Bill Maher: "Americans are Stupid" Stands by His Statement.

Oh, is this more "leftists aren't Americans" bullshit?


I'm pretty sure America isn't a private club open only to those who agree with one small portion of the country. If you don't like diversity and freedom of speech, what do you think the point of America is?

At this point i'd say it's the left that has more " private club " elitists. It's also the left that doesn't like freedom of speech you ignorant twit. If you don't believe me, go to California and try to do two simple things:

1) Show up to play a round of golf at Pelosi's CordeValle "public" golf course.

2) Show up at Diane Feinstein's office to exercise your freedom of speech.

I hope you take rejection well..........:eusa_whistle:
While I may not agree with Maher's comments most of the time, it does occur to me that Maher is a comedian and has made his living as one. So taking that into consideration when he speaks, isn't it possible that Maher might lace some of his comments with a little "shock humor" to get his message across? If Maher who's opinions are well known were to point the finger at your position and make light of it consider where it's comming from. Like all those in the entertainment business he has to play to those that keep his ratings up. It's no different than say, Dennis Miller who is well known for his opnions and to take these men seriously beyond what it is they are there for and that is to entertain, is to give them more credit than they are worthy of.
It's also the left that doesn't like freedom of speech you ignorant twit.

Insults indicate to me that you have no valid point. Which would explain why you starting going on about private property restrictions being elitist when the subject at hand is patriotism and being unAmerican.
while i may not agree with maher's comments most of the time, it does occur to me that maher is a comedian and has made his living as one. So taking that into consideration when he speaks, isn't it possible that maher might lace some of his comments with a little "shock humor" to get his message across? If maher who's opinions are well known were to point the finger at your position and make light of it consider where it's comming from. Like all those in the entertainment business he has to play to those that keep his ratings up. It's no different than say, dennis miller who is well known for his opnions and to take these men seriously beyond what it is they are there for and that is to entertain, is to give them more credit than they are worthy of.

Isn't it cool how she shamelessly opted to remove her own comments from this post; thus, in so doing removing any relevance to the actual debate; again demonstrating that her ONLY POTENTIAL PURPOSE is to CHANGE THE SUBJECT!

But hey... ya really can't blame her... as the subject, in her case wasn't much beyond her lack of cred's with regard to being an American and her intellectual failure to establish anything otherwise. So what's her alternative, really?

Good Job! Toro... you're doing the VERY BEST you CAN! Godbless ya!

You are an idiot! You completely misunderstood or just flat out did not understand what I was saying when you jumped into this fray with me in the first place. You'd rather engage in quaint bromides than think.

But of course, that's what I've come to expect.
It's also the left that doesn't like freedom of speech you ignorant twit.

Insults indicate to me that you have no valid point. Which would explain why you starting going on about private property restrictions being elitist when the subject at hand is patriotism and being unAmerican.

You were spewing " private club " and " freedom of speech " rhetoric. I simply pointed out the fact that the left likes placing restrictions on both of those subjects. Very patriotic and american ! .....:eusa_whistle:
And I'm simply pointing out that restrictions on private property have zero to do with freedom of speech and that your post was a non sequitur.
And I'm simply pointing out that restrictions on private property have zero to do with freedom of speech and that your post was a non sequitur.

Private property restrictions ?, seriously ? ....... :lol:

so much for tansparency during this administration..........:cuckoo:

Did she order the senior citizens to be taken to re-educations camps ? ......:eusa_whistle:
Private property restrictions on golf courses is a transparency issue to you?

Um...ok. Clearly we have different expectations of our government.

Meanwhile, I will not declare you unAmerican or tell you to leave the country, no matter how silly I find your posts. Which, as you may recall, was the point of the post you responded to.
Private property restrictions on golf courses is a transparency issue to you?

Um...ok. Clearly we have different expectations of our government.

Meanwhile, I will not declare you unAmerican or tell you to leave the country, no matter how silly I find your posts. Which, as you may recall, was the point of the post you responded to.

WTF ? I thought you were talking about Feinstein not the golf course.

The only reason that golf course was allowed to be built was with the promise that it would be a "public" course. That along with environmental guidelines they have never fulfilled, but that's another issue. When discovered that the general public was constantly denied from playing, their answer was " guests of members count as public" ........:eusa_whistle:
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I don't know anything about the golf course and hadn't hear of it til you brought it up, but that sounds pretty crappy. What I'm not understanding here is what that has to do with my post, which was about declaring people unAmerican for having differing opinions (sans opinions that actually include things like "down with America."). I can't stand Limbaugh, for instance, and I think he says some moronic stuff, but that doesn't make him unAmerican or whatever.
It depends in which context he said those words and in relation to what. But yes its true some Americans are stupid/ignorant, anyone who believes they are living in a bubble, think the world only consists of them, think they are superior to everyone else, think they have invented everything etc. are obviously stupid and ignorant.

