Bill Barr: Would 'absolutely' get involved in 2024 primary fight to defeat Trump: we can't win with Trump, he's too divisive

The hell?

After attempting to make Trump king in all but name, Barr is only now saying he doesn't want him to be POTUS again?

At 3:00 Barr flutters his eyes. I didn't realize he was such a fuckung wimp. Jake Tapper keeps quoting Barrs own book and Barr seems as uncomfortable as a criminal housed "behind the well of the court."
At 3:00 Barr flutters his eyes. I didn't realize he was such a fuckung wimp. Jake Tapper keeps quoting Barrs own book and Barr seems as uncomfortable as a criminal housed "behind the well of the court."
didn't see that. i watch college wrestling while listening to political interviews on youtube. multi-task!
Barr is a swamp rat. He should be ignored. We will choose who is best for us when the time comes. It's a long way to 2024, a few folks will have big opportunities to step up. It's sad liberals and their swamp shills are already trying to define the conservative field.
The hell?

After attempting to make Trump king in all but name, Barr is only now saying he doesn't want him to be POTUS again?

did you not watch the actual video? i personally agree with him. I’d much rather see someone else, there is a deep bench of well qualified members of the GOP. Moreover, I agree with Trump’s policies, but agree his temper got him in trouble…however i’d support him over the clear and present danger that is the leftist agenda
did you not watch the actual video? i personally agree with him. I’d much rather see someone else, there is a deep bench of well qualified members of the GOP. Moreover, I agree with Trump’s policies, but agree his temper got him in trouble…however i’d support him over the clear and present danger that is the leftist agenda
This will certainly be a very interesting Republican primary. I have a feeling the women are getting a bigger more powerful role in that party. Kristi Noem in South Dakota, and Kim Reynolds in Iowa, like that. There is unquestionably grass roots conservatism, and when those people look at a Noem they see impeccable conservative credentials. I have a feeling the womens' voices will be heard during this primary.
Barr is a member in good standing of the Deep State.

Barr did nothing at the Justice Department to go after the shitheads in the FBI, CIA and Democrat Parties that tried to stage a coup against Trump.

Barr did nothing to go after the filthy destructive BLM/ANTIFA insurrection.

He lost his credibility a long time ago.
The hell?

After attempting to make Trump king in all but name, Barr is only now saying he doesn't want him to be POTUS again?

He is just trying to stay in good graces of the current administration is all it is so he is saying what they say about trump.

He wouldn't be so divisive if he would stop focusing on his personality and focus instead on his results he gets. Trump reminds me of my old boss. The guy was a egotistical asshole a lot of times but you couldn't argue that he got shit done and things ran well when he was in charge. Republicans need to just focus on his stats, not his personality.

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