Biggest Losers of Brexit

Let's see... Hillary and her supporters, especially...

1. Paul Bizzaro Ryan - Mr. "let 'em all in now"
2. Obama - weakling of the world, nobody pays any attention to him for good reason - he has no credibility
3. The "news media" - all for global government, and the media in Britain was 100% against Brexit
4. The UN = other than the Security Council, what good is the UN?

Hey, Bizzaro, getting nervous Hillary might lose, and if she does lose, you WILL be outed for several acts of .... yeah THAT!!!

5. All the global crony capitalist corporations.

Can you live without half of your nations gdp?

How is leaving the EU going to make half of the UK's GDP disappear?

Mathew, you appear to know virtually nothing about economics. You always end up looking foolish when you start pontificating on economic issues.

I know a hell of a lot more then you do. Loserterian. My question was more directed at investing into the private sector with tax dollars.
Toro is very simple.

More government spending by leftists = good

Less private sector job creation = good

Less government spending = bad

Toro would have predicted the Gingrich budgets would result in a depression. In reality they did, for those who believe government spending is something other than the harmful waste it is...

You're an idiot twoofer, hence the bizarre logical fallacies.
The delirium in the UK will not transfer to the US. It is a different world. The UK is going to be screwed for the next decade.

All the while Donnie cheers for the financial losses.

Uh, your Benefactor George Soros is the one making Big Bank by shorting GBP right now, bub.

his hedge fund manager is working for Trump, it's ok now.

What a LAIR.
Nope, ewe are now a soros sap
if the board RW's think the UK leaving the EU was a good deal, you can bet the farm it wasn't.

name one time this century they have been correct and actually contributed anything of value thats even remotely associated with politics or the economy?
The globalist Pro-EU elites are already working on their strategy to nullify the vote.

They'll blame the next ISIS terror attack in Europe on the "instability" caused by "BREXIT".

They'll blame the popping of the financial bubble (that's been inevitable) on "BREXIT"

You don’t suppose that investment banks, commercial banks, and central banks–eager to punish the British and warn other rebels–had anything to do with the post-Brexit market turbulence, do you? Surely not......

The fight is far from over.
Old people generally voted to leave. Young people generally voted to remain.

Great quote I read online: "The past voted against the future."


No, Brexit isn’t a good sign for Trump
As I said at the time, I would love to have been a fly on the wall when it was decided that 19 individual, sovereign countries (and cultures) could seamlessly coexist within one (1) currency.

Surely a lot of drinking was taking place at those meetings.
A lot of drinking,....
The delirium in the UK will not transfer to the US. It is a different world. The UK is going to be screwed for the next decade.

All the while Donnie cheers for the financial losses.

Uh, your Benefactor George Soros is the one making Big Bank by shorting GBP right now, bub.

his hedge fund manager is working for Trump, it's ok now.

What a LAIR.

The ghost of Ms. Truthie!!!!
Biggest losers of Brexit are the winners.
Democracy in action. No wonder you don't like it , McCarthy

"If insularity is indeed on the rise, it is affecting increasing numbers of Europeans. According to the latest polls, nearly a half of the Italians and Dutch want their countries to leave. Discontent with the Union is also widespread in other countries. The French have a poorer opinion of the European Union than do the British, but because the French believe it to be reformable, fewer want to leave."
Brexit’s Complicated Aftermath
The delirium in the UK will not transfer to the US. It is a different world. The UK is going to be screwed for the next decade.

All the while Donnie cheers for the financial losses.

Uh, your Benefactor George Soros is the one making Big Bank by shorting GBP right now, bub.

his hedge fund manager is working for Trump, it's ok now.

What a LAIR.

The ghost of Ms. Truthie!!!!

Every once in awhile, USMB needs someone to channel Ms. Truthie.

And I really wish The Hegemony would unveil her epic meltdown "I Will Niver Phear Yuo" thread. It's very educational. The pathetic trolls of USMB could learn something from her blistering dissent into rage and profanity.
The delirium in the UK will not transfer to the US. It is a different world. The UK is going to be screwed for the next decade.

All the while Donnie cheers for the financial losses.

Europe is the one who is going to be screwed. The muzzie savages will continue to pour in and destroy their culture and society. The regime in Brussels will swell until it crushes all the economies of the EU.
Scotland will now leave GB to join the EU.

The pound is tanking.

And the unwashed and unthinking far right cheers.
EU is going to bleed for France and/or Spain to be next to leave.

Jake why are you consistently on the wrong side of history? I really wonder with whom your allegiances are you not understand what an oligarchy is?
That won't happen, ck. No one else will leave EU. The only bleeding out will be GB, particularly when Scotland leaves.

ck, you are a populist good for you. But I don't want to live on a farm without electricity, running water, and good veterinary services near by.
Jake, as an American you should understand why a nation voted "yes" (leave) to assert its independence. Every American should understand and celebrate their decision.
The problem, old chap, is that they did not understand why themselves. They do now.

They understand better than you, by far.
You far right freeks are super dooshs as the common, reasonable person understands.

Parliament can reverse the vote, for it has the final say, just as Congress does.

However, the MPs will let the Brits jump off the cliff and wave bye bye to the Scots.
at risk ..

global currency values
corporate interests
global economy

BUT lets fucking celebrate !!!!!!!!!!

stupid shit RW's finally have a valid reason to show concern and they want to fucking celebrate.

wow ..

Prove that any of those things are "at risk."

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