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Bill Cosby

Probably, but a settlement would likely preclude them from speaking out. Sounds like he's lost a lot of business with networks dumping him.
So...why did all these women wait so long? Something is very wrong with this. Did Bill piss off enough people telling black folks to pull their pants up, stop cussing, get a job, take care of their baby mama's and children, and this is paybacks or something?

Or..is he guilty as hell? And if so..again..why did they wait so long to report it?

As in most cases of rape, women are afraid to say anything, especially against someone with power or seeming power in their eyes. They are afraid they will not be believed. This has gotten somewhat better now, but it still is a problem. Unfortunately, with so many coming out against him, this seems to be true. It really makes me sad but it is what it is.
So...why did all these women wait so long? Something is very wrong with this. Did Bill piss off enough people telling black folks to pull their pants up, stop cussing, get a job, take care of their baby mama's and children, and this is paybacks or something?

Or..is he guilty as hell? And if so..again..why did they wait so long to report it?

Yeah...The timing of this is peculiar.
All of a sudden this is out there.One after the other.
Accusations and no charges,no convictions.

His shows are being dropped from cable TV,appearances cancelled,new projects now dead in the water.

Probably because of his being outspoken against the current model of the Democrat black family.
He should start a new program about how serial abusers should just pull up their pants.

It looks obvious that the networks that are dropping him because they know him well enough to know the allegations are probably true.
Ohh I love blame the victim threads FULL of innuendo

"Why'd they wait so long?" "Why now?" etc etc

Bitch shoulda said something earlier but since she waited it didnt happen!
So...why did all these women wait so long? Something is very wrong with this. Did Bill piss off enough people telling black folks to pull their pants up, stop cussing, get a job, take care of their baby mama's and children, and this is paybacks or something?

Or..is he guilty as hell? And if so..again..why did they wait so long to report it?

As in most cases of rape, women are afraid to say anything, especially against someone with power or seeming power in their eyes. They are afraid they will not be believed. This has gotten somewhat better now, but it still is a problem. Unfortunately, with so many coming out against him, this seems to be true. It really makes me sad but it is what it is.

I think back then women were shamed into not saying anything, but's the pendulum has swung. Nowadays the problem is you have women falsely accusing men on a regular basis.
So...why did all these women wait so long? Something is very wrong with this. Did Bill piss off enough people telling black folks to pull their pants up, stop cussing, get a job, take care of their baby mama's and children, and this is paybacks or something?

Or..is he guilty as hell? And if so..again..why did they wait so long to report it?

As in most cases of rape, women are afraid to say anything, especially against someone with power or seeming power in their eyes. They are afraid they will not be believed. This has gotten somewhat better now, but it still is a problem. Unfortunately, with so many coming out against him, this seems to be true. It really makes me sad but it is what it is.

I think back then women were shamed into not saying anything, but's the pendulum has swung. Nowadays the problem is you have women falsely accusing men on a regular basis.

While I agree that this is true, when you have so many coming out, it becomes difficult to ignore or attribute to a woman being scorned.
Same thing is happening to him as to what happened to Paula Deen, Duckhunter guys, etc. Shows dropped, rep ruined...all on hearsay.
Sanduskys victims waited years before speaking out, and then they all came at the same time. Remember the big catholic church scandal when suddenly they were flooded with hundreds of rape accusations all at the same time? Were they lying too? I think not. "Strength in numbers" is why they all speak out at the same time. This isnt rocket science people.
I don't know what to make of it. If you get raped, you go to the cops, the next day at the latest. On the other hand, the Coz isn't acting like an innocent man, or he's succumb to mental deterioration and can't defend himself. Either way, it's too late.

Oh really? When were you raped? How old were you? Who was the perpetrator - a friend or family member? (That's much more common than stranger rape, you know.)

What was your experience with telling your story to law enforcement? Were you questioned about your own behavior and what you'd done to invite your rapist to rape you? Was your rapist ever charged? Was your rapist brought to trial? Was your rapist convicted?

If you don't have answers to any of these questions, then FUCK YOU. You have NO right to judge victims of rape and pronounce from behind your computer screen how they should behave, when they should report, etc. You're just another asshole.
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I think back then women were shamed into not saying anything, but's the pendulum has swung. Nowadays the problem is you have women falsely accusing men on a regular basis.

What the fuck??? Where did you pull this statistic from - out of your ass???

There is ZERO evidence that your assertion is true; a few headline-grabbing cases and suddenly you've decided that women are falsely accusing men ON A REGULAR BASIS??????

Maybe you should bother with some real facts and statistics - they are readily available online from the US DOJ and victims' rights groups.