Further proof of this stupidity if needed just one example, 9/11 How many Americans are still going around thinking a bunch of rag heads did that job and that buildings just collapse quicker than gravity, there must be millions therefore they are stupid and ignorant.
Actually, this nation wasn't founded on the idea of diversity... that is a misnomer which is chronically advanced by anti-Americans; those who hope to DIVIDE Americans and separate them from the IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLES which SUSTAIN AMERICA...

Diversity is rooted in DIVISION... it's fairly difficult to be UNITED where one is DIVIDED. Promoting division, will never promote UNITY...


Don't you just love people who divide America into Left and Right preaching about unity!!! :cuckoo:

To the Fascist there are only TWO sides, their side and the enemy.
To the CON$ervative there is no middle, anything that isn't Far Right is Far Left!

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

So according to this imbecile, noting the distinction is a function of creating division...

Yet another example of the sort of sub-par intellect which has no business being within 10 miles of a voting precinct...
"Rag heads."

Classy, dude. Nothing says credibility like spewing racist jargon.
Is this Publius guy for real or a made up character for comedic sake? Somebody fill in the new kid here.

Publius, that was nonsensical, and I don't really feel like dealing with nonsensical stuff, so just a quick bit of advice. You posted a bunch of weirdness and universally applied it to leftists. Careful with that, unless you want to be equated with neo-nazis merely because they're on the right.

Last bit of advice: Dude, lay off the caps lock key.

So Neo-Nazis are right wingers?


Golly now, upon what might THAT be based? The Bigotry? The intolerance? The tendency towards tyrannical governance? The joining in collective groups towards sustaining and defending their collective interests?

Why don't we try it this way... Why don't ya jot us up a couple of "RIGHT WING" traits which you feel the New-Nazis exemplify... and while you're at it, explain how you've come to conclude that the new-Nazis are ideologically distinct from the old-Nazis...who were by every objective measure: Leftists.

But I just LOVE how you've come to claim that you're unable to unable to understand some unspecified post; a post which is expressed in the common vernacular and framed in proper syntax... and this, presumably, to set aside the assertion that Leftists and their liberal, independent, moderate, centrist, progressive comrades, are idiots.

LOL.. Ok... suit yourself; and don't you sweat it. This sort of things happens ALL THE TIME around here.

Funny stuff...
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Isn't it cool how she shamelessly opted to remove her own comments from this post; thus, in so doing removing any relevance to the actual debate; again demonstrating that her ONLY POTENTIAL PURPOSE is to CHANGE THE SUBJECT!

But hey... ya really can't blame her... as the subject, in her case wasn't much beyond her lack of cred's with regard to being an American and her intellectual failure to establish anything otherwise. So what's her alternative, really?

Good Job! Toro... you're doing the VERY BEST you CAN! Godbless ya!

You are an idiot! You completely misunderstood or just flat out did not understand what I was saying when you jumped into this fray with me in the first place. You'd rather engage in quaint bromides than think.

But of course, that's what I've come to expect.

Oh... So you feel my bromides are quaint? You say the sweetest things... :tongue:
How can HBO continue to support and pay an idiot like Bill Maher who makes statements like this constanly? He actually siad Americans are stupid and actually stands behind it, won't back down a bit. I guess it's all about ratings.

Would "undereducated and generally clueless" have been better way for him to put it?

As for the "won't back down," perhaps he caught the disease from Coulter, Beck, O'Reilly, or Limbaugh, or someone really dense like McPalin...

True to a degree. Although it would be a generalization to say that everyone in the US is stupid. My observation is: arrogant, selfish, and complacent (many, though not everyone). It takes a brilliance (and pharmaceutical assistance) for the three stooges of a certain radio station to have such an antisocial effect on such a large portion of the American population. It is shocking.

I will be long gone before the next turn of the century. But if we as Americans don't start thinking of something other than ourselves or our own interests, and our own personal/political (and business :( ) agendas, we will destroy ourselves. There will be another civil war (not between the states) but between the haves, and the have-nots; the liberals and the conservatives....perhaps sooner rather than later. If anyone can watch some of these arrogant people in our media and not feel literally sick to their stomachs (while wondering how anyone can possibly be so cruel)...:disbelief:
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It's also the left that doesn't like freedom of speech you ignorant twit.

Insults indicate to me that you have no valid point. Which would explain why you starting going on about private property restrictions being elitist when the subject at hand is patriotism and being unAmerican.

ROFLMNAO... So noting that the Left is intolerant of opposing speech seems insulting to you?

No sign of intolerance there...

Sweet mother you people are weak.

And ya say that the MSNBC forum folded up with all this brilliance being flashed around?
No kiddin'...?

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