Bill Clinton and Barack Obama believe 9-11 was done by terrorists

thats what I was saying is how when someone in high power like nixon breaks the law, the only punishment he gets is he has to quit his job.

Though true in a small sense, it depends on which laws are broken and why. It would be nice to be able to put Bush in prison for life for his crimes, but won't happen and rightfully so, we didn't do anything to stop him.
This means that probably thousands of people know this, but are not telling anyone. Wouldn't you think that just ONE person who are part of the mass media would tell the public? Wouldn't it leak somehow? Are you saying that NONE of the people have an ounce patriotism in their blood? Which leads me to my next point...

If they did THAT then they would be lucky to just lose theri jobs and not their lives.The ones that do usually are like ventura,they get out when they find out they cant report real news.the ones that do have patriotism.

I don't think that most citizens of this county are apathetic. People got awfully roused up when our nation was attacked and that would happen to even the most greedy politician if they were aware that this nation was attacked.

your gravely mistaken sir.

So you don't think that Obama or the NUMEROUS other politicians who you claim know about the conspiracy wouldn't inform the American people that we in turn would have been thrilled that SOMEONE in the govt would have informed us of this horrible news and therefore jumped on his bandwagon? Even conservative republicans would have voted for Obama if he was the first and only to revealed 9-11 was a hoax.

Obama sure as hell wouldnt.he has been bought off and paid for.I just mentioned the FBI agents that tried to warn Bush about the attacks and Bush threatened them with arrest if they tried to stop it.No they wouldnt have informed them cause they're corrupt.I just said the ones that are honest like Dayton and Kucinich didnt know about it so the ones that are not corrupt are obviously not going to be able to inform the people.come on.The ones that were aware of it are corrupt and obviously are going to keep their mouths shut.

Also, I cannot believe that Obama is this horrible of a person. Don't you believe that he or any other politician loves his country at all? Did he start off good and then along the way became evil? Do you believe that everyone in the senate, house, cabinet, and every governor in this entire nation are aware that the attacks were a hoax and are so awful of a human being that they are not informing us?

I just said that Ron Paul loves his country didnt I? so why do you keep putting words in my mouth saying that I say ALL the politicians dont love their country? Yeah I believe that Obama PROBABLY started off good and then became evil.Thats the way it is in politics,there are good people out there like ventura who when they first started out,wanted to do good things,but once they are in ther elong enough and see how corrupt washington really is,if they are patriots like Ventura and have a conscience,then they get out of it.

Like I said before,Ventura resigned his position as governor of minnesota cause he saw how corrupt they were in washington. I just TOLD you,of course I dont believe EVERYONE of those people in office are so horible that they wont inform us but like i said,your never going to hear it be told from the mainstream media.anytime they TRY to come on and talk about it,they get viciously attacked.
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There obviously either isn't enough evidence or these people haven't done a good job informing the mass. Here is a perfect example: 9/11 opinion polls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia According to the zogby poll, only 15 percent of americans believe in the theory. If you are saying that all these people (probably thousands) who know that 9-11 was a hoax can only convince 15% of the people?

as I said BEFORE,the ONLY way people are going to hear about it is from ALTERNATIVE news sources like ALEX JONES radio show and those other magazine publications I mentioned.your not going to hear it from the mainstream media.why do you keep making me repeat myself? uh actually the zogby poll has the majority of people doubting it.Havent you read magazines like vanity fair annoucning where zogby has said the % is like 4o%.I know I have.

How do you know that Obama has done evil things in his lifetime? Do you have anything to back that up? Like the point I have made before, his career would have taken off when he informed the public that this is a hoax and the govt is to blame.

and like "I" said before,like ron paul,they would have sabatoged his campain and made sure he did not get elected if he brought that up.please pay attention.also like i said before,he is a CFR member and he endorces the patriot act.The guy is not for us obviously.

True Ron Paul did not receive as much air time, but that is not b/c he believes in the 9-11 hoax. He wasn't part of all the debates because he was never a viable candidate. Who would you think would conservatives be more willing to vote for Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul? Also, if Ron Paul would show us ANY evidence or give any names of people who would have informed him that this is a hoax then he would have instantly have won the votes of many.

