Bill Maher: "Americans are Stupid" Stands by His Statement.

No, Americans are, on average, no dumber than most other nationalities.

We may be the most misinformed people in the civilized world, though.

That's because our propagandists are probably the best equipped propagandists on earth.

Americans aren't any "dumber" than the rest of the world. "Dumb" people don't create the wealthiest most powerful nation on earth. Narcissistic and inward-looking, sure, but not dumb.

And being narcissistic and inward-looking is a function of being big and powerful, not of being American.
Bill Maher: "Americans are Stupid" Stands by His Statement.

Look at America's leaders - Obama, Reid, Pelosi.

He might have a point.

Oh I have to respectfully disagree here... Those people are not Americans and they aren't leading Americans. Oh Sure, they're sitting in Federal power at the highest levels of the government of the United States... but that in NO WAY represents America, American Principle or Americans.

We really MUST stop lending these people the credibility which comes with being an American; they represent everything the which the principles that are America stands against; and as such , given that Hussein, Pelosi and Reid OPPOSE the thesis that is America; they thus antithetical to America; which in and of itself determines that they represent that which IS: Anti-American.

But your point was a powerhouse, it simply provides those people with a credibility which they do not deserve and could never hope to sustain.

You do realize that calling people unAmerican just because you disagree with their ideals is treason, right?
No, Americans are, on average, no dumber than most other nationalities.

We may be the most misinformed people in the civilized world, though.

That's because our propagandists are probably the best equipped propagandists on earth.

Point>Americans aren't any "dumber" than the rest of the world. "Dumb" people don't create the wealthiest most powerful nation on earth. Narcissistic and inward-looking, sure, but not dumb.

COUNTER-POINT> And being narcissistic and inward-looking is a function of being big and powerful, not of being American.

ROFLMNAO... Man you have GOT TO feel for the lowly Moderate... they are SO sure that 'being right all the time' is just wrong, that they have to discredit their own would-be 'reasoning'...

:clap2::clap2: BRILLIANT! :clap2::clap2:
No, Americans are, on average, no dumber than most other nationalities.

We may be the most misinformed people in the civilized world, though.

That's because our propagandists are probably the best equipped propagandists on earth.

Point>Americans aren't any "dumber" than the rest of the world. "Dumb" people don't create the wealthiest most powerful nation on earth. Narcissistic and inward-looking, sure, but not dumb.

COUNTER-POINT> And being narcissistic and inward-looking is a function of being big and powerful, not of being American.

ROFLMNAO... Man you have GOT TO feel for the lowly Moderate... they are SO sure that 'being right all the time' is just wrong, that they have to discredit their own would-be 'reasoning'...

:clap2::clap2: BRILLIANT! :clap2::clap2:

No, they look at both sides and come to logical conclusions instead of blindly following a single minded ideology and political party.
No, Americans are, on average, no dumber than most other nationalities.

We may be the most misinformed people in the civilized world, though.

That's because our propagandists are probably the best equipped propagandists on earth.

FTR Ed, where you are party to "WE," the subject can never be "Americans"... and this is because you're nothing remotely approaching an American, sis... You're a meely mouthed centrist who prides herself on what she feels is 'balanced thought.'

Coming from you, I'll take that as a good thing.

And this is problematic, in this instance, because Americans understand that there is no potential point of pride to be found where the species of reasoning advances the intellectual goal of being half wrong and half right... YOU "FEEL" THAT THIS IS REASONABLE... Thus you demonstrate that you're a moron.

Thank you for your input.

I take comfort knowing that somebody like you cannot stand somebody like me.

If my posts didn't frighten people like you, I'd worry that I was losing my touch.

Now I realize that this is the third paragraph and you're hard pressed to command what stands as you mind to focus for such heady periods... But try to follow this and see if it stirs a twinkle...

See if it stirs a twinkle? Interesting visual image that.

You assert that Americans are misinformed, while you claim to be an American... thus your own conclusion determines THAT IN YOUR OWN OPINION, you're MISINFORMED; thus you discredit YOURSELF... Ergo... you're a dumbass (now this is my favorite part...) who has taken the position which stands antithetical TO the American thesis... thus Ed, you demonstrate THROUGH YOUR OWN STATED "FEELINGS" that you're an ANTI-AMERICAN...

