Bill Gates: Western Taxpayers Must Pay for Rest of the World's COVID Vaccinations


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Microsoft CEO-turned-coronavirus enthusiast Gates argues that nations in the West must dedicate more government funding for vaccines and distribution networks around the globe.

According to Gates, paying for billions of doses of vaccines for poorer countries is the only way we can eradicate COVID-19 in the West and return to our normal lives.

Gates, the second richest man in the world, says third world countries don’t have the financial clout to strike deals, such the $2 billion agreement that Washington struck with Pfizer, so the responsibility falls into the lap of the Western taxpaying public.

Hoarding supplies of vaccines isn’t just wrong, Gates argues, it’s counterproductive – and we in the West must pay the costs involved in vaccinating everyone, in every country.

Geeeezus Progs are disgusting people
I think Western Tech Companies who sell, or rather license their product world wide, should foot the bill for the world wide vaccine.
Well, if he meant 'must' as in 'it is overwhelmingly in our best interest, therefore we must do it', then I agree with him.

But if he means Uncle Sucker should do this because we are someehow guilty of something, he can go f himself.
This is where citizens have to be more outspoken against abuse of taxes, it's become too accepted in the West. Some wealthy, multi-billionaire clown asks the rest of society, "hey fund the rest of the world, will ya"?

He can contact his wealthy friends and President Xi and ask for money. Otherwise, as far as I am concerned this is open abuse and extortion of the U.S taxpayer. One might suggest he is encouraging corruption and fraud on the taxpayer as well. The poor in Western society are paying the steepest price, not this fool.
I think Western Tech Companies who sell, or rather license their product world wide, should foot the bill for the world wide vaccine.
They must give us something back in return. Minerals and the such. Exclusive business practices to sell products. Etc...

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