Of course he wasnt a viable candidate because thats because the mainstream media and govt sabatoged his campain.THEY DONT WANT HIM IN!!! How freaking hard is that for you to comprehend? also I never said they never gave ron paul enough aritime cause he believes in the 9/11 hoax I said they dont want him in cause he is the only candidate who believes in the constitution.Its getting really tiresome having to repeat myself to you.There was reportedly an assassanation attempt on his life as well according to paul when he was on the alex jones show.No,Paul is aware of how people ignore facts and are in denial so it was best for him to be quiet and change his tune and say he did not believe a govt conspiracy because he knows that he would lose many votes from the people that support him on many of his issues but not 9/11.

Are you saying that Ron Paul knows the attacks were planned by our government and is now saying the opposite? Wouldn't he by your own admission be a horrible person? Also, can you provide sources where he has said the govt was responsible for the attacks? I wasnt able to find any. He did say that the US was responsible because of our foreign policy, but not because the government attacked us.

yes cause if you ever bothered to read those alternative new sources I gave you you would know in the beginning before he ran for president,a new 9/11 investigation is what he was calling for.and I gave you the reason why he is saying the opposite now.I was shocked when i found out that he was saying the opposite of what he was saying in the very beginning when i found out he had changed his tune. Like i said,if you ever read those magazines I referred you to,you would know about it. yes I know.thats what he is saying NOW.
I have made this point before, but if Ron Paul is so great why is he now lying? Here are two links where Paul states his true beliefs of who attacked
us. Hit & Run > Ron Paul on 9/11 and Eric Dondero - Reason Magazine
One if from May of '07 and the other is from Feb of '06, well before the primaries. Therefore, his campaign couldn't have been sabotaged b/c he stated that 9-11 was done by terrorists before the even began.

I just told you WHY he is lying.Not going to repeat it i said,if you ever read those magazines I referred you to and listened to alex jones radio show,you would know thats what he was saying in the beginning.and like i said,its not cause of 9/11 they sabatogoged his campain.Its cause he isa man a lot like kennedy.the CIA killed kennedy cause he was a man for the people trying to return us to the constitution where the people had control over the government instead of big businesses and corporations that do now.

Now we are back at the other point. How many people are that that have been bought off in the media and government? The shear numbers of the people of have been bought and are corrupt would be extreme. Also, Bill OReilly cuts off PLENTY of his guests. Just watch his interviews with Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain. I never have claimed to have ALL the answers.I dont know how many have been bought off.But like I said,Nancy polosky is a prime example of how they buy you off.also I bet O'Reily never called them loons and nutcases to their faces on the air.and as i said,O'rreily is a prime example of how the mainstream news has no interest in the truth.they ignore facts.They attack the person calling for a new independent investigation instead of listening to the evidence.

In fact, I have seen it discussed on Fox News-the one we regard as being the most conservative. They have had Jesse Ventura on numerous times and he has talked about his belief of a conspiracy and as still the VAST majority of people do not believe in it.

I dont know where you get the idea that the vast majority doesnt believe it cause thats untrue.Eots Im sure has plenty of evidence on that.
So there are only five people in our government that want the 9-11 investigation reopened out of 435 representatives, 100 senators, 50 governors, and numerous others? First of all because they want the investigation reopened doesnt mean they believe the attacks were a hoax.
I have already gave evidence that Ron Paul believes 9-11 was done by terrorists.
YouTube - Rep. Dennis Kucinich says Bush Admin Let 911 Happen
-Dennis Kucinich stating that 9-11 was done by Al qaeda
Senator Dayton: NORAD Lied About 9/11
Here and numerous other sources has Dayton stating he believes the government let us down on defending us on 9-11. He doesnt believe that the government actually attacked us. That is why he wants the investigation reopened. That leaves us with just two people.

only 5? dude I was merely referring to those people as EXAMPLES of people in the government that want it reopened.There's plenty of others I can tell you right now,i just dont know the EXACT numbers.Kucinich if you knew him like many do,you would know he has the same beliefs that mckinney and ventura do.same as dayton.again if you ever bothered reading those alternative news sources I referred you to,you would know who the people are in government who think it was an inside job.