Now all that means Ed is ya took the position which stands against that which represents 'American'... and ya can't BE FOR America, Ed, while your standing against-America.

The things I could could teach you about crafting an argument based on its own internaal logic would take years and years of of me retraining you how to think, kid.

But I do note that at least you're TRYING to craft an argument based on logic. Credit where credit is due, at least you TRY to make sense.

I know you won't believe this, but I do give you credit for not being an anti-intellectual, even though most of the people who you agree with clearly are of that ilk.

It's not REAL complicated... its just, sadly, well beyond your intellectual means.

Sure, son. whatever you say. Nothing you ever post is ever real complicated. Crafting a complicated argument germane to the complex issues at hand is somewhat beyond your ken.

But thanks for giving me the benefit of your deepest possible level of thinking.

I'm sure you must be proud of it, and all that.

If you were my son, I'd post this thread on the refrigorator and maybe even put a gold star on it, just to encourage you to keep trying.
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Just because you disagree with someone, that doesn't make them unAmerican. That's the antithesis of the freedoms and political diversity that this country was founded to encourage. If either side, left or right, eliminates the other, then what happens to the last shreds of balance of power in this country? And then what happens to the freedoms that are the heart of America?

Maher says smart things and dumb things, just like everyone. I don't know specifically what he said in this case, but I do it's very easy to disregard everything someone has to say by labeling them an idiot when they say things you don't like.

Actually, what makes him unamaerican isn't that anyone disagrees with's that he ridicules the things that make America America..the good things, and obviously dislikes Americans. He demeans the country and the people, and sides with our enemies.

That's what makes him a piece of shit and un-american per se. It's not that his politics are different. It's that he despises America. Period.
No, Americans are, on average, no dumber than most other nationalities.

We may be the most misinformed people in the civilized world, though.

That's because our propagandists are probably the best equipped propagandists on earth.

Point>Americans aren't any "dumber" than the rest of the world. "Dumb" people don't create the wealthiest most powerful nation on earth. Narcissistic and inward-looking, sure, but not dumb.

COUNTER-POINT> And being narcissistic and inward-looking is a function of being big and powerful, not of being American.

ROFLMNAO... Man you have GOT TO feel for the lowly Moderate... they are SO sure that 'being right all the time' is just wrong, that they have to discredit their own would-be 'reasoning'...

:clap2::clap2: BRILLIANT! :clap2::clap2:

Of course, just because America isn't a "dumb" nation doesn't mean there aren't a lot of dumb Americans.

PI for instance.

PI reminds me of a famous quote by John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill said:
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are PubliusInfinitum.
Oh, is this more "leftists aren't Americans" bullshit?


I'm pretty sure America isn't a private club open only to those who agree with one small portion of the country. If you don't like diversity and freedom of speech, what do you think the point of America is?

Oh I love this one...

This is the one where the concept 'America' is said to be essentially: meaningless... 'It's pretty much anything anyone says it is...'

But, HYSTERICALLY (and on several levels) the left spends every waking moment running down everything America stands for... but for the US Leftists, they absolutely MUST be considered "AMERICANS"... "Its just not FAIR, that some people can be Americans and others cant..."

But ask them to define America... and they'll break it down to geography... with some if not most asserting that 'anyone who lives in the Americas' is an 'American'...

Recently one Leftist defined America as just 'a gathering of like minded people...' so any gathering of like minded people are AMERICANS... France... AMERICA! Switzerland... AMERICA! North Korea... AMERICA! and of course each one populated with "AMERICANS."

Again, for Leftists to be Americans, they must define the concept down so that it represents absolutely NOTHING; being an American is MEANINGLESS... Yet, THEY MUST BE CONSIDERED ONE... or WATCH OUT! You'll draw the idiot ire and but quick.

But here's the thing...

America is a concept which rests upon IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLES... those expressed in the Declaration of Independence; the thoughts of those who FOUNDED America and founded such upon those principles.

It is a belief in the UNALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL and in the RESPONSIBILITIES which are intrinsic in those UNALIENABLE RIGHTS... Rights which stem from the gift of Life; endowed by Nature's God... Rights which rests upon that divine, thus irrepresible, timeless authority; and to which every individual is inevitably accountable.


Now if you don't believe in those principles; if you don't advocate for and defend those principles in the face of those who opposse them; and if you are determined that one should COMPROMISE THOSE PRINCIPLES... then you are NOT AN AMERICAN.

