Biggest Presidential absence in over 100 years

Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
Passing ONE BILL is not getting things done lol
Passing ONE BILL that accomplishes a lot of stuff is sure as hell getting things done! LOL

Sure it did. Loads of pork will do that. Oh and lets not forget the 1.9 trillion added to the debt.
What pork? Did you worry about Trump's massive addition to the debt, especially the 2 trillion dollar tax reduction for the wealthy, which he promised would be repaid and was not?
Here are the proposal’s major pieces:
  • It extends a $300 per week jobless aid supplement and programs making millions more people eligible for unemployment insurance until Sept. 6. The plan also makes an individual’s first $10,200 in jobless benefits tax-free.
  • The bill sends $1,400 direct payments to most Americans and their dependents. The checks start to phase out at $75,000 in income for individuals and are capped at people who make $80,000. The thresholds for joint filers are double those limits. The government will base eligibility on Americans’ most recent filed tax return.
  • It expands the child tax credit for one year. It will increase to $3,600 for children under 6 and to $3,000 for kids between 6 and 17.
  • The plan puts about $20 billion into Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing and distribution, along with roughly $50 billion into testing and contact tracing.
  • It adds $25 billion in rental and utility assistance and about $10 billion for mortgage aid.
  • The plan offers $350 billion in relief to state, local and tribal governments.
  • The proposal directs more than $120 billion to K-12 schools.
  • It increases the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefit by 15% through September.
  • The bill includes an expansion of subsidies and other provisions to help Americans afford health insurance.
  • It offers nearly $30 billion in aid to restaurants.
  • The legislation expands an employee retention tax credit designed to allow companies to keep workers on payroll.
Looks good to me, and very necessary today.
So essentially it is THE EXACT SAME THING that Trump already did in the last major stimulus THAT HE GOT NO CREDIT FOR?

You all are so fake
The exact same? Did he not get credit from you and yours?
Nope! I blasted him for it just like Biden.

We don't need bribes for votes, we need the government to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY
And a huge recession to get the hell in the way?
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
Passing ONE BILL is not getting things done lol
Passing ONE BILL that accomplishes a lot of stuff is sure as hell getting things done! LOL

Sure it did. Loads of pork will do that. Oh and lets not forget the 1.9 trillion added to the debt.
What pork? Did you worry about Trump's massive addition to the debt, especially the 2 trillion dollar tax reduction for the wealthy, which he promised would be repaid and was not?
Here are the proposal’s major pieces:
  • It extends a $300 per week jobless aid supplement and programs making millions more people eligible for unemployment insurance until Sept. 6. The plan also makes an individual’s first $10,200 in jobless benefits tax-free.
  • The bill sends $1,400 direct payments to most Americans and their dependents. The checks start to phase out at $75,000 in income for individuals and are capped at people who make $80,000. The thresholds for joint filers are double those limits. The government will base eligibility on Americans’ most recent filed tax return.
  • It expands the child tax credit for one year. It will increase to $3,600 for children under 6 and to $3,000 for kids between 6 and 17.
  • The plan puts about $20 billion into Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing and distribution, along with roughly $50 billion into testing and contact tracing.
  • It adds $25 billion in rental and utility assistance and about $10 billion for mortgage aid.
  • The plan offers $350 billion in relief to state, local and tribal governments.
  • The proposal directs more than $120 billion to K-12 schools.
  • It increases the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefit by 15% through September.
  • The bill includes an expansion of subsidies and other provisions to help Americans afford health insurance.
  • It offers nearly $30 billion in aid to restaurants.
  • The legislation expands an employee retention tax credit designed to allow companies to keep workers on payroll.
Looks good to me, and very necessary today.

Gee don't see where we tax payers are bailing out the blue cities pension plans. That's in there as well. Also don't see the rest of the pork that has nothing to do with Chinese virus relief.

You're a pretty good cherry picker.
You see the pork. It is union pensions all over the USA.
Tucked inside the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill that cleared the Senate on Saturday is an $86 billion aid package that has nothing to do with the pandemic.
Rather, the $86 billion is a taxpayer bailout for about 185 union pension plans that are so close to collapse that without the rescue, more than a million retired truck drivers, retail clerks, builders and others could be forced to forgo retirement income.
The bailout targets multiemployer pension plans, which bring groups of companies together with a union to provide guaranteed benefits. All told, about 1,400 of the plans cover about 10.7 million active and retired workers, often in fields like construction or entertainment where the workers move from job to job. As the work force ages, an alarming number of the plans are running out of money. The trend predated the pandemic and is a result of fading unions, serial bankruptcies and the misplaced hope that investment income would foot most of the bill so that employers and workers wouldn’t have to.
Do you want these retired workers to lose their pensions? How are they to live?
I am anti-union for sure, but I don't want this result. You?
The bill is known an American Relief package, not just a covid bill, except by you,
and is clearly needed in today's climate.

Its supposed to be a Chinese virus relief bill. Not lets pay for the Unions fucked up pension plans.

Obama already did that and they still haven't paid us back.

You might like bailing out someone's pension plan but you can bet most Americans don't.
I am anti-union for sure, but I don't want this result. You?
Yes I do. The unions need to be held responsible for their corruption and extortion.

Continually bailing them out only delays the inevitable collapse that will then be even worse.

I'm with you. No way should American tax dollars be used to bail out Unions fucked up pension plans.
Biggest Presidential absence in over 100 years-TopicTitle

Let me guess, you're mad about something to do with the current administration...

