bigots get nearly a million firefighter gets about 90k....

what is wrong with this picture.....a bunch of bigots get nearly a million in donations for being bigots...while a firefighter who fell into the fire from the roof of a burning building gets 90 k in me crazy but shouldnt it be the reverse?

No. Because everyone has a right to voice their own opinions. Seems as if you left leaning bigots would have gotten that message with the Chik Fil A beat down.
nothing to either one....i rarely donate to human charities preferring humane society donations or food banks

let me get this straight a man who got up and went to work deserves so much less than people who refused to perform there service or there job?
A picture of the people some of you are spitting on.

#MemoriesPizza Thanks People For Their Support, “I’m So Grateful”

Via Washington Times:

A staggering $842,387 was raised in just two days for the owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, after they came under attack for saying they would refuse for religious reasons to cater a hypothetical gay wedding.

The “Support Memories Pizza” page on closed for donations Friday evening following a stunning 48-hour fundraising campaign that took in contributions from 29,160 people. The total raised is more than four times the original goal of $200,000.

“It’s been fantastic, the support we have gotten. I don’t have the words to describe it,” said an emotional Kevin O’Connor in a Thursday interview with TheBlazeTV’s Dana Loesch.

Mr. O’Connor, who owns Memories Pizza with his 21-year-old daughter Crystal, said he was overwhelmed by the outpouring of encouragement, both financial and emotional. Ms. Loesch and her staff launched the crowdfunding page Wednesday.

ALL of it here:
MemoriesPizza Thanks People For Their Support I m So Grateful Weasel Zippers
what is wrong with this picture.....a bunch of bigots get nearly a million in donations for being bigots...while a firefighter who fell into the fire from the roof of a burning building gets 90 k in me crazy but shouldnt it be the reverse?

Let's see

A lynch mob goes after a tiny family business, in a tiny town, threaten their building and their life's.

A firefighter falls through a roof while fighting a fire, has insurance and a city to finance his hospital care.

And, how are these the same?

The irony (actually the stupidity) of the OP is that the gay mafia threatened to BURN DOWN the pizza joint, that would have put firefighters life's at risk.

Good Lord bones
excellent reasoning POP23 !!
what is wrong with this picture.....a bunch of bigots get nearly a million in donations for being bigots...while a firefighter who fell into the fire from the roof of a burning building gets 90 k in me crazy but shouldnt it be the reverse?
Whew! For a second there I thought you were talking about the racist bigots that called in death threats to memories pizza and threatened to burn it down for standing by their religious beliefs. Thank goodness.
where did i ask for money...merely think it reflects the bogus morals and standards of conservatives...that bigots profit while hard working firefighters are given crumbs from the banquet....
hard working firefighters are just doing the job that they most likely begged to get Strolling . Poor guy did his job , got hurt , will get excellent care that taxpayers pay for . Good , I hope he gets the Best but hey , he wanted the job and the job can be dangerous .
In Indiana, Hysteria as a Bludgeon
by Rich Lowry April 3, 2015 12:00 AM Hysteria works

. That’s the lesson of the debate, such as it is, over Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Nothing so captured the spirit of the discussion as an exchange Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show.”

That is, of course, the eponymous program hosted by Ed Schultz, who is the Edward R. Murrow of poorly informed bombast.

For him, “Shut up, he explained,” is a high-toned argument. Schultz proved it when his guest Ryan Anderson of The Heritage Foundation badly overmatched him by saying knowledgeable things about RFRA, and, unable to handle it, the host had Anderson’s mic cut off. Ah, yes, #debate.

Rarely has one side had so few facts on its side and gotten such results through sheer repetition of the word “discrimination” and through lurid, fantastical denunciations.

Indiana Governor Mike Pence has been on the run. Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has sent an RFRA passed by his state legislature back for amendment.

And future Republican governors may conclude, with former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who vetoed an RFRA last year, that preemptive surrender is the best option.

As anyone who has been paying attention should know (but most still don’t), the Indiana law says that the state can’t substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion unless there is a compelling governmental interest at stake and it is pursued by the least restrictive means. In this, it is just like RFRAs at the federal level and in other states. Much is made of the fact that the Indiana law arguably goes beyond the federal version by including private suits to which the government is not party — although a number of circuit courts have interpreted the federal law that way, as well.

RFRAs aren’t often successfully invoked, but sometimes a religious petitioner — say, a Native American who uses eagle feathers in a ceremony — can prevail against a government regulation.