And that you 'feel' otherwise; or that you "FEEL" that such isn't fair... well... that sis is wholly irrelevant.

You can "FEEL" that the starting line up of the Dallas Cowboys isn't a private club which only a handful of highly skilled jocks can find membership... But at the end of EVERYDAY... you're going to find that only a handful of highly skilled jocks are members of that club and try like you will, UNLESS AND UNTIL YOU ARE CAPABLE OF MAINTAINING THE PRINCIPLES WHICH MEMBERSHIP TO THAT CLUB PROVIDES... you aren't EVER going to be in that little club; thus you'll not enjoy the privileges and benefits of such.

Such is the case with being an American... to be a member you must possess the personal history of having demonstrated the standard... and if there's some doubt, you can be in today and OUT TOMORROW...
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Point>Americans aren't any "dumber" than the rest of the world. "Dumb" people don't create the wealthiest most powerful nation on earth. Narcissistic and inward-looking, sure, but not dumb.

COUNTER-POINT> And being narcissistic and inward-looking is a function of being big and powerful, not of being American.

ROFLMNAO... Man you have GOT TO feel for the lowly Moderate... they are SO sure that 'being right all the time' is just wrong, that they have to discredit their own would-be 'reasoning'...

:clap2::clap2: BRILLIANT! :clap2::clap2:

Of course, just because America isn't a "dumb" nation doesn't mean there aren't a lot of dumb Americans.

PI for instance.

PI reminds me of a famous quote by John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill said:
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are PubliusInfinitum.

Oh... that is SO CUTE!

:clap2::clap2: Its the intellectual equivilent of watching a toddler sing The Star Spangled Banner... They can't pronounce most of the words and those which they can, they get wrong; and they have no idea of the principles which the actual words represent... but there they are singing and clapping... because the feelings of those around them, who DO understand, are so strong that they just want to be involved; to be accepted... :clap2::clap2:

Sadly, unlike such a child, who has the potential of eventually coming to understand those principles... a Leftist cannot, as they will not; because those principles stand for everything which they stand against.
Point>Americans aren't any "dumber" than the rest of the world. "Dumb" people don't create the wealthiest most powerful nation on earth. Narcissistic and inward-looking, sure, but not dumb.

COUNTER-POINT> And being narcissistic and inward-looking is a function of being big and powerful, not of being American.

ROFLMNAO... Man you have GOT TO feel for the lowly Moderate... they are SO sure that 'being right all the time' is just wrong, that they have to discredit their own would-be 'reasoning'...

:clap2::clap2: BRILLIANT! :clap2::clap2:

No, they look at both sides and come to logical conclusions instead of blindly following a single minded ideology and political party.


So being an American is, according to this Leftists... MEANINGLESS...

'Americans don't believe any particular thing... BUT I AM ONE! THAT'S FOR SURE PAL! BECAUSE BEING AN AMERICAN MEANS SOMETHING... Just not any particular idea... BUT IT MEANS SOMETHING GOOD AND I FEEL THAT I'M A GOOD PERSON, SO I MUST BE AN AMERICAN! I just don't like to make a big deal out of it... that way I don't have to think about what being an American IS... so I don't have to defend it; and besides I don't know what it is, so I couldn't even if I wanted to... which I don't... BUT IF I DID, I'd WANT TO! Despite being unable to! ... IT'S LOGICAL!'

Funny stuff...

In a rather tragic way...
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:clap2::clap2: Its the intellectual equivilent of watching a toddler sing The Star Spangled Banner... They can't pronounce most of the words and those which they can, they get wrong; and they have no idea of the principles which the actual words represent... but there they are singing and clapping... because the feelings of those around them, who DO understand, are so strong that they just want to be involved; to be accepted... :clap2::clap2:

Yes, it sort of reminds me of a certain poster who doesn't understand the simple meanings of "production" and "consumption."

No, Americans are, on average, no dumber than most other nationalities.

We may be the most misinformed people in the civilized world, though.

That's because our propagandists are probably the best equipped propagandists on earth.

FTR Ed, where you are party to "WE," the subject can never be "Americans"... and this is because you're nothing remotely approaching an American, sis... You're a meely mouthed centrist who prides herself on what she feels is 'balanced thought.'

Coming from you, I'll take that as a good thing.

