Biggest Presidential absence in over 100 years

All part of the plan.
The plan to install Willie Brown's Ho or the plan to destroy the USA as a capitalist country? Oh wait.. it's the same plan either way,

Idiot-gram ^^^ Brainwashed Author.
Brainwashed is right looneytunes libber.

Close, ^^^ the Brainwashed are all far right wing kooks; the type which worship Charlatan Trump and joined the cult which uses MAGA hats since flour sacks were in short supply.
When you change Joe's Diaper, do you have to watch where you put it down so he doesn't try to eat it?
Well it looks like the Gerber strained mush that Pinochijoe loves so much....
I actually think they are hiding Joe because they are afraid he will shit himself at the presidential podium.
He bought a million shares of Depends stock
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


President Biden is working and too busy to spend hours watching TV in the Morning, Tweeting all day and misleading the American People with lies.

BTW, President Biden will speak to the nation this evening.

He's working all right. To destroy the country. His press conference should be interesting especially if they ask him about the clusterfuck he created at the border. Hope he can remember what he did.

With trump gone, the world and its depressed youth have once again sought to come to the USA now that trump has been displaced from power. The hate and fear rhetoric spewed out of trump's mouth and twitter fingers repelled those who lived in poverty; without trump many now sought the American Dream, which has now been restored by President Biden.
Depressed criminal, thug and infected youth right looney? Exactly what we want, not to mention illegal right?

Have you always been a racist, or had bigotry been instilled within you by trump the Charlatan?
All part of the plan.
The plan to install Willie Brown's Ho or the plan to destroy the USA as a capitalist country? Oh wait.. it's the same plan either way,

Idiot-gram ^^^ Brainwashed Author.
Brainwashed is right looneytunes libber.

Close, ^^^ the Brainwashed are all far right wing kooks; the type which worship Charlatan Trump and joined the cult which uses MAGA hats since flour sacks were in short supply.
When you change Joe's Diaper, do you have to watch where you put it down so he doesn't try to eat it?
Well it looks like the Gerber strained mush that Pinochijoe loves so much....
I actually think they are hiding Joe because they are afraid he will shit himself at the presidential podium.
He bought a million shares of Depends stock
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


President Biden is working and too busy to spend hours watching TV in the Morning, Tweeting all day and misleading the American People with lies.

BTW, President Biden will speak to the nation this evening.

He's working all right. To destroy the country. His press conference should be interesting especially if they ask him about the clusterfuck he created at the border. Hope he can remember what he did.

With trump gone, the world and its depressed youth have once again sought to come to the USA now that trump has been displaced from power. The hate and fear rhetoric spewed out of trump's mouth and twitter fingers repelled those who lived in poverty; without trump many now sought the American Dream, which has now been restored by President Biden.
Depressed criminal, thug and infected youth right looney? Exactly what we want, not to mention illegal right?

Have you always been a racist, or had bigotry been instilled within you by trump the Charlatan?
No, I have always had my common sense though and not been brainwashed by my regime propaganda like you. You are a real out there piece of extremist work.
Biden's up-coming 'press conference' will prove a lot about Biden's ability to function as President....I'll hold further judgement until I see the event.

I will bet that any / all questions he may take will have been pre-scripted / pre-approved, that he will avoid addressing the specific question about his already failed Border / Immigration plan that has resulted in an existing and growing crisis, that he will avoid specifically addressing the on-going / growing Cuomo crimes / scandals.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
Passing ONE BILL is not getting things done lol
Passing ONE BILL that accomplishes a lot of stuff is sure as hell getting things done! LOL

Sure it did. Loads of pork will do that. Oh and lets not forget the 1.9 trillion added to the debt.
Let's not forget it will cost all Americans $6000 and we get $1400 of it.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?

This should make you happy, right? Or were you hoping to see Biden all over the place doing a ton of shit?
Our President is speaking to the nation tonight

Stay tuned

Reading a teleprompter is not the same thing as fielding fly balls from the WH press corps.
trump stopped talking to the press several times. So take all this "he must do a live press conference" bullshit and shove it up your candy right wing asses.
Trump talked to the press constantly.

Yep. And this was before the election heated up.

President Donald Trump has made more than 60 appearances on Fox News shows since being elected in 2016. That is at least eight times the number of his appearances on any other U.S. TV network during that time.

Trump's phone call into Sean Hannity's Thursday night show marked the 61st time the president had appeared on a Fox News platform, according to CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller. The president's second most-frequented network is NBC/CNBC, where Knoller counted only seven appearances for Trump.

Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


You know it's bad when liberal mainstream news starts sending up the red flags.
I don't know about "baad". They just want to do what they do--ask questions.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


You know it's bad when liberal mainstream news starts sending up the red flags.
I don't know about "baad". They just want to do what they do--ask questions. They never asked a question about the massive fraud that occurred.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


President Biden is working and too busy to spend hours watching TV in the Morning, Tweeting all day and misleading the American People with lies.

BTW, President Biden will speak to the nation this evening.

He's working all right. To destroy the country. His press conference should be interesting especially if they ask him about the clusterfuck he created at the border. Hope he can remember what he did.