You acknowledge my second point, but not my first on this issue. Why did all these businesses want all these people to die? It really seems that I going back and make the rest of my same points on the last of your posts. Whereas i state the magnitude of the people that has to be corrupt. Especially in you last post. The shear numbers of people needed to pull that off woudl be remarkable. It would be pointless to restate them.

when I say businesses,Im talking about businesses with government contracts,they make huge profits off of the war.dude as I said before,we dont know HALF of what goes in in washington and around the world. and the fact is government agenices like the CIA AND FBI have made a living for YEARS on keeping secrets from the population of the world.
the ones in bold certainly know a lot of what really happened and there are indeed many horrendous self serving and cowardly people that have taken over the political process and government and I have infinitely more faith in these courageous and self sacrificing individuals than congress and senators

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

and I didn't insult you I commented on the substance of your post

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. - Edgar J Hoover

John F. Hylan,
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie... run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...[and] seizes...our executive officers... legislative bodies... schools... courts... newspapers and every agency created for the public protection

John F. Kennedy,
The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight

Big D are you listening? I would say Eots pretty much informed you of whats really going on right there.Like he said,the ones in BOLD certainly knew of what really happened.Like he said,I sure as hell have much more faith in these courageous individuals than the majority of congress and the senators.Eots pretty much said it all there.:clap2:thats pretty much the way it REALLY is whether you realise it or not. I would ALSO add on to Eots list that Colin Powell,Dick Cheney-dont know HOW on earth Eots missed THAT one,Al Gore and Arlen Spector for sure,need to be added in there in BOLD print of people who really knew what was happening and know the government was behind it all.Arlen Spector if you were in the know how,is for sure an evil corrupt bastard who could care less about all those people losing their lives.That evil bastard concocted what used to be the worst lie of the century before 9/11,that Oswald was the lone assassin of kennedy-which the CIA/military industrial complex was behind that one as well in case you did not know.

oh and one more thing.Wikepedia is hardly an objective source.their about the worse source material to go to for information.they can type in ANYTHING they want to.
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Just to make myself clear Ron Paul years ago was on Alex Jones show before he started running for the presidency stating that he thought a new 9/11 investigastion should be reopened.That it was the only way we would ever get to the truth about it.He didnt state anything about the government being behind it and all,he just said there needed to be a new investigation because we were not being told the complete truth about it all.
Also you also forgot to mention how Dayton says on that video that Norad lied to the american people and lied to congress as well and said that they were trying to give us the false impression that it was mere incompetence on their part.You also forgot to mention how he says on that video that if it was just mere incompetence,how come NOBODY in Norad were fired and got PROMOTED for their incompetence instead? Seems to me your only bringing up points YOU want to hear?

also.Bush declared martial law on congress.The people who didnt know about it but know about the truth now,are keeping quiet cause they are afraid for the lives of their familys.Plus I cant remember his name,but there was a senator that came out and criticised the 9/11 commission saying they were a bunch of liars and all kinds of stuff and he died later on in a mysterious plane can you blame most of those people for keeping quiet? kinda reminds me of the kennedy assassination when people started saying they saw a shooter firing shots from behind the picket fence near the grassy knoll,how countless numbers of them started dying under extremely suspecious circumstances.You think the CIA has changed their ways since then?

also I mentioned that I read in vanity fair where they were defending the official version and even THEY said there was a lot of disbelief over the 9/11 version quoting the zogby polls that said over 40% believe it was an inside job. well remembering that I READ that sometime back,I decided to do a google search of my this,type in at google-40% of people believe that 9/11 was an inside job.did you do that? do you see that first link that says-9/11 was an inside job and has a lot of information on it? did you see the second link from the top that says-Scripps howard news service says third of americans suspect 9/11 government conspiracy?

