Bill Clinton and Barack Obama believe 9-11 was done by terrorists

You really are a load that should have been swallowed.

What are these impeachable offense that you speak of?

There was a thread made showing them here in this section not too long ago that I think Eots was the one that created proving it.Were you that one that created that thread Eots? if so,could you post that link here? If he is not the one that posted it,I'll try to find that link, but Im pretty sure he was the one.Its common knowledge-not what they are of course,but that he has committed somewhere around that many of them.its been talked about everywhere.Its hardly a secret.
There was a thread made showing them here in this section not too long ago that I think Eots was the one that created proving it.Were you that one that created that thread Eots? if so,could you post that link here? If he is not the one that posted it,I'll try to find that link, but Im pretty sure he was the one.Its common knowledge-not what they are of course,but that he has committed somewhere around that many of them.its been talked about everywhere.Its hardly a secret.

I also forgot to mention yesterday that it has been shown and talked about on the news as well.I'm not talking local news here.Im talking NATIONAL news.It would have been surprising enough to see the mainstream media talk about it on local news, but I was flabbergassted to see that they were actually talking about it on the National news announcing it.Its been talked about quite a few times.You must not watch the news very much cause its been talked about.To my pleasing surprise,they were talking about how Bush has just a 19% approval rating by the public which is an all time low for ANY president in the history of the nation and then went on even announcing his 145 impeachable offences.Like I said,its out there,its hardly a secret to people who have been watching the news.
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I also forgot to mention yesterday that it has been shown and talked about on the news as well.I'm not talking local news here.Im talking NATIONAL news.It would have been surprising enough to see the mainstream media talk about it on local news, but I was flabbergassted to see that they were actually talking about it on the National news announcing it.Its been talked about quite a few times.You must not watch the news very much cause its been talked about.To my pleasing surprise,they were talking about how Bush has just a 19% approval rating by the public which is an all time low for ANY president in the history of the nation and then went on even announcing his 145 impeachable offences.Like I said,its out there,its hardly a secret to people who have been watching the news.

Yeah, well, why bother impeaching any president anymore? Clinton was impeached, but not removed from office. I still have one of the letters sent to me by one of my senators, paraphrased, "sure he's guilty as hell, but it's not worthy of removal". That's like the jurors in any trial saying, "yeah he robbed the bank but it's not worthy of punishment."

The house had already determined that if he had committed the crime, it was worthy of removal. All the senate was suppose to do was determine guilt or innocence.

Our government is so messed up I don't think it'll be fixed until we have another full blown bloody revolution.
Yeah, well, why bother impeaching any president anymore? Clinton was impeached, but not removed from office. I still have one of the letters sent to me by one of my senators, paraphrased, "sure he's guilty as hell, but it's not worthy of removal". That's like the jurors in any trial saying, "yeah he robbed the bank but it's not worthy of punishment."

The house had already determined that if he had committed the crime, it was worthy of removal. All the senate was suppose to do was determine guilt or innocence.

Our government is so messed up I don't think it'll be fixed until we have another full blown bloody revolution.

yeah I know.good point.why bother impeaching a president anyways.I mean Clinton committed far more impeachable offences than Nixon ever did yet he was allowed to stay in office and is walking the streets.It was a joke that Nixon got impeached and all the punishment he ever got out of that was he had to resign from his job.what a arent kidding.Thats the only way it'll ever be fixed is if the american people get of their lazy behinds and stop worrying about their own little pathetic little problems and start a revolution.Our forefathers would be digusted with us if they could now see what our country they fought for has become.Like I said before,makes me ashamed to be an american the way we have allowed these people to destroy america and the constitution.
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yeah I know.good point.why bother impeaching a president anyways.I mean Clinton committed far more impeachable offences than Nixon ever did yet he was allowed to stay in office and is walking the streets.It was a joke that Nixon got impeached and all the punishment he ever got out of that was he had to resign from his job.what a arent kidding.Thats the only way it'll ever be fixed is if the american people get of their lazy behinds and stop worrying about their own little pathetic little problems and start a revolution.Our forefathers would be digusted with us if they could now see what our country they fought for has become.Like I said before,makes me ashamed to be an american the way we have allowed these people to destroy america and the constitution.
uhm Nixon wasnt impeached, he resigned
That statement alone leads to numerous questions.
When would Obama and all other politicians become aware of this corruption? How come when they first became aware of this they didn't report it to the public? If they did the entire country would have fallen in love with them and we would have ousted all the corrupt members. Meanwhile, Obama's career would have skyrocketed. Is he actually a horrible person? He seems like a good guy to me. [/QUOTE=Big_D;875563]

