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Bill Cosby

First, we do not know that they are victims. Second, if they went to the police, why did nothing happen? Cosby was never that important or powerful that if he committed a crime that could be prosecuted, he would be exempt from the law. He was never the most powerful man in the world. He never had that kind of influence that if he committed crimes that were reported to the police, where there was credible evidence, that the police would over look it. Such an assertion is ludicrous.

NO, YOU are ludicrous in that you don't understand how many rapes of all kinds by all kinds of rapists don't get reported or when reported, don't get tried.

THAT is no basis whatsoever as to the credibility of the victims, it's just proof of how little the system cares about rape victims and I'm telling you that from inside the system, someone who actually knows the stats, etc.

I'm sorry, but you are just a stupid ****.
Another one blaming the system for not up holding the law, why am I not surprised ? If a person wants justice, and they can prove their case, then the law will assist them in anyway possible. The main thing is to report it, and not be afraid to do so. And if one is afraid, then they can take measures to secure any evidence that will be needed at a later date, once the fear has passed. No evidence, then as everyone knows there is no case. If the law could convict without evidence, and do it on hearsay, then we would be back to cave man days, and that ain't happening.

You are confusing actual testimony with hearsay. Hearsay is relating a third party story that you, yourself, were not actually privy too. When you stand before the court and relate an event that you actually wittinessed, than you are considered a witness and yes, it is considered testimony.

Shit-house lawyers abound in this thread.

Provide the physical evidence to support the accusation. A defendant deserves as much
Convictions for murder can be gained without a victims body.


There must be compelling evidence
Not unverifiable testimony. It is weak evidence unless there is verifiable evidence to back it up.

You are 100% wrong. Do you realize how many people are convicted in this country ... especially rape casses ... on nothing more than the victims testimony?

And how many men are later set free because the evidence did not support the conviction
I presume you do not support the death penalty?

a simple yes or no

When dealing with a human life, nothing's that simple
I saw a woman today describing the attack that she suffered at the hands of Cosby - she was very believable and cried real tears relating the story. Incredibly damning, to me.

I'm at the point in my life when I can spot a faker - she was not "faking."
Not disagreeing with you, but the thought occurs that most of these women, if not all, are failed actresses: at least they did not make it in the big time, but they are still actresses. Thus, very believable in their dramatics.

I still think there is a possibility all of them are hoping for noteriety, fame, fortune, acting jobs....a payout. I still can't believe that that many women were attacked and not one thought it wise to go to the police. I still kind of think this could be a monkey see, monkey do thing--like it looks like a good way to get noticed, maybe get some cash, etc.
Yeah, I'm sure the offers are rolling in.

This year's summer blockbuster, starring Bill Cosby rape victim such and such.

It's a can't miss.
We've already had someone describing seeing one of them doing a television interview. You don't think she is getting paid for that interview? At the very least she is probably getting a paid holiday in LA or NY.
I bet she was asking for it at the time, short skirt and a low cut top probably. How can any man take no to mean no when the sluts are dressed like that. You just drug them and the question never arises.

One is quoted as saying when she woke her pajamas were off.

She was wearing pajamas?
Wow, how ridiculous was that idiotic testimony or statement in which she made ? Hec, I'm surprised that anyone can remember what they were wearing 40+ years ago, but then again it was the 60's, and many are still trying to flee that error (era) in their lives...LOL

If people would judge or consider people as to how they have cleaned up their lives to date, and as to how they have become great citizens in their lives whether in the eyes of God or in the eyes of the children, and/or in the eyes of the nation, then I bet this world would be a lot better off. Now knowing all that they (these accusers),know about Bill Cosby, and his contributions to society to date, and his impact upon the children to date, then how selfish can they be that they care not about the children, the nation, the families and other such things that have been impacted in a positive way by this man? I don't get it, and especially how he had cleaned up his acts and his life looking back on some of his early on performances in his career, just like so many others had over time or as time moved forward for them in life as well.

Of course that isn't the devils way of doing things though is it, where as he wants to use peoples past as their down falls if he can, and especially if they are highly successful in good way, because he wants to show that people running from their past is not an option if he can help it, and that this forgiveness thing or this repenting thing that goes on in ones life, well is also not an option either. It's all because he is the slave master, and so wouldn't you know it that he is using the weakness of a woman to get it done again and again, just as it was in the story of Adam and Eve. When will women quit working for the devil like this or in this way, and be responsible in their own lives by doing the right thing when something happens to them immediately, instead of waiting 40+ years or way later on down the road to then pounce ? I think it is because they are not completely innocent in these things themselves maybe, but time may have erased their tracks is what they think, but maybe not the other ones tracks so lets get after him now. Now they in conjunction with that ole devil may think that it can only look bad for the other one now, and so they just roll with it now in that way. Then they are hopeful that people will only focus on the ones past exclusively, and not research the others past as well.

