Bill Gates speaks in Sydney on ‘future pandemic preparedness’

Yes I DO mean Operation Paperclip. Oh, you kids are getting SO smart these days. Look at you! Good job catching up! And I DO see how that happens...which is why I mentioned it! (Duh???) But I guess you missed that obvious point. Don't be a whiney little bitch because someone beat you to the punch. :itsok: There, there....

Have you read the German Wife? Its historical fiction about Werner von Braun life . We're you thinking nobody ever heard of Operation Paperclip?
Have you read the German Wife? Its historical fiction about Werner von Braun life . We're you thinking nobody ever heard of Operation Paperclip?
WHY would you think that I was thinking nobody heard of it simply because I mentioned it? That almost qualifies as a persecution complex. I was taking a shot at our government's past decisions and you purposely stepped in the line of fire like it was meant for you! Tsk tsk tsk.

Nope haven't read the book. I don't have much need for historical fiction when I have a German dad that taught me the factual low down on that at much younger age than most.
WHY would you think that I was thinking nobody heard of it simply because I mentioned it? That almost qualifies as a persecution complex. I was taking a shot at our government's past decisions and you purposely stepped in the line of fire like it was meant for you! Tsk tsk tsk.

Nope haven't read the book. I don't have much need for historical fiction when I have a German dad that taught me the factual low down on that at much younger age than most.

I see. Was he in Germany during the Hitler years?
He is the representation of evil....what the fuck is he doing in Sydney....scum:mad-61:

Jordan Peterson says the WEF is planning to starve most of Europe and Asia to death with what they tout as saving humanity as whole.
There are lots of YouTube videos on this.
Last night, the Lowy Institute hosted Bill Gates for an in-person event while he is in Sydney.

During the conversation, Gates spoke in conversation with Lowy Institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove about international health, ‘pandemic preparedness’, food security and ‘climate change’.

Now wtf has this nutter got anything to do with the world's projected path? Control.

Bill Gates speaks in Sydney on ‘future pandemic preparedness’

Bill gates isn't a doctor, I don't know why people listen to him. He isn't even a microbiologist. He is a rich tech guy, anything he knows about diseases is stuff someone else told him, he doesn't actually know anything.

But he is out pushing agendas for the world economic forum.

Listening to bill gates talk professionally about diseases is like listening to trump give lectures on laproscopic purkinje fibers replacement. Sure trump is rich, but that doesn't make him an expert on everything and is not someone you should take heart surgery advice from.
Bill gates isn't a doctor, I don't know why people listen to him. He isn't even a microbiologist. He is a rich tech guy, anything he knows about diseases is stuff someone else told him, he doesn't actually know anything.

But he is out pushing agendas for the world economic forum.

Listening to bill gates talk professionally about diseases is like listening to trump give lectures on laproscopic purkinje fibers replacement. Sure trump is rich, but that doesn't make him an expert on everything and is not someone you should take heart surgery advice from.
On Trump's defense, there were RINOs close to Trump that knew but deliberately withheld lifesaving hydroxychloroquine information from him.
Everyone knew except those it was planned for :eek:
Did you know the plandemic was coming?
How is it that the Australian government had its track and trace app up and running within a couple of months when it takes approximately 4-6 months from conception to inception or the fact that the billions upon billions of PCR tests were shipped and stored from 2015-16? The governments knew but people such as yourself didn't.

They weren't Nazis. They were scientists who tried to survive the Fascist descent into madness. They couldn't stop what was happening.

There are parallels in today's world... Authoritarian, nationalistic, superstitious, racist lies and demagoguery. You're complicit in that.

Did you know the plandemic was coming?
How is it that the Australian government had its track and trace app up and running within a couple of months when it takes approximately 4-6 months from conception to inception or the fact that the billions upon billions of PCR tests were shipped and stored from 2015-16? The governments knew but people such as yourself didn't.

😂 There was no COVID 19 until 2020. You really are dumb as a stump. Are you an adult?
Bill gates isn't a doctor, I don't know why people listen to him. He isn't even a microbiologist. He is a rich tech guy, anything he knows about diseases is stuff someone else told him, he doesn't actually know anything.

But he is out pushing agendas for the world economic forum.

Listening to bill gates talk professionally about diseases is like listening to trump give lectures on laproscopic purkinje fibers replacement. Sure trump is rich, but that doesn't make him an expert on everything and is not someone you should take heart surgery advice from.
That's for sure. His money and influence are his medical or scientific degrees.

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