Bill Maher Absolutely Crushes Charlie Rose For Comparing Islam To Christianity


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Bill Maher ABSOLUTELY CRUSHES Charlie Rose For Comparing Islam To Christianity

BILL MAHER: I saw Howard Dean on TV the other day and he said something along the order, he said the people in ISIS -- he said I'm about as Islamic as they are, you know, distancing the vast numbers of Islamic people around the world from them. That's just not true.

CHARLIE ROSE: It is true.

MAHER: It is not true, Charlie. There is a connecting tissue between --

ROSE: Behind every Muslim is a future member of some radical?

MAHER: Let me finish.

ROSE: I was doing that.

MAHER: There are illiberal beliefs that are held by vast numbers of Muslim people that --

ROSE: A vast number of Christians too.

MAHER: No, that's not true. Not true. Vast numbers of Christians do not believe that if you leave the Christian religion you should be killed for it. Vast numbers of Christians do not treat women as second class citizens. Vast numbers of Christians --

ROSE: I agree with that --

MAHER: -- do not believe if you draw a picture of Jesus Christ you should get killed for it. So yes, does ISIS do Khmer Rouge-like activities where they just kill people indiscriminately who aren't just like them? Yes. And would most Muslim people in the world do that or condone that? No.


MAHER: But most Muslim people in the world do condone violence just for what you think.

ROSE: How do you know that?

MAHER: They do. First of all they say it. They shout it.

ROSE: Vast majorities of Muslims say that?

MAHER: Absolutely. There was a Pew poll in Egypt done a few years ago -- 82% said, I think, stoning is the appropriate punishment for adultery. Over 80% thought death was the appropriate punishment for leaving the Muslim religion. I'm sure you know these things.

ROSE: Well I do. But I don't believe --

MAHER: So to claim that this religion is like other religions is just naive and plain wrong. It is not like other religious. The New York Times pointed out in an op-ed a couple weeks ago that in Saudi Arabia just since August 4th, they think it was, they have beheaded 19 people. Most for non-violent crimes including homosexuality.

ROSE: I know that they cut the hands off the thief.

MAHER: Right, okay, so we're upset that ISIS is beheading people which we should be upset about but Saudi Arabia does it and they're our good friends because they have oil. Okay. But they do it too. This is the center of the religion. I'm not saying -

ROSE: But they're now fighting against ISIS too. They're joining us in the fight. As is the Emirates. As is Jordan. They are all Muslim countries.

MAHER: Well, they are both fighting ISIS and they are for ISIS.

ROSE: Well, it's not the government. I mean, some of them --

MAHER: Certainly the governments.

ROSE: It's a bit like today about Qatar. The big story today in The New York Times about Qatar. And some guy there is supporting, who is a Muslim --

MAHER: But I mean in Mecca where infidels, non-Muslims, are not even allowed in the holy parts of the city. I mean, right there, we don't have that example in other religions. They do behead people. Now if they were beheading people in Vatican City, which is the equivalent of Mecca, don't you think there would be a bigger outcry about it? So this is the soft bigotry of low expectations with Muslim people. When they do crazy things and believe crazy things, somehow it's not talked about nearly as much.

ROSE: Would you come to the table and debate this with a moderate Muslim?

MAHER: Find one, yes. Find one.

ROSE: I promise you I'll find one.

MAHER: Find a Muslim --

ROSE: I do believe that what we see with ISIS is not representative of --

MAHER: As I said, connecting tissue.

ROSE: -- not representative of the Islamic religion. I don't think the Koran teaches them to do these kinds of things.

MAHER: Well you're wrong about that. The Koran absolutely has on every page stuff that's horrible about how the infidels should be treated. But for example again ISIS says that they should perform genital mutilation on all women 11-46. Would most Muslims agree with that? No. Or carry it out? No.

But as Ayaan Hirsi Ali points out, she says --

ROSE: I wouldn't expect for her to --

MAHER: And she would know better than --

ROSE: Exactly.

MAHER: But can we really say --

ROSE: She's been a victim.

MAHER: -- women are treated equally in the Muslim world? I mean, their testimony in court is very often counted as half. They need permission to leave the house in some places.

ROSE: But a lot of moderate Muslims would say in fact one of the things that we need to modernize is the idea of the way we treat women.

MAHER: But in this country, if you just use the wrong word about women, they go nuts. And all these other countries --

ROSE: As they should.

MAHER: -- they're doing things like making them wear burqas and I hear liberals say things like, 'they want to.' They want to. They've been brainwashed. It's like saying a street walker wants to do that.
It's better to go to the link and watch the short video.

Bill is correct, as always.

BTW - that link, and that headline is!
One of the ways you can tell that the RWs here have never watched Maher is that they don't know he has no affection for the religion of Islam. None at all. They also don't know what he really says about god.

He was his usual funny, ascerbic self last night, live on his show followed by live stand up in DC.

Dealt with the idiot tee potty heckler quite well.

And the bit with the boy scout helping the little old lady across the street was a hoot.
Maybe you liberal, islamic, nutjob, apologist, should take some advice of Mr. Maher on this issue. Look Around this board. Liberals continually say Christians are just as bad :cuckoo:
what would you know about either one

I dare you to go over to Iran and mock their religion

One of the ways you can tell that the RWs here have never watched Maher is that they don't know he has no affection for the religion of Islam. None at all. They also don't know what he really says about god.

He was his usual funny, ascerbic self last night, live on his show followed by live stand up in DC.

Dealt with the idiot tee potty heckler quite well.

And the bit with the boy scout helping the little old lady across the street was a hoot.