also if you type in at google- 9/11 opinion polls-wikepedia,the free encyclopedia-if you want to go by what they say- go down to where it says REFERENCES and click on no 6-zogby'll see the link brings up where it says- a sept 6 2007 poll by zogby internatational polled that 51% want congress to probe bush/cheney on the 9/11 attacks and over 30% seek immediate impeachment.

also type in nov 12 2004 CNN poll 9/11 and you'll see where a poll done by CNN on nov 12th 2004 that 90% in the poll believe there was a us govt coverup on 9/11. So I dont know WHERE on earth you got this 15% nonsense.LOL.
Just to make myself clear Ron Paul years ago was on Alex Jones show before he started running for the presidency stating that he thought a new 9/11 investigastion should be reopened.That it was the only way we would ever get to the truth about it.He didnt state anything about the government being behind it and all,he just said there needed to be a new investigation because we were not being told the complete truth about it all.
Also you also forgot to mention how Dayton says on that video that Norad lied to the american people and lied to congress as well and said that they were trying to give us the false impression that it was mere incompetence on their part.You also forgot to mention how he says on that video that if it was just mere incompetence,how come NOBODY in Norad were fired and got PROMOTED for their incompetence instead? Seems to me your only bringing up points YOU want to hear?

also.Bush declared martial law on congress.The people who didnt know about it but know about the truth now,are keeping quiet cause they are afraid for the lives of their familys.Plus I cant remember his name,but there was a senator that came out and criticised the 9/11 commission saying they were a bunch of liars and all kinds of stuff and he died later on in a mysterious plane can you blame most of those people for keeping quiet? kinda reminds me of the kennedy assassination when people started saying they saw a shooter firing shots from behind the picket fence near the grassy knoll,how countless numbers of them started dying under extremely suspecious circumstances.You think the CIA has changed their ways since then?

also I mentioned that I read in vanity fair where they were defending the official version and even THEY said there was a lot of disbelief over the 9/11 version quoting the zogby polls that said over 40% believe it was an inside job. well remembering that I READ that sometime back,I decided to do a google search of my this,type in at google-40% of people believe that 9/11 was an inside job.did you do that? do you see that first link that says-9/11 was an inside job and has a lot of information on it? did you see the second link from the top that says-Scripps howard news service says third of americans suspect 9/11 government conspiracy?

also if you type in at google- 9/11 opinion polls-wikepedia,the free encyclopedia-if you want to go by what they say- go down to where it says REFERENCES and click on no 6-zogby'll see the link brings up where it says- a sept 6 2007 poll by zogby internatational polled that 51% want congress to probe bush/cheney on the 9/11 attacks and over 30% seek immediate impeachment.

also type in nov 12 2004 CNN poll 9/11 and you'll see where a poll done by CNN on nov 12th 2004 that 90% in the poll believe there was a us govt coverup on 9/11. So I dont know WHERE on earth you got this 15% nonsense.LOL.
you nuts are truely in need of medication
If they did THAT then they would be lucky to just lose theri jobs and not their lives.The ones that do usually are like ventura,they get out when they find out they cant report real news.the ones that do have patriotism.

Here is an exert from post number 24 in this thread:
No there are some good politicians out there but they are in the minority.Most of them are corrupt so the good ones out there cant get anything done about 9/11.Believe me,they have tried.Here are some good examples of some good politicians as a matter of fact that have tried to do the right thing...Congressmen Dennis Kucinich of new York is another good man in congress who wants Bush impeached and a new investigation re opened.Finally there is also Senator Mark Dayton of Minnesota who has gone before congress and asked them to re open a new 9/11 investigation.
It seems to me that these men have their health and a job.

My quote:"I don't think that most citizens of this county are apathetic. People got awfully roused up when our nation was attacked and that would happen to even the most greedy politician if they were aware that this nation was attacked."
your gravely mistaken sir
So to get this straight, do you believe that Americans wouldnt care if they found out that the govt was behind the 9-11 attacks?

Obama sure as hell wouldnt.he has been bought off and paid for.I just mentioned the FBI agents that tried to warn Bush about the attacks and Bush threatened them with arrest if they tried to stop it.No they wouldnt have informed them cause they're corrupt.I just said the ones that are honest like Dayton and Kucinich didnt know about it so the ones that are not corrupt are obviously not going to be able to inform the people.come on.The ones that were aware of it are corrupt and obviously are going to keep their mouths shut.