Okay to start off I will address the first part of this.
Not being Obama its hard to say exactly when he became aware of the corruption.and actually they HAVE reported it to the public you just dont hear about it from the corporate controlled media such as the major news channels or the major newspapers like the LA TIMES ect.Do this,stop listeing to the corporate controlled media,they are controlled by big businesses and corporations and they are only going to report what THEY want you to hear.
stop listening to them and start subscribing to alternative news sources such as american free press,the republic and media bypass and visit these links as well- Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! and Alex Jones' Prison Planet: The truth will set you free! "They" report REAL news that you'll never hear from the corporate controlled media. are you kidding? the american people are too lazy these days to care about doing anything about it.
This means that probably thousands of people know this, but are not telling anyone. Wouldn't you think that just ONE person who are part of the mass media would tell the public? Wouldn't it leak somehow? Are you saying that NONE of the people have an ounce patriotism in their blood? Which leads me to my next point...

Their either in denial like you see many posters here on these boards are,or the ones that agree are too lazy to want to do anything about it.Sadly they dont care,their only concerned with whats going on in their own pitiful lives like being able to pay off the mortgage,raise their family,buy a new home,ect ect.they dont want to get involved in take any action.I know that to be true cause even the people I talk to who believe it,dont get angry about it like they should.If the forefathers of the united states were still alive today,they would be embarressed and ashamed of the american people for allowing rich, greedy, evil people take over the government like they have and turn it into a nazi run government.Frankly Im ashamed of being an american the way the american people have allowed it to happen.So no they'll never oust the corrupt people like Bush,cheney,Rice,Rumsfiled,clinton and all the others involved in it.Cause again their too lazy to worry about something like that in this day and age.
I don't think that most citizens of this county are apathetic. People got awfully roused up when our nation was attacked and that would happen to even the most greedy politician if they were aware that this nation was attacked.

Are you kidding? Obamas career would never skyrocket.They would make sure he never got elected if he didnt keep his mouth shut about this.Is he actually a horrible person? well him and MCcain both want to continue the patriot act that Bush passed which takes away several rights of the american citizens such as it allows government agencys to spy on americans in their homes as an example,one of the many clear violations against the yeah I would say that makes him a horrible person.Plus he does not want to reopen a new 9/11 investigation like Ron Paul does who also OPPOSED the partiot act and wants to get rid of it.Sure Obama SEEMS like a good guy on the outside surface.But once you learn about the CFR group-which again Obama and MCcain are both members of,you realise he is not.Like I said,Ron Paul is not a member of the CFR and he wants nothing to do with them.Ron Paul unlike Obama or MCcain,belives in the constitution.

So you don't think that Obama or the NUMEROUS other politicians who you claim know about the conspiracy wouldn't inform the American people that we in turn would have been thrilled that SOMEONE in the govt would have informed us of this horrible news and therefore jumped on his bandwagon? Even conservative republicans would have voted for Obama if he was the first and only to revealed 9-11 was a hoax.