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.
Thought so.
Quiet, unassuming, humble, not seeking news headlines every second of every day...

THIS is what Americans voted in record numbers for!
Donald Trump got more votes than ANY president in history.

Undisputed fact. Suck on it

And yet he still lost BIGLY. :LOL:

He didn't lose. The election was stolen. Big difference.

Okay, Q...if that helps you sleep at night. :lol:
Quiet, unassuming, humble, not seeking news headlines every second of every day...

THIS is what Americans voted in record numbers for!
Donald Trump got more votes than ANY president in history.

Undisputed fact. Suck on it

And yet he still lost BIGLY. :LOL:

He didn't lose. The election was stolen. Big difference.

Okay, Q...if that helps you sleep at night. :lol:
Why are you referring to her as an omnipotent being?
Quiet, unassuming, humble, not seeking news headlines every second of every day...

THIS is what Americans voted in record numbers for!
Donald Trump got more votes than ANY president in history.

Undisputed fact. Suck on it
And 1+1=3
Your inability to do basic math has nothing to do with my post.
Now don't you have a Dr Suess book burning to attend or something?

What special math skills are required to know that Trump got a thumping?
Quiet, unassuming, humble, not seeking news headlines every second of every day...

THIS is what Americans voted in record numbers for!
Donald Trump got more votes than ANY president in history.

Undisputed fact. Suck on it

And yet he still lost BIGLY. :LOL:

He didn't lose. The election was stolen. Big difference.

Okay, Q...if that helps you sleep at night. :lol:
Why are you referring to her as an omnipotent being?

Wrong Q but I do appreciate the Star Trek reference. Live long and prosper.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue? really are wonder the democrats were able to get biden as your candidate.......President Pudding will be out in about a year...if he doesn't collapse before then...when he isn't watching his stories and polishing off pudding cups he simply puts an X on whatever papers they push in front of him...
Quiet, unassuming, humble, not seeking news headlines every second of every day...

THIS is what Americans voted in record numbers for!
Donald Trump got more votes than ANY president in history.

Undisputed fact. Suck on it
And 1+1=3
Your inability to do basic math has nothing to do with my post.
Now don't you have a Dr Suess book burning to attend or something?
Basic math coming from a Trump supporter? Nah.
Quiet, unassuming, humble, not seeking news headlines every second of every day...

THIS is what Americans voted in record numbers for!
Donald Trump got more votes than ANY president in history.

Undisputed fact. Suck on it
And 1+1=3
Your inability to do basic math has nothing to do with my post.
Now don't you have a Dr Suess book burning to attend or something?
Basic math coming from a Trump supporter? Nah.
My political leaning have no impact on your inability to express yourself without looking stupid or showing you lack common sense.
I am anti-union for sure, but I don't want this result. You?
Yes I do. The unions need to be held responsible for their corruption and extortion.

Continually bailing them out only delays the inevitable collapse that will then be even worse.
I agree that the Union hierarchy should be held accountable. Sometimes a bailout is necessary to prevent a catastrophe, like a recession, that will hurt you. Poverty is a powerful reason to put your politics aside for a moment, especially when you are not involved in a life of poverty that could lead to criminal activity.
Obama's bailout of GM saved millions of jobs not only at GM but at all the ancillary businesses that needed GM to survive or deepen an already horrible recession. It was a crapshoot that worked out. So you need to consider the unintended consequences.
Last edited:
I am anti-union for sure, but I don't want this result. You?
Yes I do. The unions need to be held responsible for their corruption and extortion.

Continually bailing them out only delays the inevitable collapse that will then be even worse.
I agree that Union hierarchy should be held accountable.
You enable them by bailing out their mistakes. This is simple shit but you don't seem to get it.
Bailing them out doesn't help anyone but the elites. It enables them to continue raiding the funds.

You want to help the retire? Fine, help them directly instead of giving the money to those abusing them.

So stupid
Quiet, unassuming, humble, not seeking news headlines every second of every day...

THIS is what Americans voted in record numbers for!
Donald Trump got more votes than ANY president in history.

Undisputed fact. Suck on it

And yet he still lost BIGLY. :LOL:

He didn't lose. The election was stolen. Big difference.

Okay, Q...if that helps you sleep at night. :lol:

Whatever floats your boat. More than enough evidence of the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.
I am anti-union for sure, but I don't want this result. You?
Yes I do. The unions need to be held responsible for their corruption and extortion.

Continually bailing them out only delays the inevitable collapse that will then be even worse.
I agree that Union hierarchy should be held accountable.
You enable them by bailing out their mistakes. This is simple shit but you don't seem to get it.
Bailing them out doesn't help anyone but the elites. It enables them to continue raiding the funds.

You want to help the retire? Fine, help them directly instead of giving the money to those abusing them.

So stupid
I agree, and that is as it should be with the union hierarchy being held responsible.
Unfortunately, they are not being held responsible.
Quiet, unassuming, humble, not seeking news headlines every second of every day...

THIS is what Americans voted in record numbers for!
Donald Trump got more votes than ANY president in history.

Undisputed fact. Suck on it
And 1+1=3
Your inability to do basic math has nothing to do with my post.
Now don't you have a Dr Suess book burning to attend or something?
Basic math coming from a Trump supporter? Nah.
My political leaning have no impact on your inability to express yourself without looking stupid or showing you lack common sense.
That is exactly what I am referring to--your lack of common sense.

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