Bill Clinton didn't serve!

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
Remember when conservatives pointed out that President Clinton didn't serve during the Vietnam conflict? Remember how the conservatives derided President Clinton for accepting a Rhodes Scholarship and going to England instead of protecting America from the falling dominoes in SE Asia?

Remember how conservatives scorned Sen. Al Gore for his service in Vietnam as a photographer? Remember how conservatives lambasted Sen. Kerry whose service in Vietnam earned him a Purple Heart?

Now it's our turn.

Guess where Gov. Romney spent three years during the Vietnam Conflict.

Hints to follow.
Remember when conservatives pointed out that President Clinton didn't serve during the Vietnam conflict? Remember how the conservatives derided President Clinton for accepting a Rhodes Scholarship and going to England instead of protecting America from the falling dominoes in SE Asia?

Remember how conservatives scorned Sen. Al Gore for his service in Vietnam as a photographer? Remember how conservatives lambasted Sen. Kerry whose service in Vietnam earned him a Purple Heart?

Now it's our turn.

Guess where Gov. Romney spent three years during the Vietnam Conflict.

Hints to follow.

When I think of Clinton I think of Anita Broderick, Monica Lewinsky and Democrats full support, can we talk about that?
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Remember when conservatives pointed out that President Clinton didn't serve during the Vietnam conflict? Remember how the conservatives derided President Clinton for accepting a Rhodes Scholarship and going to England instead of protecting America from the falling dominoes in SE Asia?

Remember how conservatives scorned Sen. Al Gore for his service in Vietnam as a photographer? Remember how conservatives lambasted Sen. Kerry whose service in Vietnam earned him a Purple Heart?

Now it's our turn.

Guess where Gov. Romney spent three years during the Vietnam Conflict.

Hints to follow.

When I think of Clinton I think of Anita Brodrick, Monica Lewinsky and Democrats full support, can we talk about that?

Of course, I'm not into censorship. So, 'talk' all you wish. Aren't you a wee bit curious about Mr Romney's whereabouts as Clinton studied in England and Bush politicked in Alabama?

Hint #2

Si vous svp, eau-de-vie fine avant mon dessert, dame.
As I've always said (and written) conservatives are the least curious of the human species.
Remember when conservatives pointed out that President Clinton didn't serve during the Vietnam conflict? Remember how the conservatives derided President Clinton for accepting a Rhodes Scholarship and going to England instead of protecting America from the falling dominoes in SE Asia?

Remember how conservatives scorned Sen. Al Gore for his service in Vietnam as a photographer? Remember how conservatives lambasted Sen. Kerry whose service in Vietnam earned him a Purple Heart?

Now it's our turn.

Guess where Gov. Romney spent three years during the Vietnam Conflict.

Hints to follow.

You lefties missed the point as usual. The liberal media not only covered up Clinton's border line criminal draft evasion they covered up his serial abuse of women including credible allegations of class A felony rape. Al Gore couldn't take the pressure of the typewriter corps and convinced the Chaplain ...sob...sob that he needed to get out of Vietnam early so he could enter the Seminary. It was a lie of course. Nobody would have analyzed Kerry's self recommended Silver Star if he didn't use it for political purposes. It didn't hold up and neither did his self recommended Purple Hearts.
Pretty lame dude, but run with it if you want to. I looked it up, Romney was in school at BYU and did a mission to France in 1969 or thereabouts, which every Mormon apparently does.

The thing you said about curiousity, do you think your worldview is just a little bit biased?
Are you sure Clinton was derided for not serving? As I recall it was more an issue of something about his organizing demonstratons against his own country while in England, and rumors that he had burned a US flag while there....

From Clinton's letter to Colonel Holmes
I have written and spoken and marched against the war. One of the national organizers of the Vietnam Moratorium is a close friend of mine. After I left Arkansas last summer, I went to Washington to work in the national headquarters of the Moratorium, then to England to organize the Americans here for demonstrations October 15 and November 16.

And also unproven but hinted at; what he may have done when he visited Russia in late 1969 early 1970:

December 12 (approx.) - December 31, 1969: ???
Comment: After visiting Norway with Father McSorley, Clinton's movements and activities are unknown until he arrives in Moscow on December 31, 1969. There are a lot of questions as to who Clinton met and where he went during this time period.

December 31, 1969 - January 6, 1970: Clinton travels to Moscow. He later said "relations between our two countries were pretty good then." He then described his visit as "a very friendly time, a good atmosphere."

[Clinton's] old friend, pro-communist priest, Richard McSorley, has been quite candid about Bill's activism in the 60's and 70's. While disclosing that Clinton organized and led demonstrations in England in 1969, Father McSorley still said that Bill would be foolish to admit all that he had done.

(All above quotes from same link at top of page)
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Pretty lame dude, but run with it if you want to. I looked it up, Romney was in school at BYU and did a mission to France in 1969 or thereabouts, which every Mormon apparently does.

The thing you said about curiousity, do you think your worldview is just a little bit biased?

Some people are saying he spent three years in France, you know the place Freedom Fries were named after.
Well, I certainly won't hold some time in la belle France against Romney.