Also, I cannot believe that Obama is this horrible of a person. Don't you believe that he or any other politician loves his country at all? Did he start off good and then along the way became evil? Do you believe that everyone in the senate, house, cabinet, and every governor in this entire nation are aware that the attacks were a hoax and are so awful of a human being that they are not informing us?
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continued-how come when they first became aware,they didn't report it to the public? They HAVE reported it to the public.Thats why there is such a big truth movement going on all over the world.these are known facts around the world.more and more millions of people are waking up to it every year.Many people arent going to hear about it though cause the corporate controlled media isnt going to report this.
There obviously either isn't enough evidence or these people haven't done a good job informing the mass. Here is a perfect example: 9/11 opinion polls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia According to the zogby poll, only 15 percent of americans believe in the theory. If you are saying that all these people (probably thousands) who know that 9-11 was a hoax can only convince 15% of the people?

Obama's would never have been elected president if he spoke about the truth on 9/11.Once you get up that high to the elected office of the presidency,you have been compromised.Meaning he did some evil things along the way to get there.He doesnt want any of those skeletons to come out of the closet so that being the case,he will go along with whatever the Establishment wants him to do. are you kidding? Obama's career would never skyrocket if he mentioned the truth about 9/11.They would make sure and have both the media and government sabatoge his campain like they did with Ron Paul.

How do you know that Obama has done evil things in his lifetime? Do you have anything to back that up? Like the point I have made before, his career would have taken off when he informed the public that this is a hoax and the govt is to blame.

The major media networks didnt give Ron Paul ANYWHERE near the amount of airtime they gave any of the other candidates.Matter of fact he was on Jay Leno and Leno was talking to him how he thought it was unfair that they did not let him participate in the new hampshire primarys which is illegal by the way.and he said to Leno-Yeah it was unfair,matter of fact were going to file a lawsuit against the state of New Hampsire for this.

True Ron Paul did not receive as much air time, but that is not b/c he believes in the 9-11 hoax. He wasn't part of all the debates because he was never a viable candidate. Who would you think would conservatives be more willing to vote for Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul? Also, if Ron Paul would show us ANY evidence or give any names of people who would have informed him that this is a hoax then he would have instantly have won the votes of many.

Also Ron Paul HAS talked about 9/11.At the beginning when he was running for the presidency,he was telling people at rallys that if elected,he would reopen a new 9/11 investigation.Well in later months he changed his tune and started saying in televised conferences that he did not believe there was a government conspiracy in 9/11 and I found out the reason why he changed his tune was because a lot of his major supporters from the left do not believe it was an inside job so he didnt want to lose their support is why he changed his tune.But INITIALLY he was talking about that.

Are you saying that Ron Paul knows the attacks were planned by our government and is now saying the opposite? Wouldn't he by your own admission be a horrible person? Also, can you provide sources where he has said the govt was responsible for the attacks? I wasnt able to find any. He did say that the US was responsible because of our foreign policy, but not because the government attacked us.
continued-Obama would NEVER have become president if he said what REALLY went on in 9/11.Thats why Pauls campain was sabatoged was because they dont want him in office.And of course not every politician is corrupt.I NEVER said that.There are some good honest politicians out there like Ron Paul who want to do the right thing.Not all members of congress are corrupt,just most of them are.

I have made this point before, but if Ron Paul is so great why is he now lying? Here are two links where Paul states his true beliefs of who attacked
us. Hit & Run > Ron Paul on 9/11 and Eric Dondero - Reason Magazine
One if from May of '07 and the other is from Feb of '06, well before the primaries. Therefore, his campaign couldn't have been sabotaged b/c he stated that 9-11 was done by terrorists before the even began.

Most of them sadly are able to be bought off with money to keep their mouths shut though or go along with what they want you to do.Example,Before Nancy Polosky became speaker of the house,she was calling for Bush to be impeached.AFTER she got elected,she changed her tune and NOW says he should NOT be impeached.Obviously they got to her and she has been bought off and paid for to keep her mouth shut if she wants to stay in office.They couldn't have shown this to us because again,the corporate controlled media wont cover REAL news and the good ones that are out there that are honest,were kept in the dark about it.

and as for your questions about the media? are you kidding? Havent you watched any of the main news channels like FOX NBC,ABC,CBS ect? Everythime they HAVE had someone come on their stations and talk about the conspiracy being an inside job,they have been viciously attacked by the newscasters and insulted and called names by people such as Bill O'Reily.O'Reily is definetely the worst of them all.They cut them off not allowing them to present their evidence and then go to a commerical and dont come back to them and go on to another totally different topic.
Now we are back at the other point. How many people are that that have been bought off in the media and government? The shear numbers of the people of have been bought and are corrupt would be extreme. Also, Bill OReilly cuts off PLENTY of his guests. Just watch his interviews with Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain.

