Bill Clinton: Netanyahu isn't interested in Mideast peace deal

How exactly is Bibi supposed to make a deal with people who deny Israel's existence?

Also, that goat fucker Yasser Arafat was the most frequent foreign visitor to the Clinton WH and BJC still couldn't them to make peace.

Clinton needs to drink a tall glass of STFU juice

You hear about this FACT?:
U.S. general: Israel-Palestinian conflict foments anti-U.S. sentiment - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

U.S. general: Israel-Palestinian conflict foments anti-U.S. sentiment
General Petraeus: Conflict presents distinct challenges to our ability to advance U.S. interests.
Their land-grabbing/inability to reach agreement is further fomenting hatred of the U.S. thus putting U.S. troops at risk. add to that the Congress is basically beholden to the most powerful PAC's (A1PAC [which is foreign]) . Let us also not forget, israel is a foreign country. We need to cut the apron-strings.
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How exactly is Bibi supposed to make a deal with people who deny Israel's existence?

Also, that goat fucker Yasser Arafat was the most frequent foreign visitor to the Clinton WH and BJC still couldn't them to make peace.

Clinton needs to drink a tall glass of STFU juice

You hear a bout this FACT?:
U.S. general: Israel-Palestinian conflict foments anti-U.S. sentiment - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

U.S. general: Israel-Palestinian conflict foments anti-U.S. sentiment
General Petraeus: Conflict presents distinct challenges to our ability to advance U.S. interests.
and Bibi's building in East Jerusalem < 3 days after his speech for peace at the U.N.

Bibi should offer every "Palestinian" a one way ticket to the Arab mecca of his choice
Netanyahu has never made it a secret that he thought the pre-1967 borders were indefensible and his primary concern is Israel's safety. He isn't naturally inclined to view a Palestinian state as just or necessary and many of his key conservative backers completely oppose an independent Palestine. So, he's not exactly going out of his way to encourage a Palestinian state. I think it would be fair to say he isn't interested in a comprehensive peace deal that includes an independent Palestine.
No response? Truth always wins. Islam is the big lie.

All religions are a big lie. As a Christian, you support Israel to bring about armageddon so that jesus can come back.

This is true. The one's who ascribe to that are termed christian z10nists. How admirable is that to want to have people obliterated so that some deity will, so we are told, appear? They're almost as bad as the z10nists.
Truth is truth, just because it doesn't fit with your hug everyone perfect little world view. The Word of God, the Bible, is clear about what will happen in the end days.
Their land-grabbing/inability to reach agreement is further fomenting hatred of the U.S. thus putting U.S. troops at risk. add to that the Congress is basically beholden to the most powerful PAC's (A1PAC [which is foreign]) . Let us also not forget, israel is a foreign country. We need to cut the apron-strings.

Are you retarded or just stupid? Israel constitutes just 0.1% of the Middle East, the size of Vermont, about 10,000 square miles

Rabs control 99.9% of the Middle East, twice the size of the U.S, 8 million square miles.

Were you intentionally dropped on your head as a child, dot com bubblehead?

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Stresses Importance of US--Israel Relationship
Terrific to spend time with General Ashkenazi discussing critical areas of mutual interest. It is the recognition of the importance of this relationship, the strength of the relationship, the criticality of the relationship, The need that we have as two militaries to meet challenges together has never been more important and I would reaffirm the strength of the friendship, the relationship, and the importance of the engagement. I always learn when I come to Israel. Israeli interests are also vital national interests of the United States. This relationship is as strong as it's ever been and will continue to grow
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The Arabs aren't particularly united. Hell, they're not even united in countries as small as Yemen or Lebanon.

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