Maher despises all religions and he's right about Islam but that doesn't mean he's not also a flaming arrogant unfunny asshole on most subjects.
One of the ways you can tell that the RWs here have never watched Maher is that they don't know he has no affection for the religion of Islam. None at all. They also don't know what he really says about god.

He was his usual funny, ascerbic self last night, live on his show followed by live stand up in DC.

Dealt with the idiot tee potty heckler quite well.

And the bit with the boy scout helping the little old lady across the street was a hoot.

I know all about Bill Maher.

Rose is an imbecile. Maher is a theological dunce. They're both illiberal statist bootlicks.

In the meantime, this nation was founded on the sociopolitical ramifications of Judeo-Christianity's ethical system of thought, the classical liberalism of the Anglo-American tradition.
One of the ways you can tell that the RWs here have never watched Maher is that they don't know he has no affection for the religion of Islam. None at all. They also don't know what he really says about god.

He was his usual funny, ascerbic self last night, live on his show followed by live stand up in DC.

Dealt with the idiot tee potty heckler quite well.

And the bit with the boy scout helping the little old lady across the street was a hoot.

Maher despises all religions and he's right about Islam but that doesn't mean he's not also a flaming arrogant unfunny asshole on most subjects.

Maher's the proverbial deer caught in the headlights every time he comes up against a real intellect packing a real argument against the rest of his guff, especially when it comes to his sophomoric theologizing, pseudoscientific prattle on a number of issues, historical ignorance and mindless economics.
One of the ways you can tell that the RWs here have never watched Maher is that they don't know he has no affection for the religion of Islam. None at all. They also don't know what he really says about god.

He was his usual funny, ascerbic self last night, live on his show followed by live stand up in DC.

Dealt with the idiot tee potty heckler quite well.

And the bit with the boy scout helping the little old lady across the street was a hoot.

I know all about Bill Maher.

Rose is an imbecile. Maher is a theological dunce. They're both illiberal statist bootlicks.

In the meantime, this nation was founded on the sociopolitical ramifications of Judeo-Christianity's ethical system of thought, the classical liberalism of the Anglo-American tradition.

You're confusing the pilgrims with the founders of the United States of America.

The pilgrims did found and establish a christian theocratic colony of England. With the king and the christian church controlling the colonies.

That was in the 1600s. The next century the liberal decedents of those pilgrims didn't want to live in a theocratic monarchy. They declared independence from England and fought a war for their freedom.

When they won, they created a secular nation with church and state separate. They named that nation The United States of America.

I'm surprised you didn't learn that in school.
One of the ways you can tell that the RWs here have never watched Maher is that they don't know he has no affection for the religion of Islam. None at all. They also don't know what he really says about god.

He was his usual funny, ascerbic self last night, live on his show followed by live stand up in DC.

Dealt with the idiot tee potty heckler quite well.

And the bit with the boy scout helping the little old lady across the street was a hoot.

synthy is a liberal. get your facts straight.
One of the ways you can tell that the RWs here have never watched Maher is that they don't know he has no affection for the religion of Islam. None at all. They also don't know what he really says about god.

He was his usual funny, ascerbic self last night, live on his show followed by live stand up in DC.

Dealt with the idiot tee potty heckler quite well.

And the bit with the boy scout helping the little old lady across the street was a hoot.

synthy is a liberal. get your facts straight.
Why don't you just say what you are trying to say instead of making us guess what you mean?

I think people here already know I'm a Liberal.
what would you know about either one

I dare you to go over to Iran and mock their religion

What would they do? Would they cut off his head for saying that stuff? Thank you for proving his point!
Bill is correct, as always.

No, Maher is still an out of touch, insulated whitie democrat lefty pseudo-liberal, pseudo-progressive. He gets a pass on this one because his anti-religion card fascism trumps any islamaphobe culpability. If he was railing against Islam from a Christian perspective this very diatribe would elicit scoffing by you, et al. But since he is allegedly hip through his atheism he gets a pass from you lefty hypocrites.
I dare him to mention muslims Kareem Abdul Jabbar or Ahmad Rashad or Muhammed Ali. The black card trumps the atheism card so he couldn't be so candid.
Christianity had its periods of murder and genocide to help it get to where it is now.

And yet, Christians mock Islam for doing the same.
Hmmm, so liberals finally believe what we have been saying for YEARS, only because their god Bill Mahr said it?

LOL at liberals.

Are they insinuating that conservatives have not been saying this? Then the shortest midget (Luddley) makes a comments that is the equivalent of a wet fart.

Do liberals actually think that we are going to buy the notion that liberals have been saying muslims are NOT the same as Christianity? Charlie fucking Rose is only spouting what most liberals have been saying.

You see any of us disagreeing with what Bill Mahr is saying in this particular interview? No. Then again, the rational thinkers (those who think conservative or do not think like brainwashed moronic hypocritical, double talking liberals) stand on principle. Which means if someone says something that is true, we will agree with it, no matter who says it.

Now, keep pretending you fucking liberals do not think like Charlie Rose.
Christianity had its periods of murder and genocide to help it get to where it is now.

And yet, Christians mock Islam for doing the same.

Look everyone. A **** that thinks like Charlie Rose and every typical liberal.

I am waiting for Luddley to agree with you or like you for your drivel as Luddley agrees with what Bill Mahr said to Charlie Rose.
One of the ways you can tell that the RWs here have never watched Maher is that they don't know he has no affection for the religion of Islam. None at all. They also don't know what he really says about god.

He was his usual funny, ascerbic self last night, live on his show followed by live stand up in DC.

Dealt with the idiot tee potty heckler quite well.

And the bit with the boy scout helping the little old lady across the street was a hoot.
Yeah he really told that Leftwinger Rose lol. Maher couldn't crush a paper bag.

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