You have said yourself that Obama has started off good when he went into politics. So if he did, then how come he didn't just quit that line of work after he found out that the govt is so horrendous that they would kill thousands of its own people on 9-11? To me that is what a GOOD person would have done. Please do tell who informed him of this information so I can blast his/her name on the web. Also, why was he informed this information at all? If 9-11 was a hoax then the conspirators would rather have the less people know about it would be best.

I just said that Ron Paul loves his country didnt I? so why do you keep putting words in my mouth saying that I say ALL the politicians dont love their country?
Sorry, you said MOST politicians are corrupt. If Obama knows that 9-11 was a hoax, then why stop there? Wouldn't the people who inform Obama likely have told just about every other politician in our government? If Obama knows then so should Bobby Jindal, Michelle Obama, Rick Perry, Bill Richardson, and Ted Kennedy.

Yeah I believe that Obama PROBABLY started off good and then became evil.Thats the way it is in politics,there are good people out there like ventura who when they first started out,wanted to do good things,but once they are in ther elong enough and see how corrupt washington really is,if they are patriots like Ventura and have a conscience,then they get out of it. Like I said before,Ventura resigned his position as governor of minnesota cause he saw how corrupt they were in washington. I just TOLD you,of course I dont believe EVERYONE of those people in office are so horible that they wont inform us but like i said,your never going to hear it be told from the mainstream media.anytime they TRY to come on and talk about it,they get viciously attacked.
I saw an interview with Ventura and he said that he considered running for president and said he might do it again in 2012. Also, Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, and Mark Dayton have also been in politics for a while now and you say they are good people.
as I said BEFORE,the ONLY way people are going to hear about it is from ALTERNATIVE news sources like ALEX JONES radio show and those other magazine publications I mentioned.your not going to hear it from the mainstream media.why do you keep making me repeat myself? uh actually the zogby poll has the majority of people doubting it.Havent you read magazines like vanity fair annoucning where zogby has said the % is like 4o%.I know I have.

and as I have said NUMEROUS time BEFORE that this is inconceivable as the amazing number of people needed to keep quite would be impossible. Why dont the people who do know about 9-11 move to a different country and inform the masses from there? There sure are A LOT of horrible people in this country if what you are saying is true. If Alex Jones is speaking the truth and convincing people that 9-11 is a hoax then why hasnt the govt killed him or the numerous other people who are saying the same thing? Next point...

My quote:"How do you know that Obama has done evil things in his lifetime? Do you have anything to back that up? Like the point I have made before, his career would have taken off when he informed the public that this is a hoax and the govt is to blame."
and like "I" said before,like ron paul,they would have sabatoged his campain and made sure he did not get elected if he brought that up.please pay attention.also like i said before,he is a CFR member and he endorces the patriot act.The guy is not for us obviously.

But Ron Paul has been on the record of saying that 9-11 was not done by the govt. Why would any sabotage his campaign if he is not saying that clinton/bush is perpetrated it?

Of course he wasnt a viable candidate because thats because the mainstream media and govt sabatoged his campain.THEY DONT WANT HIM IN!!! How freaking hard is that for you to comprehend? also I never said they never gave ron paul enough aritime cause he believes in the 9/11 hoax I said they dont want him in cause he is the only candidate who believes in the constitution.
You just said in your last quote and i noted how Obama's career would have taken off if he proved 9-11 was a hoax, "and like "I" said before,like ron paul,they would have sabatoged his campain and made sure he did not get elected if he brought that up."