The TRUTH is that very few rape allegations are false, and MANY thousands more sexual assaults occur in this country every year than are reported, because the justice system is STILL totally fucking dysfunctional in how it handles these cases.

It's even worse in the military, the men and women who serve and are sexually assaulted are treated like absolute garbage, while predators are excused and given pretty much free rein to keep preying on fellow soldiers. And guess where lots of cops come from? Yep, you got it genius - former military! So the odds are good that when a rape victim calls or walks into a law enforcement office to report a rape, she's talking to a rapist, or somebody who covered up for a rapist.

Yeah, that pendulum's really swung. NOT.
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I think back then women were shamed into not saying anything, but's the pendulum has swung. Nowadays the problem is you have women falsely accusing men on a regular basis.

What the fuck??? Where did you pull this statistic from - out of your ass???

There is ZERO evidence that your assertion is true; a few headline-grabbing cases and suddenly you've decided that women are falsely accusing men ON A REGULAR BASIS??????

Maybe you should bother with some real facts and statistics - they are readily available online from the US DOJ and victims' rights groups.

The TRUTH is that very few rape allegations are false, and MANY thousands more sexual assaults occur in this country every year than are reported, because the justice system is STILL totally fucking dysfunctional in how it handles these cases.

It's even worse in the military, the men and women who serve and are sexually assaulted are treated like absolute garbage, while predators are excused and given pretty much free rein to keep preying on fellow soldiers. And guess where lots of cops come from? Yep, you got it genius - former military! So the odds are good that when a rape victim calls or walks into a law enforcement office to report a rape, she's talking to a rapist, or somebody who covered up for a rapist.

Yeah, that pendulum's really swung. NOT.

Prove it.
I don't have to prove it, asshole. I didn't make a ridiculous fucking blanket assertion pulled out of my ass - YOU did.

As I mentioned in my prior post, I'm a fucking prosecutor who has also been a fucking defense attorney and a fucking victim rights' advocate and I've been studying and attending conferences and trainings and regularly reading the reports of the US fucking Department of Justice crime statistics for 25 fucking years.

What are you? A stupid asshole pulling BS out of his stupid ass from behind a computer screen and spewing it here, thus perpetuating the very fucking crap that makes it difficult if not impossible for victims of rape - women, children and men - to get any fucking justice in our society.
For the record, as a former and future defense attorney, I abhor false allegations of ANY kind. But the facts are the facts and they are pretty damned clear: the vast majority of rape and sexual assault allegations aren't false - whether made by adults or children. The research has been done and it's voluminous. If you choose not to bother reading it because you're too fucking lazy to go find it yourself, then you are a waste of space and oxygen.
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I don't have to prove it, asshole. I didn't make a ridiculous fucking blanket assertion pulled out of my ass - YOU did.

As I mentioned in my prior post, I'm a fucking prosecutor who has also been a fucking defense attorney and a fucking victim rights' advocate and I've been studying and attending conferences and trainings and regularly reading the reports of the US fucking Department of Justice crime statistics for 25 fucking years.

What are you? A stupid asshole pulling BS out of his stupid ass from behind a computer screen and spewing it here, thus perpetuating the very fucking crap that makes it difficult if not impossible for victims of rape - women, children and men - to get any fucking justice in our society.

First off all you asked where did I that statistic from.. I never presented a statistic. I simply stated that women today often falsely accuse men of rape. I didn't say that the majority of rape accusations are false accusations. Would you agree that there are more false accusations nowadays, as opposed to let's say 20 or 30 years ago? It's a cultural observation.

You can say I made a claim, fair enough. It would be difficult to prove with statistics. You however mad a counter claim...no? I'm not saying you're exactly wrong, but it would be interesting seeing what statistics you're basing you're conclusion on.

For you to get all personal and talk about how you're an attorney and I'm a nobody without even getting to know me is kind of lame. I think you'r way too emotional to have a rational discussion about this topic by evidence of your meltdown.
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I don't have to prove it, asshole. I didn't make a ridiculous fucking blanket assertion pulled out of my ass - YOU did.

As I mentioned in my prior post, I'm a fucking prosecutor who has also been a fucking defense attorney and a fucking victim rights' advocate and I've been studying and attending conferences and trainings and regularly reading the reports of the US fucking Department of Justice crime statistics for 25 fucking years.

What are you? A stupid asshole pulling BS out of his stupid ass from behind a computer screen and spewing it here, thus perpetuating the very fucking crap that makes it difficult if not impossible for victims of rape - women, children and men - to get any fucking justice in our society.

First off all you asked where did I that statistic from.. I never presented a statistic. I simply stated that women today often falsely accuse men of rape. I didn't say that the majority of rape accusations are false accusations. Would you agree that there are more false accusations nowadays, as opposed to let's say 20 or 30 years ago? It's a cultural observation.