By the way, "Si vous svp" is redundant. "S'il vous plais" (for which svp is short) is often translated as "please," but it literally means "If it pleases you," so your phrase there would be "If you if it pleases you," which doesn't make sense. Just "svp" by itself is sufficient.

Also, while "dame" is technically, grammatically correct, properly one should address a woman politely as either "madame" (literally, "my lady") or "mademoiselle" depending on her marital status.
Remember when conservatives pointed out that President Clinton didn't serve during the Vietnam conflict? Remember how the conservatives derided President Clinton for accepting a Rhodes Scholarship and going to England instead of protecting America from the falling dominoes in SE Asia?

Remember how conservatives scorned Sen. Al Gore for his service in Vietnam as a photographer? Remember how conservatives lambasted Sen. Kerry whose service in Vietnam earned him a Purple Heart?

Now it's our turn.

Guess where Gov. Romney spent three years during the Vietnam Conflict.

Hints to follow.

Bill Clinton was criticized for dodging the draft. Kerry was criticized for his role in the whole Winter Soldier deal.

That aside, many conservatives don't want Romney as the nominee anyway so I'm not sure your attempt to paint hypocrisy here is going to be all that successful. Furthermore, there are far more important things to worry about in this election, so basically, nobody really gives a shit about this except hyper partisans like yourself trying to invent something to whine about. I guess you aren't very confident in your guy hanging on in November.
Remember when conservatives pointed out that President Clinton didn't serve during the Vietnam conflict? Remember how the conservatives derided President Clinton for accepting a Rhodes Scholarship and going to England instead of protecting America from the falling dominoes in SE Asia?

Remember how conservatives scorned Sen. Al Gore for his service in Vietnam as a photographer? Remember how conservatives lambasted Sen. Kerry whose service in Vietnam earned him a Purple Heart?

Now it's our turn.

Guess where Gov. Romney spent three years during the Vietnam Conflict.

Hints to follow.
[ame=]paula jones Interview - YouTube[/ame]
Our fearless leader

Sen. Barack Obama delivering New Mexico speech

Two days after a speech in which Sen. Barack Obama erroneously claimed his uncle helped liberate the Auschwitz concentration camp, inconsistencies remain regarding the much-touted military service of the presidential candidate’s family.

During the Memorial Day speech in New Mexico, Obama suggested his grandfather, the late Stanley Dunham, engaged in combat. But the Democratic senator’s autobiography says his grandfather never saw “real combat.” Also, Army records apparently contradict Obama’s claim his grandfather signed up the day after the Pearl Harbor attack.
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As WND reported,
Obama told the New Mexico audience, which included military veterans, his uncle was part of the division that freed Auschwitz. But bloggers and the Republican National Committee immediately pointed out the Nazi death camp was liberated by the Soviet Union in January 1945. The campaign later said it actually was Obama’s great uncle who helped liberate Ohrdruf, a sub-camp of the Buchenwald Nazi concentration camp.

Obama several times has suggested his grandfather served in combat.

During Monday’s speech, Obama said: “My grandfather marched in Patton’s Army, but I cannot know what it is to walk into battle like so many of you.”

In a 2002 anti-war speech, Obama told the audience, “My grandfather signed up for a war the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed, fought in Patton’s army. He saw the dead and dying across the fields of Europe; he heard the stories of fellow troops who first entered Auschwitz and Treblinka. He fought in the name of a larger freedom, part of that arsenal of democracy that triumphed over evil, and he did not fight in vain.”

But in his autobiography, “Dreams of My Father,” Obama states his grandfather never engaged in combat.

“Gramps returned from the war never having seen real combat, and the family moved to California, where he enrolled at Berkeley under the GI bill,” he writes. “But the classroom couldn’t contain his ambitions, his restlessness, and so the family moved again.”

Obama’s 2002 claim his grandfather enlisted in the Army the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor is contradicted by Army records showing Dunham signed up June 18, 1942 – six months after Pearl Harbor.

Obama’s campaign did not immediately return a WND request for clarification.

In his Memorial Day speech, Obama was using the stories of his grandfather and great uncle to promote better benefits for troops.

“Now obviously, something had really affected him deeply, but at that time there just weren’t the kinds of facilities to help somebody work through that kind of pain,” Obama said of his great uncle.

“That’s why this idea of making sure that every single veteran, when they are discharged, are screened for post-traumatic stress disorder and given the mental health services that they need – that’s why it’s so important.”

Obama made another gaffe in the speech, saying he saw “fallen heroes” in the audience. The statement apparently was scrubbed from an official transcript on Obama’s campaign website.

Obama’s military claims inconsistent with records
LOL, puts me in mind of Hillary claiming her plane landed under fire back in the day somewhere in or near what was once Yugoslavia. No doubt some repubs have made similar untrue claims, but damn, it makes you look really bad when somebody digs up rhe truth.
Clinton wrote a thank you letter to some bureacratic in Ark who let him get out of the draft.

I love the smell of liberal desperation in the morning. Smells like...

Clinton wrote a thank you letter to some bureacratic in Ark who let him get out of the draft.

Great idea, many of us used the bad-back thing, didn't work, and all this time, all it took was a letter to the draft board. But the letter was after the fact. What does one do before one is drafted?

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