That's why we should always have a statute of limitations in this nation, because people can be downright evil without these protections in place. If the women would have come out immediately I wouldn't be saying all of this, because wrong isn't never justified in either way one looks at these things in life, and then we have something that is being brought this many years later ? Wow is all I can say. And this idea or perception that women are so weak or scared that they were afraid to come out long ago, is just hogwash because there are many women who would say otherwise about being so weak in this way, but that is the way it has to be played you see. Man wouldn't it be nice if men had the weakness card to play like that when they need it ?

Again it it's all suspect to me when people wait for opportune times to pounce, instead of pouncing for the right reasons when violations are done against them, and then doing it right away when the alleged crimes were then committed.
Let's just leave the accusations of rape out of the scenario for a moment. What did he need with 19 (at least) women over the years? People do get bored with things and some have an affair. 19 or more? That is some kind of craziness.
Let's just leave the accusations of rape out of the scenario for a moment. What did he need with 19 (at least) women over the years? People do get bored with things and some have an affair. 19 or more? That is some kind of craziness.

If being crazy were illegal, 99% of Americans would be in prison.
I think the statute of limitation is in order here, and in using that statute as should be ruled upon, then Cosby ought to be able to sue anyone who brings anything forward that falls before the time period in which the statute was enforced upon by dates or is set forth in which the statute protects one in the case during the dates as is set forth in the statute ruling.
Let's just leave the accusations of rape out of the scenario for a moment. What did he need with 19 (at least) women over the years? People do get bored with things and some have an affair. 19 or more? That is some kind of craziness.
19 is nothing, because I know people who have dated hundreds of women over the years or at least they told me they had.
Let's just leave the accusations of rape out of the scenario for a moment. What did he need with 19 (at least) women over the years? People do get bored with things and some have an affair. 19 or more? That is some kind of craziness.

If being crazy were illegal, 99% of Americans would be in prison.
He needs to be institutionalized.
Let's just leave the accusations of rape out of the scenario for a moment. What did he need with 19 (at least) women over the years? People do get bored with things and some have an affair. 19 or more? That is some kind of craziness.
19 is nothing, because I know people who have dated hundreds of women over the years or at least they told me they had.
And your point is? Your friend isn't crazy?
I don't think 19 is a big deal, one nighters, short term relationships, whatever. Especially for men, this is not unusual.

I saw one women on CNN today. He didn't rape her. She says he stood behind her and pressed up against her and had an orgasm. This is 25+ years ago. Is this a sexual assault? Is it a crime? Or is it just bad behavior: she went to his hotel room or dressing room alone with him and he was a creep, but is it a sexual assault and a big enough deal to bring up 25 years later?
I don't think 19 is a big deal, one nighters, short term relationships, whatever. Especially for men, this is not unusual.

I saw one women on CNN today. He didn't rape her. She says he stood behind her and pressed up against her and had an orgasm. This is 25+ years ago. Is this a sexual assault? Is it a crime? Or is it just bad behavior: she went to his hotel room or dressing room alone with him and he was a creep, but is it a sexual assault and a big enough deal to bring up 25 years later?
Your husband must really love a doormat like you.
I don't think 19 is a big deal, one nighters, short term relationships, whatever. Especially for men, this is not unusual.

I saw one women on CNN today. He didn't rape her. She says he stood behind her and pressed up against her and had an orgasm. This is 25+ years ago. Is this a sexual assault? Is it a crime? Or is it just bad behavior: she went to his hotel room or dressing room alone with him and he was a creep, but is it a sexual assault and a big enough deal to bring up 25 years later?
Your husband must really love a doormat like you.
I am in no way a doormat, however you've made it quite clear what a bitch you are. Don't you go calling me names Sarah, I know what you are.
I don't think 19 is a big deal, one nighters, short term relationships, whatever. Especially for men, this is not unusual.

I saw one women on CNN today. He didn't rape her. She says he stood behind her and pressed up against her and had an orgasm. This is 25+ years ago. Is this a sexual assault? Is it a crime? Or is it just bad behavior: she went to his hotel room or dressing room alone with him and he was a creep, but is it a sexual assault and a big enough deal to bring up 25 years later?
Your husband must really love a doormat like you.
I am in no way a doormat, however you've made it quite clear what a bitch you are.
You just said 19 women is okay for a married man, you are definitely a doormat and very dumb too. Just think of the stds he could be spreading around. That alone would cause one to question the old phart's actions.
I think the statute of limitation is in order here, and in using that statute as should be ruled upon, then Cosby ought to be able to sue anyone who brings anything forward that falls before the time period in which the statute was enforced upon by dates or is set forth in which the statute protects one in the case during the dates as is set forth in the statute ruling.

If you were to sue someone making an accusation against you, you are going to have to take the stand.

Bill ain't going to do that.

Otherwise, he would never have been paying women off.

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