You can say I made a claim, fair enough. It would be difficult to prove with statistics. You however mad a counter claim...no? I'm not saying you're exactly wrong, but it would be interesting seeing what statistics you're basing you're conclusion on.

For you to get all personal and talk about how you're an attorney and I'm a nobody without even getting to know me is kind of lame. I think you'r way to emotional to have a rational discussion about this topic by evidence of you're meltdown.

You said there are more" false" accusations today than 20 or 30 years ago as an opinion, but what is your opinion based on?

When you say false accusations are saying those that come forward are mostly making false accusations and is that also another opinion or is this based on a shown fact that they are false ?
I don't have to prove it, asshole. I didn't make a ridiculous fucking blanket assertion pulled out of my ass - YOU did.

As I mentioned in my prior post, I'm a fucking prosecutor who has also been a fucking defense attorney and a fucking victim rights' advocate and I've been studying and attending conferences and trainings and regularly reading the reports of the US fucking Department of Justice crime statistics for 25 fucking years.

What are you? A stupid asshole pulling BS out of his stupid ass from behind a computer screen and spewing it here, thus perpetuating the very fucking crap that makes it difficult if not impossible for victims of rape - women, children and men - to get any fucking justice in our society.

First off all you asked where did I that statistic from.. I never presented a statistic. I simply stated that women today often falsely accuse men of rape. I didn't say that the majority of rape accusations are false accusations. Would you agree that there are more false accusations nowadays, as opposed to let's say 20 or 30 years ago? It's a cultural observation.

You can say I made a claim, fair enough. It would be difficult to prove with statistics. You however mad a counter claim...no? I'm not saying you're exactly wrong, but it would be interesting seeing what statistics you're basing you're conclusion on.

For you to get all personal and talk about how you're an attorney and I'm a nobody without even getting to know me is kind of lame. I think you'r way to emotional to have a rational discussion about this topic by evidence of you're meltdown.

You said there are more" false" accusations today than 20 or 30 years ago as an opinion, but what is your opinion based on?

When you say false accusations are saying those that come forward are mostly making false accusations and is that also another opinion or is this based on a shown fact that they are false ?

It used to be taboo for a woman to say she was raped. I'm not saying that is right, I'm saying that used to be the case. Now we live in an environment where that isn't the case, which has empowered victims, which is great, but unfortunately we also have more women trying to take advantage of men, too. Common sense..no?
I don't have to prove it, asshole. I didn't make a ridiculous fucking blanket assertion pulled out of my ass - YOU did.

As I mentioned in my prior post, I'm a fucking prosecutor who has also been a fucking defense attorney and a fucking victim rights' advocate and I've been studying and attending conferences and trainings and regularly reading the reports of the US fucking Department of Justice crime statistics for 25 fucking years.

What are you? A stupid asshole pulling BS out of his stupid ass from behind a computer screen and spewing it here, thus perpetuating the very fucking crap that makes it difficult if not impossible for victims of rape - women, children and men - to get any fucking justice in our society.

First off all you asked where did I that statistic from.. I never presented a statistic. I simply stated that women today often falsely accuse men of rape. I didn't say that the majority of rape accusations are false accusations. Would you agree that there are more false accusations nowadays, as opposed to let's say 20 or 30 years ago? It's a cultural observation.

You can say I made a claim, fair enough. It would be difficult to prove with statistics. You however mad a counter claim...no? I'm not saying you're exactly wrong, but it would be interesting seeing what statistics you're basing you're conclusion on.

For you to get all personal and talk about how you're an attorney and I'm a nobody without even getting to know me is kind of lame. I think you'r way to emotional to have a rational discussion about this topic by evidence of you're meltdown.

You said there are more" false" accusations today than 20 or 30 years ago as an opinion, but what is your opinion based on?

When you say false accusations are saying those that come forward are mostly making false accusations and is that also another opinion or is this based on a shown fact that they are false ?

It used to be taboo for a woman to say she was raped. I'm not saying that is right, I'm saying that used to be the case. Now we live in an environment where that isn't the case, which has empowered victims, which is great, but unfortunately we also have more women trying to take advantage of men, too. Common sense..no?

I understand what you are saying.

I am not in agreement with that thought but I see your perspective, thanks.
So...why did all these women wait so long? Something is very wrong with this. Did Bill piss off enough people telling black folks to pull their pants up, stop cussing, get a job, take care of their baby mama's and children, and this is paybacks or something?

Or..is he guilty as hell? And if so..again..why did they wait so long to report it?

The answer is power. Find the common denominator for all of these women and you'll have your answer.

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