to do it, the EU is a festering of shit. Shit for brains
I see some commentary on real property economics is in order.

Yes, BREXIT may have some impact on property prices in The United Kingdom but primarily in the larger cities where fools and knaves have prevented building of the new housing so sorely needed. It is not likely to make London properties price-available to locals but might soften them a tad for wealthy foreigners. But not very much.

Prices are not depressed in any region fo Britain meaning that they have held their own by comparison with local history. No, Tadcasater homes are not bringing London Prices. The driving factor is more homes are needed but government policy, somewhat driven by ludicrous European Union regulations, are keeping them from being built.

For those with serious interest I recommend the firm I've used for over 40 years:

I think of it as a sort of Multiple Listing Service. Excellent tools - all free - that allow comparison of properties and prices in any region. The tools are simple enough that even a child whose computer experience is limited to gaming and taunting his/her betters should have no problem using them.

So, the price of London properties will seem to take a hit from BREXIT but not nearly that for which some might wish. It will be the high-end properties that may become less appealing to a narrow segment of the market but the fact remains that a lot of the money pouring into London real estate has nothing to do with employment. It's escaping (with cash) from less free places. For those with that sort of money BREXIT may add appeal as it might, when mature and complete, fend off the sort of EU meddling in private affairs that got them thinking of moving in the first place.

As to the rural areas, forget about looking for bargains unless/until building impediments are removed., Prices will remain high so long as there are shortages and BREXIT is not going to cause Britons to self-deport though reduction of "freebies" to immigrants may take a little pressure off demand.

Fantasies of scoring great real estate deals, however, should not be discourage if they keep folks minds off other issues.
The EU is failing for the exact same reasons the US failed under the Articles of Confederation.

They either need to go all in and become a United States of Europe, or go back to what they were before the confederation.
The EU is failing for the exact same reasons the US failed under the Articles of Confederation.

They either need to go all in and become a United States of Europe, or go back to what they were before the confederation.

That became one of the goals last time they did a revision. "Ever Closer Union". At the time Britain would not sign on and, to get things moving, were given an exemption. It seems Germany, in particular, is regretting that as they also signed onto currency union (as Britain did not) and are being milked like a big-titted cow for the wastrel ways of others. Others against whom threats are made - over and over and over and over and......
The delirium in the UK will not transfer to the US. It is a different world. The UK is going to be screwed for the next decade.

All the while Donnie cheers for the financial losses.

Uh, your Benefactor George Soros is the one making Big Bank by shorting GBP right now, bub.

his hedge fund manager is working for Trump, it's ok now.

What a LAIR.

The ghost of Ms. Truthie!!!!

Every once in awhile, USMB needs someone to channel Ms. Truthie.

And I really wish The Hegemony would unveil her epic meltdown "I Will Niver Phear Yuo" thread. It's very educational. The pathetic trolls of USMB could learn something from her blistering dissent into rage and profanity.

Ms. Truthie was 'da' bomb!!!!
Uh, your Benefactor George Soros is the one making Big Bank by shorting GBP right now, bub.

his hedge fund manager is working for Trump, it's ok now.

What a LAIR.

The ghost of Ms. Truthie!!!!

Every once in awhile, USMB needs someone to channel Ms. Truthie.

And I really wish The Hegemony would unveil her epic meltdown "I Will Niver Phear Yuo" thread. It's very educational. The pathetic trolls of USMB could learn something from her blistering dissent into rage and profanity.

Ms. Truthie was 'da' bomb!!!!

She made a sock puppet appearance a bit ago.

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