Thats hardly objective reporting.Sounds pretty Bias to me,wouldnt you say? It actually HAS been talked about on CNN and C- SPAN.Especially Cspan but even with them,they only talk about it occassionally.They SHOULD be talking about it at least once a week.I mean this is important news for god sakes!!! But again they dont report REAL news that often even.

In fact, I have seen it discussed on Fox News-the one we regard as being the most conservative. They have had Jesse Ventura on numerous times and he has talked about his belief of a conspiracy and as still the VAST majority of people do not believe in it.
Continued-No there are some good politicians out there but they are in the minority.Most of them are corrupt so the good ones out there cant get anything done about 9/11.Believe me,they have tried.Here are some good examples of some good politicians as a matter of fact that have tried to do the right thing.Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura for example,has always believed that the military industrial complex/CIA was behind the kennedy assassination.He pushed hard for that case to be reopened when he was governor to no was because of things like that,that he resigned his position and got out of politics.He saw how corrupt congress and washington was up there not wanting to do the right thing like re open the JFK case,that he resigned.He didnt want to have anything to do with them cause he is a good man who has morals and knows right from wrong. Congressman Cynthia McKinney of arizona is another good politician who wants to do the right thing.She also wants Bush impeached and a new 9/11 investigation. Congressmen Dennis Kucinich of new York is another good man in congress who wants Bush impeached and a new investigation re opened.Finally there is also Senator Mark Dayton of Minnesota who has gone before congress and asked them to re open a new 9/11 investigation.Oh and Ventura of course also wants a new 9/11 investigation re opened.
So there are only five people in our government that want the 9-11 investigation reopened out of 435 representatives, 100 senators, 50 governors, and numerous others? First of all because they want the investigation reopened doesnt mean they believe the attacks were a hoax.
I have already gave evidence that Ron Paul believes 9-11 was done by terrorists.
[ame=]YouTube - Rep. Dennis Kucinich says Bush Admin Let 911 Happen[/ame]
-Dennis Kucinich stating that 9-11 was done by Al qaeda
Senator Dayton: NORAD Lied About 9/11
Here and numerous other sources has Dayton stating he believes the government let us down on defending us on 9-11. He doesnt believe that the government actually attacked us. That is why he wants the investigation reopened. That leaves us with just two people.

why would all these businesses want people to die and wouldn't they lose customers? Dude theres hundreds of millions of people in the united states in case you hadnt noticed.they dont give a crap if just a mere 3000 or so die.They got millions of others to replace them and buy their products.again war is the biggest money maker for the military industrail complex.Cheney and Bush profited from the attacks BIG TIME.That has been documented.

You acknowledge my second point, but not my first on this issue. Why did all these businesses want all these people to die? It really seems that I going back and make the rest of my same points on the last of your posts. Whereas i state the magnitude of the people that has to be corrupt. Especially in you last post. The shear numbers of people needed to pull that off woudl be remarkable. It would be pointless to restate them.
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Do you also believe that Obama is aware of the 9-11 hoax and that Clinton had a hand in creating it, Eots?

Do you also believe Barack Obama, Michelle, Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, Colin Powell, Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, Mitt Romney, Joe Biden, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheney, Robert Gates, Bobby Jindal, Bill Richardson, Fred Thompson, Charlie Crisp, Janet Napolitano, Deval Patrick, Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour, Howard Dean, Ed Rendell, Rick Perry, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Condoleezza Rice, Ted Kennedy, Arlen Spector, Bob Casey, Elizabeth Dole, Mel Martinez, Evan Bayh, Tim Kaine, Bill Ritter, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Chuck Hagel, Rudy Giuliani, and everyone else in our government know of the hoax and are horrendous people for not informing us?

