Bill Kristol: "lazy, decadent, spoiled" Americans needs to be replaced with immigrants

Years ago the orchards where I lived paid good money on how much you they bring in the Mexicans and pay them minimum wage $7.25 an hour. They had NO trouble finding workers either....the "Americans wont do it" stuff is bullshit
I suppose that the Americans that 'bill' would like to replace would just be poor and be societies dregs and homeless , drifters Namvet .
Years ago the orchards where I lived paid good money on how much you they bring in the Mexicans and pay them minimum wage $7.25 an hour. They had NO trouble finding workers either....the "Americans wont do it" stuff is bullshit
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember my Dad who did have a good job but he was building a house and with 5 kids was always short of cash . This was in the early 60s but he would pick apples after work so that he could get a tank of gas or just to have some change in his pocket TParks .
I don't know how things go everywhere else, but the guy that does maintenance where I work is a Spanish guy and when he is there, he works and he works hard.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. He actually works another job and he is full time there too. Not all of them, but some people here in the states don't know how good they have it here.
We have a lot of good, hard-working Americans. On the other hand, we also have a lot of people who just don't really make the cut.

I don't care if the person is a native or foreign, but I'm a big fan of allowing competition in the work force so that the subpar performers get weeded out and we allow the real contributors to rise to the top.
Well I believe no american adult should even consider working for anything less than 12 bucks an hour. Picking crops should be at least 20 bucks an hour because of the physicality.
I kind of get what he's saying - basically that American's are 'complacent,' but I cannot say that I agree with him. I'm sure some do, but a lot of folks are striving to reach the top rungs and being physically dragged down and used as a step-stool by jerks that don't deserve the promotion. We need to bring back American exceptionalism in so much as we are the best nation on Earth and return to our 'position' as leaders of the free world - not through outward visible action that the Democrats are so keen to practice (the "look at me I'm awesome" ego,) but rather the silence of visible results (the "this is how we do it" humility.)
lots of those that will be replaced are the doper millennials and there under performing doper kids . And ALL living in Great Grandpaws basements and riding their skateboards and bikes to spend their 'SNAP' benefits at the grocery store . Aw well , ok with me i suppose , my kids are grown and established !! [chuckle]
He wants to slaughter millions of innocent people, even women and children. But, it's okay, he's liberal, so it's the cute and cuddly teddy bear version of genocide, and you're racist, sexist, XENOPHOBIC if you disagree with him.
Bill Krystol is one of those wannabe Oligarchs who is willing to serve the whip-master and licks the whip-masters boots thinking that the dude will appreciate it and remember him for opportunities later.

But the Whip-masters always have contempt for such bootlicks and cynically use them for their purposes then toss them aside as they have zero use for such people in their own inner circles.

This nation is still controlled mostly by its people through our Electoral system. Once the electoral college is removed, the Oligarchs will be able to manufacture enough votes in California, Texas, New York and Florida to control our national elections.

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