Bill Maher: "Americans are Stupid" Stands by His Statement.

“I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder.” Bill Maher

“We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly.” Bill Maher

A lot of good has come from drugs. I think 'Penny Lane' is worth 10 dead kids. Dark Side of the Moon is worth 100 dead kids. Because a lot of kids wouldn't even be born if it weren't for that album, so it evens out. Bill Maher

So we have a thread on something stupid Bill Maher said now? and this is a new thing? Maher is a stand up comedian and brings that to the table with weekly show.
“I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder.” Bill Maher

“We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly.” Bill Maher

A lot of good has come from drugs. I think 'Penny Lane' is worth 10 dead kids. Dark Side of the Moon is worth 100 dead kids. Because a lot of kids wouldn't even be born if it weren't for that album, so it evens out. Bill Maher

So we have a thread on something stupid Bill Maher said now? and this is a new thing? Maher is a stand up comedian and brings that to the table with weekly show.

Really, it was inevitable ... considering all the thread whining about the comedian Rush Limbaugh ... it doesn't really surprise me, same coins, different sides.
How can HBO continue to support and pay an idiot like Bill Maher who makes statements like this constanly? He actually siad Americans are stupid and actually stands behind it, won't back down a bit. I guess it's all about ratings.

Would "undereducated and generally clueless" have been better way for him to put it?

As for the "won't back down," perhaps he caught the disease from Coulter, Beck, O'Reilly, or Limbaugh, or someone really dense like McPalin...

"Under-educated"... ROFLMNAO...

Oh GOD that's precious...

There is NOTHING more hysterical than a Leftist trying to play themselves off as the High Cultural Priests... the Anointed intellectuals with a greater understanding of the Universe.

I have a Golden Retriever that likes to walk on his hind legs, to apparently mimic a human.

Of course, such doesn't actually make him human, any more than a Leftist projecting themselves as something other than an imbecile doesn't make them anything but an imbecile.

Funny stuff...

so bright, you all, running AND voting for McCain/Palin.... I bet the retriever is a hell of a lot smarter than you are, LOL......
Oh sure, he's a US Citizen... but there's no hat trick in that; anyone who slides down a birth canal on US Soil is a US Citizen.

But to be an "AMERICAN" requires a much higher threshold... not the LEAST OF WHICH is the requirement that one espouse the principles on which AMERICA rests... and those principles are anathema to Leftists such a Maher.

No doubt...and thank god...

If someone becomes a naturalised US citizen do they immediately become more intelligent when they become an American? :confused:
McPalin- who is that???? did you mean Palin???? Now I see which American he is calling stupid.
How can HBO continue to support and pay an idiot like Bill Maher who makes statements like this constanly? He actually siad Americans are stupid and actually stands behind it, won't back down a bit. I guess it's all about ratings.

Well Maher's an expert on Stupid... Sadly, I don't think he's ever met an American.

At least I've no evidence of his having his ass beat down...

So I doubt we can put a ton of stock in that idiots position.

That HBO runs his anti-American point of view simply says far more about HBO than anything else.

They recently ran a 'film' which tried to place in a positive light, the NYC Madrassa... asserting in effect that 'there's nothing wrong with the funding of a religious school by NYC Public Schools...' Setting aside the certainty that anyone who even suggested that a Christian School be established on the NYC dime, would be shot, burned and drug through the streets, ultimately to be hung off the Brooklyn Bridge.

They're Leftists... and the thing to remember is:


And the poster child speaks.
How can HBO continue to support and pay an idiot like Bill Maher who makes statements like this constanly? He actually siad Americans are stupid and actually stands behind it, won't back down a bit. I guess it's all about ratings.

If you have HBO then he is correct about you:cuckoo:
Bill Maher: "Americans are Stupid" Stands by His Statement.

Look at America's leaders - Obama, Reid, Pelosi.

He might have a point.

Oh I have to respectfully disagree here... Those people are not Americans and they aren't leading Americans. Oh Sure, they're sitting in Federal power at the highest levels of the government of the United States... but that in NO WAY represents America, American Principle or Americans.