Also, why did you have to insult me?
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Do you also believe Barack Obama, Michelle, Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, Colin Powell, Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, Mitt Romney, Joe Biden, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheney, Robert Gates, Bobby Jindal, Bill Richardson, Fred Thompson, Charlie Crisp, Janet Napolitano, Deval Patrick, Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour, Howard Dean, Ed Rendell, Rick Perry, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Condoleezza Rice, Ted Kennedy, Arlen Spector, Bob Casey, Elizabeth Dole, Mel Martinez, Evan Bayh, Tim Kaine, Bill Ritter, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Chuck Hagel, Rudy Giuliani, and everyone else in our government know of the hoax and are horrendous people for not informing us?

Also, why did you have to insult me?

the ones in bold certainly know a lot of what really happened and there are indeed many horrendous self serving and cowardly people that have taken over the political process and government and I have infinitely more faith in these courageous and self sacrificing individuals than congress and senators

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

and I didn't insult you I commented on the substance of your post

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. - Edgar J Hoover

John F. Hylan,
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie... run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...[and] seizes...our executive officers... legislative bodies... schools... courts... newspapers and every agency created for the public protection

John F. Kennedy,
The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight
the ones in bold certainly know a lot of what really happened and there are indeed many horrendous self serving and cowardly people that have taken over the political process and government and I have infinitely more faith in these courageous and self sacrificing individuals than congress and senators

You and 9-11 inside job are contradicting each other. He says the majority of people in our government are at least aware of the hoax and are even in on it. According to him even someone of the likes of Bobby Jindal, Colin Powell, and Hillary Clinton are aware of the hoax. Which is it? Also, where are they getting this info from?

You say that Bill Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Barack Obama, Rudy Giuliani, and Hillary Clinton at least know of the hoax and could have perpetrated it. However, only the two former are named in the url you provided. In fact, only some of the people there are listed as to just have worked under and with them. Can you please tell me how Barack Obama is related to the 9-11 attacks?

Also, you are aware that Bin Laden has admitted to the attacks, right?
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the bin laden confessions tape is a fake it is clearly not the same person and bin lacen is not listed on the fbi most wanted list for the 911 attacks due to lack of evidence check for yourself ...and the ones in bold have intimate knowledge in my opinion.. but there is a mass of cognitive dissidence in Washington surrounding the events of 911..
the elections are controlled frauds and no one would be selected to be elected if they where not part of the team..barrack like bill is down with the sickness ...terrorist no doubt played a role in 911...CIA controlled terrorist...dupes
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the bin laden confessions tape is a fake it is clearly not the same person

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Bin Laden video threatens America
Bin Laden says he ordered 9/11 attacks
The Guardian's Timeline of the tapes

All of these are fakes? I also remember an article that came out years ago where someone was able to interview bin laden. He didn't quite admit that he conspired the attacks, but did give the reason for the attacks as if he did. I guess you believe that this was fake as well.

and bin lacen is not listed on the fbi most wanted list for the 911 attacks due to lack of evidence check for yourself

True. However, as I have shown he has admitted to this time and time again.

...and the ones in bold have intimate knowledge in my opinion.. but there is a mass of cognitive dissidence in Washington surrounding the events of 911..

Care to back this statement up? Plus who is in this mass? Would the governors of Pennsylvania and Louisiana know of this? Do the Senators from Virginia and Massachusetts know? Do you agree with 9-11 inside job that almost EVERYONE in our govt know of a cover up? Was Obama ever a good person in your opinion?

the elections are controlled frauds and no one would be selected to be elected if they where not part of the team..barrack like bill is down with the sickness ...terrorist no doubt played a role in 911...CIA controlled terrorist...dupes

Care to back this statement up as well?

Also, you avoided my question of how and who did Obama get this info from. Please do tell me whom and how he received this knowledge.

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