Bill & Hillary speeches


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Well it's been released today...Bill and Hilary Clinton earned over 120 million bucks in just 10 years of giving speeches. That's not speech reimbursement it's money laundering and influence buying. Now she says she will not release the transcripts of the speeches nor the donor list. Stinks to high heaven folks. :confused-84:
Well it's been released today...Bill and Hilary Clinton earned over 120 million bucks in just 10 years of giving speeches. That's not speech reimbursement it's money laundering and influence buying. Now she says she will not release the transcripts of the speeches nor the donor list. Stinks to high heaven folks. :confused-84:

Are you going to hold Republican candidates to that same standard?
Well it's been released today...Bill and Hilary Clinton earned over 120 million bucks in just 10 years of giving speeches. That's not speech reimbursement it's money laundering and influence buying. Now she says she will not release the transcripts of the speeches nor the donor list. Stinks to high heaven folks. :confused-84:

Are you going to hold Republican candidates to that same standard?

why not? I want to know what all of these people are telling their bribers behind closed doors.

this is where the rubber meets the road, IMO, in terms of a good part of the corruption in govt. they tell us the voters one thing, then tell the donors/special interests another, with one hand out and quick little winkie-wink, and we end up screwed.
Well it's been released today...Bill and Hilary Clinton earned over 120 million bucks in just 10 years of giving speeches. That's not speech reimbursement it's money laundering and influence buying. Now she says she will not release the transcripts of the speeches nor the donor list. Stinks to high heaven folks. :confused-84:

Are you going to hold Republican candidates to that same standard?

why not? I want to know what all of these people are telling their bribers behind closed doors.

this is where the rubber meets the road, IMO, in terms of a good part of the corruption in govt. they tell us the voters one thing, then tell the donors/special interests another, with one hand out and quick little winkie-wink, and we end up screwed.

Good luck getting all those transcripts.
I have no problem with people making their way.
I do think, at this point, she should release them if she can. I am sure she has them. I mean, even Dems are wanting to know.
What I want to know is why doesn't anybody care that slush fund manager uses tax payer money to pay her charity employees salaries?
Well it's been released today...Bill and Hilary Clinton earned over 120 million bucks in just 10 years of giving speeches. That's not speech reimbursement it's money laundering and influence buying. Now she says she will not release the transcripts of the speeches nor the donor list. Stinks to high heaven folks. :confused-84:

Are you going to hold Republican candidates to that same standard?

why not? I want to know what all of these people are telling their bribers behind closed doors.

this is where the rubber meets the road, IMO, in terms of a good part of the corruption in govt. they tell us the voters one thing, then tell the donors/special interests another, with one hand out and quick little winkie-wink, and we end up screwed.

Good luck getting all those transcripts.

Of course it will never happen because the same people making the laws are taking the money.

It should, however. Anything that might influence a candidate for public office should they win that office should be fair game and subject to the FOIA.

All of them. Pubs, Dems, and everyone in between.

On this issue, she just plays right into Sanders' hands, though. Instead of releasing them there will be an endless stream of suppositions, as has been the case with the e-mail junk.

The standard clintonian playbook of deny, delay, obfuscate until people lose interest runs into trouble when the timetable is only here to November, and she just threw another stone on her own wagon, IMO.....
Not to mention, I would think any honest person running for a position she is wanting, should release things like this. Of course, she is the most untrusted candidate so.. if the shoe fits, I guess.
Not to mention, I would think any honest person running for a position she is wanting, should release things like this. Of course, she is the most untrusted candidate so.. if the shoe fits, I guess.

That or she has a Romneyesque 47% type comment or two in there. More likely she has a few tidbits that run counter to her latest BS that she will be tough on Wall St, which is her latest knee-slapper.

Sanders got his first non-medically-assisted boner in years just thinking about her being dumb enough to put that transcript out, I'd wager....
Not to mention, I would think any honest person running for a position she is wanting, should release things like this. Of course, she is the most untrusted candidate so.. if the shoe fits, I guess.

That or she has a Romneyesque 47% type comment or two in there. More likely she has a few tidbits that run counter to her latest BS that she will be tough on Wall St, which is her latest knee-slapper.

Sanders got his first non-medically-assisted boner in years just thinking about her being dumb enough to put that transcript out, I'd wager....
We should all want the curtains pulled back. Both party's need the light of day shined on them. We can not allow law breaking to rule the day in our country. There are only two or three candidates that will do that and Hillary is definitely one of them. I really think Trump and Cruz is this nations only hope for pure honest scrutiny of the House, Senate, State Dept the Federal Reserve and White house. No More career crooks please!
I guess Carla Danger is okay with scoundrels running the nation as long as there is abortion and gay marriage everything is cool. Really? just wait until the Black Muslim leaves town. All hell will break loose.
I guess Carla Danger is okay with scoundrels running the nation as long as there is abortion and gay marriage everything is cool. Really? just wait until the Black Muslim leaves town. All hell will break loose.

Yep Carla Danger hold that nose and vote like a good little robot.

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