Bill Gates Flat-Out Lied About Not Knowing Epstein, Visited NYC Mansion Many Times

Cindy McCain says they all knew.

Of course they all knew. Just like they all knew about Bill Clinton, and tried to get him, and the left-wing and the country, attacked destroyed women's lives for daring to call out Bill Clinton.

This is what aggravates me about the left-wing, and some on the right, but most boldly the left-wing.

When people come out against those you like... you destroy them.

Then fast forward a few years, and say "They all knew and did nothing!"... as if you attacking and destroying those who went after Bill Clinton, could not possibly be a reason people were scared to go after Epstein.

The left-wing absolutely hammered Jennifer Flowers, and Linda Tripp.... but fast forward a few years "Why didn't anyone report Epstein?"
It’s been said the bigger story might be who employed Epstein and what did they do with the incriminating evidence of elites doing girls.

Call me a skeptic, but I think this whole thing will be swept under the rug. They have Maxwell now. The authorities have had Epstein’s tapes for a year. If they were interested in justice, something would have happened.
It’s been said the bigger story might be who employed Epstein and what did they do with the incriminating evidence of elites doing girls.

Call me a skeptic, but I think this whole thing will be swept under the rug. They have Maxwell now. The authorities have had Epstein’s tapes for a year. If they were interested in justice, something would have happened.
Justice is only for the poor folk and Trump supporters.

So when does Biden win so the media will go back to sleep?
This isn't much, seems like she has an axe to grind:

Also this: (Epstein flight log)


and this:


LOL Epstein appointing a Gates acolyte as executor of his will is just too funny. Epstein reaching out from the grave to put a finger on Gates. What a funny guy!

So now DRUM ROLL the question of the hour becomes, with the new Ghislaine Maxwell document dumps will Bill Gates' name come up in any of them? Here' a guy who had no problem visiting and talking business with a convicted child rapist AFTER he did his time. I don't think I could even sit at a table with someone like that without vomiting. AND there is evidence of Epstein staying in the kiddie business, having been seen with girls as young as 12 getting off his plane, why do you hang out with 12 year old girls after your conviction, because they are such good conversationalists?

"What Ghislaine Maxwell’s Court Document Release Means For Prince Andrew And Others In Epstein’s ‘Little Black Book’"
What Ghislaine Maxwell’s Court Document Release Means For Prince Andrew And Others In Epstein’s ‘Little Black Book’

Girls who appeared to be 11 to 12 seen with Jeffrey Epstein getting off his plane in 2018 as authorities eyed his travel abroad

An air traffic controller saw wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein getting off his private plane in the U.S. Virgin Islands with girls who appeared to be 11 to 12 years old in 2018, a year before Epstein was indicted on child sex trafficking charges, newly revealed government documents show.

Worst all the aborted relationship between Ep and Gates seemed to favor Epstein on the money side, getting a fee or something for handling Gates'' money. As one of the few people on the planet who didn't need Epstein's money, what was Gates getting out of it? Was he blackmailed too?


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