Bill Clinton Finally speaks the truth


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2011
Clinton On Islam Politics World s Greatest Double Standard The Daily Caller

Clinton noted that Muslim extremists use religion and religious politics to “advocate the world’s greatest double standard.”

That double standard is this: If western people go to countries run by Muslims, then they’re often barred from practicing any faith besides Islam. However, when Muslims relocate to Western countries, where freedom of religion is generally accepted, then they think they have a right to do whatever they want to do, even if it means killing cartoonists who ridicule their faith.

Will the leftards hate on Clinton now for telling the truth? If he was a republican the leftards would all be up in arms calling him Islamaphobic.
BJ Bubba is right, but is the Left listening or even reporting his comments to any significant degree?

Many on the Left scream about what they consider intolerance in the West, all the while ignoring the much greater intolerance in the Muslim world. Saudia Arabia has executed 15 people already in 2015...many by beheading them in public....and the Left is silent. Their silence indicates something.
What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
BJ Bubba is right, but is the Left listening or even reporting his comments to any significant degree?

Many on the Left scream about what they consider intolerance in the West, all the while ignoring the much greater intolerance in the Muslim world. Saudia Arabia has executed 15 people already in 2015...many by beheading them in public....and the Left is silent. Their silence indicates something.
What happens there is out of our control..The politicians will say nothing as will the corporations....why? Money.........
What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
What other countries beside Muslim countries ban certian other religions from being practiced?
What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
What other countries beside Muslim countries ban certian other religions from being practiced?
China, North Korea, Magyar(Burma) to name a few...
What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
What utter horseshit. The Muzzies are the only ones who do it.

It's hard to fathom the way libturds are so eager to bend over and let Muzzies fuck them up the ass.
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What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
What other countries beside Muslim countries ban certian other religions from being practiced?
China, North Korea, Magyar(Burma) to name a few...
You mean to name the only ones, and two of those countries are communist. The persecution has more to do with communism than any religion based objections.

However, you're wrong about China. There are millions of Christians in China.
What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
What utter horseshit. The Muzzies are the only ones who do it.

It's hard to fathom the way libturds are so eager to bend over and let Muzzies fuck them up the ass.
In North Korea you will be jailed for handing out Bibles, same in China and Burma..
What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
What other countries beside Muslim countries ban certian other religions from being practiced?
China, North Korea, Magyar(Burma) to name a few...

After the birth of new China in 1949, the Chinese government formulated and implemented the policy of religious freedom and established a new relationship between politics and religions in accordance with the actual condition of the country. Chinese citizens are free to choose and express their religious belief as well as demonstrate their religious status. All religions are equally and coexist harmoniously with one another and there is so far no such thing as dispute among different religions. Religious believers and non-believers also respect to each other and they live together peacefully.
China s Policy on Religion

As of 2007 in North Korea there are approximately 800 Chondoist churches throughout the country and a large central building in Pyongyang, 60 Buddhist temples (maintained more as cultural relics than places of worship), and 5 Christian churches—three Protestant churches, one Catholic church, and one Russian Orthodox church, all of which located in Pyongyang.[30]

Religion in North Korea - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Myanmar (Burma) is a multi-religious country. There is no official state religion, but the government shows preference for Theravada Buddhism, the majority religion.[2] According to both the statistics published by the Burmese government and the CIA, it is practiced by 89% of the population,[3][4][5] especially among the Bamar, Rakhine, Shan, Mon, and Chinese. The new constitution provides for the freedom of religion; however, it also grants broad exceptions that allow the regime to restrict these rights at will.[2]

Religion in Burma - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moon glow talking out his ass again.
What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
What utter horseshit. The Muzzies are the only ones who do it.

It's hard to fathom the way libturds are so eager to bend over and let Muzzies fuck them up the ass.
This assfucking will lead you to the next thread where you will extol the harm of letting Hispanics live in this nation,. taking advantage of our generosity, then you will howl at their attempts to take back parts of the USA by Raza....
What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
What utter horseshit. The Muzzies are the only ones who do it.

It's hard to fathom the way libturds are so eager to bend over and let Muzzies fuck them up the ass.
This assfucking will lead you to the next thread where you will extol the harm of letting Hispanics live in this nation,. taking advantage of our generosity, then you will howl at their attempts to take back parts of the USA by Raza....

France just got a huge ass fucking a few days ago. Do you deny that also?
A Chinese pastor, one of several in recent months to be arrested in a massive government crackdown on Christians, said that he is "grateful" to God for giving him the opportunity to go to jail. Forty-year-old Huang Yizi is facing up to seven years in prison for speaking out against the government's demolitions of churches.
Chinese Pastor Arrested During Government Crackdown Grateful to God for Jail Opportunity

There are many stories, do I need to post them all, or do you see what's really going on in the world with Christians and their so called freedom??
What Clinton said is true, but it involves more peoples than just the Muslims that do this...Freedom of....carries risks, like abuse of the system...While you might try to pin it down to an organization, it is elusive if you want to keep freedoms..
What utter horseshit. The Muzzies are the only ones who do it.

It's hard to fathom the way libturds are so eager to bend over and let Muzzies fuck them up the ass.
This assfucking will lead you to the next thread where you will extol the harm of letting Hispanics live in this nation,. taking advantage of our generosity, then you will howl at their attempts to take back parts of the USA by Raza....

France just got a huge ass fucking a few days ago. Do you deny that also?
No worse than our ass fuckings....those we have given, and those we have received...
A Chinese pastor, one of several in recent months to be arrested in a massive government crackdown on Christians, said that he is "grateful" to God for giving him the opportunity to go to jail. Forty-year-old Huang Yizi is facing up to seven years in prison for speaking out against the government's demolitions of churches.
Chinese Pastor Arrested During Government Crackdown Grateful to God for Jail Opportunity

There are many stories, do I need to post them all, or do you see what's really going on in the world with Christians and their so called freedom??
There are Christian groups in Muslim nations and have been since before the Muslims...
You are right, Muslims used to be much more tolerant of other religions than they are now.
A Chinese pastor, one of several in recent months to be arrested in a massive government crackdown on Christians, said that he is "grateful" to God for giving him the opportunity to go to jail. Forty-year-old Huang Yizi is facing up to seven years in prison for speaking out against the government's demolitions of churches.
Chinese Pastor Arrested During Government Crackdown Grateful to God for Jail Opportunity

There are many stories, do I need to post them all, or do you see what's really going on in the world with Christians and their so called freedom??
There are Christian groups in Muslim nations and have been since before the Muslims...
You are right, Muslims used to be much more tolerant of other religions than they are now.
They were until they started loosing out to the Europeans...The Jews, everyone in every nation they have ever lived has given them a hard time...
There are Christian groups in Muslim nations and have been since before the Muslims...

In some Muslim nations, and that's entirely because there were run by secular governments.

They have also been persecuted for centuries in most Muslim countries. For instance, non-Muslims have to pay the Jizya, a tax on non-believers, many Muslim countries.

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