Oh there was no doubt that ya would Ed... Thus the purpose of stating the fact. That you pride yourself in being half wrong and half right is indisputable... at least as long as this board exists with all the evidence you've posted.

PI said:
And this is problematic, in this instance, because Americans understand that there is no potential point of pride to be found where the species of reasoning advances the intellectual goal of being half wrong and half right... YOU "FEEL" THAT THIS IS REASONABLE... Thus you demonstrate that you're a moron.

Ed said:
Thank you for your input.

I take comfort knowing that somebody like you cannot stand somebody like me.

If my posts didn't frighten people like you, I'd worry that I was losing my touch.

Ed, I don't dislike you personally... I don't know you at all. I simply note the fact that your positions are intellectually unsound... that they lack cohesion from the underlying premises which you advance as the basis, through to your stated conclusion. That's all...

There's nothing particularly frieghtening about it... except that you're someone who demonstrates the inability to reason, thus where you're driving down any given stretch of highway, that lack of cognitive means represents a hazard to those occupying neighboring space; and of course the same goes for your means to cast a ballot; as the potential for catastrophe remains the same.

Again... that you're unable to see the point, is perfectly understandable. So don't sweat it

PI said:
You assert that Americans are misinformed, while you claim to be an American... thus your own conclusion determines THAT IN YOUR OWN OPINION: YOU are MISINFORMED; thus you discredit YOURSELF... Ergo... you're a dumbass (now this is my favorite part...) who has taken the position which stands antithetical TO the American thesis... thus Ed, you demonstrate THROUGH YOUR OWN STATED "FEELINGS" that you're an ANTI-AMERICAN...

Now all that means Ed is ya took the position which stands against that which represents 'American'... and ya can't BE FOR America, Ed, while your standing against-America.

The things I could could teach you about crafting an argument based on its own internaal logic would take years and years of of me retraining you how to think, kid.

Wow! How positively BUTCH! It's as if there's a point about to be unleashed... A point which would, on some level, demonstrate where my position was wrong... Yet all we ended up with is this flaccid little retort; one which sought as is so often the case, to AVOID THE ARGUMENT and hoped to change the subject...:

But I do note that at least you're TRYING to craft an argument based on logic. Credit where credit is due, at least you TRY to make sense.

I know you won't believe this, but I do give you credit for not being an anti-intellectual, even though most of the people who you agree with clearly are of that ilk.

Gee Ed... That's touchin'... I can't tell ya how much it means to me that someone who prides themselves on being HALF WRONG, would take the time to offer such a back-handed compliment...

PI said:
It's not REAL complicated... its just, sadly, well beyond your intellectual means.

Sure, son. whatever you say. Nothing you ever post is ever real complicated. Crafting a complicated argument germane to the complex issues at hand is somewhat beyond your ken.

There's a complex issue at hand here, Ed?

What issue is that?

And as always, PLEASE be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow...

(Now let the record reflect, that Ed will not be providing any further discussion, wherein she defines the referenced 'complex issue'... the reference was merely a rhetorical tool, designed to obfuscate Ed's failure to speak directly to the simple issue at hand and thus her failure to sustain her now long discredited point; all towards the hope that no one will notice how she has once again demonstrated that at every point where a contest is developed; that when its all said and done: I OWN her ...

But such is the nature of any contest wherein an American intellect is set against the ethereal 'feelings' of the common leftist... which in this case is realized in the form of the unwashed 'independent, liberal, moderate, centrist, progressive, fascist, communist...')
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:clap2::clap2: Its the intellectual equivilent of watching a toddler sing The Star Spangled Banner... They can't pronounce most of the words and those which they can, they get wrong; and they have no idea of the principles which the actual words represent... but there they are singing and clapping... because the feelings of those around them, who DO understand, are so strong that they just want to be involved; to be accepted... :clap2::clap2:

Yes, it sort of reminds me of a certain poster who doesn't understand the simple meanings of "production" and "consumption."


ROFLMNAO... Wow... how positively sad for you; particularly given that such offers absolutely no potential correlation to the relevant issue and it's only value here, is that it demonstrates wonderfully, the absence of any means on your part to maintain a cohesive stream of thought from one post to the next; and the level of desperation you're experiencing to change the subject...

Oh you're on a ROLL, Sis!

