Bill Cosby Sentencing Thread

Goodness how many did he rape? And the liberal created laws on gave him 3 to 10? That's a disgrace! That bastard should be locked up permanently, I don't care how old he is!
FFS! Needs to be 15-20.



btw: Did you see the fast walking swinging his the cane all over the place not touching the ground, mostly. It was always an act. And his blindness has cleared up. He looked down to walk up step like a speeder.
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Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

2004 isn't 30 years

Cosby has been classified as a violent sexual predator and they merged all charges. He's now facing 10 years
Is that a firm 10 year sentence, or is it still 3-10?
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

2004 isn't 30 years

Cosby has been classified as a violent sexual predator and they merged all charges. He's now facing 10 years
Is that a firm 10 year sentence, or is it still 3-10?
3 years minimum.
I got that part. What determines how many more? I've heard 5. I've "to 10." What is it? Sentences are for a specific amount of time. I'm not hearing that, and I'm asking why.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

2004 isn't 30 years

Cosby has been classified as a violent sexual predator and they merged all charges. He's now facing 10 years
Is that a firm 10 year sentence, or is it still 3-10?
3 years minimum.
I got that part. What determines how many more? I've heard 5. I've "to 10." What is it? Sentences are for a specific amount of time. I'm not hearing that, and I'm asking why.
He must serve at least 3 years minimum before being considered for parole. Parole depends on a number of factors.
I sure hope the Black version of this scene happens to Cosby a few times.

Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

2004 isn't 30 years

Cosby has been classified as a violent sexual predator and they merged all charges. He's now facing 10 years
Is that a firm 10 year sentence, or is it still 3-10?
3 years minimum.
I got that part. What determines how many more? I've heard 5. I've "to 10." What is it? Sentences are for a specific amount of time. I'm not hearing that, and I'm asking why.
He must serve at least 3 years minimum before being considered for parole. Parole depends on a number of factors.
Okay. Our state doesn't have parole. That's why I didn't know. Thank you.
Please place ALL threads concerning Bill Cosby and his sentencing in this thread

Pennsylvania should probably build a special cell block for Ultraliberal Archcriminals.

Cos will join the state's rogues gallery which include Kermit Gosnell, Jerry Sandusky, Mumia Abu Jamal and Ira Einhorn.

No other state has so many far left nogoodniks under lock and key

Here's an asshat who first demands that everybody submit to his thread ....

---- and then doesn't even bother to provide a link for his own claim.

Can't make this place up.

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