It is possible that RFRA could be used by a baker or florist who objects to providing services to a gay wedding to protect against a fine or a lawsuit, although it hasn’t happened anywhere yet. But let’s not dwell on facts or reality. No one else does.

all of it here:
Read more at: National Review
i have never threatened it pop.....dont go all stephanie here lol

i am amazed at the rationalization and justification yall have for your hate....

Reread the post, I was responding to Bodey.

Oh, and the hatred was on your side. Arson and Murder threats.

Good lord
nothing to either one....i rarely donate to human charities preferring humane society donations or food banks

let me get this straight a man who got up and went to work deserves so much less than people who refused to perform there service or there job?

Less? He has both city and union insurance backing him!

Wow, just wow
nothing to either one....i rarely donate to human charities preferring humane society donations or food banks

let me get this straight a man who got up and went to work deserves so much less than people who refused to perform there service or there job?
You do understand that the pizza place never refused to perform any service don't you? They weren't ever asked to perform the service.

It was a hypothetical question posed by a roving reporter to the teenage daughter of the owner.

For all the threats and invective against this place don't you think they should actually have done something?
what is wrong with this picture.....a bunch of bigots get nearly a million in donations for being bigots...while a firefighter who fell into the fire from the roof of a burning building gets 90 k in me crazy but shouldnt it be the reverse?

One became a national headline; the other didn't.

That's the difference.
what is wrong with this picture.....a bunch of bigots get nearly a million in donations for being bigots...while a firefighter who fell into the fire from the roof of a burning building gets 90 k in me crazy but shouldnt it be the reverse?

Let's see

A lynch mob goes after a tiny family business, in a tiny town, threaten their building and their life's.

A firefighter falls through a roof while fighting a fire, has insurance and a city to finance his hospital care.

And, how are these the same?

The irony (actually the stupidity) of the OP is that the gay mafia threatened to BURN DOWN the pizza joint, that would have put firefighters life's at risk.

Good Lord bones

I agreee
what is wrong with this picture.....a bunch of bigots get nearly a million in donations for being bigots...while a firefighter who fell into the fire from the roof of a burning building gets 90 k in me crazy but shouldnt it be the reverse?

People who live by a standard you disagree with got that much in donations. They got them because people with the same standards chose to do so. Don't confuse bigotry with standards and principles.
The people have spoken and obviously don't buy the trashy "bigotry" shit the leftist constantly fling around. Wallowing in shit is the best they can do.

I think that based on that other thread we were discussing, you more than made it evident that you are one of those bigots. Careful who you trash, you are trashing yourself.
This is how the left/progessives/dem think and what this is all about folks
VIDEO of it at the site

Ana Marie Cox: You Have to Force People to Do Things They Don’t Want To

Ana Marie Cox: You Have to Force People to Do Things They Don't Want To
Breitbart Non-Syndicated


by Ian Hanchett4 Apr 2015497

Writer Ana Marie Cox argued that “you’re going to have to force people to do things they don’t want to do” in a discussion on Indiana’s RFRA law on Saturday’s “Up with Steve Kornacki” on MSNBC.

“I think it’s important for the context of the discussion of the Indiana law to say that it was in part passed in response to what happened in new mexico to try and change the ability of people to — not have to do these kinds of things. I guess I want to — I don’t think they’re reconcilable [preventing discrimination and religious liberty]. I do think you’re going to have to force people to do things they don’t want to do. That’s sometimes what happens in a democratic society” Cox stated.

all of it here
Ana Marie Cox You Have to Force People to Do Things They Don t Want To - Breitbart
The pizzeria owners were presented with a hypothetical situation. Off the top of their heads, the owners gave an answer that did not please the activists, who then threatened the owners very lives. The people are clearly angry with the attacks and threats and have spoken.

The discrimination never happened and might not even had the situation actually presented itself.

The activists are nothing more than bullies and they deserve the humiliation that they are receiving in this beating!
and i love the fact that you resort to name calling...why does the empty vessel always make the most noise?
You did not start the thread name calling? Really? In what fantasy world do you live in? Again for the slow and stupid the Pizza place broke no laws discriminated against no one and was threatened with murder of the owner and burning the place down. And you call Conservatives names?
nothing to either one....i rarely donate to human charities preferring humane society donations or food banks

let me get this straight a man who got up and went to work deserves so much less than people who refused to perform there service or there job?
Well except NO ONE refused any one service and no one refused to do their job.

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