Bill Cosby is now inmate NN7687.

He’s right where he belongs.

I think 3-10 was a reasonable sentence considering his age.

Seems some 50 plus females, claim he did some raping.
So, really this is fair? His jail time? Here are 35 that came forward.

Other than CIC Bone Spur and Great Douche (23 plus females). Who has been more accusers cum forward?
I said it was reasonable.
Wtf is it with you democrats not understanding simple English?
Cosby spent his first night in prison alone, in a single cell near the infirmary, as he began his three-to-10-year sentence

Cosby should have hired Bill Clinton to be his lawyer because he knows how to get away with being a serial rapist.

View attachment 218702
Bill Cosby, now inmate NN7687, placed in single cell
Or he should have finagled his way into Brett Kavanaugh’s courtroom.

Having a good sense of humor is a good coping-mechanism. It will help you get through the next 30 years while Kavanaugh is on the bench, wrecking your little liberal circle-jerk. :biggrin:
I dont know that he has a sense of humor anymore. Having the whole world find out you're not a beloved TV, movie and comedy star, but a serial rapist, crushes your soul. I imagine he is humiliated, depressed, suicidal even, and scared right now and will be for awhile, if not forever.
He is 81 years old. Nothing scares him.
Breaking news here that Bill "The Perv" Cosby will get to be a ward of the state for from 3 - 10 years, branded a violent sexual predator; a $25,000 fine, and he has to pay his own costs to prosecute himself; then there's all of the rest when he is paroled (unless, of course, he croaks in the can) and saves the taxpayer a bundle to feed and house him.

Hellfire and brimstone - in today's upside-down world, he'll probably be elevated to legendary (Bill Clinton First Sexual Predator Award 201
hero status by his friends and supporters in Hollywood; and who will pay for his endless appeals that he will come up with, while in the joint; and the new book he will most likely write while he's incarcerated.

Oh and, he'll get religion and become a Muslim. Then he can cry discrimination and unjust persecution.

Hey, Roman Polanski is still a star and so is Harvey Weinstein.

He will have to be undergo permanent monthly sex pervert therapy, whatever that entails.

Sounds like he's getting off easy!

I'll wager he's out in three.
Cosby spent his first night in prison alone, in a single cell near the infirmary, as he began his three-to-10-year sentence

Cosby should have hired Bill Clinton to be his lawyer because he knows how to get away with being a serial rapist.

View attachment 218702
Bill Cosby, now inmate NN7687, placed in single cell
Or he should have finagled his way into Brett Kavanaugh’s courtroom.

Having a good sense of humor is a good coping-mechanism. It will help you get through the next 30 years while Kavanaugh is on the bench, wrecking your little liberal circle-jerk. :biggrin:
I dont know that he has a sense of humor anymore. Having the whole world find out you're not a beloved TV, movie and comedy star, but a serial rapist, crushes your soul. I imagine he is humiliated, depressed, suicidal even, and scared right now and will be for awhile, if not forever.
He is 81 years old. Nothing scares him.
Prison does. Prison scares every man.
This should put the fear of the death of males into any man. If anyone has a brain they would realize just how dangerous that has become. By them being able to sentence this man over some lying bs tramp, who was mentally fine to take big money from him she must not have suffered much to take a pay off. But, then to turn on him he should sue her for his money back she broke a contract.

They used him for an example, now going after Kavanaugh can have the same death sentence. If words only can sentence a man with no proof whatsoever that should scare the hell out of any man.

Hopefully Cosby gets cornholed so many times that he'll be able to guess the flavor of one of those oh-so-sainted Jello pudding pops just by sitting on it.
I'll bet by the time Cosby's new boyfriends are through with him, he'll be insisting that even the gerbils he shoves up his asshole be male.
I think those chocolate-vanilla-swirl Jello pudding pops will really remind Bill Cosby of all his new mulatto boyfriends named Bubba.....who will convert his dried-up, elderly asshole into a vibrant new super-highway! Isn't that nice?
After Cosby's new boyfriends are finished with all their oh-so-loving, perverted depravities with him, I fear he'll never sexually be the same........or worse yet, maybe he will.
After Cosby's new boyfriends are finished with all their oh-so-loving, perverted depravities with him, I fear he'll never sexually be the same........or worse yet, maybe he will.

Cosby being a celebrity will have a MUCH different experience than you.

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