Bilderberg Conspiracy - Is Jessie Venture the Most Gullible or Dumbest Man Alive


Apr 22, 2007
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bilderberg Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I caught this episode on the Bilderberg Conspiracy. Basically his theory is this secretive group of 130 members is secretly planning world domination and has manipulated everything that has gone on the last 100+ years. That this little group owns everything in the world from politics, to the media, to the banks to governments. LOL, remove Bilderberg and put in Jew and you have what the the nutjob Nazis and antisemites have been scream from the beginning of time.

It gets even better. Jessie stumbles onto a few moron that stated the this group of 130 people is planning the death of 6 billion people. That they are planning for only 500 million people left on the planet.

Forget hardcore evidence when you have hearsay from some idiots that no one would view as creditable. Here is the plan. The world governments are putting poison in our fool to reduce our immune system. Then they will force us to take vaccinations (forget the fact that even during epidemics getting the vast majority of the world to take vaccines is nearly impossible) brought on by a fact epidemic like the swine flu. People who refuse to take the vaccine will be brought to detention centers and forced to take the vaccine.

Guest 1: The shows states this guy is an expert in his field, yet provide no credentials other than saying he is an expert. He says the Bilderbergs have been poisoning our foods (esp baby food) since the 50s. This stroke offers no evidence, but Jessie the Retard buys every word.

Guest 2: Then bring in the head of the conspiracy that sits out at Bilderberg meetings and screams at them with a loud-speaker. Yep this is the type of sane guy I would listen to. He goes over this whole plot, that this average Joe some how uncovered. I mean think about this all power group planning on killing 6 billion people would slip up to let this joker find him out. And if they controlled everything and planned on killing 6 billion people how would they not have taken out a guy who actually uncovered their scheme. Its not like this liar is hiding or anything. Nevertheless Jessie the Retard takes every words as the truth.

Guest 3: The joker above says you need to talk to this one crazy nutjob, because she uncovered the truth. This stupid broad claims to be a doctors. She says for her safety she resides in Panama and will only fly in to meet with Jessie the Retard. If your in hiding, wouldn't you (1) not dictate where your hiding and (2) find a safer destination than Panama? :confused: Again reason is not Jessie the Retards strong suit. She claims to know about the conspiracy because she has worked on (again she says she is a doctor) some Congressman. Wait a minute all the Congressman on are in on it, but there are 130 people! :eek: This waste of a brain states her biggest proof is a senator told her the plot and she looks forward to its enactment because there are too many people (or something along those lines). Jessie the Retard say can you say who it is? This retard trolls says she would like to, but she is bound by patient-client confidentiality! :eek: Are you fucking kidding me! P/C privilege is what she is saying. She claims they are going to kill 6 billion people and very soon, yet she can't say a name because of an ethical oath.

Jessie is sinking to new lows. He has official turned into a sideshow. He is the bud of every joke. I now look at Minnesota and wonder if they have a deep history of imbreding because they voted for Franken (waste of a Congressman), Keith Ellison (A 9/11 truth) and Jessie the Retard Ventura (this man shouldn't even be allowed to run his kid's lemonade stand, but he ran a state :eek:)
why don't you pull your balls out of your purse and ask him face to face GHook93?
Is Jessie Venture the Most Gullible or Dumbest Man Alive

I think a poll found that he actually came in 2nd place; the 17 people who take him seriously all tied for first.
yup, you are way smarter than him....thats why he has a TV show that you spend time watching while he is laughing all the way to the bank.
ghooks opinion is completely tainted with his fear and belief that anything that involves international bankers and money men must code for Jew and therefore must be denied or defended regardless of the truth
ghooks opinion is completely tainted with his fear and belief that anything that involves international bankers and money men must code for Jew and therefore must be denied or defended regardless of the truth

Sorry I won't believe that this secret society of elites is planning on killing 90-95% of the worlds population via dainted food and vaccines. Sorry I won't believe a few nutjobs who offer no proof other than baseless assumptions!
There's obviously a market for this tripe and he's capitalizing on it. Jessie's laughing all the way to the bank.
yup, you are way smarter than him....thats why he has a TV show that you spend time watching while he is laughing all the way to the bank.

So are you saying that Sarah Palin is smarter than you are?

After all, she wrote a book and has millions of dollars in the bank now.

Oh, and after reading Sinatra's latest prop piece, apparently she is on TV now.
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I am a member of Bilderberg and our purpose is misrepresented. We meet twice a month and play poker, open a keg of beer and sometimes hire a stripper.
To imply that we are trying to take over the world is a joke
We held a Bilderberg meeting last weekend. Most the night we played cards and I won $550. I blew it all on lap dances though.

The confusion comes because we tell our wives we are meeting to discuss world domination. They buy the story, so we keep it up
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There's obviously a market for this tripe and he's capitalizing on it. Jessie's laughing all the way to the bank.

He might be laughing all the way to the bank, but that doesn't remove the fact that he is a true believe. Think of EOTS having a show.

Either the bank can't be too big, the show is on TrueTV. That is like the bottom of the barrel in cable TV.
ghooks opinion is completely tainted with his fear and belief that anything that involves international bankers and money men must code for Jew and therefore must be denied or defended regardless of the truth

very well said.Ghooks is a Bush/Obama dupe who when confronted with evidence and facts,is one of those 3 monkeys.He sees no truth,hears no truth,or speaks no truth cause the truth would make him shit his pants if he had to accept it.Therefore he only sees what he WANTS to see like many others here.
ghooks opinion is completely tainted with his fear and belief that anything that involves international bankers and money men must code for Jew and therefore must be denied or defended regardless of the truth

very well said.Ghooks is a Bush/Obama dupe who when confronted with evidence and facts,is one of those 3 monkeys.He sees no truth,hears no truth,or speaks no truth cause the truth would make him shit his pants if he had to accept it.Therefore he only sees what he WANTS to see like many others here.

The board thinks you're a worthless troll. Did you set out to achieve that or did it come naturally?
the board thinks? that how your sheep mentality works...the board are not as fresh as you should be...I know I read it on the men's room wall

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