Its getting really tiresome having to repeat myself to you.There was reportedly an assassanation attempt on his life as well according to paul when he was on the alex jones show.No,Paul is aware of how people ignore facts and are in denial so it was best for him to be quiet and change his tune and say he did not believe a govt conspiracy because he knows that he would lose many votes from the people that support him on many of his issues but not 9/11.
Then he by your definition must be a terrible person as he knows 9-11 was done by the govt and is not telling us of it. I personally, will BELIEVE what Ron Paul says when he states 9-11 was NOT done by the govt.
you nuts are truely in need of medication

dive con tell us about that crazy conspiracy theory of yours that Mitchell and Deets did not say what they said..and its this whole conspiracy to discredit nasa ...TRULY
I just told you WHY he is lying.Not going to repeat it i said,if you ever read those magazines I referred you to and listened to alex jones radio show,you would know thats what he was saying in the beginning.and like i said,its not cause of 9/11 they sabatogoged his campain.Its cause he isa man a lot like kennedy.the CIA killed kennedy cause he was a man for the people trying to return us to the constitution where the people had control over the government instead of big businesses and corporations that do now.
I have covered this in my last two posts so it would be pointless to do it again.

I dont know where you get the idea that the vast majority doesnt believe it cause thats untrue.Eots Im sure has plenty of evidence on that.

Here is a quote from YOU in post number 64:
Havent you read magazines like vanity fair annoucning where zogby has said the % is like 4o%.I know I have.
40% is not a majority. Next, it was not 40% that believed 9-11 was done by the govt. I will admit that i made a mistake when i quoted that 15% of the US believe the govt is behind the attacks. That was actually the world's population. Here is the correct zogby poll:Zogby International
go to that link and then click on link at the bottom of the PDF for the breakdown of the entire poll. As you can see on that page there are only 4.7 % of Americans believe the govt conspirated the 9-11 attacks. Not 40, 30, or even 10%. 4.7%! This is the OFFICIAL Zogby poll.

I dont know where you get the idea that the vast majority doesnt believe it cause thats untrue.Eots Im sure has plenty of evidence on that.
As I have just proved the poll that YOU sourced was vastly incorrect.
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only 5? dude I was merely referring to those people as EXAMPLES of people in the government that want it reopened.There's plenty of others I can tell you right now,i just dont know the EXACT numbers.Kucinich if you knew him like many do,you would know he has the same beliefs that mckinney and ventura do.same as dayton.again if you ever bothered reading those alternative news sources I referred you to,you would know who the people are in government who think it was an inside job.
And you called me thick? Paul, Kucinich, and Dayton NEVER said the govt was the culprit of the attacks. Dayton believe the govt let us down but didnt conspire against us.

when I say businesses,Im talking about businesses with government contracts,they make huge profits off of the war.dude as I said before,we dont know HALF of what goes in in washington and around the world. and the fact is government agenices like the CIA AND FBI have made a living for YEARS on keeping secrets from the population of the world.
This point was made by me countless times when i said the numbers of these people would be impossible to keep quiet.
Big D are you listening?
Yes. That is why I responded in post number 60.
I would say Eots pretty much informed you of whats really going on right there.Like he said,the ones in BOLD certainly knew of what really happened.Like he said,I sure as hell have much more faith in these courageous individuals than the majority of congress and the senators.Eots pretty much said it all there.:clap2:thats pretty much the way it REALLY is whether you realise it or not. I would ALSO add on to Eots list that Colin Powell,Dick Cheney-dont know HOW on earth Eots missed THAT one,Al Gore and Arlen Spector for sure,need to be added in there in BOLD print of people who really knew what was happening and know the government was behind it all.Arlen Spector if you were in the know how,is for sure an evil corrupt bastard who could care less about all those people losing their lives.That evil bastard concocted what used to be the worst lie of the century before 9/11,that Oswald was the lone assassin of kennedy-which the CIA/military industrial complex was behind that one as well in case you did not know.
So you believe that Arlen spector, Al gore, the Clintons, Dick Cheney, Obama, Colin Powell, Rice, and Rudy Giuliani are behind or at least know the attacks? Do you have ANY proof at all to back this up? Also, how do you know these people did it and if they did then should people like Bobby Jindal, Bobby Casey, John Kerry, and Bill Richardson are also in on it?

oh and one more thing.Wikepedia is hardly an objective source.their about the worse source material to go to for information.they can type in ANYTHING they want to.
You have quoted as saying that the zogby polls prove your theory, but as i shown less than 5% of the people in this county believe it was done by the govt.