We really MUST stop lending these people the credibility which comes with being an American; they represent everything the which the principles that are America stands against; and as such , given that Hussein, Pelosi and Reid OPPOSE the thesis that is America; they thus antithetical to America; which in and of itself determines that they represent that which IS: Anti-American.

But your point was a powerhouse, it simply provides those people with a credibility which they do not deserve and could never hope to sustain.
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No, Americans are, on average, no dumber than most other nationalities.

We may be the most misinformed people in the civilized world, though.

That's because our propagandists are probably the best equipped propagandists on earth.

Just because you disagree with someone, that doesn't make them unAmerican.

Oh, ya know that is SO TRUE... of course, I never stated anything which could have, even potentially, lead a reasonably intelligent individiual to infer that I believe such or that the referenced fact you noted above implies such.

What makes someone un-America is that they espouse principles which contest those on which the concept that is "AMERICA" rest...

That's the antithesis of the freedoms and political diversity that this country was founded to encourage.

Actually, this nation wasn't founded on the idea of diversity... that is a misnomer which is chronically advanced by anti-Americans; those who hope to DIVIDE Americans and separate them from the IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLES which SUSTAIN AMERICA...

Diversity is rooted in DIVISION... it's fairly difficult to be UNITED where one is DIVIDED. Promoting division, will never promote UNITY...

If either side, left or right, eliminates the other, then what happens to the last shreds of balance of power in this country? And then what happens to the freedoms that are the heart of America?

Well that really depends upon who prevails doesn't it?

Given that there is absolutely NOTHING LIBERATING about the ideological left... given that the ideological left is about NOTHING BUT TYRANNY... then its fairly easy to see that should the Left prevail, those freedoms to which you spoke; freedoms which you owe to NO ONE other than the AMERICANS and the IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLES that ARE AMERICA... and for which those AMERICANS advocated and defended; and FREEDOMS WHICH THE LEFT HAVE OPPOSSED AT EVERY SINGLE POINT OF HISTORY WHERE SUCH WERE AT ISSUE; should the left prevail, those freedoms are GONE!

Maher says smart things and dumb things, just like everyone.

Maher's an idiot...

I don't know specifically what he said in this case, but I do it's very easy to disregard everything someone has to say by labeling them an idiot when they say things you don't like.

Yeah, but by the same token, trying to declare an idiot to be something other than an idiot, doesn't actually make them any more intelligent; just as pretending that their idiocy shouldn't be disregarded, doesn't actually make the idiocy credible.


Maher's a Leftist; thus when he refers to Americans as Idiots... Americans for which he OWES HIS FREEDOM... He's simply demonstrating idiocy; take the clue... it's a good one and it'll never lead ya astray.
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No, Americans are, on average, no dumber than most other nationalities.

We may be the most misinformed people in the civilized world, though.

That's because our propagandists are probably the best equipped propagandists on earth.

FTR Ed, where you are party to "WE," the subject can never be "Americans"... and this is because you're nothing remotely approaching an American, sis... You're a meely mouthed centrist who prides herself on what she feels is 'balanced thought.'

And this is problematic, in this instance, because Americans understand that there is no potential point of pride to be found where the species of reasoning advances the intellectual goal of being half wrong and half right... YOU "FEEL" THAT THIS IS REASONABLE... Thus you demonstrate that you're a moron.

Now I realize that this is the third paragraph and you're hard pressed to command what stands as you mind to focus for such heady periods... But try to follow this and see if it stirs a twinkle...

You assert that Americans are misinformed, while you claim to be an American... thus your own conclusion determines THAT IN YOUR OWN OPINION, you're MISINFORMED; thus you discredit YOURSELF... Ergo... you're a dumbass (now this is my favorite part...) who has taken the position which stands antithetical TO the American thesis... thus Ed, you demonstrate THROUGH YOUR OWN STATED "FEELINGS" that you're an ANTI-AMERICAN...

Now all that means Ed is ya took the position which stands against that which represents 'American'... and ya can't BE FOR America, Ed, while your standing against-America.

It's not REAL complicated... its just, sadly, well beyond your intellectual means.

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