Bilderberg Conspiracy - Is Jessie Venture the Most Gullible or Dumbest Man Alive

You mean Bilderbergs is not some kind of baskets or sandals?

I thought it was that place in the mall where they made your stuffed bear right in front of your--Build-A-Bear. Apparently the same guys scared shitless about the Build-a-bears think termites took down the World Trade Centers.

Just goes to show you...just when you think you've got something licked as a society, stuffed animals and insects come back and bite you in the ass.
ghooks opinion is completely tainted with his fear and belief that anything that involves international bankers and money men must code for Jew and therefore must be denied or defended regardless of the truth

very well said.Ghooks is a Bush/Obama dupe who when confronted with evidence and facts,is one of those 3 monkeys.He sees no truth,hears no truth,or speaks no truth cause the truth would make him shit his pants if he had to accept it.Therefore he only sees what he WANTS to see like many others here.

LOL, here is 9/11 Insider, Sunni Man and Eots checklist:
- 9/11 Truther = Check :cuckoo:
- Holocaust Denial = Check :evil:
- Bilderberg Trying Controlling the World and planning on killing 6 billion people = Check :confused:
- Jews control everything in a secret society (conflicts with #3 but rational isn't your strong point = Check :eusa_eh:

- Al Qaeda is real and is trying to kill Americans, Indians, Chinese and Westerns in general = now that is just crazy :eek:
That just reached into the mental midget paranoid mind of Eots! I love a youtube testimony.
(1) Offers NO proof other than words and baseless assumptions.
(2) The assumptions are so erroneous and impossible its amazing. 120 control the world. Are you fucking kidding me. 120 people couldn't even control he US government. In fact they would fall on their faces.
(3) 120 people, super secret meeting of the elite of the elites who have diabolitical plans, yet two average Joe Nothings can get a mole into the group! LOL, who the fuck are you crapping.
(4) An organization that plans to kill 6 billion people, but these two trolls are left alive and its not like they are in hiding. Come on!
(5) Getting testimony from people off the street. Now that is solid evidence.

Eots you are a fucking moron, and I say that will all due respect. It must be hard for you to even tie your shoes in the mourning!

No problem sunni man,glad you enjoyed that post hearing the truth about Ghook how he burys his head in the sand like an ostrich cause the truth scares him.
No problem sunni man,glad you enjoyed that post hearing the truth about Ghook how he burys his head in the sand like an ostrich cause the truth scares him.

I've forwarded this post to the Bilderbergs, they will be hunting you down shortly to stop you from spreading the truth about their organization.

No problem sunni man,glad you enjoyed that post hearing the truth about Ghook how he burys his head in the sand like an ostrich cause the truth scares him.

I bury my head in the sand! LOL, your the one that wants to ignore the true and very real threat of Islamic Facist.
Jews control everything in a secret society (conflicts with #3 but rational isn't your strong point = Check

ghookhooknose69er...when did I ever say Jews control everything ??..Why do you lie all the time ??

You don't subscribe to those ZOG theories! Who you crappin?:cuckoo:
Jews control everything in a secret society (conflicts with #3 but rational isn't your strong point = Check

ghookhooknose69er...when did I ever say Jews control everything ??..Why do you lie all the time ??

You don't subscribe to those ZOG theories! Who you crappin?:cuckoo:

not unless the ZOG theory is that there are some disingenuous ..shameless Jews that want to scream holocaust every time someone disagrees with them or criticize any of the actions of Israel
I went to another Bilderberg meeting last night. We watched porn movies and played beer pong........good time was had by all
I think Jesse's show is just a joke and he is laughing the hardest.:clap2::clap2:

Not the case. He has gone on Hannity and told of his 9/11 truther theories.

Look at Jessie's life. Look at your life. What the fuck have you ever done?

Not he admitted to. So, did your new shift lead prohibit texting while manning the fry station; the odor you cast hasn't been her for a while.
Not the case. He has gone on Hannity and told of his 9/11 truther theories.

Look at Jessie's life. Look at your life. What the fuck have you ever done?

Not he admitted to. So, did your new shift lead prohibit texting while manning the fry station; the odor you cast hasn't been her for a while.

speaking of Odor..have you got that thing checked yet ?...I have heard its worse than the fulton fish market on a sunny day
Look at Jessie's life. Look at your life. What the fuck have you ever done?

Not he admitted to. So, did your new shift lead prohibit texting while manning the fry station; the odor you cast hasn't been her for a while.

speaking of Odor..have you got that thing checked yet ?...I have heard its worse than the fulton fish market on a sunny day

You'd have to ask your sister when you get your head out from between her legs.
Not he admitted to. So, did your new shift lead prohibit texting while manning the fry station; the odor you cast hasn't been her for a while.

speaking of Odor..have you got that thing checked yet ?...I have heard its worse than the fulton fish market on a sunny day

You'd have to ask your sister when you get your head out from between her legs.

Knock off the family comments, noob. Read the rules, please.


I think Jesse's show is just a joke and he is laughing the hardest.:clap2::clap2:

Not the case. He has gone on Hannity and told of his 9/11 truther theories.

Look at Jessie's life. Look at your life. What the fuck have you ever done?

So since he has been a Navy Seal, a horrendous actor and a Failed Governor (none of which I have done) that givers him creditability in his 9/11 theories and other theories based on not a shred of solid evidence! :doubt:
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