It also should be noted that you have been cherry picking which arguments to refute. You will not win a discussion like that.
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Just to make myself clear Ron Paul years ago was on Alex Jones show before he started running for the presidency stating that he thought a new 9/11 investigastion should be reopened.That it was the only way we would ever get to the truth about it.He didnt state anything about the government being behind it and all,he just said there needed to be a new investigation because we were not being told the complete truth about it all.
Exactly! He is NOT and never said the govt was behind the attacks.

Also you also forgot to mention how Dayton says on that video that Norad lied to the american people and lied to congress as well and said that they were trying to give us the false impression that it was mere incompetence on their part.You also forgot to mention how he says on that video that if it was just mere incompetence,how come NOBODY in Norad were fired and got PROMOTED for their incompetence instead? Seems to me your only bringing up points YOU want to hear?
Bringing up the points I want to hear? Dayton is insulting the govt for being incompetence by letting the attacks happen. He is not saying the govt was behind it. It sounds to me you are bringing up the points YOU want to hear.

also.Bush declared martial law on congress.The people who didnt know about it but know about the truth now,are keeping quiet cause they are afraid for the lives of their familys.Plus I cant remember his name,but there was a senator that came out and criticised the 9/11 commission saying they were a bunch of liars and all kinds of stuff and he died later on in a mysterious plane can you blame most of those people for keeping quiet? kinda reminds me of the kennedy assassination when people started saying they saw a shooter firing shots from behind the picket fence near the grassy knoll,how countless numbers of them started dying under extremely suspecious circumstances.You think the CIA has changed their ways since then?
This is again refuted by the numbers. MORE people would come out and CLEARLY say that the govt was behind the attacks. They wouldnt say they want the investigation reopened.

also I mentioned that I read in vanity fair where they were defending the official version and even THEY said there was a lot of disbelief over the 9/11 version quoting the zogby polls that said over 40% believe it was an inside job. well remembering that I READ that sometime back,I decided to do a google search of my this,type in at google-40% of people believe that 9/11 was an inside job.did you do that? do you see that first link that says-9/11 was an inside job and has a lot of information on it? did you see the second link from the top that says-Scripps howard news service says third of americans suspect 9/11 government conspiracy?
I have and will again state the TRUE zogby poll. I searched on google and couldnt find the poll where 40 percent believe it was an inside job. The scripps howard news doesnt ask if the govt was behind it. You also said that the majority of the US believe it was an inside. 40% is not a majority. B/c 1/3 of the people say there is a govt conspiracy, doesnt mean they believe it was a hoax. Perhaps they think that the govt is keeping quite of their incompetence? Perhaps they believe it could have been stopped beforehand and the govt ignored the evidence. Again, it DOESNT mean they believe the govt was behind it.

also if you type in at google- 9/11 opinion polls-wikepedia,the free encyclopedia-if you want to go by what they say- go down to where it says REFERENCES and click on no 6-zogby'll see the link brings up where it says- a sept 6 2007 poll by zogby internatational polled that 51% want congress to probe bush/cheney on the 9/11 attacks and over 30% seek immediate impeachment.

Because people want the investigation reopened it doesnt mean that the people believe that the US people believe it was done by the govt.

also type in nov 12 2004 CNN poll 9/11 and you'll see where a poll done by CNN on nov 12th 2004 that 90% in the poll believe there was a us govt coverup on 9/11. So I dont know WHERE on earth you got this 15% nonsense.LOL.
I will admit that i made a mistake when i quoted that 15% of the US believe the govt is behind the attacks. That was actually the world's population. Yet, you cannot deny that from the ZOGBY Poll, the poll where you credited as being in your favor, showed that less that 5% of americans believe that the US is responsible for the attacks.
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dive con tell us about that crazy conspiracy theory of yours that Mitchell and Deets did not say what they said..and its this whole conspiracy to discredit nasa ...TRULY
yeah, there are no fake sites on the internet
sorry, i dont believe those people even exist till i get something more than your idiotic postings on it

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