Bill Cosby Sentencing Thread


The past catches up with all of us.
Sorry Bill, we gave a pass to OJ, we gave a pass to Clarence Thomas, out of Rich nigga's can go free pass'es!!
the male juror i heard on the news...said his own words are what condemned him...the deposition where he admitted to using drugs to induce women to have sex.....
Sorry Bill, we gave a pass to OJ, we gave a pass to Clarence Thomas, out of Rich nigga's can go free pass'es!!

First of all, Anita Hill's allegations were investigated by the FBI, who after a 3 days of work came back saying Anita Hill's allegations were UNFOUNDED.

Meanwhile is the answer several have been asking about:

From MSN

Dominic Patten

Bill Cosby Going To Prison For More Than 3 Years For 2004 Sexual Assault


"Less than two hours after being designated a sexually violent predator, Bill Cosby has been sentenced to 3 to 10 years in prison by a Pennsylvania judge after being convicted for the 2004 sexual assault of former Temple University employee Andrea Constand.

Cosby will serve “no less than three years and no more than 10 years,” Judge Steven O’Neill said Tuesday, adding that the actor also must pay a fine and court costs."
What was the evidence Cosby was convicted on again?
3 counts of sexual predator-type charges that were melded into one by the judge. He is now listed as a dangerous sexual predator.

The one girl hadn't had the statute of limitations expire yet. Her victim statement was said to influence the judge.

And he has to pay for all the prosecution cost.

Let the civil case come.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

We want Slick Willy to go to jail, and that witch of a wife that attacked the women that exposed him to be a sexual predator.
Please place ALL threads concerning Bill Cosby and his sentencing in this thread

Pennsylvania should probably build a special cell block for Ultraliberal Archcriminals.

Cos will join the state's rogues gallery which include Kermit Gosnell, Jerry Sandusky, Mumia Abu Jamal and Ira Einhorn.

No other state has so many far left nogoodniks under lock and key

Here's an asshat who first demands that everybody submit to his thread ....

---- and then doesn't even bother to provide a link for his own claim.

Can't make this place up.

I think the mods pinned it and wanted all threads in one place. I don't blame them, we don't need hundreds of threads on Cosby.
Let's see that again!



Entertainer Bill Cosby, once known as "America's Dad," was sentenced Tuesday to three to 10 years in a state prison for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago.

Cosby's bail was revoked and he was escorted from the courthouse in handfcuffs.
"This was a serious crime," O'Neill said. "Mr. Cosby, this has all circled back to you. The day has come, the time has come." Bill Cosby sentenced to 3 to 10 years in prison for sexual assault - CNN
Please place ALL threads concerning Bill Cosby and his sentencing in this thread

Pennsylvania should probably build a special cell block for Ultraliberal Archcriminals.

Cos will join the state's rogues gallery which include Kermit Gosnell, Jerry Sandusky, Mumia Abu Jamal and Ira Einhorn.

No other state has so many far left nogoodniks under lock and key

Here's an asshat who first demands that everybody submit to his thread ....

---- and then doesn't even bother to provide a link for his own claim.

Can't make this place up.

I think the mods pinned it and wanted all threads in one place. I don't blame them, we don't need hundreds of threads on Cosby.

That happens every day and it's not the point.

The point being, here's a guy who sets himself up as Lord Central Control, and yet he can't even figure out how to link his own story.

Matter of fact right up to this point NOBODY has posted a link.

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