With trump gone, the world and its depressed youth have once again sought to come to the USA now that trump has been displaced from power. The hate and fear rhetoric spewed out of trump's mouth and twitter fingers repelled those who lived in poverty; without trump many now sought the American Dream, which has now been restored by President Biden.

Except Biden is putting them in cages, which you enthusiastically support.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


You know it's bad when liberal mainstream news starts sending up the red flags.
I don't know about "baad". They just want to do what they do--ask questions. They never asked a question about the massive fraud that occurred.
What massive fraud? You mean the fraud that was debunked by 60 judges, most Republican officials, and Trump's excised cabinet? No fraud to ask questions about
except the huge lawsuit against those who called the election a fraud without proof.
This nonsense is why sane-minded people question Trump's mental competency.
He denies the obvious, probably because he has suckers to scam. By the way, did you send money to Trump?
All part of the plan.
The plan to install Willie Brown's Ho or the plan to destroy the USA as a capitalist country? Oh wait.. it's the same plan either way,

Idiot-gram ^^^ Brainwashed Author.
Brainwashed is right looneytunes libber.

Close, ^^^ the Brainwashed are all far right wing kooks; the type which worship Charlatan Trump and joined the cult which uses MAGA hats since flour sacks were in short supply.
When you change Joe's Diaper, do you have to watch where you put it down so he doesn't try to eat it?
Well it looks like the Gerber strained mush that Pinochijoe loves so much....
I actually think they are hiding Joe because they are afraid he will shit himself at the presidential podium.
He bought a million shares of Depends stock
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


President Biden is working and too busy to spend hours watching TV in the Morning, Tweeting all day and misleading the American People with lies.

BTW, President Biden will speak to the nation this evening.

He's working all right. To destroy the country. His press conference should be interesting especially if they ask him about the clusterfuck he created at the border. Hope he can remember what he did.

With trump gone, the world and its depressed youth have once again sought to come to the USA now that trump has been displaced from power. The hate and fear rhetoric spewed out of trump's mouth and twitter fingers repelled those who lived in poverty; without trump many now sought the American Dream, which has now been restored by President Biden.
Depressed criminal, thug and infected youth right looney? Exactly what we want, not to mention illegal right?

Have you always been a racist, or had bigotry been instilled within you by trump the Charlatan?
I think it's the libs doing the instilling...

Have you watched PBS or listened to NPR recently ?
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


President Biden is working and too busy to spend hours watching TV in the Morning, Tweeting all day and misleading the American People with lies.

BTW, President Biden will speak to the nation this evening.

He's working all right. To destroy the country. His press conference should be interesting especially if they ask him about the clusterfuck he created at the border. Hope he can remember what he did.

With trump gone, the world and its depressed youth have once again sought to come to the USA now that trump has been displaced from power. The hate and fear rhetoric spewed out of trump's mouth and twitter fingers repelled those who lived in poverty; without trump many now sought the American Dream, which has now been restored by President Biden.

More horse shit from an idiot.

Trump was a great POTUS. The stuttering fuck you voted for has opened the border. He handcuffed Ice and stopped construction on the funded wall. Now we have illegals streaming into the US. Many with the Chinese virus.

If that's your idea of a good POTUS then you are one sick fuck.

Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year. We will be lucky if that stuttering fuck doesn't bankrupt the country.

If you don't want to live in poverty then pull yourself out of poverty. Get a job and pay your own way. Welfare is easy. Everyone pays your way. There is no incentive to not be poor.

Oh and our poor are rich by third world standards.

Carry on you sick fuck.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (

Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years.

But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies.

So what is there to report to the American people?


You know it's bad when liberal mainstream news starts sending up the red flags.
I don't know about "baad". They just want to do what they do--ask questions. They never asked a question about the massive fraud that occurred.
What massive fraud? You mean the fraud that was debunked by 60 judges, most Republican officials, and Trump's excised cabinet? No fraud to ask questions about
except the huge lawsuit against those who called the election a fraud without proof.
This nonsense is why sane-minded people question Trump's mental competency.
He denies the obvious, probably because he has suckers to scam. By the way, did you send money to Trump?

I don't send a dime to any of the idiots up there. And yes, all cases had merit but the courts and SC declined on standing.
Biden not yet holding a formal news conference raises accountability questions (
Where is Joe Biden? The media has not seen a Presidential absence like this in 100 years. But then, king Biden is king, and as such, who cares since there is no longer a Covid crisis anymore. And all this talk of a crisis at the border, just more right wing lies. So what is there to report to the American people? Right?
I get it. You're so used to a president that was into empty posturing that a president who actually works and gets things done confuses you. The only people complaining are those who want to claim he's a liar, anyway. Where's the upside, when the complainers are all just slavish minions to a narcissistic demagogue?
Passing ONE BILL is not getting things done lol
Passing ONE BILL that accomplishes a lot of stuff is sure as hell getting things done! LOL

Sure it did. Loads of pork will do that. Oh and lets not forget the 1.9 trillion added to the debt.
Let's not forget it will cost all Americans $6000 and we get $1400 of it.
It's a massive debt starter kit for Americans not yet bourne.

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