:clap2::clap2: You GO GIRL! :clap2::clap2:

Out of a sense of fairness... I thought I'd help ya along here by referencing an irrelevant post in response...

I hope this helps... :cool:
Bill is right though ... and the "outrage" is coming from the same people who have said it as well ... so what the hell is all this about?

1. Americans know nothing about real health and take their doctors word for it without question almost all the time.

2. Americans listen to only a few "approved" scientists about most topics without actually studying or learning what the whole story is.

3. Americans vote for American Idol contestants (and pay attention to them) more than what's going on in their own back yards.

4. Americans pay more attention to newscasters who are interested only in ratings than in a book or *gasp* going outside and seeing for yourself.

5. Americans think statistics actually tell the truth.

6. Americans think that their particular politicians tell the truth even when they clearly don't.

The list goes on ... yeah ... I agree with Bill.

Again, the word "American" as it is used here, in no way speaks to the concept: American... it speaks purely to the notion of US citizenship.

The member advancing the above litanny of idiocy is no more an American than Kim Jung Il. She is however a self proclaimed US Citizen; a citizen who has absolutely NO understanding of what 'being an American' means; the term is meaningless beyond the geography; which carries absolutely no potential source of pride and for which there can be no potential for loyalty and which resides within NO set of ideals or principle.

Anyone born on US soil, or is legally advanced citizenship to the US is an AMERICAN!

BFD... Anyone can do that... its' like projecting the means to rest on the ground as a point of pride. Only without recognizing the principle of gravity.
ROFLMNAO... Wow... how positively sad for you; particularly given that such offers absolutely no potential correlation to the relevant issue and it's only value here, is that it demonstrates wonderfully, the absence of any means on your part to maintain a cohesive stream of thought from one post to the next; and the level of desperation you're experiencing to change the subject...

Oh you're on a ROLL, Sis!

:clap2::clap2: You GO GIRL! :clap2::clap2:

Out of a sense of fairness... I thought I'd help ya along here by referencing an irrelevant post in response...

I hope this helps... :cool:


ROFLMNAO... Wow... how positively sad for you; particularly given that such offers absolutely no potential correlation to the relevant issue and it's only value here, is that it demonstrates wonderfully, the absence of any means on your part to maintain a cohesive stream of thought from one post to the next; and the level of desperation you're experiencing to change the subject...

Oh you're on a ROLL, Sis!

:clap2::clap2: You GO GIRL! :clap2::clap2:

Out of a sense of fairness... I thought I'd help ya along here by referencing an irrelevant post in response...

I hope this helps... :cool:



Isn't it cool how she shamelessly opted to remove her own comments from this post; thus, in so doing removing any relevance to the actual debate; again demonstrating that her ONLY POTENTIAL PURPOSE is to CHANGE THE SUBJECT!

But hey... ya really can't blame her... as the subject, in her case wasn't much beyond her lack of cred's with regard to being an American and her intellectual failure to establish anything otherwise. So what's her alternative, really?

Good Job! Toro... you're doing the VERY BEST you CAN! Godbless ya!
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Actually, this nation wasn't founded on the idea of diversity... that is a misnomer which is chronically advanced by anti-Americans; those who hope to DIVIDE Americans and separate them from the IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLES which SUSTAIN AMERICA...

Diversity is rooted in DIVISION... it's fairly difficult to be UNITED where one is DIVIDED. Promoting division, will never promote UNITY...


Don't you just love people who divide America into Left and Right preaching about unity!!! :cuckoo:

To the Fascist there are only TWO sides, their side and the enemy.
To the CON$ervative there is no middle, anything that isn't Far Right is Far Left!

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal
Is this Publius guy for real or a made up character for comedic sake? Somebody fill in the new kid here.

Publius, that was nonsensical, and I don't really feel like dealing with nonsensical stuff, so just a quick bit of advice. You posted a bunch of weirdness and universally applied it to leftists. Careful with that, unless you want to be equated with neo-nazis merely because they're on the right.

Last bit of advice: Dude, lay off the caps lock key.
How can HBO continue to support and pay an idiot like Bill Maher who makes statements like this constanly? He actually siad Americans are stupid and actually stands behind it, won't back down a bit. I guess it's all about ratings.

If you know you are not stupid why do you care? Is his comment going to make you stupid? Newsflash! If you are worried about Mahers opinion are stupid.

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